What's the maddest you've ever gotten at a game?

What's the maddest you've ever gotten at a game?
>gave myself bloody knuckles from punching my wall after an especially shit round of neotokyo

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Probably Overwatch, broke my mouse by slamming it pretty hard on the table

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not me but one of my buddies was playing for honor and threw his controller out of his window

Off the top of my head, Frost Mage Artifact quest final fight

Got so mad I put my foot through a window when I was 8.

why was she defending hitler and nationalists when she would be one of the first to get killed under them?

she can't be that dumb, right?

I got so mad at the snowmobile time trials in MW2 that I whipped my controller away from me in disgust and it lodged itself in the drywall

I lost a bunch at Soul Calibur and audibly said "Oh come on man, this sucks". Didn't damage anything or hurt anyone though as I am not four years old like you guys seem to be.

Maybe she is just sick of SJCucks fagging up the planet

0/10 try again

Not sure if bait, or American education. You DO know that blacks (and Jews) fought for Hitler, right?

Unsubscribed from FFXI because I deleveled while soloing.

>getting your """education""" from ea games


>why was she defending hitler
She wasn't

Now try to stay on topic.

can't tell if troll or genuine anymore

this isn't a good sign

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Jesus Christ

She got pissed when she got exposed as a nazi sympathizer in front of the nation.

That fight always made me so made that when I finally beat it I almost hyperventilated.
Anyway, Midir in dark souls 3ade me throw my controller around the room ao many times everything came out of it.

>What's the maddest you've ever gotten at a game?

I turned the game off with the idea to revisit it later

Off topic lure.

Because she was a person of conviction, even if her conviction was toward an otherwise terrible thing.

Dota 2. Kicked the room's door so hard it got stuck. After that i just unistalled the game and learned how to control myself with that gay shit.
When some shit happens i just get up, take a deep breath and walk around the house for a bit.

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Every color has its place. A homeland for every race.

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I broke both my controllers because of how pissed I was getting at shao kahn in the mk9 story mode

Whenever I get super fucking salty at a game I either turn it off or punch my leg. Haven't ever thrown a controller or punched a wall.

They were already euthanizing some blacks in Germany. They would eventually dispose of them after they won the war.

>punching walls because of vidya
pure autism

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That's what you think. Or, should I say, what someone else told you. But we'll never know.

TRUTH! Hitler was creating a paradise for niggers and jews. FACT!

I think the most I ever did was slap my forehead once when I got pissed at a game.

do you have any proof of this? I would love to see some evidence of their intent post-war as well.

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I have a supernatural ability to never anything physical, just curse a bunch

>chasing down a guy that doesn't see you
>unload multiple reloads into them
>they turn around for a split second and kill you in one hit

To be fair, you had blacks serve in the Confederate army. (And to be fair to that, some where slaves who ere forced to do it.) And there are blacks who vote Republican today even though they constantly use them to fear monger to keep the white coalition cohesive. (The Southern Strategy. who OP pic claims didn't happen even though Republicans admitted they used it.)
Some people just naturally work against their own self interest.
You see it all the time economically where the poor will defend the billionaire, even though it's the billionaire that's buttfucking them. Read the book' What's the matter with Kansas?'

> Stellar performance in Rising Storm 2 after a few rounds of getting my shit pushed and getting mad
> Goes amazingly well somehow, gets a shit load of xp throughout the game
> two minutes before the end I get kicked out of the server to let the slot open for a paying member
Immediately uninstalled the game and vowed to not come back.

Re-installed it two weeks after.

I said "motherfucker" in a rude voice once after barely getting beaten 3-2 in For Honor.

We know because they were already euthanizing some of them. Just because you have blacks in your army doesn't mean you want them around. United States also had them in the army, and we were still hanging them from trees when we had them fight for us in world war 2. It wasn't voluntary.

I got super pissed at the Sephiroth fight in the original KH when I was a kid and threw the disc across the room. Turns out I somehow got a real good throw on it because it zipped straight into the wall and split the fucking thing in two. It taught me that random outbursts can ruin things that I want to use though, haven't done anything like that since.

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We've become pretty cucked as a society if we can't entertain hypotheticals. Some people are really scared by the idea of people thinking outside the box they are placed in.

Not this guy but read Howard O. Paxton. He's the gateway specialist on the history of fascism.

Maybe they're not defending the billionaire, but basic societal principles.

>punched some shit at a bad angle, hurt my knuckle so bad it radiated pain for the next couple months
>never again

you know what, i don't even blame you. I blame OP, an everloving faggot who insisted to derail his own thread with an entirely off-topic bait image. Fuck you OP , and fuck everyone else who does this.

My friend broke corner of his desk because of Mei

You would think after all these years, retards would learn not to post any image that is more interesting than their text. But he probably knew what he was doing, so fuck him.

>and we were still hanging them from trees when we had them fight for us in world war 2.
Let me guess: you are Bernie supporter?

That's what What's the matter with Kansas? is about, conservative voters would rather be slaves, and sacrifice any chance of improving their own life or even worsening their quality of life if it means maintaining the social principles and order they believe in. Which is how modern conservationism works and relies on people believe that everyone has a place on pyramid of power and there is no room for mobility except for a select few who 'deserve' it. (See those who luck out to become self made billionaires.)

The french were real mad because US troops were raping all the french girls so US govt hung a bunch of US troops. I think about a dozen or so, they were all black.

He's not wrong, the army was only desegregated after world war II by Truman and lynching only became rare following the Civil Right Movement where southern states had to be dragged into the 20th century.

>blaming me because retard /pol/ shitposters can't control themselves
How about you stop whining and stay on topic?

Citation needed

have you ever read Mein Kampf? it goes into some detail into a proposed greater reich, with local populations being displaced or exterminated to be replaced with germans.

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Well it's you're fault for choosing a traitor apologist as the OP.

It's like covering yourself and steaks and jumping in front of a bear and then wondering why it's chewing your face off.

This. I don't know why people don't understand this.
They tools to be disposed of when they were no longer needed.
Jews would have been allowed to join if Hitler didn't know they were untrustworthy.

No, it's well documented. Look it up.

Got so mad once I blew some air out of my nose and stopped playing because I'm not a fucking child who spergs out over pointless shit.


So what is your explanation for the left wing that glorifies multicultural, multiracial societies and then tells everyone to vote their skin color or genitals or risk being shunned from social elite society? How can they think their own end goal could possibly work if everything balkanizes?

The slaves got double fucked by the Americans in their revolutionary wars (Which the "Civil War" was, it wasn't over control of the country, it was about one state wanting to be separate from the other and the other saying no.)

In the first Revolutionary war, both sides promised the black slaves that if they fought on their side and they won, they would be freed. We'll never know if the British would have kept their word but the Americans didn't, they enslaved the ones who fought for them again and killed all the slaves who fought against them.

The left that has abandoned any real project aside from becoming more diverse aren't much different than the mouthbreathers who vote to support the wealthy when they are in poverty. Neoliberalism resoundingly won the culture war, so they just want to run out the clock. This is why post-2016 we see a real schism between what one could call the Bernie Sanders wing of the left, and the more centrist left. The former has projects to reform capital, health care, education, while the latter just wants there to be an even distribution of colored skin in all income categories. Because politics isn't all black and white. Conservatives need to get their heads out of their asses and find a political project to work towards as well, unless you're just going to go all in on white identity politics.

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To give you a real answer, money. People pay big bucks to have a pet minority that will spout their views

>Implying it's not OP samefagging so he can create an off topic shitpost thread

When my mother dropped my subscription on WoW, i was so pissed that i nearly shoved a tv controller up my ass. I think my littler brother filmed that shit and put on the internet, little brat.

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The far left is the core of the trend to identity politics. The centrist left has been humoring the insanity. And those big lefty ideas don't work. They are unicorn utopian bullshit.

I agree with your right wing criticism tho.

Same, the only time I've ever had an outburst that resulted in breaking my shit was some fight in the original Dead Space, ended up throwing my controller against a wall.

I threw a shoe at the door after getting buttfucked for a good while by High Explosive on vet in MW2. My Xbox live had just ran out and I couldn't renew until the next day. High Explosive is so much easier co-op.

MW2 easy

burnout revenge

why is this game so much shitter than burnout 3? The only fun mode is the traffic checking mode and I can't work out why it has no soul in comparison

Go back
Go back
Go back

You're on drugs dude. Revenge was nice. Paradise is the one that was crap.

There was a video of the mother explaining that all those are fake, but I can't find it.

I'm not saying it was a bad game but it's soulless in comparison to 3, it could be something to do with the removal of Crash FM. Also I think track design was way better in 3, I can't think of a single memorable location in Revenge

i think the vid and the tosh.o ep were made to make em seem fake

>track design was way better in 3
This is true.

>edited clip out of context
>literally works for a orthodox jew

>well not me per say
>be playing doa 5 with headphones on blasting
>gf is already in a bad mood due to finding shemale porn on my laptop
>getting my ass handed to me match after match
>in mid match and accidentally pull headphones out of controller
>all you hear from my office is moaning
>girlfriend storms in screaming I THOUGH I TOLD YOU TO GIVE THAT SHIT A REST
>tell her it's not what she thinks
>she grabs my xbox controller and hits me in the chest with it before throwing it at my wall
>tell her baby I'm sorry it's a game and not porn
>she takes the game out of the console
>grabs a screwdriver on my desk and scratches the dick to hell
>tells me to run things by her if I ever plan on buying games
>tell her again I'm sorry and start reading a book

Seriously though how do people lose it like that? At least we're in a good place now.

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Great game but you did the right thing.

imagine being a black person and then be accused of being a nazi white supremacist by a democrat, who's supposed to be an ally, because of a clip where you explained what Hitler did and why he did it.

But at the end of the day Nazies where globalists. They wanted to turn everywhere into Germany but /pol/ would never admit that their hero was basically a Jew.

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Fictitious and homosexual

No matter your opinion of Owens, that was objectively a disgusting and illegitimate attack from Lieu. I'm glad she didn't take it.

>Getting that angry just because someone played a clip of your voice

I slammed my Dualshock 3 on the floor while playing Killzone 2 campaign.
The controller already was literally broken from the handles and left stick, select button and X and triangle were faulty, also battery life was shit so nothing of value was lost.

I never break thing while angry but since I knew the control was faulty and fixing it would cost me more than buying a new one I did it.

>scratches the dick to hell
Your poor penis. Are you still able to have sex?


>Playing her own words back to her was a disgusting and illegitimate attack.

unironically this

Reminder that Candace Owens tried to crowdfund a website that would dox all Internet trolls.

Get that woman a white boy.

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I’ve been living under a rock. Who is this niggress and what did she do?


I pounded the top of my Wii with my fists until the disk drive was fucked when one of my characters died In fire emblem

Are you retarded or is education really that bad were you live?

Once I got so mad I had to take a walk.

>Set the difficulty to easy on the last Valkyrie fight in God of War
I've literally never done that before, but if that cheating cunt is going to one-shot me with that bullshit dodge attack even when I dodge it, I'm gonna cheat too and take away half of your health, bitch. It's not like I didn't get one hit away from killing her multiple times before she said "I win :)" and jumped in the air

>yeah but I mean she don't have no type of black people no more where she acts like she scared of her own kind
What the fuck is that even trying to say?

Do you mean the mage tower challenge boss? Because if you mean the boss of the acquisition questline then it was literally so forgettable and easy I have absolutely 0 memory of it. If it's the mage tower, yeah the twins are a bit of annoying fight, but frost mage is the easiest class to do that fight on

Bullshit stomp attack*

Git gud son, she just uses the moveset of the Valkyrie's you fought previously minus the more bullshit moves

I clenched my fist once

Wonder which one of the usually playing faggots are you, lmao.

>I am superior and must let everyone know

Swung my mouse to my desk and almost broke my keyboard in half

He's a seething nigcel.

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I kept losing in Sonic Riders so I obliterated the fucking disc, scraped it around, smashed it, broke it to pieces, tried to set the pieces on fire

This is when I was like 13
Fuck that shitty game though it sucks.

>Don't mind me just gonna ignore the very important context of her words to fit my agenda

Futurama game, Zoidberg level, hit my head with the PS2 controller and a chunk of the analog stick got stuck in my forehead for a few seconds.

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Bullshit mistakes will usually drive me up the wall but nowadays I try to practice relaxation techiques and be self aware to why i am angry and ask myself "should I just go one more or just take a break" I realize being angry while playing cost you more mistakes and going back with a refresh mind will help realize your mistakes

Her words are no better in context

White women get fucking livid at it too, it's honestly funny how out of shape people get about white male black female.

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Wave was pretty hot at least.

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Yes and all those movies are easily avoidable/punishable except the stomp, which is wildly inconsistent in whether it hits where it says it will

kek they hate it when white men go for black or Asian women

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I guess you could say these people only see in black and white

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Is her job not speaking though? like really if one is so damn shit at speaking that they can so easily supposedly be taken out of context. fucking hell kind of job is that for one to pursue? Fucking hell try or not this statement being shit is ultimately her fault for being so shit at talking and language. Of which again is that not her job or at least how she makes her living? That said dumb bitch denied that southern strategy/switch shit as well. So again if we take your stance and premise as true. That person is horrible at communication and has no one else but herself to blame for not educating herself to the point of actually being able to articulate her thoughts and ideas without needing a lot of faggots like you to whine about it being out of context and shit.

Seriously for all the right wing talk about snowflakes and shit people like you and her really just wanted anything and everything you can to feel slighted about to whine bitch and moan about huh. Fucking weak ass pussys i swear the lot of you and your ilk

I had Danica Patrick rubberband into first place in a Sonic and All Stars Racing Transformed while doing a three star race so i slammed my controller down on my desk. That, and a few mouse/desk slams.

Ive definitely been angrier but i just stop playing and calm myself down, why the fuck do people jump to destruction of their own property?

She likes money

kicked a hole in my wall, it happened like 2 days ago

fixed that for you nigger :D

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>tfw BLAKSOC is coming sooner than NATSOC

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Just recently broke two monitors in a day. Got in the habit of smacking the top of the monitor when angry, after one of the smacks the monitor stopped turning on. Destroyed the other monitor in a more straightforward way - punching it in the center and having the glass shatter.

castlevania 3 made me go fucking insane when i was 15. i have a modded wii with a bunch of emulators and mostly played old video games up until last year when i graduated college and bought a ps4. but yeah castlevania 3 made me slam a wii remote against my head and it broke the black plastic that covers the pointing sensor or whatever. that's the only time i ever physically blew off steam over a video game though

What level, user?

>implying its OPs fault for having to use a bait image in order to not let the topic die

YOU,YES ALL OF YOU. Are always so quick to post in a blatantly off topic porn thread, shitpost thread, trap thread,/pol/ thread or wojak thread.

But honest vidya threads get pushed to page 10. YOU ARE THE PROBLEM.

You can literally make anyone look evil by taking them out of context. The fact you think it can't happen to good speakers is hilarious. It is why politicians are so good at saying nothing, because if they said something substantive they can just easily be taken out of context to be made to look like villains. This is the media's job and they are great at it.

yeah, what level?

i'm not sure exactly. that was nearly a decade ago. i remember the level with the doppelganger sufficiently pissing me off but i don't know if that's when I broke the wiimote

oh god not him please not him

I usually don't get angry playing video games but MGR has been pissing me the fuck off lately. Took me 2 and a half hours to get the no damage achievement on Armstrong in the Jetstream Sam DLC yesterday. I lost track of how many times I had to see him do his gay little sumo pose at the start. Before that it was VR mission 18 and before that it was Monsoon on revengeance. Stupid fucking RNG bullshit.

>be dumbass kid
>playing first Souls game, DS2
>get stuck on shitty boss where it is just like four knights in a room
>smash my cheap, wired, glowing, off brand ps3 controller
>smashed the handle of
>taped it all together and still works

I realized that those controllers are better made than the actual Sony ones that day

[citation needed]
not that I doubt the overall plan but I don't think there was an outright mention of genocide in the book

Just imagine. If it weren't for Churchill and his meddling Jews we could have been living in a future free of Resetera trannies and black people.

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>David Bigot

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looks like a ape

He'd look a lot more impressive if he wasn't 4ft.