>Give this a go after playing World >Controls are even clunkier >I have to buy individual pickaxes for minerals >I have to buy individual whetstones >Stamina naturally gets lower and lower if I don't keep it boosted >Most starting quests are just gather quests >Graphics are so bad they literally make my eyes hurt within seconds of playing
That's gonna be a big yikes from me, dog. Methinks I'm gonna go back to World, yes I do.
>Stamina naturally gets lower and lower if I don't keep it boosted This is the same with world retard. Also, dash juice is OP in older MH because your stamina literally doesn't run out when using it
Mason Morales
Fuck off back to world adhd infested zoomer
Daniel Watson
I don't recall this really being a problem in World to anywhere near the same extent but I thought I may be wrong about that.
Juan Turner
>Most starting quests are just gather quests
Nolan Ward
It's not a problem in world because you don't really have to run away from monsters that much compared to older MH. It doesn't really matter anyway, both games are good.
Jonathan Watson
Literally the first few quests in the game are just gather the herbs and rocks and shit or at best slaying 10 shit easy small monsters
Ethan Harris
I can't believe Capcom is gonna fucking murder GU already small as fuck playerbase once they release Iceborne
Adrian Ramirez
No one plays ZombieMH anymore All vets and chads are out hunting in GU
Charles Powell
Git gud, bitch.
Logan Thomas
Well it doesn't has anything to do considering end game is sparse. It'll again get back to 50k+ people playing once iceborne drops.
Hunter Ortiz
GU is a graveyard
Adam Thompson
>being unironically a zoom zoom oh boy
Chase Harris
I can still regularly find a game in World no problem, no matter what I'm looking for.
Colton Brown
Imagine pretending to like this game just because it's a Nintendo exclusive
William Sanchez
I fucking hate Worldfags on principle. I've never had a franchise I love ruined by casuals, but now that flaming seeth is beginning to burn within me.
Ian Adams
Yeah a graveyard of worldlets who got destroyed by a fucking G.Maccao
Fuck World, fuck Capcom, fuck Sony and FUCK casuals
Samuel Jones
No, it's just a graveyard since the game is shit and locked behind paid online.
Reddit filename, frogposter and a terrible post... uh, yikes!!
Nathan Moore
>Want to get into MHGU after playing MHW >Don't want to pay for online >None of my friends nearby want to play or own a Switch >Not having as much fun as I did with FU/Tri/3U/4U I hate this
Grayson Carter
I’m kinda new starting off from 4U but even I can tell the divide world brought in, it’s a shame cause the community was pretty chill
Jeremiah Hughes
Tell your friends to emulate XX on Citra and play online with them.
Lucas Richardson
Play XX on 3DS.
Julian Green
I got so bored of World because every hunt was easy enough that you could clear it on the first try. I like the quality of life improvements in gathering and don't miss having to juggle item slots, but the combat feels way less consequential in World. You have heals for days, monsters barely hurt you, you can finish quests in like 5 to 7 minutes, dodging gives you way more invulnerability and you have such a tiny hitbox, and so on.
When I killed a barroth for the first time in Tri it was a big moment for me, because it was the culmination of 40 minutes of struggling and slowly losing resources as I was punished for each mistake. In World I killed the first barroth in like 12 minutes and didn't even touch a single megapotion. It didn't feel like I'd accomplished anything.
Noah Ward
I'm the only one in my group of friends with a computer that ISN'T a fucking potato I know there's a translation patch, the hard part is trying to convince my friends to hack their 3DSes so I can play with them, or is Citra capable of online play already?
Blake Sanders
Why do MonHun autists have such trouble moving on from their budget PS2 kusoge?
Christopher Long
>his friends STILL don't have hacked 3dses LMAO literally no excuse
Sebastian Gonzalez
Nice reddit spacing, worldsperm. You wouldn't stand a chance against super deviants even if your life depended on it Stay in your kids game, neo-nu-hunter
Brayden Kelly
Because apparently games that are tedious to play are good because casuals find it boring.
Cameron Powell
>Doesn't know what reddit spacing is
Joseph Evans
>All vets and chads are out hunting in GU lmao I'm playing FU, I wouldn't touch your anime DS shit with a ten foot pole.
I've offered to do it for them, but I get the standard responses >"The last time I tried to hack my console it got bricked!" >"I don't want to get banned by Nintendo!" >"That's illegal, user!"
David Flores
MH has been steadily deteriorating in difficulty since 3U though
Easton Roberts
It's literally only tedious to play if you're shit. Anyone who posts the "30+ minutes per boss" meme can be instantly disregarded as a dumb casual.
Aiden Flores
You wouldn't touch anything else other than Freedom Unite anyway. FUfags don't get an opinion because all they can do is trumpet their old, outdated game and complain like the crotchety old men they are.
Jonathan Myers
>he can't git gud >he needs to play baby games for baby casuals HO NO NO NO HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!
How does a new game ruin your time with all the older games?
Luke Ortiz
Because old = good new = bad and any change whatsoever is not welcome. They want the same exact shit over and over but with some new monsters and more brightly colored whacky anime weapons. They forget that old mh games dont simply disappear just bc a new one they dont like comes out.
Jackson James
>All vets are playing my shitty game >No they aren't >W-WELL YOU D-DON'T COUNT Absolutely assblasted.
Liam Gomez
Get better friends.
Kevin Torres
kys worldsperm
James Young
3U, 4U and GU are vastly superior to every other MH game and considering Capcom's recent push for casualization it seems unlikely they'll ever be topped.
I just started playing world, man is it poorly optimized, beautiful, but poorly optimized.
Juan White
>3U +50 base defense for western players. casual trash
>4U Vertical level design and overpowered mounting which allows you to cheese the game with braindead button mashing minigame for free knockdowns. Also introduced the worst new weapons such as the hyper super duper explosion reddit charge axe
>GU Oh boy a rehash of 4U but with less frames per second or effort put into it. Gotta love those awesome hunting styles that trivialize the game such as adept dodging and the entire valor style in general
You're not a vet, because you haven't played anything other than Freedom Unite and you never will. You will forever be stuck in the second gen while everyone else plays something newer. 3U, 4U, GU, World, and whatever NEXT is supposed to be. Everyone will continue to have fun with those games while you can do nothing but gag and cough about Freedom Unite.
Juan Flores
>Fuck off back to world adhd infested zoomer Is that supposed to be an insult? Pretty much every aspect of the series was improved with World; it's hard to list them all.
The biggest is probably the map design, with huge open regions that have all sorts of secrets, verticality, and special interactions. Compared to the flat segmented maps with loading screens every 50 feet, it's like a different (better) game. Combat is a lot more fluid all around. This is the sum of a lot of changes to each weapon, but stuff like ranged weapons being able to move and shoot, and refinements on the melee weapon playstyles makes combat a lot more fun than it was in previous titles. Graphics and spectacle, obviously. Gathering is fast and painless, and can all be done during hunts. No more tediously grinding for whetstones or basic ammo, no more going out for a mission just to get 10 things and come back. The focus is always on what the game does best - hunting monsters. Scoutflies and tracking are so much nicer than paintballs. The armor trait system is more streamlined, in a good way. Building sets and theorycrafting with armor skills and decorations in World is a lot more interesting than how previous entries handled it. The only thing holding this back from being an objectively superior system is how the older games had so many more armor sets that they offered more options sometimes. Quests just make more sense. The main quest / side quest / expedition system is intuitive and convenient.
Also, to all the people complaining about how they dumbed it down to appeal to casuals, let me remind you of how previous MH games were designed: >Dude let me just take 4 steps to the left and warp zones where I can disengage combat and heal and sharpen at my own pace lmao
I fucking love monster hunter lads Tell me your favorite weapon, what game you started on, and your favorite monster and you'll get that drop you've been waiting for, I swear I use the sword and shield, started on freedom unite, and have deviljho as my favorite monster by the way
Oh and don't forget: all this in glorious silky smooth 30fps, the biggest offender of all.
Aiden Jackson
Oof and ultrayikes @ this cringepost
Gabriel Jackson
3U also nerfed every monster into the dirt and made them complete jokes.
Mason Murphy
>All this projection What an embarassing post.
Michael Hernandez
There is no divide, just a couple of autists that I can't even call vocal, because nobody complains about World except for autists on this site. Everywhere else on the internet World is universally loved.
Joseph Gomez
3U is shit and GU is bland but 4U even with it's flags still position as the absolute best MH game for now, dethroning FU.
Cooper Cook
>tfw enjoy all monster hunter games Bros I'm pretty excited for Iceborne
>Crown hunting in World >Got a fair few but a couple are giving me the shits >Apparently the pitch of the roars is a good indicator >Bazelgeuse has a deeper roar >Was a crown reddit was useful for something, finally.
Samuel Murphy
I still need to get world but it’s hard to imagine going backwards with the hunting horn and sns.
Xavier Cruz
Me too but since I'll play it on PC I might die before the shitty ass port is released. Fun fact: only shitters find MH to be tedious.
Angel Turner
>Dude you've only played FU, trust me >Not projection
Nathaniel Lopez
Do you even know what projection means?
Gabriel White
>haven't played GU in awhile >stopped playing after finishing up HR village >Have to farm Guild quest to get to G rank now >mfw getting BTFO by LR guild toad and probably would have carted if not for my HR gear
Dylan Barnes
>"I wouldn't touch your anime DS shit with a ten foot pole."
Blake Hill
>suddenly It was the excuse of people who couldn't get into MH for a decade until World came out.
But MH picked up a lot of steam in the west with 4U. 4U was a top 10 best selling game on the platform. The only reason MH is now such a popular game now is because it's a multiplat instead of forcing you to buy some shitty handheld.
Dominic Ortiz
>Still no argument Most people probably don't want to deal with shit breaking and having to buy consumables to do every little thing; doesn't mean that it's difficult. Again, it seems like you're only defending it because "casuals" find it annoying which is peak Yea Forums contrarianism.
William Nguyen
What's harder? Kirbys Epic Yarn or Monster Hunter World?
Thinking of picking up GU to bide some time before Icebourne drops. Does this game at least run at 60fps? Is charge blade pretty sick?
Angel Wright
Yes I forgot to mention it was second excuse after "muh graphics".
Noah Watson
Fuck off Worldlet we don't want you poisoning real MH with your presence
Angel Gonzalez
Congrats, you just got pleb-filtered.
Bentley Butler
Relax dude, only MH games I skipped were the 3DS games and P3rd.
Michael Reyes
>Is it 60 fps Nope, but it easily could've been if B team didn't shit the bed and put any effort into it
>Charge blade go back
Most people above the age of 14 who aren't massive weaboo faggots or manchildren don't own a 3DS, Also, 4U ran horrendously on the system during online play unless you dropped another 200 on the NEW 3DS which is still outdated hardware but with a slightly faster processor
Anthony James
It has worse fps than 4u sadly. I don’t think the switch version fixes this at all sadly. Charge blade got nerfed from 4u, not sure how hard but reading over its hunter arts list it atleast got some fun sounding/strong arts.
Ryan Gutierrez
>having to buy consumables to do every little thing >he thinks buying consumable items is tedious Damn son by your logic all games where you buy consumable items are tedious, but they really aren't and you are just a casual LMAO.
Objectively explain to me why not having to buy pickaxes, whetstones and not have gather quests constantly are bad things without saying git gud or casual.
I kno this is a bait post but here's your (You) cause I unironically dropped the game due to all the fucking gather quest in the beginning. Imagine my surprise when a game that has 90+ large monsters to hunt instead wants you to spend hours upon hours collecting useless garbage
>Hunting Horn >Played bits and pieces of the original, 3U and 4U over the years, but didn't start playing properly until GU >Yian Garuga
Adam Allen
Didn't have a 3DS so my only experience with CB is from World. And that's kind of ridiculous that it has worse FPS than a 3DS game, how does that even happen?
Landon Turner
Because all of those features are GU and GU is a Nintendo exclusive and that means they are good features and it makes me feel better about getting BTFO when World was revealed to not be on Switch.
Michael Rodriguez
Okay so every MH is shit then, what now?
Nathaniel Foster
MH stopped to be "tedious" 10 fucking years ago, get real you assisted faggot.
Benjamin Wood
Can't get Hayabusa Feather without doing all gathering quests.
Easton Ross
Who knows, from what I heard they didn’t want it running differently from the 3ds version. That said I fucking adore gu, if they added peco back in and boosted the frame rate it’d easily be my favorite monster hunter.
Jack Ramirez
I play both still, but I still prefer GU just because of the monster count and G Rank. World was great as a base game but desperately needs more to do, also farming gems instead of charms was a mistake.
Cooper Allen
>It has worse FPS than a 3DS game It runs better than 4U though. 4U dips to the teens frequently during multiplayer on the original 3DS model
Gavin Walker
Why do people like the bird so much? He gets so much love on Yea Forums but I dont remember him being remarkable.
Nolan Hill
>4U dips to the teens frequently during multiplayer on the original 3DS model Jesus christ. So Charge blade is worse than 4U's version which was super good, but is GU's Charge Blade cooler/better than World's?
It's pretty much a Gypceros or Garuga except for that flint clap attach and its summon ability. Maybe the armors and weapons were too mediocre so it got left out.
Wyatt Miller
I'll post the absolute best monster on the entire franchise and then leave the thread so I can go eat peacefully knowing that I made sure to reveal who truly is best monster and it is no other than Khezu obviously, aka: the best monster in monster hunter.
>Buying pickaxes and whetstones is part of resource management and pre-hunt preparation, which has always been a big part of Monster Hunter >Gathering quests early on are there to force players to learn at least one map's layout under safe conditions so they're not having to learn the map while getting their shit kicked in by Great Jaggi or Great Maccao or something
Oliver Kelly
Summoning shenanigans
Charles Adams
Gather quests is recon
Michael Collins
As someone that started with Freedom Unite and still considers it his favourite, I like most of the other games Didn't enjoy generations at first though, same with Tri, but they both grew on me with the Grank versions somehow. Also I don't like World much at all, it simply changed too much at once for my old man brain and I don't like that there are so few cosmetic options, especially when thats half the fun of hunting horn. I wouldn't complain about other games as much if they could get two things right for once, just two things that Freedom Unite already perfected. The Hunting Horn recital was at its best in Freedom Unite and anyone that argues otherwise never used it. The best part of getting a horn with a new combination of colours was figuring out all of the song combo routes and jotting them down in a notebook. Maybe they're afraid that it was too complicated or something and thats why no one used HH, but it was by far the most fun. The farm as well, Pokke Farm is hands down the greatest farm that MH has ever had, and they've only been getting worse and worse to the point where the "farm" is just talking to a shopkeep and using a menu. Pokke farm was maximum comfy and a nice distraction from the grind of the main game, when I'd get stuck on a really hard hunt it was always nice to hit up the old fucker in the Guild hall and do some treasure hunt gathering quests to earn points for farm upgrades. Also Chameleos and Shogun Ceanataur are the coolest monsters, and Dromes > Jaggis
It doesn't. But it does ruin the future of the series, and it didn't have to be that way. There's always that one insufferble person who wants to "finally get into" the series, if only that one thing wasn't holding them back. Except they never really cared about it in the first place. They liked their imaginary IDEA of Monster Hunter, but they never actually liked Monster Hunter.
Sequel by sequel, it gets more popular, and more and more corners are smoothed off. Little by little, the threshold is lowered. Until finally, it's a mainstream, bland, oatmeal version of the product. And everyone loves it. And it stings, because now you're the minority, and everyone LOVES Monster Hunter now, despite it hardly resembling the game it once was. And on top of that, they despise you for it. You're an elitist "just because" or a "gatekeeping hater". They just can't imagine someone having a genuine love for a game, because they themselves are tasteless and without passion.
Honestly, I'd rather deal with minor issues like consumable pickaxes and whetstones than the jiggly jello animations of monsters and lack of commitment (which you wrongly seem to perceive as less clunky controls) present in MHW, which are some actually major turn-offs for me.
I love it’s armor, it’s cute, and it’s a fun if not easy romp. The monster just oozes personality and frankly having it summon deviljho for the first time is something I’ll not soon forget.
what are you talking about? yesterday I made a room to do hr5 key quest and it quickly filled
Charles Lewis
Use HBG,started on MH3U cus I really liked the demo for freedom unite on the psp and Gore Magala/Shagaru Magala are my faves but deviljho was my fave until 4u.
Lincoln Murphy
MH:W is the best game in the series
Noah Long
literally impossible
Jaxson Sullivan
>all these poorfags nintendies mad they can't play world >tfw dad is a boat captain who makes 400k and buys me all the consoles and top tier PCs hahah faggots im literally playing world and GU at the same time right now. also i have a 1080 ti and i run the world at 60 frames per second. can't wait to have comfy based fun in iceborne too soon
>First game was GU since my 3DS was fucked for years >Love at first sight once I understood the combat >put in 200 hours real quick >LS/IG Main >Buy World on PC >Love it as well and adore the QoL changes >Hammer is godlike and each map is full of slopes to spin attack off of >go back to GU and try hammer only for it to feel worse Shame about that but I love the series now, both classic and World. Can't wait for what comes next
GU is only okay now because of fox and grapes shit with MHW before MHW people were shitting on mhgen mechanics all fucking day
Gabriel Perry
GU is all about bowguns learn how to be a man and play those
Isaiah Diaz
>why not having to buy pickaxes, whetstones Valuable inventory space. I don't need pickaxes or whetstones going into an EX deviant fight using the Bow. This also has you learn where the item node points are on the map so you can make your own, like a good hunter would know. >and not have gather quests constantly There are like two required gathering quests for the Village at the beginning and none other. Harvest tours let you explore the maps.
Jose Myers
Yeah I fuck with bow and bowgun sometimes in World.
Easton Ward
>he isnt Adept or Valor style and just gets out of the way easily
Jackson Lewis
>Be a man >Play these weapons that takes all of the fun and skill out of the game >Also be sure to use adept LBG/valor HBG just so the monster has basically no chance of hitting you due to evasion+5000 in adept or siege mode being minigun mode in valor
Bowgunshitters OUT
Jackson Collins
GU >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> mhgen (It released after World).
Aiden Peterson
>Sequel by sequel, it gets more popular, and more and more shit gets scraped off. Little by little, it gets less boring. Until finally, it's a mainstream, fun and actually playable version of the product. And everyone loves it. And it stings, because now you're the minority, and everyone LOVES Monster Hunter now, despite it hardly resembling the game it once was. And on top of that, they despise you for it. You're an elitist because you shit on it for not having tedious features or are a gatekeeping hater. They just can't imagine someone being this autistic because they have other skills and priorities in life beyond lording over casuals
Jordan Lopez
GU is XX and XX predates world's announcement by a year
Carson Gomez
> adept LBG/valor HBG just so the monster has basically no chance of hitting you due to evasion+5000
it takes commitment not actually taking damage
Luke Nguyen
>implying there is a best game in series that can be summarized by one step forward two steps backward If it helps you to sleep at night, sure keep believe it.
>GU is only okay now because of fox and grapes shit with MHW How can it be "fox and grapes shit" when most people own both games?
Logan Cooper
Yes mh gens have bad interfaces and clunky controls and mechanics are you new? The players like the clunk
Julian Wilson
I've never played a MH game. Explain how the new one is more casual.
Hunter Perry
Valor HBG with pierce literally stunlocks monsters and the window for adept dodging is so forgiving that anyone can consistently do it after maybe 3 hunts
Elijah Perry
most people who play MHGU did not play XX. Why would they when its all in moon speak
Luke Miller
World does everything better than any of the past mon hun games and the only downside is the roster. I put in 200h into gu as soon as any serious fan. But you would have to be a fool to think World is anything but an upgrade
Aaron Martinez
>every other weapon gets wacky new abilities and moves >everyone sounds like they're having fun with the changes >hunting horns big new feature is being heavily casualized and it loses all of the great stuff it used to be able to do for an EZ mode recital for retards >there are only like 5 different horn designs in the game anyway and otherwise you're just slapping a scrap of fur on the old one instead of getting a new one whenever you upgrade so it looks and sounds basically the same for the entire game
XX could be played on 3DS many moons before World and there was a translation patch soon after it released. Plus even if you didn't get the patch, MH is one of the most simplistic games so you could more than likely figure it out without a patch if you played any of the previous games.
Parker Murphy
>monsters pasted in with no changes >no monster introduction No soul
Landon Bailey
Wow MonHun threads used to be full of comradery and vet huns helping newbies, world really ruined that huh.
Nathaniel Green
Console wars have.
Nolan Barnes
world lobby system is trash for a start as is armor skill system.
Jayden White
I hope Iceborne adds like another 100 hours to the game cuz thats all I got from World Hunting for Crowns and Tempered quest is for retards that pretend they are getting more content by doing those
Good fucking lord, I've never seen my feelings toward the series' progression and changes described so accurately. My disdain for the fucking zoomers that act like they have any authority on what's good for it is immeasurable.
Where the fuck have you been? Everyone on Yea Forums has a hacked 3ds at this point and there were plenty of XX threads on Yea Forums. Also the /vg/ thread had almost all XX lobbies even when there was no western version yet.
William Turner
stop trying to make it seem like GU is different from XX, GU is only a translation theres nothing different gameplay wise from XX
Evan Martin
We’ve been split between systems for a long time. Ps2 vita and even Ps3 had monster hunters. Was never an issue then.
Luis Rivera
So when people say "world ruined the fanbase" they really mean Nintendo fans right? Let's be honest here.
Jordan Sullivan
its them gutting out one of the unique things about MH integral to its personality as a game!
Benjamin Lee
>So when people say "world ruined the fanbase" they really mean Nintendo fans right? Let's be honest here. Yes.
>playing Monster Hunter on handhelds I almost couldn't go back to the 3DS for 4 after getting to play MH3U on the Wii U, it just wasn't made to be played on a tiny screen with such annoying controls. MH is best played in bed, and the WiiU and Switch are the best platforms for that
Samuel Powell
No, mad switchfags did because they can't get over the fact MonHun isn't theirs anymore
>there are only like 5 different horn designs in the game anyway and otherwise you're just slapping a scrap of fur on the old one instead of getting a new one whenever you upgrade so it looks and sounds basically the same for the entire game Don't remind me
It's worse, and the fact that it's different in the first place means that it can't be an upgrade.
Owen Thomas
do you still hunt monsters? do you still create armor and weapons from those parts you get from hunting those monsters?
thats the only thing they dont need to touch eveything else is free game
Leo Long
if is different and cant be an upgrade, it cant also be worse
Joseph Jenkins
Its usually just consolewar shitposters, they've learned that they can get (you)s in MH threads ever since it showed up at Sony's E3. Also almost everyone in these threads aside from shitposters cares more about the games than the platforms, aside from the dudes that prefer MH to be portable which is totally understandable.
Colton Jones
Well duh, remember that day when MHW starting getting really good scores and shit on Metacritic? I've never seen a meltdown in my life
Alexander Foster
>aside from the dudes that prefer MH to be portable which is totally understandable. And dudes who prefer to play MH on their TV which is also understandable.
Jesus Christ this is terrifying. Do they at least sound different?
Samuel Gomez
I don’t see how Nintendo fans have anything to do with that. Tri was on the Wii, 3U 4 and 4U were all on the 3DS and I remember the spirit was still preserved. I don’t think it’s as simple as saying one group of console owners are responsible. It’s more likely due to world being the best selling mon hun, and the fact that it removed a lot of anti newbie barriers allowing smoother brained gamers into to the series.
Jayden Peterson
Not the same guy. I'm just saying Generations came out before Worlds because most people confuse Generations for Generations ultimate.
Charles Taylor
If you have a hacked 3ds, which you would need to have to play XX, you can play it with a controller and also project it to a computer monitor. Or you can emulate on PC via citra.
>Also almost everyone in these threads aside from shitposters cares more about the games than the platforms, 100% unironically incorrect. Yea Forums doesn't give a fuck about video games, only console wars. Go to /vg/ if you actually want to have a civilized discussion about either game.
Andrew Flores
It’s a really great game. I’ve got just over 100 hours into it now and feel like I’ve barely scratched the surface. After I put 200 into World I literally couldn’t find anything else to do
Angel Roberts
this is one of the things I really hated from World , I want my characters too look like if they were from an anime and wield cool looking weapons not this bland shit
Gabriel Martin
you're deluded. I don't have a hacked 3ds for a start.
anyway it sounds like XX was truly, really terrible if its true that all those hordes and hordes of people were clambering and falling over themselves to play a moonspeak version of it, as you suggest
Easton Edwards
World > Every other game just on the sole fact that it was the best monster
oh wow , you hunted it like 10 times now ,bye game you already got boring
Jace Lopez
Not a moonrune version since you can just download a translated rom.
I thought the game was underwhelming but I still played and enjoyed it
David Hughes
In other words, you don't know.
Adrian Morales
>100% unironically incorrect. Yea Forums doesn't give a fuck about video games, only console wars. Go to /vg/ if you actually want to have a civilized discussion about either game. I've been in monster hunter threads on Yea Forums since like 2008 around the time Freedom Unite came out, I know what Yea Forums is like.
Nathan Campbell
Isn’t mhg filled with console shitposting, especially against pc users?
Hudson Wright
>that much time
>what are pastas
Jaxon Campbell
>Go to /vg/ if you actually want to have a civilized discussion about either game. >Haha yes "BING" amirite fellow worldchads? *spams lolis* /mhg/ is the worst general on the site.
Only if you use a dps meter. /mhg/ really fucking hates that mod for some reason.
Charles Mitchell
There is shitposting there but it's not literally the entire fucking thread like Yea Forums MH threads are
Yeah man, video game discussion is so much better than Yea Forums (worst board on the entire site) threads where we just accuse each other of being casuals and saying that our first game was FU and you've never played GU or World back and forth. Great fucking MH threads we have here.
>Gunlance >FU except I sucked at it for fuckin years >Zamtrios probably
Ryder Anderson
And to expand further on this point, one of the biggest repellents was the “clunky controls” despite millions of other people having no problem with them and actually enjoying the challenge the mechanics create. But no! It’s the other players who are wrong as says I the man with less than 10 hours of monster hunter under my belt! The controls are simply clunky and they need to be fixed!
And so instead of learning through trial and error like many of us did on our first hunts, they bypass this rite of passage and simply fire off their flares and continually flail about while a more seasoned hunter completes the quest for them. Congratulations you not only cheated the game etc.
Brayden Smith
>/mhg/ is the worst general on the site. No, it really isn't lmao
Ayden Bailey
>A spiky lizard >Best monster
If they didn't give him any focus and didn't call him an elder dragon, he wouldn't be anyones fave. All he does is spike spike spike and nothing else, not even a tiny a explosion, not one.
Nicholas Cooper
I wonder what has happened to you in life that those experiences have molded you into such a liar and a faggot. I mean this with total sincerity and unironically: kill yourself. The entirety of humanity will be better without you.
Yes the first few. Your first hour. And then for the next 300 hours you won't have another one. How is this legitimately a problem worth talking about?
Elijah Johnson
depends on the time of day. Weekends is the worst time for real discussion as all the 10 year old wojak posters infest the boards.
Isaac Lopez
You have no idea what you are talking about, please leave.
Kayden Wright
>skills bloat >even worse power creep than we ever had in the previous game >not worse Come on, they changed only thing than didn't need any change and was consistently good through the whole series
Henry Williams
>hitbox at his crotch when his attack involves solely his front >that *teleports behind u* leap move >that quick punch where he immediately turns around and throws you around >this is supposed to be "best monster"
Nolan Thompson
I watched a streamer awhile back do the double bagel quest and she maybe got like 5 or 6 hits in within the span of 10 minutes while the rest of her party did the work.
Jason Stewart
MH has unique controls people try (unsuccessfully) to shoehorn their muscle memory from other 3rd person games and fail horrendously. then blame the game.
Is it the game's fault? I'd say no. It functions perfectly well once mastered.
Landon Wright
>Thinks /mhg/ is bad >Complains about wojack poster Why do I feel like you're a Nintendofag that got filtered with "BING BING"?
Jose Lee
So Fallout 3 of MH.
Michael Fisher
I can't stick with one weapon for very long. I've been trying out Guild SnS in GU recently. First game was Tri. Favorite monster is always hard. I love Barioth for its design, but probably also its position in tri. Great armor, too.
Oliver Gonzalez
These discussions are pure autism. Classic MH fans are overly defensive and pretend MH has barely any flaws when it has plenty it's just good anyway. And the nu-fans just seem to like pissing the old fans off.
You're all pathetic and platform wars or game version wars are pure retardation for children. Play what you like and talk about it.
>I have to buy individual pickaxes for minerals >I have to buy individual whetstones This is a problem for people? At least pre World you could get more than three ore from one node. >but they recharge Awesome so I can waste my time doing nothing until they do instead of potentially grabbing all the shit I need from two nodes then leaving.
I don't even use Hunting Horns much and this shit hurts and never mind the removal of double notes; you know the one GOOD thing Hunting Horn had gotten since fuck knows when. Weapons were half the spirit of Monster Hunter. We went from having gunhammers, bass guitars, and fucking railguns to so the same model but with different tufts of fur and scales. Hell some monsters are outright missing weapons for reasons I can't fathom in the slightest. Explain to me how Kushala Daora has had a fucking revolver HBG since forever yet somehow it's completely missing form World.
>Fuck Sony for a game on every single platform but Switch
Rent free
Nolan Rivera
How dare I show some passion for something that I've been invested in for a decade? It's not like the suits will listen to me, they got their 10m sales after all. You've also completely missed the mark. I don't think anyone pretends that old MH has barely any flaws, but it should be pretty obvious that a lot of those flaws gave the game distinct character, dare I say soul.
Tbh I find the graphics to be one of the downsides of World. It can be so frustrating and annoying just trying to gather shit on maps now because they're so cluttered and busy. Gathering nodes used to be so immediately apparent when you'd go into a zone. Within a few seconds you could scan the area and know if there are any mining nodes, bugs, or plants in there that you could grab. In world I found I'd waste like an hour on each map just trying to find a mining node or some shit, its so much harder now because they just blend in with all of the needless fluff on the map and are often hidden behind foliage and shit.
I'm all for more atmosphere in games, but World just feels really cluttered
Daniel Moore
They basically sound how they look. Unique horns have unique sounds, the rest are mostly variations of the same thing with extra bits thrown in. youtube.com/watch?v=8LjwyygrRAA
Jose Murphy
>releasing the same game over and over again and adding 4 or 5 new monsters each iteration while recycling 80% of the models and monsters from the previous game Wow.. what soul... monster hunter is such a labor of love... just kidding faggot the only games they actually tried with besides the first one were tri and world
Luke Jones
Fuck me mhf1 was my first too and yian kut ku was so memorable. Also why the fuck did you fight rathalos before you fought rathian it was so weird
Eli Adams
>every MH get shat on whether it's legitimate or not >somehow World shouldn't be criticized because ???
Jason Miller
>This fucking post Are you 60? Do you have cataracts? A lazy eye maybe? You absolutly cannot be serious right now. How is World more cluttered then a small ass screen with a 5 meter health bar and other clogging everything up?
There's that, but what I really find unforgivable about the graphics update is how some monsters have their visual cues for attacks obscured by fucking particles and filters. Lunastra is the worst with that.
Wyatt Wilson
Sony paid Capcom to casualize and westernize MH
Carter Ward
Started with FU, favourite monster is the nerscylla
Its just an ease of play issue. I want to be focused on the monster, but while chasing him its nice to be able to see that there are a few mining nodes and grab those quickly before getting back to finishing the hunt. In world the maps are so cluttered, and the icons on the map don't help at all because you can't filter them so its just as much as a mess as the actual level, that it never feels worth it to stop and gather during hunts.
Jace Garcia
So no more guitar riffs and khezu screams in A minor? Brb gonna go cry for a bit
Luis Perez
Yeah but playing on a tiny portable screen at 240p resolution isn't cluttered at all. Get your eyes checked gramps.
Thomas Cook
List of problems with Monster Hunter World:
>Inb4 "b-but nintendo..."
>Healing while running, can dodge while healing, move while shooting >Many other actions can also be dodged out, including sharpening >Traps are placed almost instantly >Weapons in general are more mobile and stronger, think adept + brave movesets from XX combined >Except for the hunting horn, the weakest weapon in 4U and Generations, which got NERFED in World thanks to the removal of double note system >Overall DPS for weapons was raised significantly, up to G rank levels in a High Rank game >Even easier mounting thanks to much lower mounting threshold (sometimes activating the mount after 1 hit), with the grappling hook taking you right back into the monster even if you fall off as a consequence of an attack >Environment recovers health, puts the monster to sleep, paralyzes it, etc. >You have access to your full box even during hunts, meaning you can stock up on healing items anytime >Mantles give you OP abilities like no knockback, never be seen by the monster unless you attack or a full new health bar >Monsters have been given more generous weakspots, the main example is Diablos with a 40 MV in its head for blunt weapons, as well as a new 45/63/40 weakspot on its head, making them more exploitable >The changes above wouldn’t be so bad were it not for the fact that monsters DO NOT adapt to these changes, resulting in an incredibly easy game from start to finish >The monsters themselves are also very slow and passive when compared to the old gens, they rarely string attacks together and have slow and predictable attacks in general >The only change to tempered monsters are their damage and maybe their HP, so don’t expect actual challenge there. What a joke.
>Arch tempered monsters have demonstrated that Capcom, when tasked to make existing monsters more difficult, instead of making them more aggressive or faster, will instead double down on their shitty gimmicks (Vaal) and raise their damage do simply absurd levels (Kirin) >Elemental damage has been casualised, everything has an element it is weak to, good raw weakspots are always good elemental hitspots as well >Though you might have trouble finding an elemental weapon worth a damn, considering the game leans too heavily on fire element monsters and too little on other elements, resulting in a boring roster of 34 monsters, of which most are tutorials (Great Jagras), gimmicks (Zorah, Behemoth, Kulve), irrelevant (Dodogama) or straight up garbage (Lunastra, Vaal) >Behemoth specifically is a fucking disgrace >Kulve specifically is a massive waste of potential, what could’ve been a fun and challenging fight (one of the few in World) against a huge monster ended up being a gimmicky mess that could take you from 20 to 50 minutes of attacking a barely moving damage sponge just to reach its true phase, where the fight actually begins, and you don’t even get to kill it in the end >The rewards for killing it are weapons barely any better from the ones in the game already, and are in no way a replacement for the relic system in 4U >And yes, it's a timed event monster, have fun >It has one of the worst high rank final boss in the entire series, it’s yet another damage sponge that barely does anything >Chasing down the monster takes a lot longer than in previous games, expect to spend a lot following the monster, especially in awful maps such as the Ancient Forest >3 monsters per area means monsters encounters are much more common, making cheap hits from attacks you can’t see or getting combo-ed by 2 monsters at the same time much more common, in fact, Bazelgeuse is specifically designed to interrupt you in your hunts, it gets old very fast
Its literally not, why would I be saying this is a new issue if it wasn't? The maps were designed to have most of the detail behind the playable level, they're very uncluttered and the interactible objects are always clearly distinct from purely decorative objects with the only exception being maps that have cracks in the wall that you can mine I know the graphics are prettier now, so thats cool for the people that really care about that I guess, but I find it impacts the readability of levels and I don't really see it as a net gain.
Sure the game looks nicer in screenshots, but I find the older games more fun to play and can really appreciate how they managed to make the game so aesthetically pleasing with such limited hardware,
Joshua Butler
>Heartbeat shows about how much health the monster has left >90% of the weapons in the game are reskins of the bone and iron weapon models, with monster parts glued on it. Contrary to popular belief, this does not change in high rank, the weapons still look the same, only using a different bone or iron weapon model >New skill system removes negative skills and is dumbed down >The system makes so using full sets are almost never worth using, making the classic “fashion vs optimal armor” battle even more one sided >No gunner armor. No, alpha and beta armor are not replacements to the old gunner / blademaster dynamic, mainly because of the fact both usually have the exact same skills on them; >On that note, Alpha and Beta armor look almost the same. >Soundtrack feels very generic and boring, a step down from older games >The music for past monsters was changed for the worse, Deviljho especially >Pre order bonuses and day 1 DLC >DLC is overpriced content that should've been in the game in the first place >Events now cost money as well >Quests only available only during a certain timeframe >This means essential, end game gear, are going to be locked behind a time frame. An example is the Dante legs, which 2 points into the weakness exploit skill, there’s no other legs like in the game >Guild and village quests were merged, amount of quests lowered drastically >Lobby system is garbage, it manages to be worse than the one in a 3DS game, now this is an achievement >Playing the story missions with other people is bad, with you needing to see the cutscene first, then send an SoS signal, only then, other people can join. >Can't give rooms names, nor give them a password >Only way to reliably play with randoms is to use the SoS system, which means you will be fighting almost dead monsters with people who will leave as soon as its dead
>SoS system is complete garbage though, most of the time you search a quest, you don't find anything, implying that there is no one fighting that monster, however, if you try to search for it again immediately, you might actually end up finding open quests that you should have found on your first search. You can also end up finding a set of quests the first time you search, search again and find a completely different set of quests. The game never shows you all quests at once, it makes finding quests for less common monsters and specific investigation extremely and needlessly complicated. The system is completely broken, and it still hasn't been fixed by the time of this post. >No way to play offline without turning off the internet >The chat is awful and encourages people to not use it >Loading is much longer than before, with quests needing two different loading screens >You can't pause the game at all >Transmogging removed, new system is awful and limits the player on what sets they can wear >Only 1 palico is allowed, no different classes >Cats no longer can use special abilities like in XX or 4U >Seasonal events are a complete uneventful joke, their armors are garbage and not worth using, the emotes cost money, the changes to the hall are superficial and the new mechanics are worthless >The menus overall are terrible, item sets are hidden behind a number of menus and extra button presses and are in general more annoying (radial menu is irrevocably tied to the item set loadouts rather than optionally or a toggle, or combined sets) meaning the system is an overall regression >Default camera settings place everything to the side of your character for no reason other than to look at flashy visuals, in spite of being uncomfortable and awkward to play with >Default camera setting is permanent lock on, meaning they are targeting the souls audience.
It's fair to say pre World had problems and so does World itself. Personally I prefer the former more because the latter isn't there yet in terms of mechanics--there's certain changes I honestly can't agree with--and visuals--see armor and weapon models. Still World is fun to return to every now and then, but at this point I'm waiting for Iceborne because it's pretty clear they're saving any new monsters for then and I don't really care for Tempered grinding or ATs when I'm already dealing with GU's idea of padding known as Hypers and Deviants.
All in all just play the games you like and share in the discussion. We're all Monster Hunter fans in one way or another; we used to share stories of our crazier hunts once upon a time without people screeching at each other. Hell let's share some kill cams from our various games.
Favorite weapon is HBG and I started with Tri. My favorite monster is actually a tie between Purple Ludroth and Ash Kecha Wacha and I don't want either of them to return. Not yet. World and Gen 5 are still young so I want more new monsters than anything since I can play P3rd/TriU and 4U whenever I want just to see my boys again.
Isaac Campbell
>Flaws give a game character Big Rigs confirmed most soulful game in existence.
Andrew Richardson
GU has styles, more monsters, more environments, weapons that actually look unique. I think eventually HD monster hunter will catch up, but until then GU is still the game to beat.
Michael Flores
Should I bother completing all the offline village quests? Or just stick to online.
Brayden Campbell
Nice reductive argumentation.
Jackson Powell
Something something Hayabusa Feather. It's up to you, man.
Isaiah Ramirez
Do all the village quests except for maybe the turbo-hard bullshit one that comes up when all the other ones are completed
Matthew Martinez
Once the shit posting starts it will never die. See: Metroid
Levi Wilson
GU or XX? Does XX have enough extra players to warrant switching for an english speaker?
>(Game I hate) has flaws >0/10 BLUNDER OF THE CENTURY >(Game I like) has flaws >I-it has character, that's all.....
Camden Martinez
You're the dumb fuck complaining about how you can't see shit. At least follow your own complaints. I have no problem seeing a monster from a a distance, you do.
>I have no problem seeing a monster from a a distance, you do. Thats literally not what I said you sperg, I said its harder to notice gathering nodes among all of the clutter on the map, its not hard to see the giant Trex barreling towards me, but that little blue rock obscured by a bunch of random bullshit is.
Do you even read posts before replying to them? Are you some kind of shitpostbot?
Blake Hall
>I said its harder to notice gathering nodes among all of the clutter on the map No it's fucking not you blind stupid mother fucker
Julian Williams
Do you have any facts to back that up? I think most people would agree it was easier to spot gathering nodes in the old games
Benjamin Collins
Are you pretending to be retarded or are you really this dense?
William Morris
Yes, I like the earlier games despite their flaws because they stand on their own as a mixture of fair punishment and satisfying payoff in a genre that is almost completely untapped. Most flaws in MHW can be attributed to moving to the mainstream and joining the soup of unremarkable action games in an attempt to appeal to the masses. Kill yourself, you low attention span zoomer.
Dominic Taylor
It really is a shame all the infighting because Monster Hunter is one of my favorite franchises. Do I have issues with World? Definitely. Still there are some forwards steps that I enjoy and GU and other previous games are a nice back up until Generation 5 onward is able to increase the bulk of certain things.
>when I'd get stuck on a really hard hunt it was always nice to hit up the old fucker in the Guild hall and do some treasure hunt gathering quests to earn points for farm upgrades. Man, I do miss those as well. It was like its own minigame where you had to find the most valuable items and in some cases combine treasures to get more points. I've been playing 4U recently and even in that the main way you get points (expeditions) is kind of boring, but at least it serves as a way to grind guild quests as well.
Josiah Murphy
This game is so fucking fun and refreshing. The only monster game I've played was Tri... going from that directly to this, there's so many new monsters it's unbelievable. I've got 60 hours in and I keep going to rooms and every other quest is a monster I've never seen or fought before.
Very fun.
Carson Price
How the fuck do I play Gunlance? I don't understand the different types.
Samuel Barnes
How thoroughly translated is the XX english patch? Are items left untranslated? What about dialogue?
Robert Wood
I'm playing MH3U, 50 hours in and liking it so far. If I had to choose only one of MHGU and MHW, which should I get?
Leo Ortiz
Camden Hill
Lets see your guildcards then
Gabriel Wood
>If I had to choose only one of MHGU and MHW, which should I get? Definitely MHGU, wait for the "ultimate" release of MHW after they finish making it
Ryan Roberts
You stab and shell and that's all I really learned because I never spent much time with Gunlance despite using them over the various games and maining them on one of my World characters. Where it says Normal, Long, and Wide dictates how far your shelling goes. So that goes without saying having Long means your shells reach farther while Wide covers more horizontally and not so much forward. You can most likely find Youtube videos or even GameFAQs documentation for more information.
Generations Gunlancing is considered amongst the worst it's ever been and I'm fairly certain GU suffered the same fate. You have to shell to increase your overall damage if I remember correctly, which is dictated by that bar just under your health.
>You have to shell to increase your overall damage if I remember correctly So they basically combined it with the LS spirit gauge mechanic?
Samuel Allen
Gunlance, MH1 on PS2 14000 fucking years ago, Zinogre.
You can have my drop, buddy.
Isaiah Johnson
Yes, the problem is that they nerfed the GL's damage. Reaching Red on the Guage isn't actually 120% damage, it's just the damage the GL did before getting nerfed.
Wyatt Harris
>wait for the "ultimate" release of MHW Would that be long after Iceborne is released if you had to guess?
Eli Brown
Will we get a MH 5 that is not a World sequel?
Logan Mitchell
Without what makes the spirit gauge good because, and again this is just from recollection, shelling is always fixed damage no matter what. So you're basically doing shit damage consistently just to maintain real damage and your sharpness suffers greatly because of it.
Samuel Brown
The naming scheme has obviously been reset for the World games. The next game in that series will be Monster Hunter World 2, not Monster Hunter 6. With that in mind I could maybe see them calling the next portable game Monster Hunter 5 (even if it isn't technically Monster Hunter 5) rather than Monster Hunter Portable 5th or something just for simplicity's sake.
William Cook
Brave Longsword gives me an insane erection whenever I counter Glavenus' charged up tail spin attack. It's so fun.
Ian Allen
>Hammer and HH main and half lost their fun design >I'm the only person I know where for some reason chugging a potion slows down the game in my eyes rather than flex n chug, I always take eating 3 now to just get it done quickly >Tempered is just more hp with really lack of true rewards >Event quests are treated like a fucking mmo where they come n go >It could be me but it feels like there's only one true set to mess around with and everything else is just gimmicky fun, not even complaining about drachen, Mh3U had kelbi bow sets >SOS is a cool idea but it ruined the gathering hub so I'm on the fence, also gathering hub doesn't have all the npcs there without having to leave
I think world's combat and smoothness is fucking amazing and I love just fighting, but I also find the endgame to fucking terrible compared to any older game but I'm willing to hold back until Iceborne.
I know MH is all about that rng of a 1% drop you wanted but this, this is fucking ridiculous having 3 types of rng on investigation quests, rewards, times, and deaths it was a fun unqiue twist that quickly became bored to me with barely any extra rewards and tempered was just more health.
And here I thought fucking charm farming was the worst thing to do I was fucking WRONG, I rather spend 24 hours farming for charms then deal with this tempered boring shit, I'm glad I didn't bother til Greatest Fatass all he ever does is puked em out.
MHW and MHGU are completely flipped in my eyes on what was bad and good I can easily play one or the other but i'm more inclined to grind on mhgu than mhw as it's just hoping for just decorations and I fucking hate it.
I just want iceborne to fix some of this somehow.
Gabriel Morales
Has there been any confirmation on new/returning monsters for IB? I know they're adding a new ice area, and I THINK I heard something about adding the Nargacuga.
lol mhw is more boring than old gen fucking zoomer, literally has like 10 monsters and 20 fucking reskins with just more damage and hp, not even new moves like old mh
Nicholas Anderson
Gu buffed shell damage so it’s a little better. In general normal is for full burst spam, Long is a mix of shelling and poking with a stronger wyvern fire and longer shell and wide is mostly for people that don’t care much for the gun aspect(or they charge their shots).
Caleb Campbell
What game, in your opinions, has the most fun version of gunlance to play?
David Clark
Narga was teased at the end of the trailer but that's literally all we know so far. Most people are assuming that Barioth and Tigrex will also be in because they share Narga's body type and would both fit perfectly in an ice-themed expansion. As for new monsters, if it's anything like old G-rank expansions then it's literally just going to be a new flagship and a new final boss. With any luck they'll ditch that trend and add more, though.
Narga is a given. Oroshi Kirin and Lagiacrus are also likely. The former was in the leak that revealed the entire roster that turned out to be true except that one, and Lagiacrus is fully textured and functional and was only cut because he didn't work in the current map roster very well.
The developers said a month ago it would bring the monster count up to around 4U's
Luis Watson
World gave it a new flashy attack, but that's it. Generally, they're all the same except GU.
Jose Morales
Go play fortnite then. Shoo.
Josiah Martin
>Lagiacrus is fully textured and functional and was only cut because he didn't work in the current map roster very well.
>he doesn't know
Alexander Howard
>worldbaby experiencied a REAL fighter after 50 hours >yes best monster ever bruhs game is effin sickk!!! Nirgger is a good fight but comon now really?
Austin Wilson
I don't just have a Switch like 95-99% of Switch owners on here, you know. I have access to all the Monster Hunter games.
Eli Robinson
I don't just have a Switch, and the same goes for 95-99% of Switch owners on here. I have access to all the Monster Hunter games. This console war shit is pointless.
Levi Miller
>tfw started again awhile after finishing GRank. >tfw carted to HR Royal Ludroth in upgraded G Rank gear.
Guess I'll give it a run before I put 4U away then, thanks.
Grayson Brown
>start hyper barioth room cause I want to unlock tempest axe 3 and I need hyper ice chunks for baron gunlance >two brave longsword users join pretty quickly, ok this should be a fast hunt >they constantly hug the head despite me running hammer >they both get constantly hit and both cart enough to end the quest >they both immediately leave the room God damn it
Easton Bailey
Is AT Nerg out yet?
William Ross
I hope they give the LBG something better than explosive mines.
>Sekiro comes out >No easy mode >WAHH WAHH WHERE'S DA EASY MODE WAHH >World comes out >Game is easy mode minus Tempered Nergigante, overbuffed Lunastra and Arch Tempered elders. >Content players don't have to do, really. >OOH GAME IS WIDELY PRAISED WOOOOOW 10 OUT OF 10 BEST GAME EVER IN THE FRANCHISE. Cut me a FUCKING BREAK AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
Jeremiah Howard
I found Hyper Gammoth to be easier for farming hyper ice chunks
Landon Thompson
>people that just started with World complain less about World than people that have been playing every game for over a decade WOOOOOOOOW
Jace Cooper
>That Tigrex is always different in every edit Fantastic. >First time fighting this >OH YEAH THIS ATTACK THAT'S EASY TO AVOI- >Covers the whole of the tiny area he's in >Instacart >HUNT FAILED >PS NIGGER AHTAL KA ARMOR IS WEAK TO LIGHTNING AND THIS BULLSHIT IS PURE LIGHTNING Not proud of that.
Adrian Morgan
Styles and arts are coming back, baybee
Landon Cook
where da rooms at
Andrew Hughes
If they are, I hope Aerial gunner comes back. Fun as fuck and I already have maxed out dodge, so adept would be redundant.
Kevin Kelly
I just use Guild LS and occasionally that Style that gives you two Arts so that I can pretend to be an anime samurai. I don't care about kill times or the best DPS, I just like hitting things.
John Morris
Parker Gonzalez
Yeah I’ll probably do that for the rest of the chunks. Barioth is funner but people seem to go full retard against him
Justin Watson
Good, fuck off pleb
Jose Watson
Jason Williams
>tfw they'll use the work they put on this as an excuse for bare minimum weapon designs and just recolored monsters other than maybe 1 or 2 old monsters coming back
Checked my 4U save for the first time in ages and and good lord almighty I can't believe I forgot about the ludicrous amount of skills you can get on one armor set.
World >Arch Tempered isn't fun to fight >Mandatory to get gear with skills + to max out gear due to streamstone BULLSHIT >Time gated quests lock off the best weapons, also no way to practice this so you have to look this up so you don't fuck it up in the meantime >Decoration farming is cancer XX/GU >Deviant system is trash >Hyper monsters are basically arch tempereds but balanced, still pretty garbage >80% of Hunter Arts are useless >Alchemy Style is useless, Valor style is too good for most things. >Charm Farm is garbage BUT CAN BE BRUTE FORCED I'll take 4U over both but XX/GU wins out over World imo. Bonus point >Netcode seems to work better for GU over World.
Chase Powell
>Charm Farm is garbage BUT CAN BE BRUTE FORCED It's the same as before though, isn't it? You either mine rocks or get them as rewards for quests, I personally don't have a problem with these methods being the only way. Then GU has killing a single Brachydios as the charm farm which is by far the easiest and most profitable farm in the series, that I am aware of.
Angel Walker
Huh, learn something new everyday. Thanks.
Personally the most fun I had with Gunlance was Portable 3rd and Tri U, and the latter only due to having a Brachydios since Blast was busted in that game. World's feels awkward to me honestly. It doesn't feel as meaty and for some reason the shelling feels worthless, but I'm not going to pretend I know what I'm doing with a Gunlance.
Jordan Torres
Deviants are fun if you have friends.
Absolutely will drive you insane trying to level through randoms though
Nathaniel Wright
John Martin
Fuck you janny worldlet for deleting that
Landon Miller
Well yeah it's more or less up to chance whether or not you get the ones you want. The however being as both you mentioned, you can tip things in your favor more in GU while deco farming in World feels like a shit shoot unless you farm tempered and ATs, which isn't really many people's idea of fun.
William Evans
>Favorite weapon GS >What game you started on World >Favorite monster White Fatalis
Grayson Adams
The janis usually delete all low effort bait because they like MonHun threads, they just aren't always around. Once in a while you'll see every instance of someone bringing up Nintendo or posting a wojak getting pruned immediately though
Gabriel Cooper
world ruined greatsword (by making charges cancelable into hyperarmor tackles) longsword (by removing the entire need for fade slash's position with the stupid parry) and hammer (by making stun total shit unless you're using a bow)
Bentley Lewis
you can headlock kushala in freedom unite too
Elijah Evans
I can't, GS in world is near 0 fun for me to play as a GS main. Having all the damage back ended just makes it worse too.
Juan Long
Nah I've seen the janny only delete anti-World posts but never anti-old-MH posts before, it's not a coincidence
One of the jannies is actually a butthurt casual worldlet
Parker Fisher
Sounds more to me like you don't spend enough time in MH threads
Jeremiah Hughes
Imagine hating the last decade of MH games because they were on Nintendo consoles
Ryder Cruz
That son of a bitch is currently my wall in the village quests. Wind pressure in FU can be a right pain in the ass unless you're using GS.
You buy items one at a time or something? You can just buy 2000 and never think about it again for the next 100 hours.
Hudson Howard
What, you actually think he went to the DLC menu and downloaded all the item packs that literally give you money?
Nicholas Torres
The situation between GU and World is really telling of how this series and its fanbase have changed over the years GU is basically a game that was made for old fans of the series It's hard, extremely content rich, and has tons of obvious fanservice It's a game that was made for the kind of people who got into the series with the Freedom series or even MH1 but that's the whole reason why it's not as popular as World because back then the series was literally 10x more niche than it is now It's essentially like a retrospective of the entire series up to this point I just hope Capcom doesn't see it as a sort of farewell game to the classic games and the series' roots It's not that World is bad even if it is a little on the easy side but the series is basically at that pivotal point right now where there's a lot of new fans and that often doesn't bode well for any game series
Nathaniel Morgan
:>tfw new fans will never know the feeling of heading out into a map locked and loaded with Mega Pickaxes, Mega Bugnets and +15 Whim after dealing with old pickaxes and shit
>tfw I constantly see people bitching about my niggas from FU >these people have the balls to tell me that Shakalakas are better than Palicos, or that the jaggis are better than the rad dromes
Some things about World are straight up bad though, such as the gutted anti-social online and trash gathering hub for example
Isaiah Moore
I doubt he played the game at all to be honest.
Oliver Jenkins
>rad dromes No, fuck you. Dromes have no positive qualities. I really like their gear though.
Robert Thomas
They have way cooler designs
Camden Johnson
Use the Lao lance, flash bomb it and destroy the horns. If you run out of flash bombs (won't happen unless you suck) wait for the supplies to arrive and use the poison knives. You can poke its head even if the wind barrier is up too but that's too risky.
Brayden Price
Nuh uh, they look stupid. STUPID!
Jason Wilson
It's the Low Rank one. Should I just ignore it for now and wait until I get the Lao lance?
You can fight Lao two tiers from where you are right now. Honestly I like lances but any dragon element weapon will do since you need it to break the horns, the Lao lance has the advantage that it upgrades into the best dragon lance in the game. Granted there are not many dragon weapons in low rank so take your pick, you can wait until Lao or unlock the cave in the farm to make Fatalis weapons (you don't need to actually fight it to make the starters).
Caleb Young
Nah, Wroggi is the coolest out of that lot. Great Maccao is the coolest looking of all of the raptors, though.
Cameron Morales
>unlock the cave in the farm to make Fatalis weapons (you don't need to actually fight it to make the starters) Huh. I already unlocked the cave but I didn't gain access to any of the weapons. Guess I didn't get the right material to bring them up in the menu. I've been farming Rathian in Gathering Hall to get her GS so I could just armor through the wind, but at this point it seems better to just move on and deal with Low Rank Kushala later.
Jose Parker
You can always save before mining the sword and reset if you don't get what you want. Same for bomb mining and the bug tree.
Charles Carter
I'll keep that in mind for the future since it's far too late now. Thanks for your help.