The bundle is $50 most of the time, is it worth it at that price? I know it's been dumbed down but feels more like a nostalgic trip plus riding most pokemon

Attached: lets-go-pokemon-pikachu-with-pokeball-plus_1.jpg (600x600, 44K)

it isn't worth $20

Not even for free

buy it and you'll have mew, goyim

Just play FRLG if you are feeling nostalgic or if you are a dumb genwunner, RBY

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pokemon is ruined its not worth it even if it was free just go play the old games

dude what, I fucking paid $150 for this

i never got past brock as a very young child in yellow so my rost tinted glasses arent good enough play FRLG instead

Yea Forumsirgins will shit on the game because it doesn't cater to them. Watch some videos online. If you think it's worth it, then buy it. Don't ever take advice from these ultra contrarians that shit on literally everything.

It's fine if you want something casual to breeze through in your spare time. By Celadon City, you'll be so overleveled that all challenge will be gone, and you can't turn off things like EXP Share, affection bonuses, etc. Exploring Kanto in 3D is fun, but the land layout is the same exact square system as the original GB games. If you play GO, it's cool to be able to transfer Pokémon out of that.

>150 bucks for poopoopeepee
you really are BADDY BAD at managing money bro!

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stupid zoomers first pokemon game

Do it, just treat it as the full 3D color Kanto region you dreamed of when you played the originals as a child. Bonus points if you wanted to see the roaming wild Pokémon visible AND if you fantasized about being a Pokémon trainer and possessing your own physical pokeball

Yeah, FRLG is good

Attached: Pokemon - Leaf Green Version (USA) final team.png (240x160, 7K)

This is a 20 dollars game, user. Unless you go full grinding at the end to fight every Master Trainer, you're not gonna get a lot of mileage out of this compared to previous Pokemon games.

It's funny how Pidgeot is usually not very good in other games it appears on, but in Kanto it's almost always part of my team.

how do you go from this to this

Attached: Untitled.png (2104x576, 1.27M)

Pidgeot is only really useful against grass pokemon, he gets rekt by fighting faggots due to the normal bullshit

Attached: KANTO dex complete.png (240x160, 6K)

Is this user asking how you make 3D graphics? I'm confused.

are you stupid

>How do you go from pixel graphics to 3D graphics
Well, it would help if you use your words son.

being this new

>newfag cannot come up with any witty response besides screaming >New

Attached: Satania laughing.png (810x810, 492K)

this is how i know youre new

>He literally doubled down!

Attached: kekarot.gif (239x200, 438K)

anime posting

is based
something you are not

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If it was a spin-off, I wouldn't care.

If it wasn't 100$ for a useless controller bundle, I wouldn't care.

If it wasn't the culmination of year of Generation 1 pandering, I wouldn't care.

If it wasn't the first mainseries Switch game, I wouldn't care.

If the apologists could come up with more than a post-it note of positives opposed to the dictionary-length the detractors have, I wouldn't care.

If this wasn't a worse remake than FRLG, I wouldn't care.

If this game didn't unnecessarily remove features to lower their demographic another 5 years, I wouldn't care.

If the character models weren't the gross in-betweens of gen 6 and 7, I wouldn't care.

If the game had a clear demographic, and didn't try to pander to two completely unrelated groups of people, I wouldn't care.

If the ride Pokemon had more utility than a free MMO cosmetic, I wouldn't care.

If megas were advertised correctly, I wouldn't care.

If the game had at least included the Sevii Islands, I wouldn't care.

If the coloring of the region wasn't incredibly dusty and desaturated, I wouldn't care.

If the Poke Amii/Pokemon Refresh features weren't downgraded, I wouldn't care.

If at least generation 2 evolutions were included, I wouldn't care.

If GO integration was more important to gameplay, I wouldn't care.

If Mew wasn't locked behind an overpriced peripheral, I wouldn't care.

If Meltan and Melmetal weren't grind quests with cooldown time, I wouldn't care.

If Lavender Town dialogue wasn't censored, I wouldn't care.

If the OST wasn't unvarying orchestrations, I wouldn't care.

If the main way of gaining experience wasn't consistent catch chains, I wouldn't care.

If the catching mechanic itself wasn't unresponsive and janky, I wouldn't care.

If this game didn't kill off mature and objective discussion in the Pokemon community, I wouldn't care.

If I bought this game physical so I could get a refund, I wouldn't care.

If this game wasn't priced at $60, I wouldn't care.

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nice spacing


>$150 for legpiss

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