still less cringey than this
Jar jar?
Was thinking about buying this game.
Is that costume something you HAVE to wear for a long period in the game, or is it optional?
Its debra Wilson. She actually used to be kinda hot in a crazy way, great floppy tits on mad tv back in the day
crossdressing is funny
Is this the same chick in Wolfenstein: Punch A Nazi Edition?
la creatura
Shes voiced a ton of things in the past, but recently they've started facescanning her as well
People(non gaming normies) will eventually get tired of all the ugly black females in gaming and these people will be in the hot seat, it's going to happen bros.
why does she play ever black char in every game
You have to wear it inside the Gerudo town
I wish we could just make fun of Resetera instead of crying about some irrelevant black NPC but nope, /pol/ is just as retarded as them.
finna get me sum dat force sensatev whiteboi seed, gnawmsayin
Is this Samuel L Jackson, but if he were a crack-addicted woman?
That dude has some big eyes
Main character looks like Tim Buckley
>Looks like
I mean I can understand where they're coming from, even if it's a fictional character, how troubled can a white, attractive dude be? The only reason why suicide rates are so high among white guys is because their lives are never challenged, overcoming adversity is what gives life meaning, without it you grow more and more empty.
Seriously, look at white men's biggest societal issue: Feminism. A bunch of women getting their panties in a twist over manspreading, if that isn't a life of sheltered luxury then I don't know what is.
>liteal jedi holocaust
>how troubled can he be lmao hes white
Stop forcing political garbage to Yea Forums.
>The only reason why suicide rates are so high among white guys is because their lives are never challenged
oh, so this is how people are going to respond to the male suicide rate being higher than female? separate it by race and then dismiss it as privilege? white males are so privileged they kill themselves? suicide is a privilege?
I hope this post is satire, but even if it is kys yourself
why do you make a connection between a white person living in the real world and a white person portrayed in a fictional work of art depicting space samurais? The two are completely separate.
It makes zero sense to me.
her eyes are about to blow out of her head
Because every story pushes an agenda, I didn't fall for the futuristic soldier is actually gay, and I'm not falling for the poor white boy just wants freedom.
Suicide rate is much lower in developing countries because people are too busy putting food on their table, and unlike you don't have the time of resources to look at "so depressing and relatable :(" memes all day.
gayfags btfo
moot needs to come back already
>he's actually serious
how does it feel knowing you're the reason dems lost the election to a cheeto, and will continue to lose elections for years?
>every story pushes an agenda
wew. Am I a radical centrist for hating all of you hyper-political idiotd equally?
>how does it feel knowing you're the reason dems lost the election to a cheeto, and will continue to lose elections for years?
a presidential candidate won an election? no way dude... wait- did the world end?!
Y'all sure acted like it did
>I d-don't really care about it
haha, you are the cancer eating away at your own ideology, haha
Agreed. He isn't perfect, but he's still better than Hiroyuki.
who the fuck is 'y'all'?
my ideology that games are no place for political agendas? ok
It's really not. Even if you set aside the gross fetish aspect of it, crossdressing has never been funny.
>my ideology that games are no place for political agendas?
Yeah sure, when it's a white male protag it's time for the political agendas to stop! btw white male suicide is a privilege :^) I don't have any political leanings guys, believe me
i mean... that image is not wrong, you know
Literally 4 simultaneous threads. Is there a bigger group of whiny bitches than Yea Forums? It's so tiring