This games gonna be shit anti shill edition

Fuck all the transparent shill threads. We know that it's gonna be shit
>No gameplay shown yet
>Shills in overdrive allready
>Even if no loot boxes probably other shit like dlc story missions

Let's predict why it will be shit. Hmm how can they make lightsabers cinematic and easy to play for journalists. Shitty bahman combat? Yup it's gonna be shitty bamham combat isn't it?

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Other urls found in this thread:


Thanks for the bump shill

>G-guys why can't I fit in

What is there to predict? It's an EA published star wars game that has already started the viral marketing process. Of course it's going to be shit.

inb4 some anti-trans or woman MC "controversy" in the coming weeks when traditional shilling doesn't work.

I don't nee predictions of how it's gonna be shit, all I need to know is:

They're gonna fuck it up somehow. Most likely what they're gonna do is strangle the project out of cash since investors are pussies for whom the idea of a game without multiplayer is akin to releasing antrax in the conference room. The end result being that it'll be a half-finished mess that makes no sense and EA will just use it's failure to justify even more lootboxes, more DLC, more subscriptions, etc.

I'm waiting for gameplay to judge it for myself. I imagine a lot of people are just craving a singleplayer star wars game really bad and want to get a decent game for once.

>G-guys why is no one excited for a rushed out of nowhere EA game with no gameplay and an overly aggressive marketing scheme
This is you, this is what you sound like.

I don't even give a shit about the game, retard

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>That image
Use a more relevant meme you new as fuck shill. Which center are you at, I'm reporting you for your shit tier marketing

EAs gonna fuck this game up to reinforce their shit narrative single player games are dead and push shitty multiplayer games.
Also all I need to see is EA to know it will suck.

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Until a year ago or so Visceral was working on a single player Star Wars game, no?
Then thats mean this game either was slapped together in a hurry to do something with the license before the Disney overlords get angry or its just a multiplayer game recylced into a singleplayer one

Either way its going to suck balls

Fuck off

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why are you in this thread you low IQ dummy? you like walking into strip clubs to declare you don't like women too? faggot

>preset protagonist
it's shit

>its shit
>*makes a thread about it*
just make a thread about a game you like or go play some vidya
why are you doing this

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All I need is a proper character creator and an RPG stat system, and I can look past shit gameplay and writing but not microtransations

Respawn has been working on this for a few years, it was announced at the same time as the Visceral game.

Star wars has been dead for years, only the biggest smoothbrains give a shit about it

no character creator its fucking stupid

today is the day when they release the gameplay

>>No gameplay shown yet
>>Shills in overdrive allready
Biggest no-no for me. Honestly wish I could be wrong, because I so want a good new Star Wars game. I just don't believe in EA and all their excessive shilling.
We'll see when it releases, but I have no hope for it.


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Reminder that companies pay people to sling shit at upcoming games just like they would to shill them

I'm starved for SW games so i will probably give in and pirate this, assuming it lets me kill things with a lightsaber and dark side powers.

Where'd you hear that?

do you have a single fact to back that up

It's not like the word " batman " is fucking filtered is it? just say it you cucks

It's Jerome from Gotham

Obviously. If you're not slinging shit at a game on Yea Forums no one will even pay attention to your thread

I'm not going to write it off until I see gameplay but it being EA I have no expectation of it being good. EA hasn't made a game I've been interested in in over a decade.

stop posting the B word newfag.

That it's a game published by EA is all I need to not trust it. Man, ''gamers'' are so stupid, years of EA fucking them in the ass and being liars and scummy as shit, and they still give EA the benefit of the doubt and get hyped for shit they release.

love it when a shill blows its cover

I don't keep up with capeshit. Explain yourself please.

LOL, why pay for something people are going to do for free anyway?

This guy

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The lead writer did Mafia III.
Thats all you need to know

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Its gonna suck, but its been in development since even before Respawn got eaten by EA

Respawn has a good track record so far and EA seems to be more hands-off with them than their other studios, and they promised no loot boxes, microtransations, or multiplayer at all. No matter how good the signs may be this is still EA we're talking about, so the hypest I can get is cautiously optimistic.

He's going to voice the protagonist? That doesn't have to mean it's a set character. Bioware only had one VA per gender.

EA is shit but LucasArts demise wasnt their fault. Even before George Lucas bailed out the game studios were in shambles

Ayooooooo we wuz Jedi an sheeeit

Inquisition had two VAs per gender

>on one hand, respawn, who made the only interesting FPS singleplayer story this generation
>on the other hand EA
We can have a little hope at least, right?

It's his likeness same as Sam Witwer in Force Unleashed

Apex Legends was trash

a few hours until Yea Forums gets eternally btfo

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You start with a negative OP and then try to set the tone with a few posts at the top defending it.

Xbox marketers use it all of the time.

Lmao fuck that then. I wouldn't even play as that cake boy in a Jedi Academy style game



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Jedi Academy was better

they were so close fucked it all up with preset protagonist

Bioware not eas fault. You following the news lately?

>they were so close
to what?

a game

lets predict why it wont be shit
>respawn, creators of the best fps campaign in at least 5-10 years.

Online and the gimmick of customizing your Jedi with saber styles and mods was cool. But the story sucked ass compares to the Chad Katarn.

As long as EA is involved, a studio's prior success means nothing.

Its easy to be the best when almost nobody else tried

>go from a great FPS campaign and fun standard multiplayer to another shitty BR game
Respawn lost all credibility

Avellone's involvement will turn out to be incredibly minor, like he edited the dialogue for one pass or wrote a shopkeeper that shows up for one level

Shut up pocket


>respawn, creators of the latest woke FOTM BR garbage, that the managed to kill off in a month

obvious b team.

And apex was good for a shitty casino wanna be fps.

I mean, it shouldnt be THAT hard to make a "decent" (not good, just serviceable enough) Star Wars game

>Big open world action RPG
>Create your own character, choose sides and crew KOTOR style
>Make it during the classic trilogy timeline, but with brand new characters. Or go Old Republic, never mind as long as you avoid the cancer nu-Star Wars
>Fast paced combat, add some deep so it doesnt become too repetitive but not too hard to turn casuals away
>Build and upgrade your own ship, base, lightsaber... Crap that would make grinding for resources addictive, nothing new

Its not that fucking hard, it would be generic as fuck but no more insulting than your average AAA game, but with the Star Wars license as the cherry on top

op btfo

they fucked up with protagonist

What is this?

>le b team meme

I thought the tweet from yesterday said available in 24 hours

Zoomers, the lot of you.
Darkforces I & II are prime Kyle.

>do something shitty
>expect praise for stopping

>EA Twitter

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You know damn well it's going to be none of those things. I'm predicting a linear walking simulator with lots of "epic" setpieces and braindead bamham combat once in awhile with canned kill animations. Characters going to be some mulatto with a generic personality with no variance in story.

>Combat designer behind God of War Ascension

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can't wait to play as a nonbinary homosexual woke Jedi

Outcast has much better campaign


Why are you arguing about thinkgs you really dont know anything about?
The main team has been working on Fallen Order since respawn became an EA team. It's one of their contracted games.

People like you are going to say it's shit no matter how it comes out looking. It can look like the best most promising game of the last 20 years and you guys will still call it garbage.

You're probably right though, seeing as EA is behind it it'll be a miracle if it's not shit.

I decided not to buy this the moment they let Hennig go.

But at least they made games, I prefer the expanded universe with ultra powerful jedis, than anything Disney ever released.

Yeah l...that's what I said you illiterate asshole. Chad Katarn was a better game serries, Academy was just fun for online shenanigans.

Star Wars reminds me of Sonic the Hedgehog.

Dragged through the dirt, all modern media is shit, rabid fanbase that will protect it regardless of how bad its gotten.

>brag about no season pass for Battlefront 2
>include absurdly cancerous MTXs
I wonder what they've come up with this time

they stopped making good games after Empire At War

What is the really strange part to me is the starwars fanbase; It's entirely comprised of people pretending to be nerds by jumping on the biggest bandwagon there is, then trying to prove how nerdy they are by defending it at every turn.

Why are there so many of these people? Why can't they just be into things they actually like?

>quickly make a game in a genre completely based around lootboxes and cashshops to prove to ea that you are still worth money
>suddenly invalidate every previous game you released with 0 playerbase splitting dlc, 0 lootboxes and 0 mtxes outside of well priced cosmetics.

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no it wasnt

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To be honest SW games were always like this, for every good one ,you had two averages and four shit cash grabs.

the multiplayer part of jk academy was abandoned and died immediately because outcast's multiplayer was simply superior mechanically
it's only in recent years that fuckwits following some stupid guides started playing academy modded and not because of the gameplay part

Character customization? Or am I playing as a strong black woman?

Bioware is EA faults, they removed all the people who actually managed the company, I'm talking pre ME2 Bioware.

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no character creation you're a white male

She was on a different Star Wars game that got canned

I really want to to be good, but after getting raw dogged in the ass to many times by being hype about a game that turns out to be shit.
all i have is cynicism.

Except they outright said that they shelved Titanfall 3 for that for the time being.

No? They bailed out after selling the company (oh, they stuck around for one or two years to tie things sure)
Same happened with Rare after the Stamper brothers sold it to MS

Nothing about TF3 has been announced at all outside the fact that they arent working on it due to being contractually obligated to make the star wars game.

EA faults.

= walking simulator / uncharted clone. One of these guaranteed.
It'll have utterly shit totally derivative gameplay. Despite this it will receive 10/10s and GOTY awards across the board because it will have a by-the-numbers tearjerker storyline told through 30min cutscenes. Oh and it's star wars = even less effort required.

belongs in a zoo

>Darkforces I & II are prime Kyle.
Fuckin this. All the jedi acadamey/outcast fags don't appreciate a good fps
>Muh saber combat
Nah fuck off

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How is it eas fault that the heads of bioware greedily bailed after selling the company? Thats purely Bioware's fault.

Based antishill post

Im cautiously optimistic for it

the jedi deserve to die out already. every movie, every game, every book is the exact same. last of the jedi, crumbling order, chaos, need one lone new jedi hero to save the day. how the fuck aren't they exterminated wholly by now? fuck the jedi and their degenerate order

>EAStarWars in the twitch chat answers every question BUT if there's gameplay
no gameplay today, shitty cinematic trailer inbound

It's going to be scripted cutscenes with no ui to indicate if its even in a playable state-a repeat of the anthem teaser.

how many hours until the trailer my fellow gamers?

I can't believe people are praising a game for NOT having lootboxes. Congratulations Jedi of the fallen order, you've managed to reach the bare minimum of a decent game, lets all buy it now

one and a half

hour thirty

people in the twitch chat actively asking for the game to be battle royale, add multiplayer, and be sold on the epic games store, fun times

What are the odds its just a force unleashed reskin?


thanks, didnt know there was a stream going on

>people in the twitch chat actively asking for the game to be battle royale, add multiplayer, and be sold on the epic games store, fun times
And this is why I play games that are 15-30 years old. Yet I wonder why I do it sometimes

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>1-2 minutes of CGI trailer
When is the panel starting?

twitch chat is 99% of the time trolling

It seems like advanced shitposting to me

can someone post the twitch stream? I can't find it

oh ok. Maybe theres some hope then.

Low, I am leaning towards God of War 2018. Slow, low and close camera, platforming/climbing but straightforward. RPG for the force power upgrades and the ability to customize the look of your saber plus unlock some moves.

>We know its going to be shit because I haven't seen gameplay so therefore I know its shit

We know it's going to be shit because of EA and Respawn has zero experience with third person action games.

Yeah, wouldn't it be great if EA showed gameplay of a game that is coming out this year? Bet they won't do that, though.

Team Cherry had zero experience with 2D metroidvania and it's a masterpiece

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Team Cherry was three guys, Respawn is a AAA game dev with 200 employees.

>dude you don't know if I'm gonna shit on your plate yet

could you BE any more of a sexist, racist, russian bot, OP?


>new movie is going to be a poor mans Dark Empire I
I wonder what type of ripoff the game is going to be.

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where's the gameplay?

They are re-utilizing the assets of the visceral proyect. Hennig vision was heavy story based akin to uncharted and every character had a part to play in the plot.
They canned it because what EA wanted instead was an open world with character creation and lots of meaningless quests because that´s what "kids want". This is going to be a Skyrim/ DA: inquisition like game a 100% guaranteed.

> he thinks there will be gameplay

How long till the announcement?

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who /onlyheretogetmyfreecopyofkotor/ here

Supposedly 2:30, but who knows when the bullshit stops and we get the meat

I have like four different copies of that by now

fixed that image for you.

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When's the reveal for us yuropoors? All I can find are american time zones


Oh cmon is this a joke? avellone is in this game too?

30 minutes.

Is there a stream somewhere?

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will it be Frostbite or Source?

UE4 if leaks are true


Man that gives beard a bad name

that helmet looks like a cheap piece of plastic crap

>not reusing the jedi engine

Star Wars toys = lego > action figures >> other kind of toys.

not even onions can fix this one. take it out back and have it shot.

Wait, is this bit of music new?

>all that Darth plageius spam in chat

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You're right. The US is rightful British dominion.

I'll wait until I see the trailer. It should be the easiest thing in the world to make a good SW game like back in the day, there really were a lot of them when you think about it. Jedi Academy was great

Gonna be rafiin at all of you when it turns out to be a bit of CGI and then 60 minutes of bullshit


user, pls. I haven't fapped in like 3 weeks.

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That's what you're doing.
Literally already shills going
When we haven't even seen a second of gameplay yet.
It's laughable.

I'm too lazy to look up release dates but we had a slew of great games back to back for a while.
battlefront 2
empire at war
kotor 2
Republic commando
Jedi academy
Jedi Outcast

the turning point was TOR, maybe TFU

I think it was after TFU

Hope is all we have, Anakin.

Empire At War was the last good Lucasarts game, in 2006. All those games came out before EAW.

>You're not authorized in this area!

TFU was good tho. Not stellar but good

WELL Yea Forums


oh interesting, then yeah you're right
>o7 empire at war

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No it wasn't

Is the stream lagging for anyone else

>bring people on the stage to talk about a game when people haven't seen anything about the game yet

Yes it was

Every fucking time

We like Star Wars!

>The Lucasfilm guy is a fucking numale
Like fucking clockwork

>Jedi Fantasy Story

>baseball bat lightsaber
>QTE fest combat
no, it wasn't

God of War 3 is the worst god of war though


>every stream except Youtube goes kaput at once

I just hope we get to CaC so EA can't force you to play as a tranny or some shit.

So confident in their game they wont show it

And it crashed immediately. Fucking EA it's 2019 and you can't even fucking stream? Fucking hell


Youtube stream works fine.

>Another female MC

Holy fuck this is boring

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That producer makes me produce boners

If the game has lootboxes and microtransactions, I hope EA pushes them to the extreme, normies deserve to be milked dry.


Why are there imperial guards with their vibro pikes there?

>Saying this when God of War rowing the boat sim exists.
>baseball bat lightsaber
Let's be honest, how many games don't have that "flaw", from the Battlefront games to even EaW this happens.
>QTE fest combat
Only for bosses and minibosses when you want to
TFU was not bad, TFU2 was subpar. Almost everything that came afterwards was shit, specially after Didney's buyout

quit making starwars games based around the movies. make one before the prequel when there was a shit load a jedis.

Souls-like confirmed

Have sex

>easy to pick up combat

and any piece of hype that I had is gone.

>not gameplay


>Action game not RPG
Into the trash

>combat is easy to pick up
I don't like how this sounds

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but can you go fast?

That was just that bit from Man of Steel

>no gameplay
Wow, it's fucking nothing

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well that black character ruined it for me. why can't we have a hot asain side kick not some ugly bitch

Is there going to be transexual representation? That's all that matters.

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what an awful fucking VA choice

Why... Why show the trailer like this? FUCK OFF! And no gameplay. Of course. And they're just gonna talk about it...

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rofl game looked so bad
why was there a ugly nigger rofl

again boring as fuck characters like the new movies

>all these anons watching something they knew they were going to hate

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Man the audio is shite

>Imperial elite trooper with airbone clone trooper helmet wielding a electrostaff
Gib me more of those, there might be no gameplay but watching this show was worth it for me just for that

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>EA shills come here to hype up a trailer with no gameplay
jesus get it together


Tell us x! Tell us y!
Tell us about this VIDEO game which we just saw a VIDEO of that showed us absolutely fucking nothing.

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>being able to make your own character in an rpg is stupid
Real talk, are you a retard?

I'm glad the shills kept this thread bumped til the trailer released. Couldn't have done it without you EA marketing staff...

The trailer felt more like Disney Wars: The Game more than the OT or its own thing

You’re using wrong Shill
Consult your manual for fucks sake

no customization just one generic white boi since disney is racist

OMG I'm so exited they really did it! How did he get in?

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I'd rather play as a black character than having a ton of diversity side characters.

Steam comments section already people bitching it's a white male character

Those "people" wouldn't buy the game anyways.

Looks like a generic god of war clone. Similar to force unleashed, but now it's EA and has ugly Disney aliens.

>Don't bitch about black and women characters on the franchise you incels

Atleast force unleashed was over the top retarded, this seems boring as fuck.

Yes it was

Hope you didn't want an alien sidekick in fucking Star Wars like a retard haha

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>coming this fall
>show no gameplay at all
Maybe they’ll show it at E3?

>Everyone focusing on the female Inquisitor
>No one is hype about the Shadow clone trooper

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anti-shilling is still shilling

Who thought this was a good design?

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that's just her face

Disney era so it'll be fucked up



I just can't wait to explore the galaxy with her!

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Whatever it is it’s disgusting to look at

Looks like an alien to me.

all the retards screaming "BUT ITS RESPAWN!!!" do my fucking head in, it's as if they dont learn a fucking thing from all the other times they've been fucked by EA. It really fucking pisses me off, I swear this is the only industry where companies get away with the shit that they do because the consumers are such retarded brainless morons

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Bets on if she takes off the helmet?

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They got the nonhuman part right

literally a genderbent mace windu

How else will they show it's a minority?

Choke me, mommy


>I always loved the idea of genocide

>Protagonist is a white male

Unironically how did get this past marketing?

This creature will be his sidekick that probably appeased them

I am hyped about the design and type of troop. Literally an airborne trooper with a magnaguard staff. I am not going to but the game based on that alone tho.
Also. what a shitty helmet they gave the trooper on stage literally pic related is better and more accurate and wasn't made for a promotion.

Attached: airborne helmet.jpg (720x720, 44K)

Did they even show anything?

If you ask for gameplay. Lol, nope.

A cinematic trailer with no actual gameplay

so what is the game gonna play then? first person? jedi knight?

she looks like Samuel L. Jackson

Why the fuck is the main character a toddler?

What a waste of time

It's a Jedi Outcast esque game yes

>blonde cis white able bodied male protagonist

Yeah but only because she isn't pretty enough so it could be considered sexist.

Force unleashed tier boring ass gameplay.

Lying shill, it's cinematic walking simulator garbage with Batman combat.

It won't even be that. It'll be bamham combat but even more dumbed down.

CGI shit with an ugly sheboon.

Remember when the only black character in Star Wars was Lando? And he was cool?
I miss those days

What a waste time

Yeah I'm betting on this one, moving on already.

already confirmed to be his Jedi mentor

An Ahsoka after Order 66 game would print billions but now they just wasted that premise

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Sekiro Wars when????

If Vader brutally murders her I’ll be happy

it's certainly possible

Why didnt they just do Sekiro with Kyle Katarn?

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Only one alien in the entire trailer, and he dies. How disappointing.

What's with this trend of making black women with their eyes almost popping out?

That trailer music seems familiar hmmmm

she's modeled after a real person user.


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because Westerners are physically incapable of making a good action game

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Microsoft is so fuckng incompetent.

I knew it sounded familiar somehow

They replaced all the aliens in Star Wars for minorities a long time ago.

Just pirate KotOR, the pc version btfos the Xbox version.

White or not, this character looks really fucking boring

they're probably all white right? I dont even think minorities care that much

>wasn't trained in using the force

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>white people complaining about white people
Truly pathetic.

>thread about an action lightsaber game
>go play an rpg game bro

>another generic looking white guy
>has finn as a profile pic

you literally can not make this up, finn is the most generic token nigger in star wars and should have died with that other shit character chink rose

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Has their been a Star Wars game with a alien as the main character? I know Jedi Academy you could play as one, but I mean like without character creator.

of course not. non whites typically dont give a shit about such petty things.

its always whites who are always trying to speak for the colored folk.

Kek, soibois are still seething about the whole "mary sue rey"

The people on ResetEra really are lacking some brain cells, even Neogaf makes fun of them now.

Their so desperate to excuse Rey because deep down they know she's a bullshit unoriginal virtue signal power fantasy, that they find every opportunity to put her horribly writing flaws on others.

People are complaining about not getting their free copy of kotor so I'm giving them advice.

Is anyone else fucking tired of seeing that one Nu-wars alien design shoved into every single piece of media so far? Just use one of the 500 established species for a change already

I don't understand how can anyone argue that Rey is not a Mary Sue, can they even point out to ONE scene where she didn't do everything right? She doesn't even feel like a character, I have no idea what she's thinking or what is her motivation, she's so fucking plain.

You fuckers will fall for it
Every. Single. Fucking. Time.

I thought Neogaf was kill?



That's it

I'm done with the human race

Neogaf is actually a right wing forum now, believe it or not.

I trust respawn not EA, still gonna wait for gameplay and more details though

star wars power battles on the ps1

At least the MC is a guy. Now I'll actually consider the game

Oh shit I missed the whole stream. Did nothing happen? I expect nothing happened.

Yeah, this was on PSP and DS.

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I wish i was that stormtrooper

Looks like she's brapping him to death.

I know what you mean, he was the only background alien in the Resistance and the one who mutinied with Poe.
In this game I think he was at the bar or the one who fell off the platform

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whatsa matta

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thank you

you do realize that just because its respawn doesnt mean EA cant fuck it up, DICE are a good developer but look at their recent games.

Battlefront 2 would have been a good game if it didn't have EA's integrated jewishness

Its a pretty bad sign that the shit they put in the trailer is the best they could come up with despite none of the clips having no gameplay. Furthermore why the FUCK does every single SW game have to include a jedi? Werent they rare as fuck? Why the fuck is there another force user on the Empire side? Wasnt it just Palpatine and Vader???? Why cant you just be a normal person in the SW universe?

What is more tiring? nu-Sw or capeshit?

>other threads about video game deleted
>shill thread stays up

Based jannies.

>Academy was just fun for online shenanigans
It still is. There are plenty of active servers.

>Why the fuck is there another force user on the Empire side? Wasnt it just Palpatine and Vader????
I see you missed Rebels, which is understandable because it was shit.

peak repulsion

Nu-wars, by far.

>he was the only background alien in the Resistance
Not true, there was Admiral Ackbar before he got killed offscreen
God that still pisses me off

Do people actually hate this alien design? I think it looks alright. Actually fits in with other SW alien designs. Although admittedly I wish we could see more of the original aliens. Like has there been a single fucking Twilek in any of the disney wars media?

>Why the fuck is there another force user on the Empire side? Wasnt it just Palpatine and Vader?
Even under the rule of Two they trained assassins like Ventress and Mara Jade. It's fine, it's just them trying to be creative in some way and add a cool design.

Tbf, the character is generic and the VA is an effeminate fag which I'm sure is partly to appease the ResetEra crowd without going full nigger protag.
Which clearly didn't work besides on one person in that screenshot, kek.
The woman looks like a tranny Samuel Jackson though, holy shit.

why did they use another generic character when they have thousands of alien species to choose from? why cant we have another plo-koon for fuck SAKE

Attached: Plo_Koon1.jpg (696x953, 327K)

>MC is a white male
Now I will buy your game.


Yeah I never watched that shit. Did it seriously introduce other sith? Wasnt the fucking point of sith that they didnt really congregate up? The rule of two or whatever its called.

Same, I think it's fine. I just wish aliens in general were more numerous.

Because 1313 was the bounty hunter game and they killed it.

Yeah, in Solo. Had to give them realistic flesh colored skin instead of bright blue or green I guess though

I meant background extras, not characters like Ackbar who have speaking lines sorry. They took Ackbar, Nien Nunb, and Chewbacca right from Return of the Jedi and the whole Resistance is 99% human when theyre supposed to be a galactic force from the whole Republic.

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take a guess

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It doesn't matter. Yea Forums will pretend to love it because SJWs will bash thr game for the mc choice

Please never show posts from Resetera again, I almost died of sodium over dosage

They're not Sith, simply dark side users under the command of Sheev and Vader to hunt down Jedi.

they're not Sith, just dark side Force users the Empire uses to hunt down Jedi

also they do this

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Respawn IS EA. This is like EA picking up bioware all over again.
>Hurr durr I trust Bioware not EA.

Do y’all ever learn?

The Rule of Two meant only two Sith Lords at one time I guess, they still trained henchmen with red lightsabers in most EU stories.

Solo would've been alright if you could FUCKING SEE ANYTHING

I really, really hope we get to see the spinning lightsaber fucks

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Because prequels bad, nu-Star Wars good!

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Bariss Offee is the Second Sister

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MC is going to be a custom character. I don't know why everyone would assume from that trailer it's just that generic guy. Their tagline is "become a jedi" ffs.

its because these faggots want to play it safe and make sure the characters can be relatable to the players.
yeah, its fucking stupid.

I hate how every sci-fi themed game is still like this.

Would love a modern Star Wars game with the opportunity to play as a sith or villain. This story is so rehashed in other Star Wars media it's getting tiresome

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treating EA's subsidiaries as completely separate entities is the new shill tactic.

Because they brought the VA on stage after the trailer and showed him doing mocap.

No it won't. The story revolves around the character shown who is based off some actor

It's going to be rushed out shit with a shitload of DLC day 1. There's no gameplay because they know it's shit and want to take manchildren, nu-male and snoy boys that buy anything star wars by surprise and take their xeno estrogen stained money.

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>titanfall 2 devs
>force wallrunning

it's gonna be great

Attached: wallrunning.jpg (1605x672, 76K)

These guys aren't really Sith, though from a practical standpoint that's effectively what they are. It turns out killing all the super strong space knights is pretty tough when you're not shooting them in the back so they needed dudes strong enough to put up a fight. From a practical standpoint they're the same as minor sith lords but it's way more interesting and fun to have your jedi heroes fight dudes with force powers and lightsabers than just gun dudes all the time.

*cling cling cling*
Working is this thing?

Attention of you I may have... Ahem!

Fuck Niggers!

Fuck Disney!

And fuck EA!

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to protect vader. Royal guards don't only protect the emperor

Fucking this.

That's really fucking shit then. Linear, cinematic experience with a generic MC based on some literally who actor no one gives a shit about.

>bruh can I get sum uv dat repreesuntashun?
>haha yeah sure, here you go

How about leaving all the Skywalker baggage behind and doing an Old Republic game again.

is there gameplay shown

you've now crossed over into actively delusional

No lol



>people are just craving a singleplayer star wars game really bad and want to get a decent game for once.

Too bad, they're going to be disappointed.

I'd rather him than some stronk womyn or a nigger

Well duh, it SJW-Wars

They are using prequel material for the purge troopers tho.

respawn have not been suffering under EA, kinda feels like respawn is in full control of their IP's, look at apex legends

Okay, well you're still getting a stronk black womyn so I'm not sure why one generic guy makes everything better

To spite shills and viral marketeers.

Literally pathetic OP. I can smell the attention-whoring from here. So some people are excited for a game. And? You went out of your way to make a thread about how you're mad about other people's happiness lol.

Beta af.

I am going to wait until we get some gameplay footage before I make any opinions. And I mean gameplay, not Kotor cinematic type shit.

Cause I don't have to play as that mutt do I?

The production design is a total mess. 1313 an Ragtag at least had some really neat concepts

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shut the fuck up faggot

He's a ginger fag so he's almost as bad.

It's 7 months away. Games rarely ever start with gameplay in their first trailer

Yeah, it just looks boring as fuck

It's all so very tiring.

>in another timeline we’d be getting bounty hunter kino instead of this

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As these commoners say,"based", my little old friend
But, I would like to make a toast as well, if I may
Fuck Resetera!
Fuck Jannies!
Fuck Nu-Star Wars!
and Fuck the Republic!

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>unironically wanting uncharted onions wars instead of titanfall 2 with force powers

did you bitch about this same exact woman in Wolfenstein 2?

It is though. They drove away all the real talent, hired people that were only half as good, made them work with a pain in the ass engine and wouldn't even lend them other employees that know how to work it to help Bioware out.

No, but she's your mommy.

>uncharted onions wars
that's what we're getting, though

>he thinks this game will be titanfall 2 with force powers

it isn't. 1313 was straight up uncharted. this is respawn. there's wallrunning in the trailer. fuck you.

I don't play Wolfenstein

This is why I stick to /vg/ instead of Yea Forums. Lol. You're all autistic. The game could absolutely be shit, but how the fuck could you tell at this current point? We have almost no details and no gameplay. I mostly hate nu-Wars, but I'm not going to assume this will be shit until I see it for myself.

And about the "where's muh gameplay", I want to see it too, but the game is 7 months away, and when is the last time ANY game started with a gameplay trailer? Of course they'll show it before launch, so just relax.

Ya'll need to keep your panties on


>there's wallrunning in the trailer
you're delusional if you think that's going to be anything but a contextual thing

Respawn does good work, but I can't help but feel like TF2's singleplayer was lightning in a bottle and they can't capture the same fun


Looks like uninspired shit. I gave up on Star Wars games ever being good again. Let's hope this spinoff series can save whatever is left of this universe.

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didn't they make cod4 and mw2? they seem to be able to do again and again

The funny part is, I described the cookie cutter TLOU/ snoy movie game "gameplay" trailer to my friend as whats going to be showed off and they somehow actually managed to go tenfold below that

AAA """""""""""""gaming""""""""""""""" is dead

>muh wallrunning
That won’t make up for the cinematic combat we all know it’s going to have
The best thing it can be is a God of War reskin

>one thing shown in a cinematic trailer means the entire game is going to be titanfall 2 with force powers
haha holy shit

Yes... You will make a fine apprentice. You shall be called Darth... Incelous... Once more the fucking white males shall rule the Star Wars EU, and we shall have quality games....

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That's all that need be said. Fuck this game.

Titanfall 2 was literally gameplay first story second. They've openly said this is story first.

You're getting an Uncharted clone.

it's respawn. play titanfall 2.

1313 was openly the uncharted clone. they showed uncharted gameplay in the e3 demo you're still creaming yourself about.

this we don't know much about, but their previous SP outing was amazing, and it does hav

>we are gonna have these awful shill threads for 7 fucking months

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Seeing how they already cast the original Jango Fett actor as one of the clones and Filoni's directing the first few episodes, I'd say it's gonna be great.

Good First Person Shooter =/= good 3rd person action game

I didn't want 1313 either. Their previous singleplayer outing was directing by a different person, had a different gameplay designer, and was written by a different person.

where is my kotor

You do know what EA actually does, right? They're distributors, not game developers.

Anyone who automatically says "a game is bad because EA" is retarded.

>Filoni's directing the first few episodes
>it's gonna be great
Filoni was only good when George was feeding him ideas, both Rebels and Resistance were garbage.

they own the game developers, you retard.

How does experience making a multiplayer focused FPS translate to making a good story focused third person action game?

Where did they say Temuera was in the show? I don't know anything about this show. When does it take place?

>it shouldnt be THAT hard to make a "decent" (not good, just serviceable enough) Star Wars game

Maybe but it's EA we're talking about, it's going to be a quick cash grab pile of shit, I predict it's going to be a buggy mess for the first two months and only manchildren are going to buy it.

>and when is the last time ANY game started with a gameplay trailer?

they were literally at last E3 almost a year ago saying that they dont have anything to show and to wait for next year. That was the announcement. Now they showed their shitty fanfiction snoy cutscene montage

Every from software game gets a tiny teaser and gameplay instantly after. Sekiro got a namedrop/ announcement and its first real trailer was a gameplay trailer. All fucking developers that are actually proud about the gameplay and focusing on it want to show it off as soon as possible after building up their initial interest so that it doesnt come out from nowhere. They have literally zero excuse for this shit, they "announced" the game a year ago and were at the biggest star wars event in existence

I get the feeling that you actually mean this and this isn't bait.

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fuck that stupid maori cunt.

and the game is still the best city builder ever made. who cares about all that shit?

This isn't about Boba Fett though. It follows a different Mandalorian.

Yeah, I mean it. EA sucks, but they have no effect on the core of a game. They're not developers

Is Fabrou you stuip retard

>not shit


Yesterday. He's playing Rex, so probably somewhere after Rebels.

I think op needs to learn what a shill is

Yeah and this time he's got Favreau holding his leash.

Lmao. Clone Wars babies btfo by the original actor for the clones.

I trust in respawn
We might actually jedi outcast meets titanfall

They are literally the developers. Every developer they own is just a brand name slapped onto a studio filled with EA employees answering to EA.

already fucked up there. boba fett is supposed to be unique, his armor, his gadgets, his ship, all that stuff he accumulated over many years of bounty hunting. that's the original concept. as always the licensed fanfiction writers shat all over it by making an entire race of bounty hunters who all wear his armor and and their entire culture is bounty hunting. and then disney goes and makes the fanwank canon.

fuck you.

Filoni is directing a few episodes you dumb retard.

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This will be your Jedi Master. Say something nice about her!

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I don't even care, based Rex and based Temuera Morrison, literally nothing to complain about

I don't know what people saw in this trailer that looks appealing. Let's assume that star wars didn't exist and this is the very first thing you saw of it, what is there to sell the game? None of the characters seemed remotely interesting, except for the inquisitor maybe, the setting is all drab and grey and no gameplay was even shown. It's so weak.

Im reserving all judgement until I see gameplay, but no lie I am actually sad about no multiplayer, it sort of makes the game a wait until it's massively discounted, I don't have the time to play games that I used to, so when I do play I like to do it with friends. I also just don't get the same value with MP, since it really reduces replay value for me. I just got DMC5 and I beat it pretty quick and now I'm bored to the point that I sorta regret getting it at full price, when I could have easily waited

>white male protagonist

I'm interested. Maybe it's made by a team who cares.

>they have no effect on the core of a game
You do realize that publishers can make demands of the developers, right?

>cute white male
>incredibly ugly shebon

Attached: fuck janni.jpg (334x506, 42K)

That was made canon long before Disney.

He cute

George literally did that himself, you weirdo. He even literally made Boba Fett a clone of another character.

2002 is a long time after 1980 bucko

>Guys Mandalorian will be good!
>Guys Rise of Skywalker will be good!
>Guys Jedi Fallen Order will be good!
Star Wars died the moment it was sold to Disney. There will never be another good "Star Wars" anything.

The only thing of worth that Disney Wars has done is give us all front seat tickets to watch this train wreck.

Why do they always use these high pitched voice, low test faggots? Is it taboo to hire a gritty guy like Kyle Katarn now?

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yeah actually it is. did you see the backlash to adrien pierce's gruff voice?

Why couldn’t they have just made it Shaak Ti or some other Jedi master we didn’t see die in Order 66?

such a guy doesnt represent the californian so(y)boy demographic

Modding and multiplayer wise, yes. Story wise, no.

Jk3 is still fun to play. I have like over 600 hours just playing with mods


Kyle Katarn is too cool for modern audience.

protag of watch dogs 1, everyone was complaining about "yet another gravelly voiced white dude" being the protag.

Jesus fucking christ

shaak ti was supposed to die on the invisible hand

>Sith are the bad guys
can't wait to kill emperor Trump

To do what at this point? You faggots are gonna monkey paw this.

wow EA can't make a single game where you can use guns and lightsabers can they? In old star wars games I can go shooting some storm troopers and switch to a lightsaber when needed but not this game or battlefront fuck em

>Is it taboo to hire a gritty guy like Kyle Katarn now?
Yes, Rogue One is the closest we'll ever get to gritty in nuSW. Kyle Katarn was replaced by Kanan basically, and it was for the better honestly, KK was too much of a special snowflake

Bamham is a long running meme for the arkham games. You basically just outed yourself as a shill.

Yeah well now they're complaining about "another babyface generic white dude"

They just complain about any white male protag in vidya, fucking racists but wont admit it.

trailer looked lame. No gameplay. Showed the antagonist jumping on the helo taking away all shock value from what could have been a pretty cool scene.

I'm certain respawn will deliver

It will be like secret rings was to sonic06, a game everyone thinks they want because its alot different then before (no mtx, singleplayer mode/ only sonic playable) but will end up being shit anyway. EA WILL fuck this up somehow


>loud puking sound
>loud continuous fart
>baroque music

I still think the other user was right about it being about a Jedi that uses blasters to not stick out

>To spite shills and viral marketeers.
That's what shills and viral marketeers would say.

Did they even say she was a Jedi? I figured she was just going to be his Han Solo if anything.

>this game is gonna be shit
>no gameplay shown yet
Pick one.

>no gameplay in trailer
>less then a year until release
>niggiest nigger in trailer


Dude on the left reminds me of Jim Hawkins from Treasure Planet

they did

Unlike you, some people have functioning brains and can remember all the other shenanigans EA has pulled.

Haven't they said certain other EA games wouldn't have microtransactions and then just released them later anyway?

Why would anyone trust EA.

>You don't know if the scorpions gonna sting you over the river

Well alright then.

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>best city builder ever made
Cities Skylines and previous Sim City games exist

>how do you know I'm gonna shit on your plate?

Damn horseshoe theory really is real

>Cities Skylines
a chinese tier knockoff at best

>previous Sim City games
were all glorified spreadsheets because of hardware limits. only 2000 approached being good. 2013 is on a totally different level from anything else.


imagine being this guy

imagine getting paid to defend EA

>5 people mutiny
>rest of crew just minding their own business, some look on confused
How? What?

I do it for the love of the game.

>people on Yea Forums are now defending Aiden
How far we’ve fallen