ITT: Blunders everyone forgot

ITT: Blunders everyone forgot

Attached: The-Order-1886-Reveal-1.jpg (1920x1080, 243K)

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you and your mom

I remember it. Pretty fun for a short cinematic game. What's the problem

I've been here for a whole fucking year and literally everyone on Yea Forums loves it.

The fuck are you talking about?

I didn't forget it. I still haven't played it yet, I keep my eye out for it used. This and The Evil Within 1 and 2.

It's a shame that lots of fun lore gets thrown away because the devs can't make a good game for shit

>admitting to be a zoomer mongoloid electionfag -2
Fucking wow, no shame on this board anymore.

It's actually better than many mongs here say. Still supbar and wasted potential anyway

Attached: The_Order_1886_20171113160452.webm (1920x800, 2.89M)

>The Order is now a cult classic on Yea Forums
This place really is contrarian city

I miss the "cinematic" threads

The Order is a pretty nostalgic and beautiful game. Not forgotten and not a blunder.

It blows my mind they took the subject of immortal knights of the round table with Tesla in tow fighting werewolves and vampires and made it boring as shit

>the subject of immortal knights of the round table with Tesla in tow fighting werewolves and vampires
>made it boring as shit

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>picked up because I confused it with the other Area 51 (which is now freeware lol)
>install it
>it crashes on menu every time
and that was the end of Blacksite for me

You dodged a bullet believe me.

the slaughter of a great series
Command & Conquer 4: Tiberian Twilight

>fighting vampires
no John

Pretty much every xbox one game fits the thread except for forza series.

Attached: Gears of War 4.jpg (720x1080, 284K)

I have never seen someone speak positively about this game here

That's right.

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It was way too safe for a soft reboot but still a solid enough game. Gears 5 looks far more amibitous.

Was there even a single noteworthy xbox title this gen?

Oh, I remember this one OP. This game is what introduced me to El Risitas

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