ITT: times where you witnessed something vidya you love that went to shit/died
>Tribes: Ascend
ITT: times where you witnessed something vidya you love that went to shit/died
Other urls found in this thread:
>Marvel Infinite
>Dead Space
The Mario all Stars soulless remake
Pokemon ORAS
>Tribes: Ascend
I'm still mad.
>>Tribes: Ascend
You don't mourn alone
>dota before 7.00
I know it's ASSFAGGOTS but still.
Team Fortress 2
Paper Mario
World of Warcraft. Both the Internet and Blizzard changed.
>The Deliberate sabotage on EA's behalf in an attempt to milk a fourth title.
WoW literally killed MMOrpgs and was never good. You won't be able to restore the feeling of the earlier days even with """vanilla"""" WoW unless you substance some brain damage and forget it.
>mass effect
The Command & Conquer series.
Call of Duty post Black Ops 1
Silent Hill post 4: The Room
Resident Evil post 3
recent resident evils are good
Fucking this
I agree, it's coming back.
>the sims
>There will never be another good CoD by Treyarch in the Spirit of WaW, Blops or Blops 2
I'll agree to everything but resident evil. Fuck off contrarian 4, 7 and 2 remake were sold
The community for Jedi Outcast and Academy fucked the games into the dirt.
At least 3 keeps the theme pretty intact. 2 is all over the place with everything from medusa to flying anime knights to jabba the hutt. Fuck DaS2
>tanking went from unique blocking and aggro management to dps but from the front
>healing went from challenging support role to lock on healing every 30 seconds plus dps
>dps went from having to deal with your limited skillset to do mechanics and deal damage without getting killed to repeat basic rotation unless you need to get out of the glowing aoe
>before you had to learn attack range, timing and hitboxes, now there's glowing indicators for everything
>progression went from needing skill to clear hard dungeons to farming dailies for slightly bigger numbers
>would now be P2W if EME weren't such jews
Quake's next unless Carmack comes back and does incredibly illegal judo moves on syncerror and todd.
Don't get me wrong I love 3 and even 2 to some degree. But the way they butchered lore and unity (even so it is unfinished) of 1, it just makes me sad.
Any MGS after 3 is bad, except Ground Zeroes.
How much work did it take to make this into a metal gear solid reference lol
I hate how they butchered warrior tanking. It used to be unique in being purely a dodge and mitigation tank that required top skill to just working like lancer
3 was the best one
>Mass Effect
>Command & Conquer
>Heroes of the Storm
One of the few autism compilations I wholeheartedly agree with.
How old are you?
Global Agenda.
pre-shitty RPG AC games
We need a Manhunt 3.
Monday Night Combat
Such potential only to be ruined by the sequel's misguided attempt at going full MOBA
alright think you can handle this anons?
>a few tracks in Mario Kart 8, 200cc
>that godawful WiiU carnival game
Silent Hill, and they just keep kicking it
this entire series
>Evolve trainwreck
>DmC (thank God based Itsuno saved us)
>Resident Evil post 5
Dawn of War
Crysis 1 has aged poorly. Too many bugs.
They fucked SimCity up. Cities Skylines is great alternative IP to the shit SimCity (2013) but there's something special missing.
>MNC comes out
>People love it
>Uber announces more updates and content for game are coming
>Microsoft's policy at the time dictated that devs would be charged for any patches they release, and DLC can't be free
>Uber ends up just releasing the Spunky Cola Special DLC since it was already close to being done, but opt not to release further DLC because they didn't want to charge for it
>Super MNC comes out years later
>Dies within a year
It hurts
Sometimes I kind of wish it died as intended
I LOVED Gotham City Impostors. I was able to convince 6 friends to buy it too. However it got kind of Pay-to-win with the Electro Ball weapon or whatever, and Crime Alley's upper ledge became notorious for camping because the megaphone combined with the health pack made people impossible to kill in such a small area
Update turned it into gay CS:Western and it used to be such a unique game.
Came here to post this.
I miss Paragon
i feel ya
Blops' and Blops 2's story had no business being as entertaining as it was. I still play through the campaign every so often. Favorite mission is Karma in Blops 2, and Vorkuta in Blops 1.
Gaming as a whole.
Red Orchestra 1
Me too bro.
Still mad.
based f-zero bro
>inb4 just buy fast racing neo/r-whatever
it's a fun game until the aliens
Saint's Row.
>in b4 tasteless retards start defending allstars
Always blows my mind
Hitman Absolution
To be fair, tm is pretty alright.
fuck why couldn't V be more like ground zeroes
>Team Fortress 2
Fuck man, the community used to be so good too.
Spiral knights
>Paper Mario
>Mass Effect
In my suffering, Crash Bandicoot is my only comfort.
Need one of these with Rainbow Six 3 turned into Siege
>Work on a new PoP game
>Ditch the idea and just rewrite the plot
>Completly abandon PoP
Really all the Tom Clancy games desu
NEver played the others but that mission in Hong Kong in 1 was great.
Smash Brothers adding an animuwaifu character and too many "human with sword" characters. Such a waste.
>path of exile
>Crysis 1
>Ends when you expect the violence to escalate
>Crysis 2
>Continues when you expect it to end.
I witnessed how Dungeon Keeper died as EA killed Bullfrog.
Years later, after the wound had healed, I witnessed EA digging up Bullfrog's corpse and kill it some more.
I was expecting shit when Bethesda bought the IP but if only I knew how bad it was really gonna get.
this entire series
5 minutes into crysis 2 and i wanted it to be over already
>any Crash after Bash and before N Sane
Only 1 was a bad remake. 16 bits is amazing.
The time I learned that EA didn't let BioWare make KOTOR 3 so that they could shill their micro-transaction infested garbo.
I haven't played 3 yet, but 2 was solid imo. It took me awhile to get used to the faster paced gameplay because before I would just tech 2 just about everything on Dark Crusade before playing progressively.
This entire series is a tech demo.
speaking of Star Wars
>90% done before it got cancelled for Star Wars kinect
Ground Zeroes is literally a cut level from the phantom pain. It would have been a flashback for Big Boss during the chopper ride back from rescuing miller, it's fairly obvious in-game since it just does an ultra lazy re-cap while flashing images from ground zeroes in that MGS4 style
God bless that user who leaked it
Every franchise I like.
Tribes deserved to die, holy shit that game was stupid
>make a cool Halo-esque FPS with huge open world maps
>add awesome jetpacks and weapons
>fuck it up with terrible physics that let players go a million miles an hour, making them impossible to shoot or catch up to when they take your flag
God the FUCKING irony that this time people would be fucking ecstatic if Battlefront 3 got cancelled
Had you not played all those games to death on the NES by the time All-Stars came out?
Tabula Rasa. NCSoft needs a one way ticket to the hell where people are skinned alive.
even with its troubled development and stunted depth it was still more fun than any other MOBA to me. The simplicity was actually kind of refreshing because you didn't have to be totally autistic to grasp the meta
>hey we managed to make a sandbox game that captivated a unique audience with its setting and gameplay
>lets NOT make a direct sequel
>instead make a shit MMO that wont live beyond Beta
i fucking hate Square Enix
Let's be fair, Shattered Horizon was a playable techdemo from the getgo.
I don't see why back to fronts were a problem, they kept matches from stalemating forever.
Designing the game around CTF was dumb anyways.
>Need For Speed
>Golden Sun
>Final Fantasy
>Dawn of War
>Empire Earth
>Guild Wars
Tribes were destroyed by Yea Forums. The game was comfy until you assholes poured in with muh reddit victory. It brought more anons and more redditors who screamed what they would like to see in game. Devs added that shit, of course no one bought it and game died in like 4 months.
I was having so much fun until demoman update. It's at that time game went full retard with lootboxes and special offers for retards. I remember uninstalling game later when I saw soldier with katana and thought 'how could it be made even worse? ' then f2p happened. Fuck valve
>When presenting the concept of the game one of the higer-ups kept asking where chewbacca and yoda were.
fucking retards thought people wouldn't be interested in a star wars game that doesn't have yoga, luke or any of the other film characters.
>tfw we will never get a good Castlevania game ever again
yeah reddit and Yea Forums were begging for them to make the game pay2win
the worst part is that there are no anons that understand my pain, maniaplanet was a mistake
Pc game when steam came. Fuck fat man and laughing Tom sweeney dabbing all over his fat fuck
Mario Party
Literally any series made by Intelligent Systems, because they've all gone to shit or stopped being made. Paper Mario and Fire Emblem in particular
Good old Tom Sweeney
>"Star Wars Galaxies"
Still, to this day, I am heartbroken. I don't care if it lacked "content". I had a community of 20-30 friends who ran a town, made our own fun, and basically "lived" in the Star Wars universe. 2 years of fun, friendship, and countless nights going hunting and setting up harvesters. All thrown away for Smedley and SOE to chase WoW's success.
>Guild Wars
What were they thinking
they weren't
I hear ya. Game spawned so many huge communities that were so big they were producing their own maps, mods and even server plugins for new gamemodes. Some ran their own imageboards and forums that produced tons of content.
The first few item updates were okayish but then it just went to hell where they kept fucking up the balance and decided to cater not to people who want to play the game but more the dipshits who just want to show off their stupid items with particle vomit everywhere. Remember how a core part of the design was silhouette readability and solid class counters?
Then all the piled on cosmetic shit wrecked that and then you had items that fundamentally changed class roles to the point where everything was an absolute mess. Then the additional item trading and other UI clutter that became the main focus.
Matchmaking also killed off a ton of the good community servers.
The entire mmo genre. Pre Fuck off zoomer before some child claims they were all bad.
it feels like all computer games now. when i was little we were quite poor, and i had an atrai 2600 and then a master system, and i'd save up pocket and birthday money and buy a game, but i wouldn't know which games were 'good' or 'bad' because i couldnt afford games magazines or whatever, and i would play the game and enjoy it.
Then when i was a bit older and i worked i'd get all the consoles and everything i could afford and play games and feel happy.
Now i am even older, i still buy things, but they just sit there collecting dust because i don't have the capacity for fun anymore. And games don't feel fun, those that are supposed to be just feel gimmicky, and those without gimmicks, just feel like a slog.
Paragon died for Fortshite.
Worst timeline
V played much better. fact the only reason people "hold" gz higher is because they didnt experience the disappointment
>ywn play Blockland during its peak again
godfather was super boring
You can still play the original stadium user.
Hell I do recall there's still a few good servers alive.
user... i'm a unitedfag
most of the united servers are either dead or out of my ladderpoints range
Lets take this pc exclusive and turn it into our COD cash cow!
>sequels become console port dumbed down garbage
no one fell for it
Sorry user it died years ago, but you can find stadium for dirt cheap somewhere
>there will never be a 1999 game
Maybe there will be a Netflix anime?
>bitching about fast
Unironically git gud, people like you are the reason they added the speed cap to Ascend which was one of the first major fuckups that ruined the game.