Leaving after one game is a sign of weakness, it means you were too scared to face me again...

Leaving after one game is a sign of weakness, it means you were too scared to face me again, your inability to accept that you might actually lose a round of Smash.
It is cowardice and shameful. Don't leave after one match

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Don't blame me, blame the fact that you lose twice as much GSP as you gain; If I fight you twice i'm 4 wins out to get back where I was.

The only way to become the strongest is to face many opponents. With each victory or defeat, a new lesson is learned. I must go on with this newfound knowledge and become stronger!

I don't owe a faggot like you shit.

>fight a losing battle because I said so

Illogical AF senpai.

Whatever dude. It's just a game.

I usually rematch unless you have a shit connection.

If you enter my battle arena, and you lag like nuts, and want a rematch you're getting kicked.

Or just maybe the match had a shitty connection with input delay or you play in an annoying way that’s tedious to deal with. I can typically beat most playstyles, but I’m not about to go through the tedium of a spammer again if I can easily back out and avoid it

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Ha, but you're wrong. If you do not have the proper discipline and training you can never accept that you were defeated fair and square and another match is not required to prove that to you again.
Always leave after one match

Don’t hate me, hate the system. Sakurai’s inability to make online functionalities has damn near ruined the game.

I quit every game because when the teams get scrambled I dont want to be paired with the scrub who self destructed and share stocked you when you were at 150%, or get paired with that same guy again when he was on my team instead.

I also like switching my character as often as I like.

I also never want to rematch a ness/Lucas especially when there is more than one. Literally the most unfun character in the game, flowcharts 100% of the time. would rather fight cloud or corrin.

If you're playing a Belmont or Young Link or something I'm not fucking rematching you and you know exactly why.

But also to be serious, sometimes I wanna switch characters or answer a long message or something and I know that depending on when I leave, my opponent will assume stuff like that. You can't really know OP, I might just want to take five to hop on my computer and crank one out to hentai or something before I play more.

It's only a video game calm down

Nope, you blew it and now I am forever better than you. :^)


I would but if I lose the next one then I lose twice as much meme points as I just earned. Which is why I only play in arenas. Which reminds me why the fuck does the switch have no fucking messaging. I've been friended by people so many times and theres simply no way of ever communicating with them or inviting them. It's bullshit.

I am not wasting my time on people who don't even have 4m GSP. Sorry user

>If you're playing Belmont or Young Link

I just realize this is why nobody plays against my snake more than once..

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>one and done
Yeah that's some pretty cowardly shit especially if it's from the winn-
Hahahaha, go take a shower stinky

>you must accept some arcade fighting game rules for a console platform fighting game I play casually
No, fuck off

Maybe you should have won the first match, faggot.

If you play like a faggot which the majority does ill even leave during the match.

>playing 500 ping smash
Honest question, how do you bear it?

I do one and done in fighting games solely because I know it makes faggots like you seethe. Don't get mad at me because you got outplayed.

If it's a good fight ill usually do best of 3. But if it's a defensive person like samus , belmonts snake and shit then fuck that. Id rather lose two games in the same time i play another campy fucking 7 minute game

You’re probably a spam fag

This shouldn't be a big deal to anyone. It's just a game.

I don't rematch people that suck

>great connection
>leaves after one match
>shit connection
>will never leave and continue to cheese.
Yea Forums I'm sad

most players who are superior to me are not fun to fight repeatedly. I bought the game to have fun and enjoy myself, not cater to the ego of someone who smells bad

But spammers do this too.
How can you expect to improve with your character if no one's pushing you to do better? I bet you get into Elite just to win a couple of matches and get thrown back down to casual status.

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I want to switch characters, people who play one character for six straight hours are certifiably insane.

Reminder to block all Ness players

>Enter FFA
>Kicking ass
>Players start to gang up on me
>I lose my last stock
>Players just tbag until one of them jumps off stage voluntarily

I really hope that it's just children who are doing this. It's been a problem since Brawl and Sakurai just won't do anything about it. Doing stuff like taunt partying should be a guaranteed permanent ban, or at least a couple of weeks.

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Just played a little bit with Ness online and ran into an Ike player who just wouldn't stop rematching me even though I beat him every single time. That guy showed some determination.

The gsp system just encourages playing like a faggot. I have more fun hosting or joining arenas.

Battle arena's

Every Ike I've ever run into, be it 1v1 or FFA, ALWAYS rematches infinitely. It's insane. And when they don't rematch, they'll use one of the "That's all for now." type messages on the endscreen. Surprisingly honest from a more dishonest character.

I only leave after one match if your ruleset is shit or I don't want to fight whatever character you're using.

I leave after one match with anyone, win or lose.

Ike players really want to learn matchups and will fight you until they feel like they learned how to fight your character. Why only they, I have no idea but they are a dedicated bunch.