All Digital” Xbox One S launch details and price leaked


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What a fucking blunder. At $99 this thing had a chance but you can get a 1 TB One S with a disc drive for like $210 easily every day.

>"please establish an internet connection to play that title"

you mean you can't already get an xbone for that price?

200 dollars is way too much for a console with no disk drive.

Wasnt the price leak 230 euros?

Too expensive. 99€ or no buy.

Who approved this?

>guys what if we make one with no drive what will that save us?
>like $10
>xbox WON.... Get it?!

Oops! All digital!

>all digital
ehh, maybe i'll get it when it drops to $50

>can't read discs
>no dvd/bluray movies/shows
>internet required to install or even play a title

If I didn't already have an S, I'd join the faggotry that are PS4 owners.

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1TB?? more like 5 DIGITAL XBOX GAMES

You really think it's going to look like that, OP? The disc drive took about 1/3rd of the space, so they have no reason to keep it as big as that.

Why does this exist?
Surely an optical drive is one of the least expensive parts of a console

Just buy a cat 6 retard

But what will you play?

It's far too late in the life cycle of the console to introduce a disc-less system. Too many casual gamers buy physical copies, simply because you can trade in games for whatever the latest one they want is.

Its $50 more expensive than it should be.

>200 usd for a digital only shillbox
Yeah, totally "won".

I can get a regular xbone s for $200, what the fuck?
Hell I can get a ps4 slim for that price. It's not playing "UHD bluray" but I don't think I've ever seen one of those in person, much less own any myself.

If it's all digital it should be more than "just" 1 TB.

Xbox doesn’t have 5 games

Latest assasins creed son

>Xbox SAD

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4K blu ray drives s are like $100

Just buy an AMD Navi graphics card. Costs the same for 1660 Ti performance.

I mean that 1TB is gone after downloading Halo MCC

It's compatible with external HDs

they're making these smaller xbox's for their xcloud servers and probably have some left over to sell off before next gen starts next year

1tb is enough to get all the exclusives on the system, plus 950gb of free space!

The xbone s has been cheaper than that a few times already, what's the point of this

>he believes that dumbass leak

Well, it's prolly gonna drop to 150$ during sales. This or 200$ bundled with some decent games.

You can get an Xbox One S for $220. You're paying $20 less for a considerably shittier console.

I'm not sure I'm following you. What do you think it's going to be like then?

Digital is the future boomer scum

discs are for chump s when you already have to download patches that are bigger than the fucking game

t. Phil Spencer

digital prices are fucking shit, half of the reason to buy a console in the first place is to have access to physical games

I can get a normal Xbone for 90$
Who approved this shitty price?

apparently it will come with 3 $60 games bundled

>only 1TB
200 is still too much

>"Buy" Digital
>get nothing
oh no no nono

>229 euros
>About $259 when converted.

Sorry, Asher. Gonna have to stick to /r/XboxOne to spread your FUD.

a flop, like all amd gpus

i want to root for MS but they keep doing this to themselves

this won't do anything bad or good to MS. it's just exhausting stock they already have. everyone knows they're completely focused on next gen next year.

You are not a very good sport. I thought you had something interesting to say.

MHW for a dollar

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>all digital
>for a console with no exclusives
>is literally just a worse PC for poorfags

Yeah, you "won" alright. God Microshafts are pathetic.

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>Microcuck still
>Haven't learned their lesson over pricing

Fucking retards

A used xbox one on ebay is around $125

>All Digital

Glad to see that nobody learned anything

The point isn’t to provide consumers a less expensive product. Its to slowly indoctrinate console players into an all-digital environment. Pure cloud/streaming comes after this.
I don’t like it one bit but this is what the big companies all want.

Why doesn't Sony do stuff like this?

Thats what JEWS want

Sony isn't dying.

they do have their PSnow service at least, but as far as i know, it doesn't have sales (while game pass is more often priced at $1 than it is not) and it doesn't get "new" games, only stuff from like 2015-16 at the latest.

>Same price as regular xbone
>Cant play games


It should include a year of game pass sub if they really want it to be $200. that's basically what the purpose of a discless xbone would be, to play game pass. otherwise, it should have been $100 or $150.

No retailer would sell it.




Or you can grab it for free on PC. And literally anything else

The guy who comes up with the names for the Xbox consoles needs to be publicly executed.

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>200 for the PSP Go of Xbox One
Its ok, its not like the system has games anyways so they don't need a disc drive

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They still hate used games, don't they?

Just bundle it with 6 months or a year of game pass and I think they'd be good

>details AND price
So, what are the details?

the bad has already been done. an overpriced all digital model of an already underperforming console is a symptom of the rot.

>Xbone SAD

For USD 200?

>all digital
wow that's enough room for like 5 uncompressed console games!

>5 games in 1 TB
You mean just Halo MCC, right?

Xbox employee here, you have no idea how creatively bankrupt the marketing team is. The dev teams have been complaining for years about it.


MCC is very customizable as to what you want installed, so it's only about 20gbs for just the multiplayer mode of your favorite one


>Xbone SAD

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>they do have their PSnow service at least
PSNow is a streaming service, and its utter dogshit.
Game Pass is a download service.

What happened to the TV thing anyway?

Does it have the same specs of an XBox One X or is it just a S without disk drive?

>just a S without disk drive?
I think this is literally it. That's the only thing mentioned anywhere, aside from coming with the three games listed on the box. Hope you still like Minecraft.

So was the Xbone truly a next gen water cooler?

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they should've called it the xbox one D

psnow sucks which is why sony will be dead last next gen. mega corps like google will dictate where the market will go and they will make sure the market favors them so streaming will be a major gaming platform next gen and sony doesn't have both the money nor servers to provide a global streaming service that can rival mega corps like google.

I can buy a 200USD pc better than that shit at this point

It's one of the best things about the system if you have cable already.

>sea of trash
>forced horizon
>no disc
>200 american pounds
What's the fucking point of this

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The problem here is people (rightfully) expect a significant discount due to the inability to play discs but in reality, discs drives are ridiculously cheap to manufacturer. Cutting the disc drive probably only saves Microsoft $20 or so per unit. That $20 is then immediately offset by the need to pack in a bigger HDD due to being a digital only machine.

So in the end you have a machine that costs the same to manufacture as the old one but has less features.

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you do realize minecraft is one of the best selling and most sought after games of all time right?

thats cool and all but there still aren't many games that make me want to buy an xbox
maybe killer instinct?

doesn't make it good or fun

these are literally just xcloud server xbox's that are being sold to most likely clear inventory. we know for a fact that the next gen xbox is coming out next year and next gen in general for both sony and MS is starting next year. this isn't some attempted powerplay by MS or anything like that.

I saw the 4K thing on the box and I thought that it was an XBox One X, but digital only. What a shame.

Yeah it's a bit overpriced. I would go for 99€, make the hdd 500gb

>$200 USD


So is fortnite. No one worth a shit cares.


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can't you get normal xbone or ps4 for that price? lol

who said it does? this will sell millions and that's all they care about.

Pre owned only

actually the whole world disagrees with you.

you can resell disks
I sell my games on ebay when i am done, and get as much a game store resell price

How have they even convinced Gamestop to stock this? Every person who buys one is literally never going to come back to the store again?

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just checked cheapest new xbone s was 180€

They could still go there for point cards and Live subs, but yes, I can't see GS, an already struggling business, being happy about an all-digital console.

Does gamestop still exist?

Microsoft are retarded.

T. owner of an OG Xbone as his only console

I don't know...

Who was that faggot saying this would knock 50 off? I told you bitch

>the paperweight is now cheaper
still no games

I know there are people that don't trust using their credit cards online and thus use prepaid cards but I don't think to many people who are tech savvy enough to want an all-digital console would be in a that group. Why even go for an All-Digital console if you still have to make the trip the Gamestop when you want to buy a game? The appeal is in having immediate access to anything you want.


Xbone SAD

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Why would you download anything 343 makes? Its all shit. 5 years later and they still havent fix it.
Imagine the shitstorm if EA or Activision did that to one of their franchises. Halo deserves to die

Shouldn't be cheaper without all those components?

>(((all digital)))

Xbros, I’m all for the good shit Xbox is doing with Nintendo and game pass but can we stop pretending all digital is a future we want?

Disc drives aren't expensive components, I don't know who would buy this.

>but can we stop pretending all digital is a future we want?
then why does this board constantly shill pc gaming then? it's already 100% digital and has been for years now.

Notice there's no price listed in the pic.

because Pc gamers are fucking retarded next question.

Nintendo’s the only company RN that’s pro consumer with purchasing games and they still release updates/digital DLC.

Cartridges are the future. Digital must die.

Sony is dying the company is selling off its businesses because its failing to make any profit. Xbox brought over 10 billion in sales in 2018 for Microsoft and Microsoft isn’t selling off its businesses departments to survive

>Xbox One SAD
Good god

well we know the next gen xbox's will come with disk drives so i'm buying that next gen.

>200 console with 3 games that runs in 4k

How can sony even compete? Sony doesn’t even have a cloud division they are goina have to pay google or microsoft for their cloud services or worse IBM LMFAOO

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>always online
>digital only

seriously, when will they learn?

Where are the people trying to say xbox won when it was revealed the x1s would play uhd and the ps4slim kept it standard to the PS4 and no upgraded hardware.

I can already get an Xbox One S for £200.

No, they're not. For example I can get a used copy of Halo 3 for 50p. If I download it, it's £15, which is THIRTY TIMES the price. Or another example - Red Dead Redemption 2, which is normally £60 from Xbox Live, but is currently on a temporary reduction to £45. But still, the game disc brand new from Amazon is only £35. And if I buy it used, it can be had for £25, or sometimes as low as £20.

These two people are smarter than you:
Discs are pretty much ALWAYS cheaper, especially if you buy used, but even brand new as well (Amazon will almost always be cheaper than downloaded games from Xbox Live). Downloads can be convenient, but I ain't spending a gigantic premium just for that convenience.

Not bad but $100 would be better

Diks are great if you buy used and then sell on ebay
you buy the second hand price and then get the second hand price on sale, playing the game for effectively free, minus postage

are you claiming you can't buy an xbox one s or x with a disk drive? stop bitching. if you hate digital games then why do you own a pc? show me your steam library and we'll see how authentic your argument is.

Obviously testing waters for 9th gen drones that wont research. Get ready for a digital vs physical warfare from all companies like we never seen

You can buy a disk box one or ps4 for £230
so the price would need to be cheaper

I say this as a current xbone owner but the S's base package should be at LEAST 2TB if it's all digital. 1TB gets cramped fast with current year game filesizes.

I mean id get it if it had games

Yeah it's possible if you complete the game quickly. Personally I keep my games though. But yeah I buy them used because it's just so much cheaper. The only time I buy new is when I'm buying a present for someone else.

Lmao I think you've completely misunderstood my post mate, or you replied to the wrong post. Lmao imagine being both stupid AND butthurt.

If this thing could run windows 10 it would sell like hotcakes