Are the Persona Dancing games good in any aspect?
Are the Persona Dancing games good in any aspect?
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I love Fuuka
Default gameplay is shit but challenge modifiers make it insanely fun and feel less repetitive, it took me 60+ hours each song to get King Crazy with (almost) all modifiers on
But invisible notes is literally impossible to beat, who the fuck think this is good idea?
As of yesterday I have a platinum trophy in all of them. And while they are not the best rhythm games ever, they are good fanservice (not the lewd kind) games. You get some nice interactions with the cast and some new story bits. P4D has a significantly longer story segment than the others, but it feels drawn out and kind of repetitive for the sake of length.
But yeah I'd recommend the games if you really like the Persona 3-5 characters and just want some nice interactions with them, and some mediocre remixes of all the music in those games.
>But invisible notes is literally impossible to beat, who the fuck think this is good idea?
Autists gonna autist
I recently paid $60 for the whole collection...after paying $47 for the single Persona 5 version. As usual, Persona 4 is the best due to having an original story. The rest are garbage outside of playing dress-up.
5 has the worst remixes imo
Why is autistically flailing your arms around considered "dancing"?
Ask the japs.
Why are you so mean user? Taking your frustration out in others isn't the answer to your problems. Especially not against pure angels like Fuuka
How much do you like the casts? If you missed SEES and wanted to see them in HD it's worth it at this point for the commus and the new lines/dress up. Same for if you can't get enough of the PT, I guess. I spent way more than I should have on both JP and ENG versions but the dancing games were never more than just fanfluff in the first place. You expect more than that and you'll definitely be disappointed.
>why is the definition of dancing considered dancing
Gee I don't know
Most of it is shit, but I did like some of the remixes.
Door-kun, Theo, Elizabeth and Naoto are the only good dancers.
They're ok. Play them if you want more persona and don't mind it being a fucking rhythm game.
3 and 5 have better customization. 4 is better in everything else.
the opening themes are the best part of every one
Junpei is a fucking great dancer and I'll fight you.
Fuck off, Nanako is the best dancer
She's literally playing patty cake there. That is not dancing. What the fuck?
I liked Yosuke and Yukiko, but that's probably more in part due to their remixes being really good.
On a different note, at least in P5, most of these dances fucking suck.
Some of the fever dances are just them doing goofy or cute stuff. Junpei and Ken have one where they just mime playing baseball.
It's astounding how Japan has so many forms of martial arts, which incorporate full body movement, yet they suck at dancing.
Patty cake is like a dance you do with your hands.
Anything is a dance at long as it's done rhythmically!
I really enjoyed my waifu's dances and I put 100 hours into the game just playing those. I just wish there was more to the Commus. Short 8 ranks per character for something that replaces a story mode felt like a ripoff.
>at least in P5, most of these dances fucking suck.
I know it makes sense character-wise for Ryuji, Futaba and Kanji to suck ass at dancing, but it was always weird for me that they deliberately made their dances shit in a dancing spinoff. Don't you want your characters to look good?
I love the Nanako edits where she dances to rap music. But her actual dancing is shit.
Yeah but if you look at older musicals like Singing in the Rain, it's pure kinography.
I would've liked them more if I didn't have to grind tedious ass challenges to unlock new ranks.
Atleast in 4 you could just do story mode from start to finish with no interruptions.
Fuuka bump!
Fuck I thought it was Yukiko.
>Watch five story segments to unlock a new video
>In order to unlock five you have to be at pro-level
That was quite annoying.
How long are P5D and P3D to get? I played the shit out of P4D and got the plat but that had an actual story mode. Not sure I'd play just a straight rhythm game without one
Could take you anywhere from 10-20 hours each, I put in a couple hundred across both of the versions for p3d personally but I wasn't achievement hunting.
There's a similar amount of songs. There are kind of confidant ranks with each of the characters instead of the P4D story mode, which require you to do Free Dancing to unlock, and there are different requirements to unlock them depending on the characters, and some of them take quite some grinding to fully unlock. But you're looking at around 15-20 hours for Plat I'd say.
There's some light plot but no story mode. You get pseudo-social links instead that expand more on the characters, with the twins' link progressing the "story". Each rank is locked behind specific challenges or conditions, like get Brilliant rankings on songs for Haru, get a total amount of perfect notes for Yusuke, dance in a number of costumes for Ann or get a cumulative total combo with Ryuji
I seriously cannot believe that these games exist and that people pay for them. Waifufag culture is so fucking degenerate.
They’re based and cute
They help fund the actual games
sadly 3&5 dancing didn't help that much
I enjoyed them and I'm not a waifufag.
That was because Atlus went full retard and pissed off their userbase.
>got the plat
You'd steamroll them.
I better see ponytail Haru and Futaba in Royal then.
What'd they do?
If you really like the main line games for their characters the dancing does a rather good job of conveying their personalities and relationships. If you like the music of the original games, the remixes can be quite good. Story wise they are pretty terrible and can sometimes reverse some of the character development that happened in the main game. As rhythm games it's pretty average.
Locked Shinji and Groo behind DLC paywalls instead of including them in the base game, meaning they didn't get party member content like commus or interacting outside of the dances, and then put almost 300 usd worth of additional content in DLC. There was a lot of arguing on twt from people who said they weren't going to be supporting the game because of how greedy they were.