Borderlands 3

Just imagine being this delusional edition

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Other urls found in this thread:

if he just said "I did it for the money" I'd have more respect for him

If he was any smarter, I´d say he was trying to tank his company on purpose with his statements and decisions. But I guess Bobanders Randers is actually this fucking stupid.

What a tortured artist

This is the greasy nigger that put the blame on colonial marines on everyone but his shit studio. Guy's ego is too big

Randy is going to swallow it all right

Borderlands 3 isn't nearly as hyped, nor will it be as influential as Half Life 2, though. BL3 doesn't warrant someone forcefully installing the Epic Games client unless they're a rabid BLands fan, which doesn't seem to be a big fandom on the Internet.

I thought this guy was in jail for cp

Yeah what happened to all that

That's what the Phoenix Point guy (Gollop) did and look what that got him.

Frankly the most hype thing about BL3 is that it doesn't have a certain "legendary" writer dragging the whole experience down for once, but im not sure they won't manage to do so anyway.

Just how often does this guy bring up Half Life 2 in comparison to something he's done?

the videos were "legal" so he's just a pervert rather than a pedo

I'd imagine it'll just get way more people to swallow the private VPN trial and piracy tool desu

Are you guys still getting mad about video games

As if you guys weren't going to pirate it anyway

why is he talking like a victim when they are the ones taking the money for the exclusivity deal

oh so randy is literally Yea Forums

what is this meme about Borderlands being a desirable franchise?

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How new are you? It´s Randy Bobandy for fuck's sake

>comparing borderlands 3 to half life 2
Oh no no no look at the top of his ego

I'm not swallowing anything, Randy. I didn't for Gabe, and I sure as shit aren't for you.

Dude just pirate it lmao

I bought The Division on Epic store ngl

The gaming industry is the largest example of people being willing to seperate the product from the creator/developer. There are times in other industries where the person selling you something is a piece of shit like Randy would actually cause a protest against their product, but we live in a world where EA saying "this game won't have microtransactions and loot boxes" is actually cheered on and the cause for excitement

People will tolerate shit in this industry so long as they hold the precious IP you want games of so bad

>That's what the Phoenix Point guy (Gollop) did and look what that got him.
Problem is that his game was funded by backers and they announced it would be on steam.

Shitbox is developing BL3 with their own money so they can do whatever the fuck they want. They're not bound to any promises.

Maybe he is so old he doesn't care about your shitty shooter games

>People to this day buy Michael Jackson CDs

Yeah ok bud.

I don´t care about Borderlands either, it´s juist common knowledge that Randolph is a complete spastic and scumbag

He will get a million dollar bonus when the game sells well, amazing randy wins again!

Randy has no faith in BL3. That's why he's taking the guaranteed sales deal from Epic.

Let that sink in for a moment. The guy with a monumental ego has no confidence in the third installment of his company's flagship franchise.

I don't really pay attention to that kind of thing. I literally did not know anything about him until the Epic Store stuff.

already planned to do that

That's how I feel about the whole thing

Companies confident in their games will sell it everywhere (epic store included but no exclusivity, see: outward)
Companies insecure about their games will take the money and try to justify it like they think gamers will feel sympathy for them.

That is why companies take these exclusive pay out from epic.

>Instead of releasing it and hope it does well instead we can just get the millions upon millions money without much risk from a willing cash cow.

Every publisher who has ever taken an exclusive deal pay out has thought among those lines

Really? Never heard of him using SEGA's money he got for making Aliens:CM for Borderlands (1 or2?) instead of using it to develop the game he was paid to do, resulting in Aliens turning out to be a broken mess? Or how Gearbox got the publishing-rights for "We happy few" which resulted in them raising the game's price massively and releasing a "Collector's Edition" without the actual game included?
Or how they got the rights to Duke Nukem, had the Megaton Edition pulled from every Storefront and releasing their inferior version at twice the price (Same with Bulletstorm, only that the price quadrupled that time)?

>he wants curation on Steam
>other articles telling Steam to do curation in response

Fuck all of them. Curation is a polite way to police content the store doesn't like. Shit like Senran Kagura, Neptunia, Huniepop, Dead or alive, etc. would never have gotten PC ports if it wasn't for the open nature of Steam. GoG rejects 9/10 indie games for reference and these people want shit like that happening. Fuck that.

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He's half right

Nope. None of that. I'm not a dramafag. I just play games bro

>that pic

>be that weird kid with somewhat good sense of humor
>say joke
>no one laughs
>more social kid repeats my joke word for word
>everyone laughs
Childhood fucking sucked

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>I don't care if I get ripped off at every turn, it's just drama to me bro. I don't pay attention to things that happen around me.

Way past cool, broheimer

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I've watched videos of barely 18 year olds being deepthroated so hard they throw up, I don't see the issue with Randy's USB or why it was ever a big deal.

It didn't for me, Half Life is nothing but a series of tech demos that only redditors praise because the hypothetical Half Life 3 became a meme.

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Half of a joke is in the delivery

I don't play any of the games he listed so why should I know the drama surrounding them? Hmm?

Thanks for the straw man

Crows are very intelligent birds

I love this one because it's not even a strawman.

t. crow

What makes it worse is the people who want it are mostly indie devs which if that happened would bitch about not being on the store
We have been through this before, and every time valve responds to some issue it seems to make these people upset, so why the fuck would they think it will be different this time?

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go to church

Imagine being a PC player. HA!
Console wins again

>be randy
>have 3 options

a) Be civil and quiet
b) Be polite and understanding towards criticism
c) Be utterly assblasted and hostile towards your target audience

>chooses c

Why is this 'man' so retarded?

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So that he switches to 8 year olds being deepthroated?

Not interested in little boys, sorry.

>befriend more social kid
>become amazing comedy duo


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Just sell the game from your own site. No need for third party middle man bullshit. There really is not any reason for Steam, GoG, Epic, or any other store.

>Sony has the PSN store
>Xbox has Xbox Live
>Nintendo has the eShop
>Developers have websites

All middle man shit is pointless. Adding more of these trashy services only hurts the market.

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He is right, zoomers would not know but people threw a shitfit when steam was required for HL2. Steam wouldn't even work half of the time

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but then they need to supply patching infrastructure as well

is there anything more cringe than loyalty to something that just wants to take your money

>social kid was already a half-friend
At least he had the decency to give the credit once in a while

He "explained" having videos of camgirls on his drive because he was impressed by their "magic tricks", not because like anyone he just wanted to bust it anywhere anytime with some material to help. The guy is a coward.

>tencent can't take user data, they would need 51% stock for that

Loyalty to something that wants to take your money and provides a shit service in return.

so we need to regress? no, make your launcher+storefront as good as steam or better its that simple.
What if a new TV company started up and was making black and white shadowmask CRT's selling them for OLED prices saying "lol when sony started this is what their tvs were like lol swallow this pill lol" no fuck off, compete with the market today not yesteryear.

>Hurrr useless features no one uses
You probably download apps for every site too

I still wouldn't support the decision, but Randy just keeps coming off as a desperate shill and is really exposing part of why people are upset to begin with--he's not listening to the criticism. If he owned it, then the whole thing would look at least marginally better for him.

Sometimes it's the other way around

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Every. Fucking. Thread. The same 3 pics all within 1 minute of each other

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Reminder if you buy Octopath (a game made in UE4), EPIC gets a royalty cut

I love how cucked Steam users are: Exclusive games they have to wait for or if they do buy the few games that release on Steam, they'll be made in UE4, giving EPIC a nice fat royalty check.

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>people will go to length to defend EA's lootboxes or Fortnite's business model
Yeah it's sad.

On one hand, I just don't care. I'm not going to download the Epic launcher, I don't care for any of the games on there, it really just seems like some shitty service I don't really want or need. That's my main justification for not getting it. But on the other hand, it really creeps me out the way there seems to be a conscious effort to push it and get people to download it and be okay with it.

I've yet to see a single tweet or article in which an EGS supporter simply says "If you don't like it, that's fine. I hope the service changes in the future in a way you find acceptable and we can get your support." It's always "What the fuck are you so upset about? Stop whining. This is the way things are now so just download and purchase right fucking now you talking wallet"


Just because you don't like the series, doesn't mean that the idea of people liking it is a meme. It's managed to keep Gearbox afloat after their consecutive blunders, which should speak volumes.

Did this fucker just compare himself to the almighty Gaben? I truly do feel sad that this faggot ruined Bordelands 3.

n-no it's *shows shitty bullshit super-market analogy*

he's fucking retarded


>each of these images has been posted roughly 30 times with the same frequency since around the 7th
Imagine actually having so little to do with your life that you shitpost on Yea Forums all day

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>there are people unironically thinking Tencent won't do anything if Epic's gamble for taking the pc market monopoly fails
They invested heavily in Fortnite and helped turn it to what it is for a reason. I can't wait for all the reactions when they merge with epic

I don't think so. The Epic controversy is still relatively new and I think that a lot of these devs and publishers are simply out of touch.

the person who found it said the content was illegal but he didn't get arrested so it's probably some hentai (loli) illegal

>its on a different store its ruined
kek. in 2 years epic store will be common and accepted just like uplay, origin, steam, and I am happy people like you waste tears on this shit. If only we could talk to you in 2 years and hear you admit how retarded you were

This guy is really busy on Tuesdays.

I knew this fucker was pathetic but holy shit.
I hope the chinks pay enough scraps to justify such a waste of life

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I honestly don't even understand their complaints about Steam being flooded with low-quality games. Are these people clicking on a genre and then only browsing a single page? They act like there's a sea of shit you have to wade through, but it's honestly nowhere near that bad.

>he thinks epic store will survive 2years

>out of touch
No, they're exactly in touch. The only people bitching and moaning are the people that are going to buy it on the Epic Store anyways or people who weren't interested to begin with

The truth is he's probably not paid by anyone and is just mentally ill and defines his life by opposition to popular things. There are obsessive maniacs who post with this sort of regularity to just shitpost about some anime character's asshole.

The only people that complain about shovelware are journos that blame their SJW friends' games not selling on literally anything other than their own incompetence.

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>BL and BL2 stayed relevant and got boosted for years and years by steam to where they are today

>Randy pretended that didn't happen

>instead of owning up to being greedy, give stupid analogies and excuses

Thanks a lot Randy


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How embarrassing for all those people hyping on bl3 here when it was announced

>No, they're exactly in touch.
Is that why Randy can't stop crying on Twitter? Because he knows that they're all gonna buy his game anyways?

That would require having a spine, someting this gel-haired stooge doesn't have.

Nice try user, still boycotting Metro and you told me that that would break me. I didn't even pirate it, I completely ignored it.

The porn was on a company usb with company sensitive data on it and he lost it at a fucking childs restaurant

you know it will

medieval times isn't lick chuck e cheese

>implying it won't

>fortnite ingame advertisement of bl3
>ingame borderlands event similar to the avengers one
>exclusive fortnite skins obtainable only through pre-ordering bl3
>"mommy can i borrow your creditcard"
rinse and repeat with every big release

Millionaire corporate man playing victim.
Allow me to play a molecular violin for you.

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>(not quite)

It has a billion guns.

Cool, but that gets you where with console players ?(which make up for the vast majority of Fortnite players)

>not playing duke nukem 3D
Ok kiddo, time for bed.

I think Fortnite was Epic Store's Half-Life 2/Counter-Strike, not fucking Borderlands

>Comparing HL2 to Borderfags 3

>I honestly don't even understand their complaints about Steam being flooded with low-quality games
>The only people that complain about shovelware are journos that blame their SJW friends'
This is just being disingenuous and hyperbolic,
I would never use Epic Store because its shitty and offers nothing over the competition aside from grimy Sony-tier business practices like timed exclusives and moneyhatting devs to not let other platforms get the game instead of just making their own. HOWEVER, steams store being an absolutely unmitigated mess filled with shovelware asset flips is an actual problem and if you ask most people they'll tell you that they don't really go to the store anymore unless they're going to search for one particular game that they already want. No one wants to sift through 10,000 garbage hentai puzzle games just to find a game made by a studio that isn't based in Russia and actually made a real game.
You can't just filter tags either since 1: They're set by meme addicted children that think its fucking hilarious to give games the wrong tags, and 2: its not like I would want to filter EVERY puzzle game or game with an anime style just because there are so many garbage ones.

Steam really needs to bring back the Greenlight system and keep these no-name garbage indie games in their own little containment store where they have to prove themselves before getting on to the real store.
Steam should really also hire some people to help curate the store and turn down blatantly low quality submissions that would do nothing aside from clog up the store.

Either way, I have no reason to use Epic since I imagine their store would be even worse if they actually had games, but this is definitely an issue that Steam could work on to make the user experience more enjoyable.

What makes you think I bought that indie shovelware?

Yeah loyalty to steam :D

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dude that former employee was obviously lying, otherwise randy wouldn't be there

To be fair, it's a pretty big franchise and Borderlands 2 has always had a decent playerbase on steam even after release and into 2018 and even more now because of the reveal of Borderlands 3, so it's clearly desirable for some and therefore desirable to have on your online store..

Who is voicing Moze? Russian accents are usually hot af.

>steam is best daddy corporate, me not like unless steam, steam is good, steam not take money like epic, epic bad, grug smarts and me not contrarian spastic

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>swallow the Steam pill back in the day.

What launchers were there back then to choose from? Why is he pretending BL2 did not blew up and stayed relevant cos of Steam community??

>make fun of console warring for years
>become the biggest platform warrior of all fanbass for steam

lmao you pc master race faggots were always the worst

There were no launchers back then zoomer, you just got to play your game without having to go online.

>people itt expecting Randy to make sense

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At least consoles makes sense cause not everyone can buy all of them. A fight between 2 free download clients on your PC is just kek

What the fuck is this Steam hate, it's literally the best gaming platform out there, cheap games, giant library of games, listens to the community and reverts stupid shit they do like paid mods, knows what the fuck they're doing like competing against piracy is a race of availability, not because people don't wanna spend money in general

The problem with gearbox is that they shit the bed whenever they work on anything that isn’t Borderlands with their shitty Gearbox publishing

I said it in the other thread and I say it here too:

Steam never forced a monopoly. Any dev who releases a game on Steam can release it anywhere else too.
Epic is literally doing the opposite: buying out games that are ALREADY advertised and promised(as in devs engaging with their community on update comment sections)on other Steam to have them exclusively on their store.
That's quite literally the opposite of not being a monopoly.

This guy has no idea what he's talking about.
Proper competition would be Epic making new exclusive deals instead of doing buy outs.

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What kind of video? Little girls in bikini? Teen porn?

>This is what liberals believe

it was one of those "just turned 18" porns

>randy comparing his meme infused turd with half life

It´s a couple of complete autists or shills who spam the same shit in every thread. It used to be even worse a few weeks ago with dozens of "Why do you hate Epic, Steamdrone?" threads at the same time, clogging up Yea Forums's catalog. The shilling gets worse everytime a "EGS exclusive" (*one year*) is announced. Don´t try to have a rational discussion with them, it´s not worth the effort.

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Just because you spineless console fucks rolled over and swallowed exclusivity bullshit doesn't mean the rest of us are about to.

Keep telling yourself that

>Don´t try to have a rational discussion with them, it´s not worth the effort.

aka you lost and now cry like a bitch

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>literal who
>no numbers



Also, 2k picked Epic, not Randy.

>2 Steam user's cocks have been deposited inside your mouth

Sales insider. Guy is usually right.

>Borderlands 3 is EGS's Half Life 2
the absolute state of EGS


I get hating Epic's store for being scummy anti-consumer bullshit but why would people wanna give Gearbox money after all the scummy bullshit they pulled like fucking over 3D Realms, false advertising Aliens CM and Randy being a compulsive liar

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It's worse than that - a Steam user can use some cocks - he got something much worse for shilling on Valve's behalf

>1 Artifact card

there's no reason not to have DRM-less games in 2019, DRM is fucking useless

because the typical video game consumer is a fucking retard with the attention span of a puppy

As often as he claims to play poker with Gaben.

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Doesnt steam have a clause against different prices on different stores within a certain launch window? So a newly released game can be on epic/origin/uplay but it can't be cheaper than it is on steam.
That's not forcing devs to anything but it is a shitty practice. I like that epic is at least giving devs a bigger split of the money but I hate everything else about epic and would never buy any game from their store. I rarely buy games on steam either. GOG is the best

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But if he did anything that would lead anyone to respect him, he wouldn't be Randy

Maybe, but Steamcucks love licking Valve's ass even though Steam isn't all that great either. But I agree I would have more sympathy if he just said Valve is charging too much money.

These claims always seem incredibly hyperbolic to me. This has never been my experience browsing Steam.

The search engine could be better and valve could be faster at getting rid of asset flips but a big problem is that people don't know how to use the tools they have. There's still people whining about early access games and hentai games when there's settings to remove those games from sight.

the pirate pill is not even worth for this game

or I can just pirate it? why are you cucksole fanboys so stupid?

Literally a shill caught in action.

>steam pill
is he /ourguy/?

there is but that never stopped sites like GMG and gamebillet from undercutting steam

>no numbers
>don't know how many % are from consoles or pc

thanks buddy

Steam is saying you can't rip off steam customers. If you buy off Steam you need to list it at the lowest price you offer between all the storefronts. That's common sense with retail.

>being religious

Why doesn't Steam just lower the cut they take to 10% and destroy Epic's only advantage?

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Really strange that these shitty images seem to be in every thread. Hope they pay you well faggot.

fpbp as usual

Pirate pirate pirate, no way in hell I am downloading shitlauncher, dream more fucktards!

Have fun being accessory to chinese spy network, cucks.

Is Randy more pathetic than Anthony at this point?

discord already does that, devs only like the epic store because they guarantee a minimum amount of sales, i.e. if your game doesn't sell well epic will just pay you

Because it's not just the cut. Epic is probably paying someone personally (probably Randy) a lot of money to push their product as EGS exclusive. There was than on Yea Forums post saying as much claiming to be by someone on the Gearbox team.

user the only advantage that epic has are bribes

i mean probably 95% of epic's catalog comes from bribes

Their cut is about on par with regular distribution services, and honestly just being on steam is a pretty big boost to visibility.

You're probably still going to make more money on steam with them taking a bigger cut than you would on any other launcher or just selling independently. Steam offers quite a bit, especially to smaller devs. Epic not having most of Steams features really doesn't make up for the extra revenue at all

Burch has faded into obscurity, while Randy's retardation is more apparent than ever before.

>charging too much money
>epic charges more based on currency exchange
>epic has no steam card, the very same card that actually makes steam lose money when used
>steam price cut drops to 20-25% based on success making them lose even more money due to currency exchange/PayPal/steam card usage

its never been about the 30% cut. people that say it is are either uniformed or being dishonest.


That wouldn't be enough to support all the features Steam has, including paying additional paying fees for the customer

Because its too low to be sustainable and epic knows this, they're just aggressively trying to undercut the competition. Discord don't give a shit because it's not their main deal.

Discord already shut their store down 4 months later. They couldn't sustain themselves with 10%. They were charging the usual 30% before Epic showed up and they made some rushed bad buisiness reaction.

Dosen't he have a game to work on and a family to feed?
Why the fuck is he fighing people on Twitter?

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They probably just promised him bunch of underaged quipao-weraing whatever chinese equivalent of geisha is.


>Notice the two part meme; "I want to play it, but it's on the Epic Store"
>Put Borderlands 3 on the Epic Store
>Since people are conditioned to be mad about this they are now tricked into thinking they wanted to play Borderlands 3

Randy Bobandy playing everyone like fools. Game will be shite

The epic store meme, is "I want to play it, but it's on the epic store!!"

So when Gearbox drums up Epic Store controversy, it Tricks retards into thinking they at some point had desires to play another Borderlands game

Steam says that, if you want to use Steam's infrastructure for distribution, aka selling steam keys, that the price on Steam can't be higher than the price of said keys elsewhere.
If you have a physical or non-steam key release, it can be priced however you want.

Fuck, I leterally remembered that I don't give ashit about borderlands, and only bough 2nd while being drunk.

Well, solved this one, guys. See ya later.

>Wasn't me decicion
>Spends hours defending EGS on Twitter each day
Ok Randy

I'm not saying that it's necessarily true that Steam takes a bigger cut once all factors are considered, but I would have appreciated the honesty from him more than the "muh consumer option" approach.

Valve already doesn't see all of that 30%

Do you think epic would take a hit so people can buy where they like? Would they fuck.

its the only good looter shooter

They didn't shut it down, in their infinite wisdom they made a change where you have to buy games via the game's discord server

I don't know what the fuck they were thinking because the few people who knew the store even existed now think it's gone.

Honestly I was gonna buy the game on PS4 and wait until the Steam release, but the way Randy is acting is making not wanna buy the game whatsoever.
Fuck it I ain't even gonna pirate it.

lol okay Randy let's not go nuts

Risk of Rain 2 is.

>waaaah waaaaah help me gaben the chinamen are coming for me
stay mad pc fag

>tfw Steam takes your 30% cut
This is not fair, devbros! We're supposed to be the ones skinning others, not the other way around! What the FUCK. How else are we going to benefit from pre-order bonuses, yearly season passes, microtransactions and premium account services? AAAAAAHHR FUCK VALVE give me 18%!!!

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name a better one

even Destiny's better

It's not a store anymore. They can afford to list games on the servers but not in a big storefront. I assume their nitro deals will end once contracts are over

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I would rather play Hellgate London, lol.

why settle for 18%? Discord is offering 10%

lmao steamdrones seething

>charging too much money
>payment fees on steam are covered by steam
>payment fees on epic are covered by purchaser
really makes my zhao go yhiao

>comparing HL2 to memerlands3

Here's the deal:
1. You will cry a lot on Yea Forums about shit that doesn't matter in the slightest.
2. You will bend the knee, pre-order Borderlands 3 at full price from the Epic Store
3. You will have a great time with the best game of 2019

Steps 2 and 3 are inevitable and unavoidable. But step 1 is completely optional and a big waste of time, not to mention a great embarrassment for gamers and you personally. So why not just skip it?

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Nice try, lol.

Only fat manchildren who can't help but buy every game they see just like they eat everything they see, will stoop as low as to download epic shitlauncher.

>best game of 2019
But that's a weird way of spelling DOOM Eternal, user, and that will be on Steam.

>tired playing 2 again with a friend
>game is absolutely abysmal
How did I ever enjoy such a glacially slow paced game. All hype I had for 3 died today.

Are you fucking retarded? Not questioning the fact that RoR2 is great, but genuinely curious, are you retarded you dumb gorilla nigger?

>tfw the whole reason origin exists is because EA wanted to sell microtransactions but didn't want to give valve a cut
Part of me wonders want PC gaming would be like if valve didn't go that route, my guess is bethesda would have their paid mods and a lot more mtx focused games would be on steam

I don't know what this nigga is talking about I pirated Half Life 2 and didn't jump on the Steam bandwagon until a friend wanted me to play Left 4 Dead with him and bought me the game. The same friend hates Borderlands.

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>dude you just have to play through the game 3 times and then run through Digistruct Peak 8 times to unlock the game's actual difficulty
Thank Christ for Gibbed's Save Editor.

Step 2a. Pirate the shit out of this game for not being on steam. Enjoy the game and keep your money from scumbags and your personal data from greedy chinese jews.

I will definitely not buy it until it's on steam and by then probably just forget about it

Seeing all these PC babies cry about the Epic store will never get old.

If he is so rich why doesn't he just date an actual 18 year old instead of leaving USB drives with porn of them at medieval times?

I don't like Borderlands though so I'll do none of that.

>80% of borderlands 2 dialogue is memes
>The first game has little dialogue and gets to the point quickly

Sounds like a Facebook MLM-pusher.

The power of Anthony Burch.
Although judging by fucking Brick doing a sax solo, his infectious style might be what Gearbox want to evoke as well despite everyone jumping in joy at him being gone.

I'll play it in 2020 when its $10.

>common and accepted like uplay and origin

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Doesn't mean we'd have any respect either. I'll pirate both games since they want to sell their game on the SJW store.

god i can't wait until a few years from now when the epic store is successful and all you motherfuckers start your revisionist bullshit and claim that you were supporting it from the beginning

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>shills resorting to JUST FUCKING DO IT FAGGOTS tier tactics
viral marketers all deserve the rope

>Steps 2 and 3 are inevitable and unavoidable.
I am not an inbred idiot, so 2 is completely impossible, because nothing gearbox makes is worth full price, let alone preordering, and since it IS a gearbox game, 3 is out of the question too.

I´ll play it 2 years from now when it is available as a complete bundle for a price that it is actually worth, on steam, and might even have bought it. MAYBE.


This is all just step 1 talk. It costs you nothing to pretend you won't, and it's simple enough when you're anonymous. But I know that you know that you WILL kiss the ring, and you will be greatly rewarded.

>the last time you bought a UE game was Dishonored in 2013

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Randy's such a fag. Pirating this shit if it turns out to be remotely worth it

Dream on, Randy. It cost me nothing to download this game from torrent, thats for sure.

>lol this boomer still uses steam, enjoy your shovelware shithole
>dude steam always sucked. gabe is a moneygrubbing jew who destroyed pc gaming.
i can already see it

Man he sure does like to compare Borderlands to Half Life doesn't he.

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either epic will chagne their ways in these 2 years, or they will either run out of money they waste on exclusivity, or they will have only a handful of games on offer, either way they will have to change their tatics from underhandedness to offering an actual competitive store, or what is much more likely, will become another fringe store like all the others since they are not intent on offering the consumers convenience.

>running out of money
do you realize how fucking big fortnite is

And you're going to miss out on the great multiplayer? Yes, go ahead tell me that it will be cracked too or that it won't be protected like Borderlands 2. It will, and when you realise that fitting in on Yea Forums is worth way less than enjoying GOTY to its fullest, you be fucking grateful for Epic letting you pay $60 dollars (plus processing) for this absolute delight of a game.

Tencent will subsidize them.

Steam is already cancer.
Why do they expect me to install even more cancer on my pc?

or i could just pirate it, what stops me from doing that?
inb4 multiplayer

Yeah, my Diablo 2 account might still be alive, I wouldn't know I haven't played the game in nearly 20 years. Haven't given Blizzard money since then.

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He's probably resentful that the only true good games he made pertained to the Half-Life IP, one where the writing is head and shoulders above anything Gearbox could ever do.

Randy fuck off, you can easly play mp with pirated Borderlands 1/2 and Presequel.

>not waiting for the GOATSE edition and not being cucked by all the DLC they're gonna jam in this shit show

epic will never be successful like this, because 12% is too little, they can't subsidize their store with fortnite inperpetuity, and as soon as they stop offering money upfront games will not be bought on their store since people can buy them elsewhere.

HAHAHAHAHAH, I played 2 through Tunngle (RIP), do you think I won't be able to get 3 through Hamachi or some shit? Oh, sweet child of summer...

We're talking about Borderlands 3 here, kid. It's 2019 and it won't be running on shitty Steamworks for obvious reasons but on a platform run by someone who gets modern multiplayer better than anyone.

Face it: You are fucked. You have no option but to pay the fuck up. But it's the good kind of fucked. Like being raped by someone you actually love, and who loves you. For a mere $60.

>12% to little
that is why they already make you, the customer pay the payment fees.
Gameranger exists and has lots of people using it for Borderlands.
ALSO RIP, too good for this world.

your delusions are an inspiration to raving lunatics everywhere, I bet.

I love your shitposts user but at least don't sound like condensending nigger, too close to Randy.
He already said it will have LAN, so it's over, I have the high ground, or in this case, high waves.

they don't need to offer money once bl3 comes out and proves that games can sell on it. companies desperately want to be able to not release on steam and once it's proven that they don't have to, they're going to be voluntarily releasing on EGS exclusively

hell we don't even know if 2K was even offered anything for BL3

I will be playing cracked mp before it will be available in your timezone for legit download, kid.

I just bought Pre-Sequel with all the DLC for like 5 dollars. I think I can wait till April for Borderlands 3.

I'll just wait for steam.

So what do you epic shills want? Competition for steam, or for steam to be completely destroyed? Because it sounds like You DO want a monopoly, but you want epic to be running it. How is that different from steam having a monopoly?

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Why would someone unironically come onto steam and defend a chinese storefront which will take the money from your sale and use it to fund a global regime of censorship and oppression.

You are all getting paid right? No real american would do this right?

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>You have no option but to pay the fuck up
Unless you come to my house and make me give them money against my will, before which I will shoot you for trespassing, I do.

Attached: steam epic actual truth.jpg (625x967, 222K)

>>lol this boomer still uses steam, enjoy your shovelware shithole
>>dude steam always sucked. gabe is a moneygrubbing jew who destroyed pc gaming.
>fast forward a few years later
>lol this boomer still uses Epic Game Store, enjoy your shovelware shithole
>dude epic game store always sucked. tim is a moneygrubbing jew who destroyed pc gaming.
>fast forward even more years later
>lol this boomer still uses %PLATFORM_NAME%, enjoy your shovelware shithole
>dude %PLATFORM_NAME% always sucked. %CEO_NAME% is a moneygrubbing jew who destroyed pc gaming.
I wish we could go back to simple times, when there were no launchers and all you needed to play the game is a disk.

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Nice, I heard about that Evolve thing but haven't tried it.

>literally NO U argument

Not gonna happen dude. Soon you just stream the games you want to play so you own them even less than now.
And yes, steam always sucked and gabe is a moneygrubbing jew.

it's ok but last time i used it, it was breaking connection from time to time

Steam made everything work on linux
Borderlands 3 would have, but the chinese stole it.

Now fuck off back to beijing and choke on your polluted air.

can anyone suggest a shield to get as Krieg

I finished the love thumper quest way too early, so I can't go get another

level 27 btw

Attached: build.png (1129x995, 2.31M)

Hide of Terramorphous is a good alternative, or if not, that one from the Hammerlock DLC that has 0 capacity, so whatever abilities work when your shield is down are always active. Rough Hide, I believe it was?

roid damage, or just use bee if you don't play modded

Do you realize how big Overwatch was? No trend lasts forever.

Hey dude I'm just saying it's gonna be even worse because some fat fuck popularized selling customers only licenses.

Yep this. He'd look better if he just said "Guys, epic paid us a shit ton to do this. Wouldn't you take the money?"

I would say steam made things better. Everything is cheap, in one place, and compatible with everything.


You're gonna be saying that same thing about the epic store in a year

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You mean the store that doesn't even have GNU/Linux support in the pipeline, let alone contributing to wine/proton?


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Are you a fucking child needing to be told this? Of course they do it for the money. Everyone does. Do you think Coke wants you to drink pop for your sake? No, they want you to pay them. Your parents go to work because they get paid. People sell their shitty games on Steam because it gives them exposure and saves them distribution costs, not because they want to do you a favour. The only thing that changed is that Epic now offers a better deal.

It's gonna happen trust me.
After the epic store you're gonna be outraged by Stadia and the year after that's out, you'll be praising it.

Year of the Linux desktop is indefinitely cancelled. Let it go.

>Half Life 2
This faggot was playing console games when Half Life 2 released. Fuck him.

But steam literally
JUST made all the windows games work on linux. I just switched over entirely.

I'm not switching back because of a bunch of communist foreigners. If I need to switch to windows to play a game, it damn well better be pirated.

If you hate commies so much, how come you're literally using Marx OS? American freedomfighters use Windows by Microsoft.

Spyware OS ain't a better choice retardo

Why don't they just admit it's free money for doing nothing and that's why studios are jumping to Epic store? There is no higher cause behind it.

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Good thing Stadia works through a browser so you don't have to wait to play all those sweet games my dude.

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>not owning games
Shan't be using that either.

They could, but it would go against the narrative that Steam is a big mean monopoly that doesn't let my cousin's copypaste Metroidvania thrive and sell 14 million copies on day one.

That's a nice Nate you posted.

i fucking hate randy but he's not wrong.
i'm no fan of epic game store but if some game that i absolutely had to get, like cyberpunk 2077 or vtmb 2, were egs exclusives, i would bend over like a schoolgirl.

GoG is alright for now though.

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This unironically, not sure why the developers that accept Epic money always have to lie about their shit. Just own it, say you wanted the cash and its gonna be much better than any PR bullshit you make up

You already don't own your games if you're using steam. Lag being solved is only a matter of time friend.
Video games are over.

That's fine, I still have a massive backlog of games that work just fine on linux and my cracked consoles.

And of course my favorite hobby, calling out paid foreign shills on the internet.

>is an actual problem
Subjective. It is not a problem to me or many other people clearly, it's 100% a benefit as it gives me more choice rather than arbitrarily limiting my choice because some other retard cunts don't like it so I shouldn't be able to get it either.
Your argument is fucking retarded, just like the argument always is.
Do you think people browse the fucking store in its entirety without limiting it with searches? Are you fucking stupid? The majority of people buying anything from any website or online store know exactly what they're buying and spend time browsing only for competition to that product. Nobody goes to steam and just goes SHOW ME ALL THE GAMES STEAM I WANNA BROWSE cause nobody is that brain dead. They search new releases, or sales, or by genre, or they set up their fucking algorithm and filters so that it has learned what they like and dislike so what it shows you on the front page is only shit you do not own but match your interests.
Fuck me why are you all such children who want big mommy gaben to chew your food for you before you eat it.

>the gooks are fucking everything up YET AGAIN
>impotent GAMERS clap and ask for more while throwing money and data at them

We dropped the nukes on the wrong slant eye niggers.

I am gar for Ar... wait WTF?

Chinks arent very creative and there aren't many people actually stupid enough to make OC about the epic store even ironically, so Chang has to make do with what he gets.

>arbitrarily limiting my choice because some other retard cunts don't like it so I shouldn't be able to get it either.
No one is saying the games need to be removed, just that they should be segregated.
I can disable porn garbage for retards for the most part, though a large, large, large portion of it still slips through the cracks because they aren't tagged properly.
However, there is literally no downside to steam splitting up the storefront into Greenlight/Main Store/Retard Jerkoff Containment.
Steam would have a lot to gain from cleaning up the store as well. If the store was actually worth looking at again people might just check it out for shits and giggles when they're bored, instead of the usual thing where they just search for the one game they want to buy and leave.

Not to mention true weeb retards play original chink versions anyway.

I like how they never add the "The games will be cheaper because of the smaller cut" shitty excuse

>best game of any time

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>watching hot 18 year old girls getting fucked
Are you a cuck? Watching naked legal girls is normal. If you don't want to see a naked 18 yo you are literally gay af or an insecure basedboy who will only prep bulls.

They also pirate it because what kind of retarded faggot buys porn.
I feel nothing but disgust for the retards that cry whenever porn games get removed from steam, not because they're garbage tier fetish shit like lolis or incest, but because these retards are actually buying and playing porn on fucking steam.

>No one is saying the games need to be removed, just that they should be segregated.
This is for all intents and purposes the same thing. If I am unable to find a game I want on the store or it is hidden, and I have to specifically go to some second secret location and search all over again through a different set of games to find it, that's no better than removing it. Consumers do not want inconvenience are you high lad?

>If the store was actually worth looking at again people might just check it out for shits and giggles when they're bored
No they wouldn't, because that's simply not how human beings shop online m8, not even remotely.

You know what would help with games slipping through the cracks? If you actually used your discovery queue, wishlist and ignore feature for games so the algorithm learns what your fucking account wants and doesn't want, it's very magical.

What if I'm just old and my life isn't run by rampant hormones anymore?

>liking fully grown adults makes you a pedo

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Whatever retard, I guess have fun sifting through thousands of garbage indie games and paying for porn on steam

I'm just going to keep not using the store because its a fuckin mess, and I probably won't use it until they fix it. Most people I know feel the same way, but apparently you have got the hot tips and everyone loves how shitty the steam store has been for years, even though this was an extremely common complaint and I've never seen anyone deny that its a problem until this Epic VS Steam shit started.

HL2 was never influential it was just coddled by /r/eddit for having a protag with a neckbeard. literally no one likes HL2 except redditors

except he really did it to get back at Valve for fucking him over. i'm sure the money doesn't hurt, but he's loving this. Idk why tf he didn't just make this a 3 year exclusive for Epic while he's at it.

Personally, I'm never getting Epic. ever. So i don't really gaf about this dumbass drama. he can take his game and shove it up his ass. I'll never give the chinese govt a single penny nor that arrogant vampire ceo.

>I guess have fun sifting through thousands of garbage indie games and paying for porn on steam

>I've never seen anyone deny that its a problem
Maybe because you only talk to fucking brain damaged retards who, like you, don't want to use the tools given and want gaben to chew your food and spit it directly down your throat and anything else is a fucking unacceptable travesty.
Nah nigger, I'll continue using the store which gives me the greatest breadth of choice, no matter what some other cunts personal taste on those available products might be.

>Search for game I want to buy with the search bar
>Go to page
>Click on buy

Oh, my, how hard it is.

What do you think his wife and son think of him?
If I were his son, I would seriously think of running away with some cash.

Whatever roid shield you find along the way is good. Hide of tera is the best roid shield in vanilla game with thumper at 2nd place. Whats great about krieg is that if you straight for release the beast you can literally use no items up to lvl 72 with no problem. Op levels is when his shit gets fucked.

What is that actually supposed to be? I never figured it out

Thats my point you melon.
This is the only way to use the store now, back before steam was flooded with garbage you could just kinda skim through the store, sort by genre, and odds are you'd find a neat new game you hadn't heard of before and want to add it to your wishlist. The store is so bloated with indie garbage that no one would ever want that its worthless. The only time most people go to the store is to do exactly what you just described.

If steam cleaned up the store a bit and made it less bloated with trash people might actually go back to just checking out the store for the sake of it and looking around for new games.

Because they are jews who want more money. Why lower cuts when you have army of steamdrones that will shill for you.

Do any of you actually think this is going to hurt sales in a significant way? Do you really think people who want to play this game arent going to spend 5 minutes downloading a client to play it? Its bizarre.

>he actually likes all of the literal garbage 'indie' trash flooding steam
>calls other people retards

Attached: Steam_2019-04-13_16-20-50.png (702x867, 324K)

I don't really care what other people do, I'm not using the epic store, I'm not using Uplay, I'm not using any of these garbage stores.

Always remember, no matter how much you fuck up in life, no matter how hard things get, and no matter how bleak things may seem, you will never be tim sweeny, you will never be randy bitchford, and you will literally never ever be anthony birch.

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Why do you use steam?

What 'content' does Epic have? Fortnite? Other games they paid to be exclusives?

This isn't to confirm information. It's about integrity.

Whether I like it or not is irrelevant, some people like it and that's all that matters you dumb fuck. How is this a difficult concept for you to grasp? If even one person wants to buy it, it should be on the store, simple as that.

its timestamped at 37:00, part lasts for approx 3 min.

This reminded me of that one time on Yea Forums when people were given real names and everyone was trying to see if they got Anthony Burch. I don't think anybody did.

I think Randy is reaching A.B levels tho. That's coming from a BL fan.

>giving a single fuck about Memelands
please keep it Timmy Tencent I want Cheng to steal the info of any faggot retarded enough to give money to queerbox

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day1 pirate

The 10% shit is completely unsustainable, epic themselves admit this publicly you stupid fuck.

Is Randy Pitchford the most hateable person in the games industry?

>If even one person wants to buy it, it should be on the store, simple as that.
Why the fuck can't it be on an indie storefront?
Whats wrong with having them on greenlight while the games that have proven to be in demand stay on the main store?

The people that like these 50 cent shovelware games could still go to the indie store page to look for some new garbage, but the other 99.9% of the population wouldn't have to see that trash anymore.

I think the reason so many people are defending epic game store and dont want to as admit that its chinese spyware and takeover is because of fortnite.
Bunch of kids who think their favorite team can't possibly this evil.

No one has a problem with the epic launcher. The problem is exclusive games. It doesn't serve the customer to remove choice.
Am I in Bizzaro faggot land because it's like I'm taking crazy pills for even having to explain this.

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You don't need a roid shield on krieg, complete overkill. Get a rough rider of Flame of The Firehawk

BL3 confirmed as good as Half-Life 2!

>but the other 99.9% of the population wouldn't have to see that trash anymore.
Those people don't fucking matter. Why should a consumer have to be inconvenienced and go through a whole second store just becasue you're a lazy cunt m8?
If you want a store that only shows and sells you things that are "in demand", you should go elsewhere. That's anti consumer as fuck, and also anti game dev as fuck. What a terrible concept for a digital store, not limited or restricted by space and stock lmao.

these people are from /r/gamingcirclejerk. they arent even trying to hide their autism, they are wearing it as a badge.

Its shitty movie game.

I think one guy got Tony Burch?

2k is the one that Epic gave millions to, Randy and Gearbox got fuck-all.

>Why should a consumer have to be inconvenienced and go through a whole second store just becasue you're a lazy cunt m8?
Why should 100,000 people be inconvenienced and have to sift through thousands of garbage no-effort games from some dude in Russia trying to scam some idiots into giving him a dollar for a game he made with royalty free assets, just because one weird dude really likes those games?

You shill said the same thing for Metro and look where we are now. I still have 0 interest in Exodus despite liking last light and 2033.

>Steamdrones still


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Yet it sold a lot more than the previous games. Your talk is cheap but someone is happily paying up. That's what Epic and publishers care about because that what matters.

>Half-Life 2
Borderlands 3 is Half-Life 3, not having it on Steam was Gaben's master plan all along.

Attached: illuminati.png (512x512, 44K)

Borderlands is a shit series and I hope normies realize it with 3

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Every time I refer to a shopping cart and search functions as "features" I have a wave of realization that this must be what talking to a space alien is like.

I'm mostly just sad that Obsidian got suckered into this garbage by their publisher.
Outerworlds looked genuinely good and I'm going to feel bad pirating it

>Zoomer shill doesn't know how LAN multiplayer works
Not surprised. Really you should stop, it's not even funny anymore how stupid you can be.

based, their built-in search has replaced all torrent sites for me

>look what that got him.

It got him a guaranteed couple of million dollars. I'd call that a win.


Imagine thinking integrity matters in the real world lmao

You don't have to though, as stated, they've given you the tools and an algorithm that learns your preferences. Use them, teach it, fix your own issue.
Nobody gives a fuck if the assets are royalty free or not, it has no bearing on if the game is even enjoyable or not.

Randy is such a disgusting human being that I have not bought a single Gearbox product since they absolutely destroyed Colonial Marines

It makes my soul cry that BL3 is going to sell millions

>lol its not a problem bro, just spend a few hours training an AI to understand that you don't want to see thousands and thousands of no-effort asset flips instead of actual games
How is this an easier solution for everyone than just bringing back greenlight and keeping the garbage off the main store?

tfw Dishonored was great, but Dishonored 2 still runs like shit and nobody cares anymore.


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The epic store being successful is a foregone conclusion, don't use it if you don't want to but stop reeeeing about it and make up bullshit like it's chinese spyware, it just makes you look stupid

>spend a few hours
Do you even use steam? You can set your preferences from the outset if you want, I don’t see early access games in the store. Otherwise five minutes of going through your queue of recommended games and it will have an idea of what you like.

I'm gonna say the T word

>Do you even use steam?
This is like my third steam account over the years and the main one I ended up using, I've been using steam long enough to remember when the store wasn't full of garbage and was actually nice.

Attached: Steam_2019-04-13_16-54-30.png (1051x856, 542K)

Maybe not for soulless corporate shills like yourself.

Ok? My point still stands. If you just casually search for games on the store and use the “interested/uninterested” feature, as well as filtering by tags, you won’t see that shit.

My point is that steam should have mild curation because I shouldn't have to filter thousands of garbage games to be able to see actual shit worth buying.
Just because its not a problem for you doesn't mean its a not a problem at all. The steam store used to be really really good before all the shit from greenlight flooded into the main store

You're either a liar or a soi golem. Any male that produces a normal amount of testosterone likes to look at sexy women.

>epic games
i plan to play it on console so none of this retarded "console war" crap matters.

Why do these people love to antagonize their customers so much?

I just have better things to do with my time, I've been in enough relationships to know that I got meme'd on and sex isn't really that important or interesting.
An ass is an ass, tits are tits, they never really change and they only seem so great because of hormones anyway.
I'd rather spend what little time I have on this planet enjoying hobbies with my buddies.

He sure does

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It would have helped if he hadn't gloated about how his crowdfunding money means nothing next to Sweeney's pockets.

>i plan to play it on console so none of this retarded "console war" crap matters
>play it on console
>none of this retarded "console war" crap

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*breathes in*


I'd rather Valve charge Randy "too much money" than not having regional pricing.
Fuck off.

Does he seriously think BL3 is the next Half-Life 2?

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wow this is pathetic

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>us gamers, amirite
>gotta swallow that egs pill now, fellow gamers

>Outerworlds looked genuinely good

Oh my fuck.

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Yeah it did, I would have bought it during launch week on steam

>No one has a problem with the epic launcher.
then download it
its free

If Borderlands 3 is the new Half Life 3 then that means TPS is actually Hunt Down the Freeman.

Attached: YOU FUCKED UP MY FACE.jpg (1920x997, 436K)

You're the delusional one here, OP

>Oh no! The publisher decided we're going with the Epic Games Store! So sorry guys, this wasn't my call, but isn't the EGS kinda great?
>haha yeah, the only way I'd actually make an effort to get this game on Steam is if Valve announced a game that is never coming out, haha
the absolute madlad

Attached: randypls.png (615x446, 61K)

>3. You will have a great time with the best game of 2019
But I've been playing Sekiro for weeks now.

then its the games fault
not the launcher's

Why do they keep him around? After all the shit he's done, the bathroom picture, "underage" porn on usb, the battleborn rule 34 subreddit, the bigot song, how fucking awkward he is in general. Why the fuck do they let him stay as the face of gearbox? Can they seriously not out him somehow? Are they all as fucked as him? I just don't get it.

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The only thing he's swallowing is dick

It's ridiculous how obsessed Randy is with Gabe.
>half life 2
>that fake story about how he won the name gearbox from gabe during a poker game
>now this

Why is this filthy man so obsessed with people swallowing stuff?

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>He inSUlTeD mE

Attached: Randy_Is_A_Dick.png (577x456, 54K)

>I disagree with this decision

Attached: 1552260779291.jpg (85x67, 5K)

He's the president of a private company. He can do whatever the hell he wants.

I as well as 3 friends have already preordered the super deluxe version

I bet you're foaming at the mouth at the thought

And so did all of the other Borderlands games. A billion guns that are the same but with minor stat changes.

Show me the numbers mason.

It's both, which makes it worse.

six gorilion guns

It wasn't illegal, it was barely legal.