Oh yeah, that happened

Oh yeah, that happened.

Attached: w&b armenia.png (587x467, 378K)

Armenia has a twitter account?

what could have been....


Attached: CrusKings Cuckery.png (546x765, 966K)

I don't get it.

The character dislikes me because I cuckolded him

Attached: Boyz In the Hood RDR2.png (1326x838, 840K)

Attached: Future-Islamic-State-Map1.png (2036x1228, 1.72M)

that's the victoria II map right.

Attached: 20190224234335_1.jpg (1920x1080, 767K)

>Imaging a shitposting war on twitter between Armenia and Turkey because of Crusader Kings 2
that would be great if you ask me

is this game fun?

Attached: 1421247590-tfokjnr3giohr3iou.png (750x375, 42K)


should I?

Buy it? Fuck no
pirate it and all the dlc

Yes. Pirate it because it sucks without the new features

Attached: Game_for_the_whole_family.png (485x537, 555K)

Attached: Untitled-1.png (478x162, 13K)

looks like Vic1 based on Africa

They have electricity in Armenia?

Attached: 1508035443046.jpg (575x715, 69K)

Duh. How do you think Radio Yerevan operated?

Attached: 1531247459310.jpg (512x512, 129K)

>every country is fine admitting and talking about genocide's they've been responsible for
>turkey denies it and gets angry when its brought up
Why? We all know it happened.

CK2 is an incredible game with all the DLC. It's too bad that to get the best experience you have to spend literally hundreds of dollars or pirate it.

>every country is fine admitting and talking about genocide's they've been responsible for
You're delusional.

>every country is fine admitting and talking about genocide's they've been responsible for
Seriously? Name me a country that's >fine talking about it

Fuck turkroaches that's why


Europeans are very happy talking about European colonial genocides, even the ones that didn't happen


well, jews and politicians tell us ethnicity has nothing to do with your citizenship. the armenian genocide has nothing to do with turkey because it was done by the ottoman empire.


Attached: Holocaust-Museum-Berlin.jpg (500x375, 63K)

>Europeans are very happy talking
You mean lefties deadset on subverting their own countries? It's not only Turks who deny their genocides. Ever question a Russian about their Ukrainian genocide in 1932-33? Or Czechs about their genocide of Germans after WW2? Or Austrians about the protestant genocide in the 17th century? Chinks? The only ones who are "happy" to tlk about genocide are Germans because their entire new identity is based on being sorry for WW2.

>every religion is fine being critized
>muslim pedophiles loose their shit over anything like beta bitches
oh wew

>Form Mughals as Nagaur on Very hard
>Conquer some stuff, no coalitions
>Take a province from Sindh
>Timurid, Delhi, Jaunpur, Bengal, Malwa coalition

Well I'm ripe fucked aren't I?

Attached: 1407543982705.jpg (587x502, 72K)

You dont have to be happy about it, Mehmet, you just have to admit that you guys did it.

those are some big ashtrays

People in general don't seem to care about white on white genocides or so on. Only white on non-white genocides. which, let's be honest, rarely happened. we genocided indians by giving them a bunch of food to the point their populations exploded and then they started starving and dying off, we didn't realise they were not intelligent enough to carefully plan having children

Does anyone even attribute the soviet genocides to being russia's fault?

Just chill out for a few years, the AI gets distracted very easily.

The young Turks had already seized power by the time the Armenian genocide began, not saying the ottomans didnt also abuse them in the past, but theres a huge controversy around how much Attaturk knew about the genocide taking place during his rule. It's a large legitimacy issue for them historically cause they want to paint him as this rational secular western style leader.

I'm not a roach. Turks genocided Armenians. I just object to retarded statements like "hurr durr everybody is fine talking about it".
I'm pretty sure ukies do

>Does anyone even attribute the soviet genocides to being russia's fault?
>soviet genocides
>what is korenizatsiya

Us burgers don't exactly shy away from having slowly rolled back Native populations over the centuries.

lol 2014 "predictions"


I always feel like trying these types of games but I'm a brainlet and feel like I need a fucking masters degree to play.

Who cares about worst -mania


nah they're ez
download ck2, start in ireland, enjoy

jesus fucking christ that keming

notice: this is only true for the 1066 start
in earlier starts you get raped by vikings

I sure hope so. Malwa's 5/5/6 lived to be 70 fucking 5 years and they were almost conquering shit faster than I was.

what am i in for?

Attached: 1545412187951.jpg (1920x1080, 780K)

It gets more boring you more you learn how to play it.

is that actually something that can randomly happen or did you mod it?

Attached: shadman.gif (460x402, 2.14M)

>random worlds

Attached: 1551924306508.jpg (449x449, 43K)

It can randomly happen. Sometimes the names are pretty good and most the times they are retarded clusterfucks of letters.

Turks actually look like human versions of cockroaches. It's uncanny

>africa uncolonized
based muslims