>come up with new features to compete with a popular game
>they copy those features and gain even more popularity
Why is this allowed?
Come up with new features to compete with a popular game
Because Apex sure as fuck isn’t utilizing their “good ideas” to the fullest. Player counts are dropping every day.
This is what the fucking chinks do, they steal everything.
Respawn fucked it up just like they'll fuck up star wars
Cope moar, Boomer
battle royales are the best retarded underage conteiner after Yea Forums, I hope this game lasts forever
Mechanics for videogames should be free to copy to anyone as much as they want. I think Apex would've been able to take over Fortnite if EA didn't handicap them and sabotage them at every turn.
But that's just smart.
This. My experience in Division II has been 100% zoomer free
what idea is that?
I dont play apex or fortnite
>respawn is a patented mechanic
WoW did it for over a decade. Fun? Fuck no, they aren't including that, but shitty concepts that were boring? Yep, adding every last one of those.
take a step back and look at everything epic is doing
Because Apex Legend can just be summed up as "just another battle royale game."
While Fortnite, like it or not, IS the battle royale game.
so it's league of legends vs dota all over again.
So what are they?
>game owned by chinks copies battle royal idea
>game owned by chinks copies improvements to battle royal idea
Pinging and being able to revive dead players
Most games online communities have been pretty good lately.
Well, given that the entirety of Fortnite was copied off PUBG, I don't find it surprising.
>WoW did it for over a decade.
this, blizzard always copied ideas from other mmos
>apex still crashes on ps4, xbone AND pc one or two games out of every 10 for me and 30 of my clanmates
>fortnite hasn't crashed in months
that there sums it up. You can also force a disconnect with hacks available to the public. So fuck that piece of shit. fortnite has tons of problems but it's the only one that tries to fix them.
Why shouldn't you copy something that is been tried and tested by a competitor.
i hate how bethesda copied halo with their doom game.
Free market bitches, suck it.