Is this the "have sex" of video game endings?

Is this the "have sex" of video game endings?

Attached: mgs2.png (1276x714, 422K)

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Who the fuck started this buzzword anyway?

Have sex.

Yea Forums

resetera trannies

Pass on your memes

Falseflaggers on Yea Forums during the Captain Marvel craze

it irritates me a lot. Having sex isnt a problem or an end goal. Its so fucking stupid. I guess i should take it like kys or anything else.

have sex

have sex

With loli cunny!

Have sex

To any jannies or mods reading this
Filter this fucking meme already

Jesus, Yea Forums was shit before but this board is just completely irredeemable and absolute garbage now.

have love

Filtering the sentence would be dumb

Based and lovepilled

They have bigger things in the filter priority list, cringe and based are long overdue.

ok, im gonna give a visit to my ex this Monday.

Attached: 22652067.jpg (1241x855, 336K)

See? It works

Install Gentoo.

>wanted based filtered

Not based

Fat roasties, resetera trannies, and fags from Yea Forums. It's a cancerous as fuck meme.

Literally just filter it to epic at this point, it's equally gay.

This is where it all started.

Any game that is Shinzo Abe compliant

I'm filtering Based to Upvoted and Cringe to Downvoted

if you didn't stop playing video games after mgs2 you should have sex

Epic is an important gaming company, that wouldn't be wise.

"Have sex" is the "git gud" of real life.

Attached: arnold-schwarzenegger1400-1508319857_1100x513 (1).jpg (1100x513, 105K)

No, this is.

Attached: 40-trolling48.jpg (640x480, 14K)

Fuck someone.


fuck me

Important in the same way a giant pile of shit on your lawn is important.