Who is the best character in this picture?

Who is the best character in this picture?

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literal whos

Link, except not that version since BOTW is shit



That game is so overrated

Ocelot, since he's far superior to Snake

>2 characters from the same game

why old man snake?
take your meds, arin

Samus I guess.

In Smash bros? I don't know. Overall? I like Snake the most. You can remove Link, Mario and Samus because none of them have any personality

Then why snake kicks his ass in the end


> Mario Link & Samus don't have personalities
T. Brainlet zoomer who never actually played any of their games

>Snake and Ocelot
>Youth in MGS4
go fuck yourself with a cactus

is he not still younger, dipshit?

Would have said link but it's BotW link so no. Cloud is the best one there followed by snake.

3 of them look like generic JRPG """characters"""
rest look like a childrens toy
so probably snake

Pretty sure it's because this is a recreation of an old poll we did that had like 160,000 people voting on it

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That version of Link is probably the most interesting though.
Anyways Snake.

>me good
>me do good thing
their personalities are pretty one dimensional, user.

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Either Samus or Snake. Link and Mario don't have personalities.

I was referring every version of Link, i simply chose BOTW because it's the highest quality photo i could find of him

Mario by no small margin

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Mario. It's better to be a blank slate.

No, one dimensional should only be used when talking about games with character creators that have you look blankly at everything.

Samus > Link > Sephiroth > Snake > Cloud > Mario

well that exempts mario, but not ocarina link

It would be Link if it was this one. Otherwise it's Cloud. I love underdogs

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This, Link talks in every scene he's in & is very expressive, they just purposely mute his dialogue.

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> Any version of Link counts
Okay then Toon Link is easily the best character

Snake > Samus > Link > Mario > Seph > Cloud

ff7 cloud

One's who are in Smash

Sephiroth isn't in smash

Unless nostalgia is a stronger drug than I thought I do remember some times Link shows at least anger,fear and joy which is honestly enough for that game and nowhere near as awful as something like Xenoblade X to give an inexcusably more recent example.

Syzy cheated on you again, Arin?

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>muh snake
Dumb kojidrones

Specifically these two.
Wind Waker, FF7 Original

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>having to split the FF7 vote in order for Twink to win

How can one game be so good?

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Cloud & Sephiroth are different characters, it makes no sense to have them bundled together

they have more similarities than not. same game, both beta males, both gay.

Imagine being such a contrarian that you would pretend to hate someone as loveable as Old Snake

Old Snake and Metal gear are just designated to suck the dick of dumb murrikans

This, except swap Sephiroth & Snake

Jesus Christ, no.

*does a small trip*

Did you really have to pick the most generic video game characters ever?

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hey tumblr

Link is a non-character, he's just a generic player avatar.

Snake is the best character, but I like Mario the most.

He literally cries on screen, he has just as much personality as everyone else in this picture

>over-explains charactera that supports their point
>under-explains others to further support their point
>somehow thinks they're clever
Have a (You) for the effort.

Sephiroth since he's cool as fuck

Wind Waker Link is the only Link that's actually a character.

For me it's Sephiroth, no idea why Mario's there though he's a pretty bland character, the rest are ok.

So can we all agree that Samus & Sephiroth are the best?

Fucking "game cube was my first" kiddos