Iraq is considering banning video games, citing a decline in society

>The cultural parliamentary committee submitted on Saturday a draft law that seeks to ban electronic games, in particular PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds (PUBG) and the Blue Whale that was reported to be an online “suicide game”.
The game allegedly inspired an Iraqi teenager, 17, to commit suicide in January, Iraq's Independent Human Rights Commission said in a statement.

>“The committee is concerned about the obsession over these electronic games that ignite violence among children and youth. Its influence has spread rapidly among Iraq’s society,” the head of the committee, Sameaa Gullab, said during a press conference in Baghdad.

Damn, what went wrong with Iraqi society?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Saddam wouldn't have wanted this

They truly live in a society

With all the ongoing issues in their country they decide to blame it on videogames?


it is the gamers who must rise up against a society

a society that is against video games

the gamers will have to use their epic gamer skills to overcome this obstacle

>lumping that fucked up blue whale shit with video games
Are sandniggers really this retarded?

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don't they know gamers are allah's messengers?

nobody has ever played participated in this shit

I thought everything was already banned in Irak, like being a woman or a child

Redpilled and based

There were multiple people found guilty for inciting suicide in minors as administrators / curators of that game

>Blue Whale
I thought that was a russkie game, did it catch on in other countries?


if you are dumb enough to do all of that shit then you deserve death

>literally jumping off of a cliff because someone told you to

>user! Your video games gave the country a virus!

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>giving a shit about nu iraq
Doesn't matter since they're an Iranian clay now.

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In 2016, Philipp Budeikin, a 21-year-old former psychology student who was expelled from his university, claimed that he invented the game in 2013. He said his intention was to cleanse society by pushing persons to suicide whom he deemed as having no value.[19][20] Although originally claiming innocence and stating he was "just having fun", Budeikin was arrested and held in Kresty Prison, Saint Petersburg, and in May 2016 pled guilty to "inciting at least 16 teenage girls to commit suicide"

In June 2018, Russian financial analyst Nikita Nearonov was arrested for allegedly masterminding the Blue Whale game. Nearonov is suspected of grooming 10 "underage" girls in order to bring them to suicide, 2 of which, aged 14 and 17, are known to have survived. As a financial analyst, Nearonov has been described as a "very smart" computer expert who held a large amount of contempt for teenagers, believing that they were "wicked" and "deserved to die". Police reports claim that Nearonov's involvement in the Blue Whale game was his "hobby".[

>after a decade of US invasion
And handing it over to Iranian proxies.

Arabs are literally retarded because of inbreeding. They have been smashed in every war against western nations or even Israel. Their tactics are terrible yet they never learn.

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>In 2016, Philipp Budeikin, a 21-year-old former psychology student who was expelled from his university, claimed that he invented the game in 2013. He said his intention was to cleanse society by pushing persons to suicide whom he deemed as having no value.[19][20] Although originally claiming innocence and stating he was "just having fun", Budeikin was arrested and held in Kresty Prison, Saint Petersburg, and in May 2016 pled guilty to "inciting at least 16 teenage girls to commit suicide".[19] He was later convicted on two counts of inciting suicide of a minor.[21] Commentators such as Benjamin Radford have pointed out that sensationalized stories in world news regarding the involvement of Budeikin have all linked back to just two Russian sources, with tabloid news outlets replicating the same information without elaboration.

Damn Russia is based and much better than the US
Putin is amazing and far greater than Trump will ever be
No wonder Trump acts like his loyal dog
The cuck knows his place

>Commentators such as Benjamin Radford have pointed out that sensationalized stories in world news regarding the involvement of Budeikin have all linked back to just two Russian sources, with tabloid news outlets replicating the same information without elaboration.
>tabloid shit as your source

who cares about these 3rd world animals? literally just a tier above apes.

>coalition 292 dead, 147 killed by the enemy
I am once again reminded why its a horrible idea to side with ameritards

You know why they put "bin whateverthefuck" in their names? Same reason they have tribes with inter-village politics, and a cultural emphasis on family and revenge.

Shit someone from my guild is in iraq

>half the country got taken over by muslim zealots who brutally murdered everyone in their way
no ban on islam
>one retard kills himself
ban videogames

Truly a modern country

Where's g*mergate on this?

>a country that publicly stones people to death for not wearing enough clothing when they leave the house is concerned about violence in video games


Never ally with the United States of Israel. They will betray always betray you.

based desu

I wish we stoned roasties on the street for fucking niggers

> JIDF detected
Arabs have won every single war against Israel since 1973.

>most FPS games are based on wars on Iraq that often promote children into them due to the lack of soldiers

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100% based
hope my cunt would do that

*reads the 2nd last paragraph*
>"I have been playing PUBG for sometime now, I like it because it keeps me at home and away from trouble outside,"

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>458535531 (You)

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Iraqis are coming to Europe on mass anyway

It's like actually killing yourself because some faggot on here tells you to.

To be fair video games have led to the decline of the average human intelligence.

Oy vey (((wikipedia)))

Pretty sure the decline of their society began March 2003, but I guess being a puppet government means they can’t blame their overlord.

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They would do 20x better by banning social media

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>giving a shit about Iraq after based Saddam’s death
their country is now nothing more than a battle ground for Iran and the US’s proxy wars

What the fuck is "Blue Whale?" Is this some more Tide Pod bullshit?

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see the problem here is that it was teenage girls, which are far from useless, unlike teenage boys

They were probably ugly

Doesn't Russia have a big problem with poverty?

none the less, they are still useful simply because they have a vagina. unless the boys only did physical labor, which anybody could do, then the girls would have still ended up being the wife of someone

Infamous game that became popular for a while.

>citing a decline in society
If that was the problem, they should think about banning Islam first

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>lmao just poop out kids

Women don't even know how to fall properly

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Iraqs society was perfectly fine until Mutt retards started handing out AKs to every dipshit who promised to ally with them

That was the cause back then, but its not what dooms this region to be an eternal shithole today.

>until Mutt retards started handing out AKs to every dipshit who promised to ally with them
If I reckon, wasn't that Petraeus's plan?

>back then
The Mutts are still doing it you retard, look at fucking Syria, their latest "democratic initiative"
The only country that managed to avoid it without sucking Mutt dick is Iran

No, the Brits and their League of Nations are the real cause. Reminder that the worst side won the world wars

>just ban islam
There are many different branches/schools though, there is no thing as "THE islam".
It's why the IS fags killed other muslims as well. Wahhabism is completely nuts but the royal Saudi family doesn't give a shit and the USA/western countries don't give a shit either

How can you be so incompetent? Guess they actually didn't want to win that war or something

>Blue Whale
Don't tell me people actually believed that hoax.

Yea Forums should follow suit tbqh familia

think about it
you might be able to finally stop spamming pictures of the Goose and get a gf

>tfw have a gf and we shitpost with pictures of the goose complaining about not having a gf

True love.

Yes, it's a shithole and people literally die drinking cleaning liquid because they're too poor for proper vodka. I'm not making this shit up.

Iirc, I believe Islam was only ever United twice, at the beginning and when saladin United them


Too bad the USA wanted to cancel the operation Ajax too late and some butthurt agent disobeyed orders and started/engaged the mission anyways

why make a thread about iraq of all things who the fuking cares

>good goy, just watch television

This happens in every country. I remember in training we were told to never use definite language about certain things as we could be discredited by experts if we ever had to testify. Case and point one thing we were told was to never say beer, alcohol, or drunk. Instead we we're told to say things like "what appears to be alcohol", "a liquid substance that smelled alcoholic", and "appears to be intoxicated" because one of the most common ways of getting intoxicated was through house hold cleaners and mouthwash due to their availability, cost, and lack of regulation.



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>Damn, what went wrong with Iraqi society
video games.

Iraq died in 2003.
Now they have a cuck puppet shiite administration in place. There's no hope for their future anymore.

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What the fuck else will there be left to do in that shithole then?

>tfw you're a sandy in iraq
this is truly the worst timeline
I miss saddam

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based, all countries should follow

vidya is a complete waste of time that will get you nowhere in life, if it didn't exist I would probably have a job, a nice wife and kids now, yet I ended up being a suicidal virgin neet, it's all because of fucking video games

Whod win in a BR game with current and former heads of states and famous political figures.
Choose Your Warrior!
>That guy in Canada
Or some other contender?

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Gaddafi. I think he used to play video games, iirc.

Games are a symptom, not the cause

>what went wrong with Iraqi society?
Implying there was ever anything right

Now post the picture of Japan after US invasion

>Damn, what went wrong with Iraqi society?
the iraq wars

>Kim Jong the Illest

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Its always funny how third world shit holes (america included) blame things for the downfall of society that has nothing to do with their "government" fucking over people. Anything to keep the people fighting eachother instead of RISING UP

People are probably so miserable there they need the escapism

>tfw ISIL were oppressed gamers all along

WTF I love Iraq now?!

>Damn, what went wrong with Iraqi society?

Well, it's how the ruling class always operates.
Make the enemies of the system fight each other, once the system is too corrupt it tries to make all people fight against each other.
It's why ethnicities in the USA are reduced to white and non-white

Actually it's anglos (UK&USA)

Japan was kind of a shithole until the mid 60s at earliest. It was okay at best.

Cиний кит is a fabricated boogie man tier shit.
There was no really thing like that.

Damn there is 61 /pol/tards in this thread

there is no iraq, its only zionist puppet state, death to america and death to israel

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Well, yes and no, fact is, most money goes to places like Moscow and vanishes there like water down a drain. That's why pretty much everything that isn't a major city is a shithole. If you live in one of the cities, you can have a high life style.
But Russians have some major issues, even in the mentioned shitholes its hard to find a Russian who hasn't the newest phone, a new car or other useless crap people buy to feel good. If you see a Russian with label clothes and an Iphone, chances are he lives in a concrete flat with 1 room. Does that make him poor? Mentally maybe.

>The committee is concerned about the obsession over these electronic games that ignite violence among children and youth
but public stonings and beheadings are perfectly fine

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But to be fair, its hard to get a good home outside the big cities, so Russians fill that lack of quality life with useless crap.
In Europe its kinda the other way around, its relatively easy to have a decent quality of life, so people care less about showing off phones and shit.

what a shit country, even games are haram

>but public stonings
They're illegal.
also illegal

don't confuse mainland iraq with the even bigger shithole power vacuums that surround the region
iraq has (somewhat) of a stable government

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nothing is more amusing than seeing americans discuss the middle east and its politics.


Fake News
Russia is an amazing country and Putin is the best leader the world has ever known

I hope you're not implying Iraq is a peaceful place
I might be wrong about the stonings and beheadings but we both know their culture is inherently violent and those things wouldn't really phase a local
and it's definitely not because of PUBG or fucking Fortnite

can't blame Islam, ethnic and sectarian tensions obv

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I know I know ">vice" but it's a fascinating documentary into just how *fucked* Afghanistan was and is .These inbred uneducated dudes really are like fucking children. Except they're stoned on heroin, have ak's and rape teenage boys.

oy vey, why isn't america shutting down /pol/

>muslims are deeply conservative
>want to ban video games
>christians are deeply conservative
>want to ban video games
Why is being conservative good again Yea Forums?

>I hope you're not implying Iraq is a peaceful place
Never did. I live in this shithole. I've seen it all. It's just not as bad as whatever is beyond iraq's boundaries.

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It kind of annoying
>invade middle east in the false pretense of WMD
>fuck the place up, many died, etc
>leave place quickly, leaving a power vacuum of many radicals and extremist taking their place and fucking things up
We we're not counting the time they the West set up a bunch of puppet leaders and fake imams to disrupt and control the region.

>muslims are conservative and believe in strong male leadership with women being second class citizens
Why does /pol/ hate muslims again?

I mean, they both generally have the right idea. video games ARE generally detrimental to our society.

Would you rather be on the side with 25,000-50,000 deaths?

Society is cancer regardless and you’ll get fucked over one way or another.

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Unless you have no fucking life outside of video games, it shouldn't be a detriment to anyone.

why not leave? Europe would be happy to take you.
unless Islam is already ingrained in you that is.

How is religion not considered a mental illness? If I told people that a magical Norwegian bangs his hammer on the clouds to make thunder, people would think I’m crazy. If I tell people some guy was born from a virgin and the world was created in 7 days, I’m called religious.

>i basically don't understand anything new and still live in the middle age
>let's not try to understand anything modern in youth culture and just ban them

they are doing the same they did to iraq to venezuela right now: they want their rich resources so they are now commies/terrorists/etc

i would have thought they were already banned
haven't read the thread yet but i'm sure there are already a ton of retarded larpers defending this

>Live in a shitty fuckin desert
>Ban video games

shit it's like they want aloha snackbars.

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And you think it isn't worth it to try and make the world a little bit better? I bet you're the same type of fucker who thinks meth and heroin should be legal.
>Unless you have no fucking life outside of video games
Have you been paying attention to the state of the world lately? Most people from our generation are using video games as ESCAPISM. Dating and marriage is at an all time low, men joining the military is at an all time low, everything that's made men what they are is slowly dying off and being replaced by faggotry. Instead of wanting to be carpenters and soldiers, are youth wants to be lets players and streamers.

No, video games are absolutely a fucking blight on our society. So is the internet.

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Have you seen the news latest? The West isn't too keen on the internet or vidya. Most of the people that are against weren't from the generation that use them.

Sounds like muslims were the heroes all along

Currently a student there. Can't leave anywhere just yet.

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Ok brainlet so let's forbid every kind of media and entertainment to society. People should just work, marry and make kids. Don't they dare try to entertain themselves or they could become serial killer.

And that's America mentality.

>video games will cause suicide amongst iraqi teenagers
Iraqi Government is mad because the kids should at least strap on an explosive vest if theyre going to commit sucide.

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Being someone who is center left, I don’t understand why so many far left sjws want Islam in the west. Do they not care about their gay friends because Islam doesn’t like gays. I wish some common sense would come to the majority of the left, it’s embarassing. Islam is incompatible with western values.

our youth*

holy fuck those marines look like a different species compared to the Afghans

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I'm not telling its false. I'm just sorry that people think like this.

Is the world even worth saving at this point?

Because they have parental issues and its the opposite of what they were brought up in so its their form of rebellion.

Yes, user. That's exactly what I said, you fucking idiot.

There are plenty of passtimes and hobbies that actually get you involved with productive things. Why don't you learn to fish? Why don't you go outside and hunt? Why do you NEED to play video games? They're an extremely passive hobby, and by extension they're making our society passive.
I mean, we have to try. We can't just sit here and watch as our rights are slowly stripped away by the government. We can't just sit here and let our kids become brainwashed by video game propaganda.

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That could be. I’m of the left that just wants people to help each other and take care of one another, not the pink haired people that blame whites for everything.

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I mean it doesn’t really matter who is in the government, they just want your money.

They fuck up Libya, knowing full well that Libya is a natural border against immigration. This fucking annoys me greatly.
>Libya get fucked up and destroyed
>all the africans and middle eastern that is tired of living in the warzone ran through Libya and invade Europe
>the same Euro leaders that wanted Libya dead for their resource welcome these illegal immirgrants into their country
>the Euro citizens blaming Muslims for this shit when it was all their leaders doing

lmao yes, video games are the biggest problem in the middle east, not the complete backward-ass way of living they create over there.

That might be the most neckbeard statement I ever heard on my life. Congratulation.

That’s what conservatism and traditions do to people

So cinema and everything on TV are also worthless. Listen to yourself. People like different things and indulge in different hobby. Maybe not everyone want to be a conformist robot like you.

Fuck em

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>uses the linear political spectrum model
Oh Sweetie

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I'd argue that cinema and TV aren't AS sinister, because there are actual thought-provoking shows and movies. The same can't be said for video games. They're almost all universally passive.

>People like different things

So if someone eats literal feces every day of their life, to the point where they get extremely sick, you would be okay with that?

>Dating and marriage is at an all time low,
That is more or less to do with the very lax divorce laws that will always side with the woman. A woman could lie that she got beaten and fuck up the man's life. Then there the whole me too movement. Its financial suicide.

Do you really think they care about you?

>the Euro citizens blaming Muslims for this shit when it was all their leaders doing

The Euro citizens wouldn't have a problem with this if it weren't for, you know, the LITERAL RAPE SPREES THAT HAPPEN DAILY IN THIS ISLAM-INFESTED SHITHOLE!

All countries have a big problem with poverty.

I honestly don't know how the US/British forces kept their cool having to deal with this shit every single day.


>>a bunch of people who are not trained killers

And this stems from Euro Leaders doing nothing about it to prevent it and causing the problem. The Euro Leaders okay the War on Terror and causing all the displacement. They did it again with the Libya Crisis, They don't enforce the rule to integrate illegal immigrant into society. They welcome them with open arm. If you call them out on them, you're a bigot.

>players can cheat freely
Reap what you saw, /pol/turds

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yeah fuck off
i had to babysit exchange students from countries like iraq and syria, they're horrible
you'd expect a PhD candidate would be a cut above the average goatshagger, and if they are, those places are truly hell on earth
these guys come here researching AI, but most of them couldn't handle making Excel spreadsheets
the dormitories don't want to take them in because they cause fires and turn their rooms inhabitable in a month, not to speak of all the personal drama and occasional violence
i really don't want to imagine the average arab if the university educated ones are like that

I don't agree with the act - it's abhorrent, but it's none of my business.

i dont understand, what did the average amerilard hope by voting a ceo?

Liberals being BTFO!!11, duh!

>Stagflation? Peripher-what? I don't know a history of economics.
Aren't you precious.

same way cops do, i guess
they quickly learn that what you consider basic values (or basic logic even) means diddly squat to a sizeable chunk of the population

religious fundamentalism is what is truly incompatible with western values, there's noticeably more of it in islam but frankly a good portion of that is thanks to retarded americans accidentally instilling and reinforcing anti-western sentiment by shitting up their countries with proxy wars and coups

Oh good, incel logic.

No, actually, if you look at the statistics it's very clear that most courts are generally unbiased. Guess you'll have to be a victim somewhere else, user.
Well congratulations, you just degenerated society into a group of shit-eating morons. Humans need laws to keep them in check, and video games NEED to be stopped before they turn our youth into literal fucking idiots.

Take a look at someone like Chris Chan. Why is he allowed to exist in our society? Why hasn't anyone stopped him? We're literally letting a crazy many run around, castrate himself, and harass other people because "WE DON'T WANT TO BE JUDGEMENTAL, Yea ForumsROS!1!1!"

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>every religion is Islam
i hate fags like you so much


Don't forget propping up governments that actively facilitate Islamic terrorism.

Have sex.

Trudeau, Maduro, and Putin

Have sex.

Have sex.

If you look at areas that are highly christian and not just paying lip service, they’re almost always dumps like sub saharan africa, latin america, and the american south.

*blocks your path*

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Have sex.

v-video games???? EEEHHHH???? NANI BAKARA?!?!?!?!?

Oh and eastern europe


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absolute unit

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pick up a history book, user
Iraq's been ruled by foreign occupiers since the XIth century
it's pretty unfair to single out Anglos when a billion others did it before them

If he’s from Syria, why is he white?

>mfw russia is desperate to act like its still a rival to the US and NATO
Stay mad putinites

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what is highly christian and what is lip service?
ask Bavarians how many of them are religious
how is a Dominican gangbanger more religious than a Pole who goes only goes to church on Easter and Christmas?

Because he's white&based, just so.

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Roman/Crusades rape babies. You'll find them often in the Levant.

>cherrypicking examples to justify your racism against arabs

And that's a good thing!

We don't want to decline like white boys.

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Levantine people often have fair skin and light colored eyes
especially among Christians and smaller local sects (like Alawites) who weren't so open to intermixing with Arabs

arabs are racialists through and through

t. sandnigger

They also live in tin roof shacks and mudhuts, not exactly a group to aspire to be like.

I don't see Iraqi women lay in bed with black guys, face it you guys are finished. It's only a matter of time before we Arabs or the Chinese take over the West.

More like shell bombed concrete ruins, but close enough.

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they are though lol, if some other country replaced the american government with one run by the evangelicals they would be just as austere

i just hope they know for whites there's no difference between them and ooga booga blacks

Once your oil runs dry you’re finished. As for the Chinese they’re paper tigers

Yeah but it's like a US cop walking up to a random white guy on the street and being told that he's a heroin junkie, kidnapper and child rapist.

Then the cop is told the look the other way by his commander.

Well that was worth the 6000 dead American soldiers

Hang all neocons

>Needing to justify it.

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>>Damn, what went wrong with Iraqi society?
Historically weak central governments punctuated by corrupt lords, problem compounded by ages of foreign warfare and intervention, which caused society to develop a higher emphasis on family, the family's place in a community, and revenge.

Saddam acted sort of like a modern day king in that his actions in monopolizing the use of force and carrying out brutal tactics to shutdown any and all threats to his power (even religious authority) echoing historical periods of any currently successful state. He laid the political and social ground work for a modern state with a strong central authority, and had he continued to lead Iraq eventually the evolution political landscape would have followed the history of western nations. Its important to the remember that Saddam tried to ally himself with the West and was at one point considered an important force for stability, even by America, due to his eagerness to please the West and stance against Iran and religious authority that challenged his own. The only reason it fell apart was because of a miscommunication about Kuwait.

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My best friend growing up was Iranian. His dad is super conservative and super serious. He always looked mad and he would get pissed when his son was playing video games during the day.

>only reason it fell apart was because of a miscommunication about Kuwait.

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yeah, but the random streetgoer in Afghanistan is still not "you", you're still worlds apart
it takes time to accept that as reality but once you do, it's easier

Thats bullshit. Arabs come in all shades, theyre not a real race but a multi-ethnic people united by a single language. If you speak Arabic then youre an Arab. Also, religion has nothing to do with how pale an arab is.

القوميه العربيه سوف تعود ....وستزول اسرائيل

What went wrong?

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>why isn't america shutting down /pol/
Because they're still collecting data on them

France got involved.

Arab is the peoples of the Arabian Peninsula
Bashar isn't an Arab, my point is that non-Sunnis like 3lawis were less likely to intermingle with Arabs and are more closely resemblant of the original inhabitants of those countries

with the same stellar results i'd bet. i'm no fan of israel but watching them thoroughly BTFO their neighbors every time they get uppity is endlessly entertaining

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Holy fucking based he's so handsome and the best President of all time

>revolting against a """tyranny"""
>it's among the most stable countries in the region
i shiggy

How is this a videogame?

>muslims want to ban something for inciting violence

Thots aren’t really there, since women don’t have basic rights; so we can pinpoint decline to that
But I really don’t think it’s video games. Maybe it’s just western influence as a whole.

Iraq was never this fucked and the Middle East in general is fucked thanks to them

>tfw you are situated in the Kurdish Autonomous region
keeeeeeeeeekking in your direction, arabs

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Lmao why do we even need NATO if we can easily shit on slavs

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what's going on in pic related?

>Iraq was never this fucked
not even when the Mongols came?
not even during the samarran anarchy when famine was so bad people were killing each other over who gets to cook the orphans? (wish i remembered where i read that, al-khatib al-baghdadi is my only guess because i know i read him)

Saddam did nothing wrong and if you think he did you are literally a brainwashed NPC. Hopefully you get to die for Israel in Syria.

Seems like worldwide the youth is finally starting to see the truth. Life isn't worth living and the only happiness in existence lies in gaming and escapism from this boredom.

Good point

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umm sweety... the people of Syria need their freedom to democratically elect an american puppet government

Iraq is already PUBG irl

Funny how boomers are always the same no matter which country. They will always blame games they will even blame them during the apocalypse and if war, Martians or literal demons would come and kill them they would still blame the games while dying.

The middle east has always been a shithole. Bombed out cityscapes or not. They've been bloodthirsty backwater dune dwellers since the beginning. You can invade and bomb them to hell and back and nothing will ever really change except for pissing them off even more. But autists with no understanding of US middle east relations and no idea of how we got to this point will never understand. The biggest mistake the US ever made was to get involved as a mediator in the middle east. This has been going on since the end of WWII. Giving the jewish post holocaust diaspora a slice of territory made muslims reee out of existence. Muslims were FUCKING pissed but they directed this asshurt at the jews not the rest of the world. Throughout the 60s 70s and 80s the Israelis killed a shitload of muslims and the muslims blew up a shitload of Israelis. The worst thing the US could've done is get involved on the Israeli side in a time when the entirety of the arab world hated and distrusted the Israeli's guts. Que Iranian revolution and Syrians both enforcing suicide tactics against Israel after Israel had been on a streak of bombing and shooting muslim kids and civilians. Then Beirut bombing happens and lockerbie, the most high profile bombings yet at this time. It was around here that the US really started to make its stance known with an Israeli bias. Big mistake because Israelis had become just as bad as muslims and muslims up until this point didn't see us as much of a problem mostly a nuisance for taking the Israeli's side and wanted us to get the message that the did not fucking like our siding with Jews. Here is the conflict of interest. Literally the reason for getting bombed and 9/11ed. Muslims had no problem with the US unless it involved furthering Israeli interests in the region. Arabs+Jews= bad news. Should've NEVER taken any side. But interventionist neocon hawks and their hard on for Israel and a big misunderstanding of arab jewish relations fucked everybody over.

Why do retards who clearly no nothing even say anything about politics? Its so embarrassing when people who don't browse /pol/ say anything about it, especially on Yea Forums.

>they’re almost always dumps like sub saharan africa

Because of low IQ blacks

>latin america

Because of low IQ race mixing (still better on some measures then the middle east)

>and the american south.

Better then most of the world and only shit because of low IQ blacks

>eastern europe

Oh fucking please, eastern europe is a goddamn utopia compared to the shithole made by most third worlders.

>The middle east has always been a shithole. Bombed out cityscapes or not. They've been bloodthirsty backwater dune dwellers since the beginning.
Don't be a faggot

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i don't want to justify the modern occupation of Iraq but imo it doesn't stand out as particularly crual or harmful

Looks like they're really learning from America

>marine gets shot up
>second marine runs out of cover to grab him
>third marine runs out of cover to get second marine back into cover
>second marine gets shot up
>third marine runs back to cover
>first marine died, second marine barely lived but is permanently disabled
excellent example of what not to do in a firefight

Cripple one person, wait for someone to appear to carry them away, shoot them, rinse and repeat. Got very popular in the balkans and as long as it's not a first responder it's not a war crime. The US commonly does something similiar with artillery and drone strikes -> shoot something with low impact -> wait for people to gather around in confusion or to grab shit -> fire for effect.

They are based baning videogames is the only solution of preveting man becoming basedboys and trannys faggots

I just find it hilarious that these fucking mudslimes are invading everyone trying to stir shit, raping people, changing laws and then you have both the right and left wingers trying to find why they are okay and even claim they are good

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A lot went wrong.
The first major mistake was the US not being able to pick firm positions and targets as well as betray Turkey. When Russia showed up helping Assad. The US dragged their feet on eliminating Daesh pockets. Then, due to Turkey seeing the US as a threat starting actively fucking with US in an attempt to make thing worse. They succeeded and now the US fully eliminated the Daesh pocket. Only for the Kurds to repress the Arab majority and be extremely corrupt at all levels of the government thus preventing any sort of progress towards stability. TL;DR, the US had no long term plans.

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ah yes clearly video games are the cause of violence in the middle east

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