Unexplained Sekiro lore mysteries. Does anyone on Yea Forums have the answer?

>who is roberto and why does he send giant haunted suits of armor to attack you? (cut boss? dlc maybe?)
>what's the deal with the centipedes?
>why is the chief monk of the temple dead in a cave if he founded the second-rate monk immortality scheme?
>why is the corrupted monk in the fountainhead?
>mist nobles????????????????
>why doesn't isshin just slap genichiro's shit?
>who the HELL was the tengu ninja?

share your thoughts before vaatishillya plagarises them for a video

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Other urls found in this thread:

>who the HELL was the tengu ninja?
Based retard

>who is roberto and why does he send giant haunted suits of armor to attack you? (cut boss? dlc maybe?)

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who was it then smartass


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id guess chief monk is dead because he found a way to revert it and the others didn’t want it to get out maybe?

Brainlet thread?
Brainlet thread.

mist nobles are people that drank the affected water, you see it in the house with the secret door underneath. you bring him the water and he turns into one when you come back after resting.

Back to your #1500 Yea Forums general.

I missed that in game, I'll have to go back and check it out. thanks man

Is this the brainlet general /bg/

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Nigger, Roberto is the Knight’s son. He was protecting the water, because his son is sick and dying. He was hoping to bring the water to his dying son to cure him.

Did you completely ignore his dialogue throughout the fight?

This whole thread is retarded. They aren’t mysteries if YOU weren’t paying attention

Tengu is Isshin i don't know the rest

so why attack sekiro? why would sekiro give a shit if some dude wanted to drink the water? he was passing through, not looking to hog all the divine water.

how do you know that

because by that point you had mowed through dozens of monks and he was likely guarding the bridge at the behest of the monks so his son could get treated.

Unfortunately his son was already dead.

If you won't give him rat quest back before he disappears, Isshin gives you the reward instead, and i'm pretty sure he mentioned it was him

Here Vaati, I'll do your homework for you:

>who is roberto and why does he send giant
Roberto is the son of the GiantDad, the Firecrackers you can buy were sold by him and his dad to make money for their trip. The dad made a deal with the monks to protect the bridge to the main hall if they gave the water to his dying son.
>what's the deal with the centipedes?
Japanese Yokai, Ōmukade, they were one of the ways of achieving immortality (Dragon's Blood and SCIENCE by Doujun)
>why is the chief monk of the temple dead in a cave if he founded the second-rate monk immortality scheme?
Monks became corrupted and he isolated himself in a cave (hermit, probably) to meditate and remove himself, he could be alive since if you hit him he still bleeds.
>why is the corrupted monk in the fountainhead?
Read the description of the Memory, she reached the Fountainhead looking for immortality and was placed on the bridge as an eternal guardian
>mist nobles
Heian Era nobles who removed themselves from the world and gave into decadence
>why doesn't isshin just slap genichiro's shit?
He probably would've if you didn't do his job for him, at that point of the game Isshin is just fine with drinking sake
>who the HELL was the tengu ninja?
Bait, but in case it's not, you have to be legitimately retarded to not figure this one out

There's no real hidden lore in this game, everything is presented by the NPCs, just don't skip the dialogues.

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interesting theories

Hi Vaati, why the fuck Isshin popped out of Genichiro ass, this is too fucked up. Please elaborate

Black Mortal Blade lets you summon people from the underworld

and here we see the wild vaati not-so-subtly leeching from the work and thoughts of others

Wasn't the immortality perfected by Dogen before he died?
Emma also mentioned there being an epidemic of dragonrot in the past, was the implication that Tomoe died numerous times? Possibly trying to find a way to kill herself permanently.

Ok thx
But why did he want to kill us?

his son also was the one that made the firecrackers

centipedes are considered dirty and evil in japanese lore. the bloodborne theory has some hold as the vermin are centipedes and it talks of a man from the far east dealing with infestation or something along those lines.
pay attention to the surroundings of places and use eavesdrop.

>>how do you know that
He calls you Sekiro (which is the name the Tengu gave you) and the tengu mask and hay mantle is hanging in his room when you go there after killing Genshiro

They say that Dogen stole disciples from "Dosaku" who, the game implies, was Doujun all along (split personality, schizophrenia, etc) due to the latter having really inhumane practices. If Dogen did, that's basically another school and he kept it for himself.
The game also implies that what's happening right now kinda happened in the past as well, call it a cycle (if you look at the Sculptor ending it makes even more sense) with Takeru trying to sever immortality and Tomoe protecting him and looking for ways to help him achieve this. In the end he might've just managed to kill himself and the 'curse' was simply passed down to Kuro.
The Black Mortal Blade opened a gate to the underworld using Genichiro's body, Isshin simply came out looking for a fight (which is the only thing he loves more than sake) with Sekiro in both their primes, and also to give a hand to his grandchild.
You can literally see the Tengu costume behind Isshin. Stop pretending to be retarded, user.

>The crazy dude with the mask
>The old fuck who sits in the tower with Emma
>The final boss
>All the same old fag

I swear I'm just a moron who didn't notice any of this.

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where was his son's body?

Is Kuro a descendant of Lord Takeru or does he just happen to be a random kid who inherited the dragon's blood? I don't recall them talking about his family much, aside from him being some sort of royalty.

It's never explained but can be theorized to just jump around, otherwise they would've mentioned Takeru and Kuro being related somehow. The only mention of Kuro's parentage is him crying to Papa and Mama at some point (eavesdrop iirc) and one of the ghost memories where Genichiro tells him they haven't seen each other since Kuro's uncle's funeral.
Kuro is from the Hirata family and Takeru is said to have come from the West, so that difficults some sort of blood relation somewhat.

Divine child is Roberto. Rice is made from his cum. Proof me wrong.

>>mist nobles????????????????

Got me there

more questions

>who is tomoe?
>why does isshin come from the underworld if he was chilling in the castle a few minutes ago?
>who the fuck are these red shirt interior niggers?

Is this whole tengu not being isshin a dubfag issue? because even if you are a brainlet they have the same voice in the jap dialog

tossed in some mass grave with all the others. You see all the little statues lining the paths? Those are Jizo statues. Every one of those is a dead child

Why is he called "Sword Saint Isshin" When he pulls out a lightning spear and a gun as soon as he gets his ass kicked even a little bit?

Tomoe was another skilled shinobi who served Lord Takeru. Takeru previously held the dragon's bloodline and gave her immortality as well, just as Kuro does for Wolf. She's presumably the corpse you find in the purple cave right before fighting the Divine Dragon.
He just wants a good fight.
The ministry of the interior was at odds with Ashina and the game takes place over the course of the day that they decide to take Ashina castle.

>>who is tomoe?
female samurai from japanese legend
>>why does isshin come from the underworld if he was chilling in the castle a few minutes ago?
He dead, he's dead when you get back
>>who the fuck are these red shirt interior niggers?
Judging by the Mon, Tokugawa.

Here's an actual question: why do the purple ninjas all cut their left arm? It happened to the sculptor because he was becoming a Shura and Isshin stopped him, and it happened to you because Genichiro cut it. But that's it, it's not something required to become powerful or immortal, it's just a disability.

Also because the mortal blade imparts will as well. Isshin had no real reason to fight you but was called by genichiro and thus inherited some of his reasoning to want to defeat sekiro. He has free will but is bound by the initial reason he was called.

Reusable models.

>cutscene shows sekiro getting stabbed after beating lady butterfly
>never shows you who did it


They say his name about 50 times and he constantly talks to you

Isshin is dead by the time you get past the divine dragon

but they have 2 arms.....they just hide the other arm under their capes...

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Look at the size of the sword and think about who else is in that room.

Give me a logical reason why headless pulls your butthole out. I know there's historical lore to back it up but I mean in your mind, what does headless do with all the buttholes on his day off???

just reached sword saint. I give up now, I'll watch the end on youtube and move on with my life.

This, they have both arms, they just use 1 to fight since they also rely on kick combos. Only 1 of the lone shadows has 1 arm.

Are the Divine Children actually children? Or do they not age because of the immortality?

hey you can be a master at chess and still play checkers

Literally in his first conversation with you in his room, he makes it plain as day he was the tengu
For fucks sake the tengu outfit is hanging on his wall
He's also the only guy who called you "Sekiro"

I read somewhere that in japanese lore your soul is somewhere near your ass

sekiros lore is really bad.

The Japanese folklore behind it is that your soul is an orb stuffed up inside your butthole. He's not stealing your butthole, he's stealing your soul.
They're both children. Kuro is still young, but Takeru aged normally. Rice girl is just the only of the young children at the temple that survived the process to turn into a divine child.

>>who is roberto and why does he send giant haunted suits of armor to attack you?

> Word of immortality has sent many people on a quest to find shit, he was obviously a foreigner trying to save his son. Nothing more, nothing less.

>>what's the deal with the centipedes?

The walmart brand dragon blood is actually a curse brought by centipedes, it's a parasite that keeps the host alive even if they die. However, they tend to slowly lose their mind and go insane.

>>why is the chief monk of the temple dead in a cave if he founded the second-rate monk immortality scheme?

> He may have found it, but was obviously looking for a way to revert it, the other monks probably didn't want to have it reversed.

>>why is the corrupted monk in the fountainhead?

It seems that mortals end up in fountain head with the hopes of becoming an immortal too by praying to the dragon. The corrupted monk was probably the most pious, and thus he ended up there, even if he was corrupted by the walmart brand dragon blood.

>>mist nobles????????????????

> Slaves to the dragon, given imortality through a lie. People want to become a mist noble because they think it will make them a diety, however those who become a mist noble seem to be trapped in their own curse in way to serve the dragon.

>>why doesn't isshin just slap genichiro's shit?

> He was sick, but also he cares somewhat for his grandson.

>>who the HELL was the tengu ninja?

Who the hell is the guy in the last question.

>steals butthole
>suddenly can no longer poop
>die in a giant shit explosion
Headless is playing the long game.

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>The walmart brand dragon blood is actually a curse brought by centipedes
> Slaves to the dragon
source: your ass

Japanese folklore thing, the soul is in the guts/kidneys. He's reaching into your butt to rip out your life

To make you hesitate due to confusion.

Fun fact, that Spear is the one that belongs to the Samurai general he kills in the prologue. He's snatching the weapon of his fallen enemy out of the ground.

I had to turtle him. It was my only way honestly. Just baited his jump attack and got in one strike. It was slow but isshin was driving me up a wall and I didnt care anymore. Glad as fuck cause all the satisfaction is a nice motivator for NG+

Why not just wait until Vaati loots all the info off reddit and explains five minutes of content in half an hour?

Why was Wolf locked down in the well? That wasn't the basement of the Hirata estate and he was just laying down there the whole time, right?

nice touch

you guys realize you can talk to that monk if you go to senpou as early as possible
hes sitting there infront of the chalice that takes you to the folding screen monkeys
he lores you up and gives you that page so you dont have to retrieve it from the cave after

>Why was Wolf locked down in the well?
genuine plot hole, there's clearly some stuff that was cut. There always is in FROM games - snippets of dialogue that make no sense, left out characters and plot threads.

I talked to him but didn't get the page sadly, you have to beat Genichiro but not talk to Kuro I think.

Not that one, the other in the cave. The one you are talking about dropt the book in a lake, not in the cave.

He's causing you confusion with his weapons and his name. You now hesitated and have be subsequently defeated

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>sculptor left arm removed to stop shura
>sekiro left arm removed to attempt stopping shura?

shura is a demon, a beast like thing that only wants to kill

guys, do you remember of any beast like plague that spreads from a particular limb?

are you retarded

He wasn't locked down there, he was shamed from losing his lord. He crawled into a hole solely to die.

They throw the shurikens with the hidden arm, which is a reasoning as to why they hide it in the first place, you're going to be focused on the sword hand in a fight.
He can be a Sword Saint, a Pistol Patron and a Spear Senpai all at the same time.
It might or might not be, since he gave that spear to Gyobu Masataka Oniwa when his broke (read up the lore on Gyobu and the Spear Tool).

Who else has a sephitoth tier sword in this game user. Really think hard here. I believe in you

ooooh i thought it was the same dude in the cave for some reason
my bad my blunder

Roberto is a meme. It’s Robert.

The armor looks spanish/portuguese, Roberto makes more sense.

If you're too retarded to figure it out just by looking at him you dont deserve an answer.

I figured that would be elaborated upon, it seems like he should have been by Kuro's side the whole time. I believe it said the Hirata estate thing happened 3 years ago when you go into it, which is kind of a large time gap.
That's not the same monk, there's a body in a purple robe in the same spot you get the text from later, it just doesn't have anything until after you get far enough in the quest.
The purple ninja miniboss that fights the same as the ministry ninjas said he heard of an immortal shinobi locked in the well. Owl also told Wolf to guard Kuro in the opening cinematic. Was Kuro just sitting in that tower for three years just down the road from Wolf's well?

>he could be alive since if you hit him he still bleeds.
It's not the same effect, and it has to be a vertical swipe. Horizontal slashes don't cause the effect to show up, which makes me think it might just be a glitch.

Do you have any facts or evidence to back that up? All we know is that Robert’s father came “from far across seas to the south” of Japan.

The kanji is just "robart".

I figured it was owl but it doesn’t make sense why it would be owl

>who is roberto and why does he send giant haunted suits of armor to attack you? (cut boss? dlc maybe?)

Yea Forums idiots general

His helmet looks Iberian in design and he's clearly western. There's no stated proof, but it's pretty obvious.

Based brainlet

He shot all the people claiming he wasn't Sword Saint

Nothing about Owl and his betrayal made any sense in this game, but it was him.

It is Owl. Do his optional boss fight and it'll make more sense. Good job for figuring it out. I don't mean that sarcastically either.

Its obviously a reference to the very few foreigners who came during that era into Japan. Probably a Portuguese man, user.

He is indeed clearly Western, but claiming the name is actually “Roberto” and not “Robert” is the meme. As far as I can see there’s no evidence to support that.

The issue is that FromSoft didn't do the translations and localisation for the game, so there's a lot of debate on how certain things are interpreted from japanese to english.

There's an ending that makes it explicit the killer is Owl

As for WHY he betrays you, Shura Ending explains it

It's both, they're the same fucking name, why can people not get this? Robert is Roberto, they're the same fucking name, he's Portugese, Roberto is their Robert. Jesus christ.

So was the Corrupted Monk Chinese?

What if Wolf died that night Genichiro cut off his arm off and everything was a dream??
But hey that's just a theory.
A Game Theory

See It’s a meme. It caught on and people parroted it.

The "far across seas to the south" probably references the so called "east indies": Philippines, Guam, etc. that at the time were under spanish control.


>she presumably the corpse in the purple cave
What makes you say that?

No, his betrayal makes no sense at all. There's no reason for him to slay Wolf either, especially since he, later on, decides to try and use the Iron Code to make Wolf forsake Kuro. He could have just tried doing that at Hirata three years prior instead of stabbing Wolf in the back for no reason. Nothing explains his taking of the branch from the Everblossom either.

When you fight Genichiro in the tutorial, he's able to take off Wolf's arm. No other enemy is able to any sort of lasting bodily harm to Wolf. What's up with this?

The japanese voiceover clearly says Roberto.

Yeah, or he's NOT Portuguese, in which case their Roberto is Robert.

There is no kanji for "robart" it would have to be a kana, but there's also no way to write the "rt" sound with kana. This is how I know you are talking out of your ass.

Because that's how japs talk

Anyone sailing to Japan would've approached from the South.

It was Isshin dumbass

"Robaat" you fucking faggot, Christ. Go look at the firecracker description in the japanese version of the game.

Then people are just using the name they heard playing the game with the intended language enabled. Doesn't mean they're in on a meme about random bridge boss' name

He wanted to become immortal and rule the country. It's pretty fucking clear. he tries to get Wolf to betray Kuro later on when his plans fall apart.

>Hirata were allies/neighbors of Ashina
>Genichiro has Owl stage the raid so they can kidnap Kuro
>Wolf comes back and fucks it up
>Owl fakes his death and then backstabs Wolf
>3 years later
>Wolf has no memory and is laying in a well
There's a plothole gap, but Owls motivations are pretty basic. he wants to be immortal and rule the country. So he works with Genichiro until it's convenient for him to betray him.

>is Sekiro the most KINO FromSoft game?

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Post the actual kana they use.

>He wanted to become immortal and rule the country. It's pretty fucking clear.
Yes, I know this. I never stated otherwise. I said the way he goes about it makes no sense. There's no logical reason for him to kill Wolf at Hirata.

When did Kingfisher die?
How much time past between her death and the Sculptor finding Emma?
How old was Emma when the Sculptor found her?
How long was Emma with him before being adopted by Dogen?
When did Dogen die?
When did Isshin take Emma in?

The game never says any of this, so no one knows.

Probably didn't think Wolf would go along with it

>When did Kingfisher die?
>How much time past between her death and the Sculptor finding Emma?
>How old was Emma when the Sculptor found her?
>How long was Emma with him before being adopted by Dogen?
>When did Isshin take Emma in
Never made clear/elaborated on

>When did Dogen die?
He is never explicitly stated to be dead

He believes Wolf won't forsake his master, he needs a fallguy, he was trying to clean up the mess after Sekiro beat Lady butterfly and Kuro ran off so he backstabs him but can't find Kuro. There's a good few workable explanations

>fight that armored dude on that bridge
>finally getting a feel for his sword pattern
>get my first killing blow in
>he just happens to be standing near a hole in the wall he made
>nigga fucking falls to his death ending the fight
Was not expecting that.

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He wasn't supposed to. Lady Butterfly was ment to kill Wolf, but she failed.

He may have predicted that Kuro would resurrect Wolf, who would then follow the Iron Code and be an unkillable soldier for him.

So then why did he even bother doing it 3 years after the fact? The point is that he logically shouldn't have even done that at that point. It makes more sense to try and pull him away from Kuro earlier rather than later.

That says Robato.

congrats you lucked into literally the only way to kill him

Not even close to Bloodborne.

Proofs? Just wondering.

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uh, read the text? how else would you prove how a word is read other than reading it? dumbass

>wow this story is so deep
no, story is just bad and has tons of plot holes

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He obviously means a screenshot.

I don't have the jp version, dumb ass. I'm just wanted the image since you tard munchers were bickering about it so much.

robert fags BTFO
spanish knight CONFIRMED

His plan had just went to shit when Wolf killed Butterfly, he probably made a snap judgement call and then 3 years later tried to convince him to follow the iron code because he had time to think and also didn't blindside him this time

Thank you, I understand completely now

>Playing Sekiro with my friend watching
>fight this boss
>get killing blow and he doesn’t die
>friend says try pushing him off the edge
>get second killing blow but he’s not close enough to the edge
>boss says “trying to knock me off huh”
>shit he knows

I wish after that the boss just became impossible until the next attempt.

There is literally no way in Japanese to say "Robert". This is the closest they can get.

is this bait? no one is this stupid.

>Emma is voiced by the same VA as Josuke's mom

>literally every area of the game has a theme of immortality corrupting them and ruining them
>Wolf and Kuro aren't even from Ashina

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>ninjas mask and grass cloak can be seen hanging on the wall in Isshin's room
>ninja gives you the name Sekiro, which Isshin uses later
Your a retard

>Genichiro is voiced by the guy who did Kaiba from Yu-Gi-Oh
No wonder he sounded familiar

Kuro belongs to a branch of the Ashina royalty, and you can literally see the Hirata Estate from other places on the map you fucking retard

>Your a retard

shut up IDIOT

There is. He wanted to replace Wolf. You can't force the divine child into anything without the mortal blade so he was hoping to get on his good side probably.

Isn't Hirata it's own clan that was later subjugated by Ashina?

Actual unexplained mystery here:

How are we supposed to believe Sekiro is a highly intelligent master shinobi who realises Emma is trained in swordplay just by looking at her, yet doesn't notice that Emma lusts after him and wants nothing more than the ol' mating press?
This is an especially egregious plot hole since Sekiro's apparent motto is "Do what must be done", and Emma, clearly, must be done.

It just does not add up. Yet another FROM game ruined by incoherent plot.

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This is what happened to me on my first playthrough

Sekiro is in a loving monogamous relationship with Kuro, he'd never cheat on his young lord.

Please don't @ me if you're a pedophile.
You will be blocked and reported.
This is your last warning.

You are really bad at choosing images for this. I don't care about which game is more "kino" but the images on the BB collage are 100x better than this one. No pic of the strawman but fucking two images of Sekiro just standing there holding a sword? Why a picture of Isshin just standing there and not when his fucking arm pops out of Genichiro? Awful.

Anyone tried this game with Nippon voiceover yet? How's it feel?

Wolf isn't interested in Emma at all. He's only into cute boys like Kuro.

Why would you play it any other way?
Are burger ears really this sensitive to non-mutt voices?

Yeah, everyone with a brain played it with the default language.

Then explain rice loli

>why is the chief monk of the temple dead in a cave if he founded the second-rate monk immortality scheme?
He probably wasn't infested or the experiment failed on him, we don't know the details except that he's completely dead.

He's also not interested in her. He gives her the cold shoulder all game long.

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emma is unattractive to anybody with taste. sekiro is a canon shotacon who wants to be with kuro.

>Why would you play it any other way?
>Are burger ears really this sensitive to non-mutt voices?
I like to hear the characters talk shit to eachother during battle and not distracting myself with reading subtitles in battle.
How do you cope?.

Keep it down, kid

lmao at your life. burger

Any other Zen mfs In this thread? Perhaps I’m the retard, but is the Dogen in the game also Dogen who founded the Soto branch?

Who was that bad bitch at the Dragon Sanctuary?

>people think it's actually Robert
lol you probably think there's actually a dude called giraffe in the game too

Sekiro has severe autism, that's why. Look at how he talks to people

My footwife.

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Sekiro has Sword Autism. Consider who he was raised by and what kind of childhood he had.

Also I don't think Emma really wants Sekiro's dick.

This is what happens when Yea Forums is filled with lets play watchers.

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The Shrine Maiden

>sculptor dissappeared
>ricegirl dissapeared
>cant find this "2nd Owl"
>smug ape meme shows a third brown ape
Whatd I miss?


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>third ape

Ricegirl (it's centipede eggs btw) is in the folding monkey dimension. Brown ape is in the circular arena behind the poison pool. You'll find sculptor later on if you explore Ashina Outskirts. You missed 2nd Owl.

Sekiro is a manlet and has autism, his only chance is luring/tricking a small male child to have sex with him

What is the deal with all the samurai attacking me as I'm heading up the castle the first time? Why doesn't the old man have any control over these soldiers?

Why are they still attacking me near the end of the game?


>demon of hatred throws four undodgable fireballs at you and kills you

How many times must you beat the game to unlock the mating press Emma ending?

>(it's centipede eggs btw)
it's not centipede eggs, stop pushing your stupid meme
Isshin isn't in charge anymore

Oh shit, I thought this was an ironic lore thread. What his Yea Forums be become?

>who is roberto and why does he send giant haunted suits of armor to attack you? (cut boss? dlc maybe?)
An allusion to when spain almost conquered japan you fucking retard. Do you not know history? Imagine if they did, it'd would be the Philippines 2.0.

Nigga you're too stupid for your own good.

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bruh what's the source on this

I couldn't give the sculptor tea/drinks past the point where he reveals he used to hang out in the sunken valley with a partner ninja.

Why does he suddenly become demon of hatred. he doesn't seem too angry to me. What lore am i missing out on?

Nigga use your brain and think about what he said, and perhaps take a good look at your finger whistle.

It never happens. Sekiro is a canon homosexual, he has no interest in her.

it's centipede eggs, it's the most logical explanation.

It's definitely the same spear. One of the prongs in even broke, which is what we made into our spear prosthetic.

>demon of hatred
figuratively impossible

Okay, so Sekiro is canonically the strongest person that has ever existed by the end of the game, right?
I wonder how that'll carry over to the sequel

>it's centipede eggs, it's the most logical explanation.
it;'s magic rice. Kuro makes a riceball out of it. Wolf may be so fucking dumb/autistic he couldn't tell the difference between RICE and CENTIPEDE eggs, but I imagine others could.

no he just has infinite life hacks

Sekiro is only strong because he has infinite respawns, same as any of the Dark Souls protags.

So Genechiro has a different immortality than the centipedes, which themselves are different from fishman immortality(?, not even 100% sure they are immortal in the palace)?

He consumed sediments from the fountainhead. so concentrated fishman immortality juice

That women miniboss playing the shamisen behind the Mibu Watermill, what's her deal? Is there any way to not aggro her?

>That women miniboss playing the shamisen behind the Mibu Watermill, what's her deal?
She's a spooks
> Is there any way to not aggro her?

She's vulnerable to Sabimaru the blue poison knife (every female enemy is except the poison pit snake eyes), as well as anything that hurts spooks

Man this thread is full of fucking retards who can't put 2 and 2 together and can't read.

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there's a bug where if you stand behind her and jump on her you can get a deathblow before the fight starts without aggroing her

>I wonder how that'll carry over to the sequel
He's probably still be immortal. Perfect for dealing with the fucked up shit in China during the collapse of the Ming Dynasty.

I imagine the sequel, if it happens, will be like DaS sequels where the story is set in a different place and has different characters.

>Child of Resurrection asks you to deliver special rice to Kuro.
>In japan, a woman saying she'll make rice for a man every day is a marriage proposal.

If you jump on her head you'll knock her without aggroing her allowing to backstab

>"Do what must be done", and Emma, clearly, must be done.

Holy fuck

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>She talks about how he has a good strong name
>later, you make her teen pregnant with Kuro
this is getting weird

The drunkard boss back for revenge

please tell me this is bait.

is it summer already?

Wouldnt it be funny if you could make Kuro pregnant with riceloli? Haha

True mystery: why is Kotaro retarded? I'm sorry "child-like"

Sculptor is the Demon of Hatred

Good to know, thanks. I was hoping she was part of a sidequest or something because you can talk to her normally.

Taro Persimmons makes people huge amd retarded. He's a member of the Taro Troop that are fed these persimmons.

this thread was just made for that faggot to plagiarize all of it, hope he gets murdered

>part of a sidequest.
She is.

Try paying attention and reading item descriptions. 80% of the shit you're asking is explained in one form or another.

>Robert was a western kid, see firecracker description. Suit of armor isn't haunted, it's just his dad protecting him. Roberto was one of the children the monks attempted to make immortal. He's probably dead since only rice loli survived.
>centipedes are another form of immortality, though an evil one in wapanese folklore
>Chief monk is regretful of what his temple and monks have become. He tells you this if you go to Senpou before you fight Genichiro. I can't remember why he's dead, maybe suicided
>corrupted monk is literally the guardian of fountainhead temple. First she tries to stop you with a projection at the wedding cave, later you fight the monk to get access to fountainhead
>mist nobles drank from the fountainhead water and this turned them into fish hybrid monstosities. Idk it's magic i aint gotta explain shit.
>isshin is deathly ill and spends his energies killing invading shinobi as Tengu. He also has no wish to see Ginichiro dead really.

>he could be alive since if you hit him he still bleeds.

>Oh shit, is that seriously the mortal blade?
>H-how did this shinobi get his hands on it?
>better play super, super dead
>I didn't meditate in this cave for 1000 years for nothing! Just a little more now!
>Don't react in the slightest, no matter how he slices or hits you! Just play dead!

the armor isn’t haunted, it’s robert’s dad, he was there to find a cure for Robert and got tricked into letting the Senpou monks use his son to experiment with the rejuvenating waters.

>He tells you this
his corpse is already in the cave. are you saying he has two bodies and can be both dead and alive at the same time? kys retardo. post discarded

Not bad

His corpse is not in the cave if you haven't fought Genichiro yet. He sits in the temple, in front of the bell you use to go to the folding screen monkeys.


You can meet him alive before he dies in the cave. I saw several screenshots of an NPC in front of the Buddha in the main hall.

People keep expecting DLC, but how would you even implement that? I don't think I've ever seen an idea for a DLC.

>guy conveniently appears in the temple to give you a book
>also appears in a cave as a corpse to give you a different book and also looks like it's been there a million years
>this takes place in the space of 1 day

NOT the same guy

low effort bait desu

>make fake ass head canon claims and pretend they are fact
>proven wrong

memory bells

The dude is infected with centipedes. He's either still alive and pretending to be dead or he found a way to get rid of the centipedes and would look like a million year corpse.

>would look like a million year corpse.

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Well I missed it. Care to enlighten me?

>this takes place in the span of day
Times is convulted in Ashina. Did you never wonder how Genichiro grew a moustache in the span of a single day? He was almost clean shaved at mid-day and suddenly grew a stache in 12h.

have you tried getting a blood test? sounds like you have low testosterone

He's actually correct. The corpse is in there before you fight Genichiro. I remember because I went there before hand and you can't get the book yet even though the corpse was there. I made not of it because the corpse was certainly placed in a way where you would expect to find an item.

Did you feel anything when merchant and big dumb monk are found dying at the end of the game?

Remember the Samurai at the Ashina Reservoir? Just follow him and find him at different spots until he lies down near the idol where O'rin is

I grow a full beard in the span of two days due my arab genes.

Idea 1: bells, like the one that takes you to Hirata Estate in the past, that take you to different places and time periods, exploring more about the gods, Tomoe, past Divine Heir struggles etc.

Idea 2: you find a location where a blacksmith is using a fragment of the Black Mortal Blade to create a replica. You acquire the replica and kill the Blacksmith with it. It opens a portal to the underworld and you explore it. The False Blade breaks after you use it.

>he didnt save Kotaro

>helping a former looter/bandit
>not reuniting Kotaro with the children
baka desu senpai

Why is it so hard to picture? The game already has optional areas and bosses. It would just be more of those with access to the area placed near the end of the game like in Dark Souls and Bloodborne.

Someone explain the ds3 hand model in the pot and how he turns into carp.

Why would killing great carp affect something in a memory/past?

I couldn't care less about lore.
Sekiro has a great atmosphere and plenty of memorable moments, and those are much more important and impressive to me

time is convoluted

Like someone already said, time and space is convoluted in Ashina.

>He wanted to replace Wolf


The central theme of the game is "stagnation is bad." Spiriting him away isn't saving him by any means. He lives and dies well with the peddler.

I only had 2 choices, sending him to work or sending him to die.

He seemed happy to loot corpses since he was performing some kind of ceremonial rites on them as well.

Yes. There are 2 pot nobles.

I dont know if its on purpose or just game sense. Just like moving from the Reservoir to Sword Saint. Game goes from evening to midnight in a span if a few steps. Genichiro grewing a stache and looking even more haggard etc.

>lilac Umbrella VS Shichimen
Is there a better feeling?

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>haunted suit of armour

Spiriting him away doesnt turn him immortal. He's in the hidden place to take care of the children until he too will die.

okinaga’s flame against red eyed enemies

I literally could not beat them without it. I don't understand how people beat them without it. Even my shitter little brother can do it but I'm just clinically retarded when it comes to those bastards.

Yeah, in a place where he has no chance to move on. He just stagnates. If the experiment dudes didn't exist sending Kotaro to the folding monkey place would be the worst ending for him.

You can stunlock an entire healthbar before he disappears to spam his orbs. At that point its just avoiding shit until he calms down which then its just rinse and repeat again.

>who is roberto and why does he send giant haunted suits of armor to attack you? (cut boss? dlc maybe?)
"Makes a deafening sound, frightening to animals. Sold by little Robert and his father to raise funds for their travels.
Their voyage brought them to Japan, where they would seek the "Undying" in an attempt to extend Robert's life."
>why is the chief monk of the temple dead in a cave if he founded the second-rate monk immortality scheme?
Not all monks are happy with what they've become, duh.
>what's the deal with the centipedes?
>mist nobles????????????????
>why is the corrupted monk in the fountainhead?
Monks and centipedes are somehow connected to fountainhead waters, alhough it's not same type of immortality. Hanbei the immortal apparently has a centipede too.
Doujin in catacombs also tried fountainhead waters on some poor souls, turining them into red-eyes. Red carp eyes have some interestling flavor text too: Carp with only eyes that are red cannot become “masters”.
Not sure why same waters yeild different results. Some subjects don't loose their minds, but commonly they loose their mind in process.
>why doesn't isshin just slap genichiro's shit?
Because he kinda respects his cause, see Mushin esoteric text. And, well, Genichiro is his grandson.
>who the HELL was the tengu ninja?
Isshin, you mong.

Didn't you notice that your divine confetti gets cancelled when you use the umbrella?

Yo why the fuck did Owl cut off the branch? Did his dumb ass really think it'd give him immortality?

>>who the HELL was the tengu ninja?
>Isshin, you mong.
good post until this part. I don't believe it and I won't believe it until someone posts proof that isn't just coincidental

Was Lady Butterfly defending Kuro or part of the invasion?

Sekiro is loyal only to his master and he'd only fuck Emma if Kuro ordered it.

Probably, yes. Owl isn't the sharpest tool in the shed.

>same hair
>same voice
>he gives you Isshins book of secret techniques
>tengu outfit LITERALLY hanging right behind Isshin

>nah bros its totally not him
based retard

Really now? He gives you Mushin esoteric text, there's straw suit and mask in his room.

She was clearly helping Owl or the Retainer you find before wouldnt be that fucked up.

She was probably under Owl, in more ways than one.

Also if Sekiro expent three years sobbing on a pit why Genicuck didnt made any progress making the little shota bleed or why didnt Owl rampaged the whole castle. He was the strongest one except for Isshin who was dying.

Yeah but who needs its a charged up Lilac hit can take away 90 of his posture in one hit

>in more ways than one.

I believe he’s saying they had old people sex.

she was having sexual intercourse with Owl

Her and owl are the strongest ninjas under the same clan and around the same age, do I need to paint you a picture?

let's say, in this hypothetical situation, isshin really was tengu. as retarded a concept as that is, the lead daimyo of the ashina area who is also an old and sick man, is also one of the top 3 ninjas...

let's say it's true. then why do the nightjar ninjas attack you? it just makes no sense. why wouldn't isshin's ninja army leave you alone?

>why Genicuck didnt made any progress making the little shota bleed
Because Genichiro is a fucking loser who Kuro was probably making fun of
>why didnt Owl rampaged the whole castle.
Well Owl may be a fucking idiot but he isn't completely braindead, no one knew he was behind the sack of Hirata so he probably decided to instead gather the Interior Ministry to help him out.

>Also if Sekiro expent three years sobbing on a pit
he didn't, that guy is retarded. you literally see the cutscene where Kuro gives Sekiro the dragon blood gift after he got stabbed at Hirata.

Because he's an asshole battle junkie. I don't think the tengu is considered a ninja tho.

Didn’t Genichiro and Owl want a pact with Kuro? I thought Genichiro only changed plans once Sekiro whomped his ass.

What are the Shichimen Warriors?


They're fucking ghosts, what else do you need to know about those fucks?

The lore behind them.

Ashina traitors that got beheaded. Theres a grave next to the one in the Ashina Reservoir.

they' are the warriors of christmas past back to teach you a lesson

Is there any lore reason why the Headless fucking fist your ass to pull shit out that they shove up their own ass?

Just dudes being dudes
Nothing weird about that

It's not shit, it's a soul ball.

Weird concept of stealing life force. Appareinly it's in your prostate.

Jap mythology says the soul is in the asshole

I just did the fetch quests and now ashina castle is getting attacked.
how much left until the game is over?
I like it but I'm also getting tired of it.

sounds like an excuse to do anal

You’re nearing the end.

you're at the end. only the final boss and 1 optional boss left

The scent from the incense is the scent of the moonlit hunter

i heard some retard say that tengu is isshin and then he pulled up some clearly photoshopped pictures of isshin chilling next to the tengu suit hung up on the wall
what a retard

Its on fire attacked or just attacked?

mibu has a lot of weird shit

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How old is Kuro?

I wonder if the divine dragon is tomoe

yup and there are kos parasites under the water

Mating press indeed

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user are you retarded?

I haven’t laughed this hard in years

Old enough to breed

yes he is
just like half the people in this thread

Yeah Genichiro tries to foece Kuro to enter a pact with him in the cg before the second fight with him

I wonder if the shrine maiden is the divine dragon

Alright I'll do this in my next playthrough, thanks.

hmm i wonder if dogen is sculptor

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Nobody cares about your meme game

>story taht's all just a memory
>father betrays you and revealed as the antagonist (wow didn't see that coming)
>prosthetic takes ammo yet cant increase the ammo you can hold by a decent amount
>sengoku era yet no gun prosthetic
>bugs out of nowhere

dude... it's literally just Isshin's character model wearing a mask, with the same voice actor and haircut and everything

what the fuck

>"Do what must be done", and Emma, clearly, must be done.

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there is this dialogue that emma gives you that talks about how genchiro practiced his lightning abilities. Seems like he practiced with the dragon

What makes more sense.
He practiced with Tomoe and she thought him the lightning skills or he practiced with a fucking dragon?

Not to mention you can actually see the disguise hanging in his room in Ashina Castle

>meet Isshin and he calls you "Sekiro" like he knows you
>only other person to call you that is the one who literally gave you the name
>put 2 + 2 together and go "oh, ok"
>see threads afterwards about how people still didn't know who Tengu was despite reading all the dialogue
I don't think From expected people to be this retarded.

why are the monks such assholes?

Tengu gives you your name: Sekiro, and Isshin just happens to call you by that same name when you meet him for the first time.

nah that doesnt make sense. Tomoe is the dragon, whichi makes it heretical

genichiro exchanged his life to summon isshin from the underworld. with his dying words he wishes for ashina to rise to victory from the war. wether the magic of the black mortal blade binds isshin to this duty or he acts out to honor his grandchilds devotion to ashina is up to the player

The Dragon is in the Divine Realm, you fucking idiot. His lightning is even just called the "Lightning of Tomoe" not "Lightning of the Dragon" To boot, Tomoe is listed as Takeru's Retainer who helped him achieve immortal severance.
>but the fountainhead!
She's specifically talking about a fountainhead near the back of Ashina Castle, not the Fountainhead Palace or the Divine Realm.

>Tomoe is the dragon
God damn you people really like to be stupid, don't you?

Well I mean you need to go to the divine realm to get dragon tears so Tomoe could have gone to that Fountainhead as well.

i love making you people mad at small things

Who is the best waifu?

Who was the Tengu guy anyway? He kind of looked like the sculptor


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Alright Vaati, here you go. The Sculptor being the Demon of Hatred and having a souls-esque movement set and model akin to Manus and Cleric Beast made me realize the true purpose behind his theme.

It's about Miyazaki wanting to move forward and create a different type of a game, he wants to be The Sculptor. But no matter how hard he tries, all his works turn ugly because he's forever known now as the creator of Dark Souls series. He has started to hate the franchise that shackled him, and that's why the very last optional challenge in the game is literally a boss that you fight as you would one in Dark Souls.

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Except that the Fountainhead Palace isn't viewable from the back of Ashina Castle. It's on a mountain, you moron.

He gives you the Ashina skill tree

How very Kojima/Suda 51 of him

That’s not her, that is the shrine maiden

Since Genichio is Isshin's gandchild, does that mean that Kuro is Isshin's son?

Brotip, you can hold sprint towards him to avoid it

Kuro is not part of the Ashina

1. Genichiro is adopted by Isshins kid
2. Kuro is from an ancient clan, same one as takeru, that has the dragon blood. Kuro is the only surviving member and was adopted by the Hirata clan head.

This is all stated in the sekiro Japanese character bios

What's the association between Sen the currency and Sen's Fortress?

Did you make half of these retarded as fuck on purpose to get responses or...?

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so I'm guessing you can fight Owl twice? When can you fight him exactly?

Reminder Tomoe is from fountainhead palace. She was like those dancing female warriors who could throw lighting.

You can literally find the tengu mask and his outfit behind isshin in his room when the tengu dissappeared from the snake shrine

The Okami aren't native to the Fountainhead, they discovered it and decided to stay there.

Prove it

No, Wolf is a cannon Shura and only destruction brings him joy

Chained Ogres are captured honkys who've been CENTIPEDED right?

Hmm, I wonder what Chained Ogres are. What a mystery.

The second would've been had you chosen to betray Kuro.

Go behind him in his fucking room you retarded faggot. Iam lying in bed here trying to sleep not spoonfeeding spastics

Just go there and see you fucking virgin
Hes right

Prove it, lying idiot.

>who is roberto and why does he send giant haunted suits of armor to attack you? (cut boss? dlc maybe?)

You have to be retarded.

And to further elaborate some things I forgot to write, the reason Sculptor is giving and upgrading you the prosthetic arm is because it's Miyazaki's new idea. He wants to be the one that gives and hypes you through the upgrades, that differentiate the game from others.

Also you fighting him as a literal burning demon resembling Manus drives home the point of "expectance" that the players have out of From Soft games. You wanted a literal multi-phase boss without any gimmicks attached, just a pure vitality fight without any posture mechanics on the boss's behalf.

It's not there. I'm right. Bro who needs proof.

Is Wolf an incel?

youre at the wrong part of the game for it to be there or youre lying

He's a volcel.


theyre just ogres

dilate more

Make me

Thanks guys. Expect a comprehensive lore video in the next few days :)

10 out 10 user that was glorious

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Is that an invitation?

There's too many RP degenerates on this board. Fucking hell.

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Why does le monkey trouble stop taking a fat shit on you when the head is cut off?

The one lore that I LEGITIMATELY don't understand is what's happening with O'Rin of the Water and Lord Sakuza.

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O'rin is just some crazy ghost bitch and Sakuza was her lover.

she's just a japanese demon who preys on the forlorn.

Based hahaposter

Then how come when you kill her she's happy and can see lord Sazkuza?

If remember well, when I've been around the old grave in the place where Takeru and Tomoe are supposed to be buried I noticed that the grave looked like it was dug up.
Can someone confirm this?

>how come a demon lies

What would she gain from lying while dying to death?

Still beaten by Bloodborne on every account, but it's alright.


Lord Sakuza may have been Jinzaemon's father, because when you talk to him when he's on Mibu he mentions his father warned him to never go to a village surrounded by mist or something like that.

the hole in the ground there is where the sakura tree was planted before owl came along

it was an old, time traveling Kuro

Ok so Sculptor says he can't die from dragonrot. I knew what happened to the sculptor the moment I saw the demon of hatred. The memory description suggests he turned into a demon because he had a firey rage within him. Does that mean anyone can become a demon if they get angry enough? or is this tied to the dragonrot immunity somehow?

That makes sense
I cant help but feel like theres more to his quest though, judging from how many times you can say nothing to him, like an item or an eavesdrop im missing

Tomoe was a shinobi from Fountainhead Palace, who served Lord Takeru of the Dragon's Bloodline.
She was a mentor to Genichiro, which is why his moves are eerily similar to that of the Okami Warrior women at the Fountainhead.
Tomoe tried to commit suicide to rid Takeru of the curse, just like Wolf in the Purification ending.

please. Lovecraft is such a niche aesthetic. Fantasy Japan is so popular it transcends ordinary weebdom

Anyone here actually discussing lore? Or just making fun of OP for being retarded?

>who is roberto
Robert is a young boy with a terminal illness who's father brought him to Japan because of tales that a buddhist temple had unlocked the secret of immortality, in order to save Robert's life.

>what's the deal with the centipedes?
Decent question. These are the biggest mystery in Sekiro I think. Same thing with the big crickets that the petrified monks spit out.

>why is the chief monk of the temple dead in a cave if he founded the second-rate monk immortality scheme?

Likely because he didn't forsake the the buddha's teachings and was turned on? He had the "Holy Chapter: Dragon's Return" Right? Nothing to do with the fake dragon's heritage. Indeed he possessed the tomb to END immortality and send the Divine Dragon back to the west. Likely he was head monk of the temple before it fell.

>why is the corrupted monk in the fountainhead?
To guard it. That is EXPLICITLY stated in the Remnant I believe.

>mist nobles
Fishing Hamlet.
Worship false god, Drink the water, get turned into a fish ghoul.

>why doesn't isshin just slap genichiro's shit?
Plot? Honor? Who knows. Genichiro is his grandchild.

>who the HELL was the tengu ninja?
Isshin. This is EXPLICITLY told to the player.

MY real question is, do we know what happened to the Sculptor? Like concretely?

Things we know:
>He was a rogue shinobi
>Worked with a woman referred to as "kingfisher"
>Eventually lose his arm, and abandoned the path of the shinobi
>Consumed by hatred, failed to become a Shura and so became a demon instead.

Heavily insinuated:
>He saved Emma as a baby
>Isshin was the one that cut off his arm
>he was unable to get revenge on Isshin because he wasn't good enough, so he couldn't become a Shura because he never was able to achieve the bloodlust, hence all the unsatiated rage/wrath and the descent into being a demon.

>can anyone become a demon if they get angry enough?
I dont think anger is involved, at least not the sculptors. I think orangutan became a vessel for the fires of hatred because of his great karmic debt. It's the same reason why he can only carve angry buddhas and why Isshin cut his arm off. He got too close to Shura and it left him marked.

looks like legoman

>Ok so Sculptor says he can't die from dragonrot
I think that's more to prevent players from burning through blood droplets because they think he'll die.

it's literally the default language you fucking zoomer
i'm doing subsequent playthroughs in the other languages i know, shit's fun

>mfw this legit gets repeated at the end of one of his gay ass videos

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Pretending you don't know Tengu's true identity is an underdog meme.

alternate story where you play as genichiro

>These are the biggest mystery in Sekiro I think. Same thing with the big crickets that the petrified monks spit out
Read up on Shintoism, specifically the role of "kegare". Bloodborne had the same shit.

He tells you he saved Emma if you give him the righr kind of sake, i think dragonspring
Likewise with Isshin dearming him but it might be the former who tells you
Also Orangutan is grateful for being saved from himself iirc, he doesnt want revenge on Isshin and the hatred and rage that possesses him isnt his own, its the fires of war that has been raging in Japan

Why's the sword saint inside Genichiro?

Read the thread


Suit yourself

I want to go to fantasy China next. The monks in this game convinced me


>Taoist sorcerers and alchemists
>Heaven Worshipers
>Confucian autismos
>oh my 7 generations
Man I'm surprised more games haven't capitalized on this

Is it true that attack soft caps at 20? So after that NGs will be kinda all the same?

>Heavily insinuated:
>He saved Emma as a baby
>Isshin was the one that cut off his arm
nigga he outright fucking tells you that shit
>he was unable to get revenge on Isshin because he wasn't good enough, so he couldn't become a Shura because he never was able to achieve the bloodlust
What the fuck are you even talking about? Sculptor doesn't seem to bear any ill will towards Isshin for talking the arm, even saying it was for his own good. There's nothing about trying to get revenge or anything.

And most importantly
>Fists are not only viable, but optimal

>there's a vender that sells you a Spear that pierce any Shield and a Shield that can block any Spear

>Hall of Illusions is death
It's a kind of nirvana. The souls of the dead children reside there as monkeys, but that does not mean it exists only for dead people. Obviously since Wolf comes and goes, and even Rice Loli takes a vacation there.

man, the setting and lore in this game is bland as fuck
in bloodborne you may not have known what the fuck is going on but it kept you intrigued and the world got more and more twisted as you went on

I feel like making the world grounded by tying it to feudal Japan and its folklore was a mistake, they should've done more to subvert it like they did with dark souls or bloodborne which basically showed you what happens when a fantasy universe goes to shit

The only 200 IQ post in this thread

We don't know many specifics, but they clearly worship immortality in some way
>one in the dungeon full of zombies
>one in the 2ape cave after you kill the immortal monkey there
>one in fountainhead where everyone is immortal from water

I think it's more that once Owl finds out Genichiro's using the rejuvenating waters he realizes that he'll try to get Kuro's blood next, and decides he needs to take the kid away before that happens so he stages the Hirata seige.
Then in the timeskip Wolf gets fucked up and thrown in the well by Genichiro's men.

ok but why the giant straw man

Those are just baits for the Great Carp; they're also lying around the village in certain places, such as at the small shinto shrine between the big sakura tree and the second mibu idol.

it would be acceptable to feel this way until you get to the fountainhead palace

uuuuhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh mythology

But they die. So no.

>and Emma, clearly, must be done.
Literally laughed out loud. Thanks user.

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I forget where but something mentions that because of how close to Shura the Sculptor got, he was tied to the earthly world as punishment or something, which is why he can't die.

Things I genuinely did not really understand during the game:

>Why the fuck does Wolf have spotty memory? I think there's lots of things he's forgotten, but the HIrata Estate is the biggest black out point. He should remember everything up until he was stabbed, right? Also, I don't really get what the Hirata Estate section is supposed to be since it's not really a memory; Wolf can engage with it using all his modern day tools; plus I know about the second Owl fight

>Where did Genichiro even get the second Mortal Blade?

>What was up with O'Rin or whatever the ghost's name was? The game didn't really get into full on random yokai territory except for that one random ghost. Even the Headless all get some explanation.

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Emma you fucking retard

>le old man of battle and overcoming challenge
durr y wuld the guy who admits to pretending 2 b sick and the only thing he loves is 2 fite and test people, fight and test u? DUNT ADD UP

he wants your prayer beads (anal beads)
he doesn't have any, so that's why he doesnt drop them

chained ogres are ogres? Are you retarded

>Genichiro is adopted by Isshins kid
With the implication being that Genichiro was an illegitimate child adopted in, not some random street vagrant. That kind of thing happens in stories pretty frequently, and Isshin is too forgiving of Genichiro's bullshit, even going so far as to willingly help him when resurrected, for him to be blood-related.

it unironically has the beat graphics but despite this it isnt that kino

when you're on top 9f the tree at fountainhead there's a bigass temple structure in front of you, you swim under it to get to the dragon. but how the fuck do you get on top of it?

They haven't been centipeded, but yeah they're likely WHAITU PIGGUs, supposedly from the same ship that brought Robert and Robert Sr.
The stone you get from behind Corrupted Monk says that such stones form within the bodies of people who drink the fountainhead waters. Then the description of the red lumps say that the lumps stay in a person's body after being swallowed, so they're likely similar to the sediment of fountainhead that Genichiro ate to achieve super-durability. It gives superhuman abilities, but doesn't come close to the immortality granted by the actual waters itself (which is actually just infested with the parasites which actually grant the immortality).
Then of course Dousaku and Doujun experimented on the red lumps to create these ogres for the sake of Ashina's war effort.

giant ropes are a Buddhist thing, so a guy made out of giant ropes is also a thing I guess

so what's actually in the water in the village that makes people little zombie things?

admittedly the dragon fight was a great moment but the game lacked scenes like that

Is there any allusion to Yamamura in the game?

Attached: Yamamura.jpg (1200x1641, 210K)

>He should remember everything up until he was stabbed, right?
He seems to remember it relatively fine, iirc he even mentions that it's not his memory of events
>I don't really get what the Hirata Estate section is supposed to be since it's not really a memory
It's not a memory in the strictest sense of the word. It's possibly best considered as a dream sequence where Wolf's experience is altered to fit the memory of the bell carrier.
>Where did Genichiro even get the second Mortal Blade?
That's a good fucking question there m8. It came of of literally nowhere and felt like a massive ass-pull. I can't help but think that maybe some things got rushed and cut towards the end to hit deadlines.


Landing a mid-air deathblow on Shichimen

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Genichiro got the 2nd Mortal Blade from Tomoe. She and Takeru needed a blade to make him bleed for the fountainhead incense and they got all the way to the Dragon but failed to get the tears because only the Red Blade was designed for it.

Yamamura was such wasted potential honestly, they could've done something cool with him like say Brador or Shiva

>having the 2nd Blade the whole time
>not using it to get blood from Kuro until the end of the game
Doesn't add up chief

so the mibu villagers collect slugs to feed to the great carp in exchange for being turned into blobmen that get to hang out in the divine realm with the okami women?

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Something like that, the real question is if they get to have freaky fish sex.

The REAL question is what is the Sekiro equivalent to this?

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Sekiro's shinobi blade is sworn only to the service of his young master, not thots.

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Based on the true end, is the Divine Child now his master?

>Based on the true end, is the Divine Child now his master?

No, she's the vessel for the rebirth of his master.

That's kinda lewd

These purple niggas at the castle are insane, it’s funny to watch them run around killing all the blue guys and having their fucking dogs on the roof with them, what the fuck

What’s their deal anyway? Just a random clan attacking Ashina? What for?

>implying that he wouldn't bubble that information up through the organization

Lol you dumb fuck

They're shinobi employed by the Interior Ministry.

They're Interior Ministry Agents of the Tokugawa, they're subjugating Ashina to absorb it into the Shogunate.

Why didnt isshen become a shura if he loved war so much?

>bruhs gather up. Okay so there's this guy I nicknamed Sekiro which is a pun based on a wolf and being one armed haha lol please call him that next time you see him lmao it makes sense when u see him haha
This is what you ACTUALLY believe

So Ashina is doomed no matter what ending you get?

Ashina has been doomed long before the events of Sekiro happened. Genichiiro was only delaying the inevitable while Kuro recognized the end.

Because he fights for a reason and while he enjoys fighting he doesn't just mindlessly slaughter.

You know the head monk is alive if you go there before genichiro right? He bleeds because he literally just died

>is burning down at the end of the game, meaning it will soon be ASHES
Deepest lore

Is this a Dark Souls 3 reference?

>get mortal blade
>oh shit I can kill the centipede monks
>kill them, even get a neat animation of killing the insect
>go rest
>they respawn
Why did they even bother

Two different people. You can visit the corpse right after talking to the other guy.

the hirata estate thing feels kinda tacked on in a weird way.
maybe the game originally meant to have more dream sections like this?

I never figured out who the tengu shinobi was.

What the fuck happened between Wolf getting killed/rezed in hirata and him ending up in the well?

Miyazaki forgot

I can read for one, so subtitles aren't really a problem

That's for sending him to the Abandoned Dungeon.


here's a real brain scratcher
>motto of the game is "hesitation is defeat"
>the best way to fight guardian ape is to walk in and out for 25 minutes poking it between it's attacks

>hesitation is defeat
>wolf hesitates to eat out emma's ass anyways
wrf miyazaki, you hack

It was implied that genichiro was on the path to becoming a shira and he only fought to protect ashina. Sekiro fought either to protect kuro or simply to obey the iron code depending on which choices you made, and he still become shura apparently. It outright states in multiple descriptions that isshen pretty much lived to fight. I guess its a matter of mindset, but isshens priorities seemed to be the close to being mindless slaughter.

Why is the 9 year old the most responsible person in the whole game?

>yo guys there's this guy that is rampaging through Ashina and has killed some of the most powerful foes and legend has it he is immortal
>no way what's his name

Wow hard

>dragonrot makes you ashy
Dark Souls 3 Ashen one reference

but his name is Wolf, retard. Only Tengu calls him Sekiro, in a room alone with only an old woman around a corner who never leaves that location.

shackled shreks are prisoners from europe

I know it doesn't help but Shichimen means seven masks, for anyone curious


any of you fellow tenchufags want to do some plot speculation with the name changes and such? genichiro = onikage and isshin = lord mei oh
Ashina = Azuma (or Hirata maybe?)
Sekiro's father (owl) = Shiunsai Azuma
it's standard fare it seems like, and I'm pretty sure Takeru was one of the Azuma ninja. The entire me playing I could feel the similarities

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they're based whiteoids suffering from nofap, that's why they tied their hands behind their backs.

funniest part is that the game literally beats it over your head.

I saw in a playthrough, that Wolf knew who the Demon was. He called him Sculptor before the fight, and said he knew who he was to the old lady afterwards. However, in my playthrough, I remember Wolf not knowing who the Demon was. Am I misremembering, or is there a trigger that I missed?

Well what about Emma?

any of you fellow tenchufags want to do some plot speculation with the name changes and such? genichiro = onikage and isshin = lord mei oh
Ashina = Azuma
Sekiro's father (owl) = Shiunsai Azuma
I'm pretty sure Takeru was one of the Azuma ninja.
All of the game just feels like a tenchu sequel, I wish they could've kept the original lore.

>Be in third grade
>Have teacher named Mrs. Smith
>Parent teacher conference time
>Mom calls her Jodee
>Lol Mom's so retarded, everyone knows her name is Mrs. Smith
>Best friend's Mom walks in and also calls her Jodee
>WTF is my best friend's mom my mom???

the centipedes have nothing to do with the rejuvenating waters right? were the monks centipeded before making rice loli or after?

Genichiro was being way to angsty about it and doesn't know how to enjoy a good sake and Sekiro only becomes Shura when he follows the iron code and betray young Kuro, meaning that without the protection of Kuro being his rock, Sekiro loses his morality.

the waters are teeming with centipede eggs

The Black Mortal blade, duh.

>literally no one gave a shit about Ashitna except for Genichiro

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That's just a gameplay thing. It let's you have the cool prosthetic and you don't have to worry about getting your legs chopped of and being unable to do anything

My only real question is how Kuro ends up in Ashina. Owl/Butterfly team up with the Interior Ministry to raid Hirata; the former to get ahold of Kuro, the latter to work on crippling Ashina. But Owl ganks you and then what?

Like I get that you're fighting Ashina because Isshin is old, sick, and doesn't really give a damn any more; he'll let you and Genichiro duke it out.

From what I can tell there are 3 kinds of immortality; True (Kuro/Rejuvenating Child/Sekiro) who have the Dragon's Gift, Mist Noble (you can't die but can get old, comes from drinking the pure waters), and Centipede (can't die but you've got a bug in you, comes from drinking the waters once they've passed down to the mortal realm). So Centipede immortality is coming from a corrupted form of the waters.

If that's the case, why does no one in Mibu have a centipede?

>why was sekiro laying down like a retard in ashina reservoir
>how old is kuro
>who kills you if you defeat genichiro after the tutorial
>why doesn't ishin just let emma guide you through the secret tunnel to the castle so you can just kill genichiro instead of decimating all of his army and generals
>wtf is up with the big snek
>why are mibu people literal zombies when monks have the centipide thing
>if you kill ape's centipede during the first fight, why does he come back
>why the fuck does a big straw dude with a wooden cock take you to the place where white niggas tryna give you succ
>who the fuck are the mist nobles
>wtf is up with the big carp
>how the fuck did that old old lady reach the palace
>how did genichiro revive the first time if he didn't have the black mortal blade
>what made the sculptor turn into the daemon of hatred?
>when talking about immortality coming from the west, do they mean, european west, middle east west, china west?

also, why the fuck do so many enemies have a missing arm later in the game?

why are you reposting this

>My only real question is how Kuro ends up in Ashina
Well I always figured that Hirata always housed the Divine Heir and Ashina conquered Hirata

They only just started drinking it when you got there.

Why is the game called Sekiro?

I also think it's beaten by Bloodboorne, but Sekiro has the more Kino final boss

I wanted to see more answers.

So if the Divine Heir can't bleed without the Mortal Blade, how did Kuro give Wolf immortality?

Literally none of you can explain why it was kind of implied that Kuro is a female throughout the game.

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Yes, but not for the reasons you think.

I think some other user mentioned on how it's a japanese pun on the kanji (?) that mean "one-armed", and "wolf".

Maybe he can't bleed through wounds, but when gifting people with immortality his blood ritualistically flow in some way.

female (male)

youre reaching quite a bit mate. the shinobi’s name is Wolf, and only Tengu/Isshin calls him Sekiro, because of his one arm. it happens during the dialog for when you first meet Tengu. everyone else calls him Wolf.

My man, you're getting baited.

That's just a shit translation. He's actually a sword master, and that doesn't stop him from using other weapons.

japan likes reverse traps