What are you waiting for?

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Is it bad if I say DLC..?

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Punch-Out!!, Pikmin 4, and Wario Land sounds nice when you mention it

Right now, the next Warhammer 2 DLC. Ikkit Klaw looks like a fun character to play.

I'm also still waiting for Stellaris to become good, but I think I'll always be waiting for that.


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Waiting which is worse than Half-Life 3

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waiting for TES VI

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Pikmin 4. There are more upcoming games that I want, but Pikmin 4 is the only one that seems to be vaporware

I'm waiting for the Blue Omen Operation.

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Enough money for a better computer so I can actually play the games I have.

But also Silksong, TES VI, and A update for Terraria and Starbound

Monster Tale was cute

Radio The Universe
Code Vein

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Cyberpunk 2077
Code Vein
Anno 1800
Fallen Order

E3 and Halo Reach on the PC.

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Indeed, a shame the 3ds port was never made. They could have fixed the final boss battle and some music.

for the adventure of my life to begin

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SMT5 and Butterlord. I hope won't end up dead before either release

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Code Vein
MHW Iceborne
MGQ Paradox Pt3

I really enjoyed juggling enemies and the MC's voice was cool to listen to

Nothing, these days i just take things as they come instead, sometimes years after it happened cause im slow, Late Adoption has its perks.

Got taught the lesson that being hyped and "Waiting" is a good way to end up enjoying what you are waiting for less.

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Sorry to inform you but Monster Tale on DS (the original one) wasn't that great

Which is fuckingridiculous since the previous game from the same group (Henry Hatsworth) is unironically and absolutely seriously one of the greatest games of all fucking time holy shit.

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My death
I have planned out my suicide on a specific date and I keep my promises, so I won't do it earlier.

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You shall find it user.

It's never going to happen until you make it happen. The longer you wait for it, the more it passes you by.

DGS2 translation

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I'm waiting so I can wait

I'm braced for disappointment

Waiting for Darkstalkers 4

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Waiting for a third Raidou game.

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Death Stranding
Animal Crossing
P4G to be freed from the Vita

I hate waiting.

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>0 results

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Jak 4

I guess I'm waiting for him in smash too but fat chance

It still hurts

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Don't do it user, if you are going to die anyway why hurry it?

Dragon's Dogma 2
Armored Core 6

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A Waluigi standalone title
Mach Rider reboot

Because the costs overweight the benefits.

If you're white, don't.

Medievil remaster
Crash team racing
Nioh 2
Code vein
Lost soul aside
Ghost of tsushima(kino)
yakuza 3,4,5,6

I just wait. I may never buy a game I wait for, so I just wait.

I came here to post this, I'm just waiting for my life to end at this point

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As someone who never played the AA games and recently picked up the trilogy on the switch, I'm hoping we get more of these fucking games ported to shit that isnt fucking phones. I just marathoned through the first game and I'm loving this shit.

>Legend of Dragoon
>0 results

I'm disappoint

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oh and Dragon Quest Builders 2

Slavs aren't white

Sekiro was the only upcoming game I cared about and it turned out to be a blunder. Now I got nothing.

>normies fuck
>out of their goo grows a body
>you're ripped from the eternal rest and trapped inside the body at random

really makes you think

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I'm waiting for more fucking classes in Risk of Rain 2

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New F-Zero
Get on my level plebs

I'm glad you like it user

It's one of my favorite series of all time, maybe my favorite story-driven one

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just go back to your souls you casual cunt kek

I didn't think I'd love it as much as I do, excited to have 2 more games to play from the trilogy. Been trying to get into various VN's over the past few years. Played a bit of Stein's Gate and bounced right off of it after a couple hours. Not sure why AA clicked so hard for me in comparison.

Was thinking of trying Danganronpa next after I finish this trilogy. Not sure if it's similar but been seeing people recommend that.

Waiting for Ninja Gaiden to make a comeback

Iceborne and Bannerlord

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Xenonauts 2


Just some AAA games I can pirate, get disappointed once again and go back to something I'm nostlagic about.

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it has, it's called SEKIRO

my will to do anything in life

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Same. I'm not VN aficionado but the games are really good.

I'm waiting for Phoenix Wright, Joker, Homer Simpson, and Leonardo the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle to all be announced for Smash

Smash Bros DLC characters
Etrian Odyssey NEXT
FF14 Shadowbringers

Maui Mallard 2
Mega Man ZX3

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I was supposed to be learning programming

Just waiting for AMD Navi and ryzen 2

Star Citizen

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Timesplitters Rewind on console+PC with crossplay.

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Waited for ZTD for 4 years. I learned my lesson from that. Never waiting for things again.

Idol Manager out of beta
Also, a Game Dev Tycoon style game but with movies instead of video games which isn't made by treacherous poos.

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Wind Waker HD on Switch


Wasn't that released years ago? And flopped hard immediately?

I came here to laugh at you.

I was going to start learning Japanese again


for me its gotta be megaman legends 3

The rest of Smash’s fighter packs.
I’ve just about had it with Steveposting, Gohanposting, Porkyposting, Eggmanposting, Fawfulposting, Syluxposting, Reimuposting, Shantaeposting, Sansposting, and Threads that start with “GOOOOOOOOOD MOOOOOOOORNIIIIING, Yea Forums!“ or “Tick-Tock, blankfags”,
Am I missing anything?

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Armored Core on PC

dragon's dogma 2

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Chrono Cross sequel
new Jagged Alliance
new top-down Fallout
Valkyria Chronicles 5
Child of Light 2
Doom Eternal
Gravity Rush 3
new Zelda
Terranigma remake

Cyberpunk 2077

I've been waiting 10 years for a true sequel for a flash game.

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FF8 remake why they feel the need to tease about it so much

I'm going to start over on programming learning for the 7th time at this point
I always begin and then hit a wall and hope to come back later but I keep forgetting and then I just give up and try again some time later, hoping I won't hit any walls

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her to cuck us all

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