Do all games REALLY need an easy (aka "gaming journalist) mode?

Do all games REALLY need an easy (aka "gaming journalist) mode?

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I mean... it can't hurt. Especially for younger players.

Yes, you already bought the game so you might as well be able to experience all the content. To appease "much difficulty" fags, it should only unlock if the game detects you doing very poorly though. Also make it quasi-humiliating somehow, like with IWBTG

No, git gud. Making games easier makes you dumber.

it should be punishing content\story-wise.

there are games specifically targetted at them, why should every game be accessible to every person. Im shit at fighting games, but I cant demand that they be made easier because its ME who is the problem.

If someone doesn't want the game to be as
frustrating as it can be, assist mode is good solution.
If I had infinite resurrections, I would still have to get damage in to actually get progress in a boss fight for example.


There is nothing wrong with easy mode, but there's also nothing wrong with developers not including one if they don't want to.

No, it allows roasties to plague games.
All games should be so hard that only men can finish them.


Easy mode should lock story content behind normal mode. So if you want your cinematic experience, you have to earn it.

You dont need to ask, they already dumb it down to get new blood but alienate their core playerbase.

street fighter 5 exists
go nuts, user

I would almost be in favour of this but it assumes that every game works on a narrative structure, and that the struggle of the gamplay itself is not part of the experience as a whole.

How empty of a game would Bloodborne be if it ended at Rom.
>this isnt fair, I know there is more content but I cant play it!
Would be the next argument. I think if someone wants an easier game there are far more easy games than there are hard games out there, and they have alot of options available to them.
>I must play THIS game

no, developpers should do whatever the fuck they want

it'd be cool if these journalist faggots could make up their mind though, are video games an artform with all the barriers to entry it potentially implies or are they mass market products destined to be consumed by the largest number of retards possible

>When you're such a failure as a living being that entertainment is too complex and difficult for you to do

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shut the fuck up retarded incel


>younger players
Children have no problem beating difficult games, it's casuals and journalists that are asking for an easy mode.

Easy Mode does not equal accessibility. Accessibility is not the absence of challenge. Additionally, accessibility should not encroach on the realm of art design.

Accessibility for those who are disabled or even just those with preferences is GREAT. There should be a lot more universal standards for them. Controls should be universally remappable, subtitles should have a universal visual standard across all games and text size should be an option in most games too. Accessibility options and standards is something video games should be improving on.

Notice how none of those things encroach on the artists vision in the vast majority of games, though?

Game difficulty is absolutely part of creating the experience of most games, be it the developer wanting you to struggle or the developer wanting everyone to be able to play to the end without a struggle. Additionally, as an interactive form of entertainment, video game difficulty is an inherent part of its very structure. Video games are not movies and if a video game is too hard for you, then you have not earned the right to continue its story. And you know what? Some devs disagree with that and put options like easier difficulties or even gameplay skips (GTA V) in after a set number of failures, and that's okay too. But that's their choice, and their vision.

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I liked how you could slow down the game speed in Celeste
10% slowdown was all I needed to enjoy it

No. If it's too hard, simply play a game for retards. There are plenty. Just play something else that is at your level, you can't fucking get everything you want. Fucking retard spoiled trannies don't understand this and have to yell and scream for everything to go their way.

No. If a game is too hard for you, don't play/buy it. It's so fucking simple. There are many other games that are either easy or have easy mode. And if you suck so much at video games and yet you decide to work as a game journalist, either get good, change a fucking career or kill yourself instead of acting like an entitled douchebag that blames video games companies for your lack of skills. I also suck at certain games but at least I admit it and even make fun of myself for that.

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Nope. The less we cater to casuals the better. Filter out the weak that don't want to take this hobby seriously.

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I don't care. Anyone who gives a single shit about this needs to have sex.

Gaming is absolutely for everyone. Everybody can play games.
That doesn't mean any particular game should have to be for everyone, if a game is too hard for you then that's just how things are. Just play a different game, there are plenty others out there that you may enjoy. You are not entitled to any particular experience in gaming.
Daily reminder that even 5 years old kids that can't even read yet are better gamers than adult game journalists.

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Funny how game journalists have no problem with certain indie games for being too hard and instead they praise them for being "so hardcore". It really makes you wonder...

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Why do easy modes trigger Yea Forums so much?

No, because not every game needs to be made for everyone. Just because people enjoy a niche thing, doesn't mean you should be able to enjoy it too if it's not what you like.

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No, they pussify games so much already that there's a conspiracy theory about it being a plot to make us bad at games so we'll be bad at controlling drones so we can't use them to make up for China's large, disposable population when they declare war on us.

Because nobody likes trannies, and easy mode is for trannies.

to be fair, you can get an ending after getting 3 flowers

Let the developers choose if they want to officially, let everyone else mod it otherwise.

That strangely makes a lot of sense.

>I don't like the blood in this painting. Change it!
>Why is this sculpture nude? Change it!
>I don't want to have to crane my neck to look at the top of this building. Change it!
>This book is too complex for me to read. Change it!
>This song has drums in it and I don't like drums. Change it!
>I don't like seeing people move around and all those dancers are moving. Change it!
>Why isn't this movie a ghostbusters film? Change it!
>Your restaurant doesn't solely serve pizza that has had each inch of it individually degreased for 1 minute with paper towel. Change it!
>Your board game has dice, and I don't like dice. Change it!
>Your flower shop's bouquet of roses contains roses? Change it!
>Sunni Islamic culture and religion isn't the only culture and religion? Change it!
>This game is too hard for me and that female character is too attractive to me. Change it!
No matter how hard someone bitches, or how long they spend coming up with a laundry list of reasons why they are right, demanding something with any sort of artistic intent be changed to suit individual tastes, instead of just finding something that individual will like, is this biggest load of autistic crap.

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She's got some nice milkers.

>99% of the society is terrible at vidya
>NATO hires speedrunners to (wo)man the drones
>new era in history when over 50% of soldiers are women


But, there actually is some brain surgeon that uses a game controller to perform operations. Better add easy mode to brain surgery so a tranny doesn't cry.

>>Your restaurant doesn't solely serve pizza that has had each inch of it individually degreased for 1 minute with paper towel. Change it!

based ulillillia reference

>0 casualties
>but there is still a hostile takeover

it should be like chess
chess is easy to learn, anybody can learn the rules and how the pawns move around the chessboard in about 10 minutes
what makes chess "hard" is how you play against your opponent and how you evaluate your and his pawns positions: the game isn't hard it's just that I suck at it.
Into the Breach which incidentally has an easy mode is great for that because i'm never mad at the game i'm mad at myself because i've botched my moves and my attacks
easy mode isn't a solution to bad game design and bad gameplay. The debate shouldn't be about if whatever today's Dark Souls is "hard", it should be about if the game is fair and how much can you blame on yourself when you fail at it.
In theory every game should be accessible to a broad public and should punish your mistakes and be clear about what they were.
behind the "Dark Souls is hard" meme you'll find a public which disliked the somewhat abstruse gameplay and learning curve and another public who found satisfaction in becoming scholars of this stuff when in fact the game wasn't that hard it was just being abstruse.
the best games aren't the hardest ones or the easiest ones they're the one you can learn in 5 minutes and then spend years trying to master them

>Developer builds a reputation on making difficult games
>Uses this fact in all of its marketing
>One of their re-releases is literally subtitled "Prepare to Die"
>Reviewers and Consumers constantly spread this idea that if you are intentionally looking for a challenge, play their games
>Be so incompetent that you missed this fact when you play their latest release
>Push this idea that the game needs an easy mode to give yourself satisfaction without even making the attempt to improve yourself
>Believe that you earn to see the ending just because you paid for the product
Gaming is an interactive media. For these fucks to compare it to movies, books, TV shows or whatever the fuck is missing the God damn point. The journey is not something crafted by a scenario writer or the cutscene director. That journey and story is done by you overcoming whatever the game throws at you to make it to the end. But these pussy whipped soïboys are so far up their own asshole with the idea that games should be treated like art that they only choose to view these games as movies. And not even good ones mind you, their comparisons is probably based on blockbuster shlock like the MCU garbage as the pinnacle of film making.
They're all fucking stupid for trying to remove the interactive lart from the medium. If they don't like the difficulty, theybcan strut their dumbass down to GameStop and return the product, or better yet, don't fucking buy games that are clearly not catered to you to begin with. This bullshit about making every game accessible and fun to everyone will only leave to the stagnation of the industry and the death of niche genres. These people have no interest in saving vidya, they're seeking out to destroy it.

The Celeste dev can eat a dick too.

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Gamedevs should just starting sending journalists babymode versions of their games without telling them.

They don't need it, and I don't really care if a game includes it but I hate this culture of everything having to cater to everyone. If the dev doesn't want to include an easy mode then they are not required to, and if it hurts sales enough because of the disabled few that don't buy it then maybe it can be their decision to evaluate the need to add one. While I hate the word "entitled," especially in modern context, but these journos and other defenders getting upset that the game doesn't have it and demanding that it be included (even though their definition of an "easy mode" can be had with cheat engine) is super entitled and incredibly disrespectful to the artists who designed and made the game.

Context me nigga. I don't know who these blue checkmarks are

It actually blows my mind that the soiboi journalists of today are having trouble with games that I beat when I was in my fucking single digits. The estrogen meme is real.

The funny thing as to this "discussion" is these advocators of easy mode are intentionally omitting competitive multiplayer games, such as fortnite and COD, saying allowing easy mode in multiplayer games actually affect other players so it cant be unlike single player games.

But if you look at soulsborne games on the same principle as these multiplayer games, which requires that the players take over the same level discussion and commitment, as Miyazaki explained, you would find basically there is no difference between both. Allowing easy mode in soulsborne in fact affects a lot of players who would be tempted to change the difficulty when they stuck in difficult situations, and the developer do not want these players to use easy mode.

And let's not forget there are other genres that do not have gradual difficulty option even though it is not multiplayer or online games --- rhythm game, puzzle game(well, how can disable people play tetris grand master, huh?), and shmup. But these people who argue sekiro should have had easy mode never say these games should have "accessibility options" --- which is nothing but hypocritical.

>every single video game should try to reinvent chess

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They don't. Kotaku "journalists" are entitled babies incapable of putting effort in a game to save their fucking lives.


If the game is too hard for you just stick to casual games and mobile garbage.

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That's fucking amazing

>smoking right near your child
fucking Americans

All trannies do is bitch if everything doesn't go their way, like calling them by their made up gender or accidentally saying/portraying something they don't like for whatever arbitrary reason they made up so they can complain about it. My theory is that trannies had parents that never told them "no" and were probably rich because sex change operations cost so much. These people should not be catered to and instead should be eradicated.

Am I the only one that love the feeling after finally beating a boss/stage I spent so many attempts on? Your heart starts pumping so fast when you get so close to the end and are so happy when you do finally win.
You lose all that when you make the game too easy or cheat. I much rather have a hard game that feels good to finally beat than one that was so easy it's boring and forgettable

>insert empty victory meme here


>Accessibility options and standards is something video games should be improving on.

You're completely fucking retarded if you think remappable controls and subtitles are what games journalists and the like are referring to when they say "accessibility."

>Am I the only one that love the feeling after finally beating a boss/stage I spent so many attempts on? Your heart starts pumping so fast when you get so close to the end and are so happy when you do finally win.
Kinda depends on:
1. How invested I am in the game
2. If the boss depends on skill, or on some RNG bullshit
I've dropped RPGs because I can't be assed to deal with the RNG, and have never regretted it.
If we're talking about skill, if I don't GIT GUD, then yes, I do feel regret and shame over not GITing GUd.

It's hardly an empty victory.
You literally GOT GUD.
You are a more skillful person than you were before... which, you know, might actually explain why these soiboy journalists all fucking blow hard cocks at video games. Never once in their life have they ever improved their skills, therefore they suck at everything.

Yeah, these twitter retards never had to work towards anything so they don't know how it feels.


Accessibility should mean something like putting colorblind mode in for folks who have no way of playing otherwise, not easy mode.

The weird situation here is that I agree he's a cuck for cheating, but he should also do what he likes.
As I was typing I realised why the article was cringe tier. He felt good about it enough to talk in great detail how good he was for doing it.

>It's hardly an empty victory
No, I'm agreeing with you, dude. There's just this copypasta going around that basically amounts to "you cheated, are you proud of yourself?"

You should be able to beat the game using only a giant metal rod that you shove up your mutilated vagina so you can dilate at the same time

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>I can't read: the post
every game shoud try to be as open and understandable as possible about it's rules and mechanics so that difficulty is to be overcome by skills and thinking smartly.
you can display skills and talents better when games aren't witholding information. This is why I talked about into the breach, you know everything in this game, every moves the veks will make, where they're going, what they'll be attacking, how much damage they'll make, where the next ones will spawn, what will happen if you attack one from this angle,and so on. There is a lot of information and absolutely nothing is left to the RNG so even when the game is pounding my ass I know it's my fault, and I feel good when I beat it because i've "outsmarted" the game
and more game should work around giving as much information as possible so that the player can't say that the game was unfair

>every game should be the same

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it's probably some dev talking about accessibility but their own game has none of it

Now name a game that hides crucial information from you, and explain how that affected your experience.

The arena shooters grandchildren get it

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This. Saying games HAVE to be easy is like saying literature HAS to be able to be understood by anyone. Can’t understand Gravity’s Rainbow? Read other books until you can. Can’t beat Sekiro? Play other games until you can. Barring actual physical disabilities, anyone has the capacity to finish any game, with enough practice.

To be fair, the PC Gamer author article itself was just about how he had fun playing with cheats. As far as I can tell, it was other people who started the "games all need to have built-in easy/god modes for disabled people." I like when games include cheats and different difficulties, but I think it's silly to attack a game over not having them.

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Exactly, I hate the idea from by some people that all games should appeal to all people. What you really want is a huge variety of games so everybody can find something they appreciate. It's fine if some games are too hard for most people to enjoy, and it's also fine if some games are very easy.

No, these people have a low mental cap

There should be a demo version for gaming journalists that allows them to skip to the end of fights they're too stupid to figure out. The parrying windows in Sekiro are huge and don't require much skill, just basic pattern recognition from dying a few times.

>Barring actual physical disabilities, anyone has the capacity to finish any game, with enough practice.
I'm actually starting to believe this isn't the case.

No they don't. This entire clown fiesta reeks of people who don't like video games and resent their jobs. Or at the LEAST don't like vidya as much as they thought they might have when they were younger.

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>when they were younger
None of these commies played games when they were children. Wake the fuck up.

Younger players are good at video games. It's the opposite demographic that always complains.

No. If you're not playing a game for the gameplay (and the gameplay is what you remove by making a game easy enough to satisfy these people), you're playing it for the story and setting. At that point, it's much better to just watch a let's play instead of demanding extra work out of the developer.

I'm giving one or 2 the benefit of the doubt that they might have enjoyed a little bit of pokemon or some shit.

Video game journalists are subhuman and deserve extermination

Having an easy mode > having a hard mode.

I'd like anyone ITT to give 1 (one) legitimate reason as to why adding an "easy mode" that simply dials down enemy damage and HP in ANY WAY impacts your enjoyment of the game.

It takes practically no kind of effort or storage or development time. "Global Monster Damage x0.75 Global Monster Health x0.85" DONE.

And in exchange it opens up a wider audience to the game that might have otherwise never touched it. It allows players to try out sub-par or underdeveloped builds (ie: Faith/Luck in DS3) or push up a challenge on overpowered builds (dex/pyro in DS1, stealth archer in Skyrim). It grants the developers more income, prestige, and appeal; allowing them to hire more help and spend more resources creating a bigger and better sequel.

Literally the only people that "lose" from this are ultra-elitist HURDCORE faggots that get butthurt when others enjoy the same game as them.

God Hand is a legitimate slog on "normal" difficulty, but offers a potent yet fair challenge on "easy" mode (which is still harder than any souls game, Sekiro, or other Yea Forums flavor-of-the-month).

Remember, memes and shitposting are not arguments.

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You don't need an easy mode, it only opens up to wider audience. People are only getting triggered about the concept easy mode because journalists found a contentious issue that makes people rage.

Dev intentions are not sacrosanct

>the "games are/aren't art" debate
This is literally Cultural Marxism. The second this became a thing is when gaming died.

>Pfft, fucking faggots can't even beat a game without handholding
>meanwhile, Sekiro Help general for weeks
There is not a thing in existence as deluded as an user

Not true, a lot of these commies grew up loving games. I think part of it is getting older and not having the same tastes, along with the nature of clickbait article writing. But there seems like a shift happened with the "games are/aren't art" debate years ago. People desperately wanted their work to be meaningful and prove that video games are "important works of art." And to them good art isn't about deep meaning or beauty, it's about pushing social issues or a hot political issue.
Deleted my old post to fix typos, I was

>when you're such a dumb neet that every single article baiting you to RISE UP means weeks of free press and hate clicks

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>deleting posts to fix typos
Nigger, this isn't a fucking vBulletin forum. Your newfag is showing.

It's just OCD

Not really, considering Dear Esther, What's Left of Edith Finch, and The Stanley Parable are peak "art games" that don't push politics. Even Gone Home wasn't about feminism, you just find out that your lesbo sister is a feminist.

Yeah let's just change shit about a game that was specifically designed a certain way. That ends up fucking it up in multiple ways. Anyway, this game appreciates overcoming difficulty so retard mode supporters can go play Smash 4.5 or something.

The thing is that these so called hard games are not mode for 10 year olds.

>lesbian sister
>who is a feminist
>this isn't political in your mind
Your mind is diseased, and the treatment is a bullet.

They're trying to conflate the two and say that From is racist against cripples because Sekiro is hard.

Pretty much, I always felt the point of Souls games and any game where you can't adjust it's difficulty is to ensure everyone has the same experience and undergoes the same shit. When you talk to someone that also played the game, it's easier to emphasize the challenges they had with whatever boss or area because you went through it too and know they had to deal with the same shit you did albeit some variations like being invaded or something.

it creates a worse experience
video games are (generally) about accepting and overcoming challenges
if you give people a way out many of them will miss out on the sense of accomplishment

I'm not saying art games are bad. I think games as art is fine, and can be cool. It's just a lot of people writing about the subject don't understand art, and barely understand games for that matter. So they judge the games based on shallow things.

most games hide stuff to you so that they can surprise you and or be punishing: most RTS I know revolve around fog of war and the idea is that you'll have to get the intel with recon units, a lot of games have cloaked enemies and hidden pathway.
I don't say it's a bad thing, I'm just saying that chess is a timeless boardgame and I think it's partly because there is nothing hidden everything is here, right under your eyes every move is to be seen by both players.
I've been killed by enemies I didn't see in coutless FPS and while this is, I think, mostly my fault for not being very observant, there is always the possibility that I could feel like the game was being unfair and I can be mad at the game for being abstruse about its rules system shock games are great but they can be overwhelming when you jump in from the first time and/or not being clear about what high I can fall before taking damage/dying for example.
I've been playing a lot of into the breach or Baba is You lately and they work for me because all of the infos are on your screen at all time and therefore I fail purely because I'm an idiot, knowing everything and still getting dicked is humbling and I like game who do this and I want more game like that, who are though but where I know for sure that I fail and win based on my own merit not because I haven't got the memo about the cloaked snipers in my back

>not understanding that 'art' is literally a cultural weapon used against you by the jews
>implying there is any objectivity involved
>implying that the art world isn't a huge money laundering operation
I shiggy-diggy-doo.

>most games
>most RTS
>doesn't name a single concrete example
Pilpul detected.

>lesbians are politics
>finding something political that isn't crucial to completing the game and does nothing but prove the stereotype that feminism is for lesbos is pushing politics
Your mind is all memed up.

Games shouldn't have difficulty at all. The only option should be the one the developers envision. 95%+ of games just make "difficulty" by giving enemies more health and damage anyway

>in ANY WAY impacts your enjoyment of the game.
it's not about impacting my enjoyment, I don't like miyazaki's memegames, I've only played dark souls on ps3 and never touched another game in the series

it's a matter of principle, miyazaki has a vision and in order to be accomplished it needs certain characteristics which include a single difficulty level that's the same for all players, adding an easy mode would simply destroy the very nature of the games and what makes them unique and worthwhile

because that's the thing, if you remove the abstruse, punishing nature of the souls games you just end up with technically janky, very mediocre action games

Lesbians are a fucking trivial part of the population. You could walk around a suburb for an entire day and probably not bump into one. Shoving them into a prominent position in a piece of media is absolutely a political move, and you're being intellectually dishonest to assert otherwise.

Do we NEED games journalists?
Do we NEED game magazines?
Yea Forums's fixation on games journalists and publications only legitimizes them. As soon as they lose people's attention they lose legitimacy and power.

We really don't now. I get everything from forums and videos now. Occasionally I'll check previews on a news site to keep up with new releases. I don't care about their reviews or opinions though.

Review copies should be shipped with only the hardest [unlockable] setting enabled. Instead of ugly pink-haired ninbinary feminists, their diversity hires will have to be black people, just so they have someone who can get through the tutorial zone.

>endlessly shitting on journalists and wishing them and their families death is giving them legitimacy
Whatever helps you sleep at night, journo.

You really learned nothing from GG? Games journalism is considered a critical propaganda arm of mainstream media.

She's one of three family members in a house you explore. You're calling it "shoving" even when it's a character you never meet. You're very sensitive to this for some reason.

>you explore

yes, in that mode, the game should play itself for you, plus puts all women in frocks and abayas, and makes all white men slaves

>Yes, you already bought the game so you might as well be able to experience all the content
you bought a game from developers notorious for making difficult game
their previous games became successful in no small part because of that difficulty
if you didn't know what you were getting into, that's your fucking fault not the developer's

But then they wouldn't be able to write the review

>just ignore it and it will go away
No, it won't. They deserve to be shit on 24/7, until saying "I'm a game journalist" elicits the same reaction as saying "I'm a rapist".

All of the faggots crying about it being hard makes it inaccessible to the disabled are either faggots making excuses because they refuse to get good or want to be part of the "in" crowd because Sekiro is the "in" game and are mad it isn't a fucking walking sim movie or hipster shit that they can breeze through

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This. Fucking Double Dragon 2 figured this out 30 years ago.

i shit you not my kid beat the original shinobi when he was like 5-6. kids can handle difficulty just fine.

>travel in or through (an unfamiliar country or area) in order to learn about or familiarize oneself with it.

I get what you're saying, it's more akin to breaking and entering and rummaging around people's shit while walking around an unfamiliar house.

Of course they aren't dumbass. The point is that when games journalists complain about difficulty and call it "lack of accessibility" you need to blow them the fuck out by spelling out what accessibility actually is, and that they aren't asking for it.

My 6 year old self is laughing as he plays megaman.

I hate how people underestimate kids with games these days. Plenty of us grew up playing NES games and enjoyed ourselves.

Yes. I actually do have a mental disability that makes it difficult to process information quickly so it ends up affecting playing vidya among other things such as driving. Having an easy mode where I'm able to beat the game would be nice. I hate the ones that cut off content or insult the players so those end up not being worth buying or even pirating. Fuck those fags that insist that watching a let's play will do the job just fine. It's not the same as me actually doing it myself at an easier level. Also fuck those fags that insist that I play something else. There's not that many games out there for me to be able to play easily and I don't want to be restricted to just Animal Crossing or some shit like that.

A game is, by definition, a set of rules and challenges. Making this easier fundamentally changes the nature of the game itself. You may as well ask for do-overs in Chess if you find it too hard or boring. I mean, nobody is stopping you, but what the fuck are you doing? Just play something else.

Make an easy mode but make it so easy, even a baby can beat it. Godmode, one hit kills on every enemy, you get infinite everything, the game itself goes "congratulation! You did it!" every time you do something.

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I could compromise with naming the easier difficulty "Retard Mode"

What would you say is the most difficult game you completed?

Or they're just making easy points about game marketing and game culture for clicks. It could be combination of multiple.

Nah. That's not what I want and having it being insulting to players like me will guarantee that I won't buy/pirate it because I don't deserve to be treated like shit for something that god decided to punish me with when I was born.

i read somewhere that publishers make the game easier before release so the journos can just plow through the game then day one patches bring the game's difficulty up for the consumers. i think the helping hand mentality needs to stop so these faggots can go off themselves.

>until saying "I'm a game journalist" elicits the same reaction as saying "I'm a rapist".
"I have no passion in video games" and "I can't do actual journalism" aren't enough variations of "I'm a game journalist"?

I usually drop games when they become too difficult and frustrating to continue with. The last one I completed was probably Rhythm Heaven Fever years ago.

Rhythm games are actually incredibly demanding. I'd say they're second only to fighting games in skill involved. Why do you think you're bad at games?

What an absolutely cucked post.
We don't need firearm magazine or reviews either, but they exist, and the ABSOLUTE STATE of gaming journalism would be akin to Firearm Magazine going "people who like guns are dumb faggots; also how do you shoot this thing?"

Why do women suck at video games?
Is it because of their lesser reflexes and they get less dopamine from vidya or am just a sexist incel?

Women are children in adult bodies.

Depends on the game, genre, and targeted audience. Games made to be hard don't need it, but if they include it it should still be good. Obviously no for multiplayer or platformers.

Men are literally better at everything. That's it.

>Why do women suck at video games?
Women suck at everything.

I consider myself a below average Sekiro player and I beat Lady Butterfly in 3 attempts. Game journos are pretty pathetic, desu senpai.

>I'd like anyone ITT to give 1 (one) legitimate reason as to why adding an "easy mode" that simply dials down enemy damage and HP in ANY WAY impacts your enjoyment of the game.

The point, fuck face, is that it might impact yours. Games are different and you have to analyse these games on a case by case basis and in the context of Sekiro, if bosses did not 2-3 shot you then the player would not be as afraid while playing. That fear is part of the gameplay balance because it makes you actually interact with the game in a real way because you can't face tank things. This kind of game balance can be a lot more engaging to the player than simple damage and resistance numbers that can be worked around

All books should be children's books because using difficult words is ableist and possibly racist.

>Allowing easy mode in soulsborne in fact affects a lot of players who would be tempted to change the difficulty when they stuck in difficult situations, and the developer do not want these players to use easy mode.

If the easy mode is contrived during development at the cost of other features, it DOES hurt the game. That's what you imbeciles don't seem to recognize. If Dark Souls or Bloodborne had to sacrifice sections of the game, polish or mechanics so an easy mode could have been implimented, it would have been soulless.

This. There's no NEED only demand. As in supply and demand, not the hostage situation a lot of people here like to imagine because hyping up the non-issue justifies the amount of thought and attention you give it.

You take it way too personally. Calling gun nuts faggots is a good thing because they give people who care about gun rights a bad name.

Video games don't need an easy mode, they need a "game journalist mode" since they're the only ones complaining.
It should be in big red text on review copies "GAME JOURNALIST MODE" and it should allow them to skip to any level in the game so they can experience everything and write their review.

Then people who actually play video games can play the "video game mode".

Attached: 1546472729856.jpg (1280x720, 89K)

Literally what are you trying to say, you noguns soiboi?

There isn't even a demand for this shit. Who's demanding this? No one, it's pure propaganda.

If the devs feel like it, sure

Bases as fuck kid user, you're doing a great job

"Enough practice" could be a lot of practice, but all games are designed to be beatable.

But didn't they make fun of Drumpf and his supporters too?

Help me lads, I can't tell if they are based or not