>more content
>non-linear gameplay
>a million sidequests
>compact dungeons
>no monotone block pushing puzzles
>protagonist isn't a whiny bitch and actually gets shit done
>the cast of character is smaller so no one is annoying OR irrelevant
>vague incest
>job system
>ATB battle system
>leveling system isn't a fucking headache
>incredibly well balanced
>fun and cool superbosses
>infinity dungeon
>better story
FF X-2 is an objectively superior game than FF X, so why is it that all the neckbeards hate it and treat it as some shameful thing to like, or something you can only like while adding "ironically" or some asterisk like "*for the battle system"?
More content
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I didn't like X-2 as much as X personally but the victory fanfare in X-2 is so good.
I fucking love every single thing about X-2.
I get it, though.
People hate it because of the huge shift in tone, but a lot of people don't understand the game was over.
We didn't have to get an X-2. But we did.
That's cool and all, but
>powerpuff spice charlie's angels idol girls crap that make you feel hyper gay while playing
Sounds like you have some personal issues to work out, user.
>vague incest
tell me more
Rikku and Brother both wanna fuck Yuna who is their cousin.
I'm so glad I base my opinions on actually playing the games instead of retarded lists.
never played X or X2 but I know that Tidus is a "dream" or something like that and his dad is a demon god. should I bother?
They aren't dreams. They are summons.
Play X so you can then play X-2 and enjoy it in its entirety. There's a lot of snooze characters in X (Kimahri in particular) and the battle system is proper turn-based rather than ATB. Just keep in mind the first 18 hours of gameplay are completely linear for "plot reasons".
>Party of X-2 is half al-bhed
>two people in the party speak fluent albhed
>yuna can learn albhed
>albhed leader has most definitely fucked two thirds of the party
Yuna almost makes wide faced girls seem appealing.
>shit content
>shit gameplay
>shit dungeons
>complete absense of puzzles
>protagonist is on PMS
>trash job system
>trash combat system
>"FFX-2 is superior" brought to you by the person who thinks FFX's levelling system is complicated.
Only video I will ever shill here. youtu.be
Based brudda
Who gives a shit about a couple points of the story. They are both great games in terms of gameplay
Paine made bulldykes seem attractive. Why aren't there any hot bulldykes who are also straight?
>They are both great games in terms of gameplay
I know FFX was the template for literally most of the PS2's RPG library. I played a lot of them so I'm afraid it's just gonna be a regular thing for me
You don't know what a bulldyke is do you
>FF X-2 is an objectively superior game than FF X
weebs have completely lost it