Pac-Man wants you to find a girlfriend! Will you find a gf soon, user?

Pac-Man wants you to find a girlfriend! Will you find a gf soon, user?

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no, i have crippling social anxiety, and a deep seated fear of social rejection of any form. if i ever even consider asking a girl out i start getting incredibly anxious and assuming the worst possible thing is going to happen. i know this isnt rational, and the worst that can happen isnt as bad as i think it is, but i cant control or cope with these fears


Would be pretty dope


my mind is actually blown when I look at myself in the mirror and realize that even I have trouble finding a female. we live in fucked up times.

not in western """civilization""" lmao
brb getting a qt asian gf

Holy shit user you're such a guy like me :(

Imagine getting married to a clone of you wearing a dress.

I did but we broke up and she got with my best friend :(

unlikely, im (probably) schizoid and don't like being with other people
i also have trust issues and think anyone being nice to me is just trying to get something from me (which is probably true)
is that good enough for you, pacman? im sorry i failed

Hi me.

Cute, I want to penetrate your boypussy.

Working on it, she's autistic but a 10/10 and honestly the only person I care for other than my own family. Sort of a Forrest Gump situation

im 6'0 and incredibly hairy

holy fuck pac-man is living the fucking dream

They haven’t made new Pac-Man art in decades I remember when that Ms Pac was first posted everyone was screaming “who did you steal this from?”

whats worse is i really want a wife and kids so bad

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I'm a 20 year old friendless virgin

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No. I don't trust people.
Besides, I'm not into women.

sure ""pacman""

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stop talking about hoes and start talking about pacman

Lol you fucked up then.
I want to not have a single offline relationship left in my life so this place is perfect for me.

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any other khhv incels here that have no hope?
>ugly as fuck
>3 inch penis

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i've found a cutie gf recently for the first time in my life
holy shit guys it's everything you've ever wanted and even more
you just have to try

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>get gf
>3 months after breakup, get false rape claimed

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Phase 1

Phase 2

3D is PD never forget it

No girls are shit and awful and boys are better in every way

I want to find my player 2 but they all see me as an NPC instead of a player 1. I don't mean NPC like in the meme way

in burgerland maybe

I know this feeling, schizo runs in my family too. My grandma blew her brains out in front of my mom, uncle and grandpa during an episode, they dont even know where she got the gun. I'm paranoid as shit that I have it because i have intrusive thoughts a lot.


>get a wife
>she cheat on you
>she files for divorce
>she stops you from getting visitation rights with your kids
>she gets half your pretax income.

Women are shit.

No, marriage and, to some extent, having kids, is the shit part.

Boys don’t do that shit above
I think it’s a women problem user.

My fuckbuddy refuses to commit to me emotionally, and I’m tired of getting heart-cucked :/

>It's important to find your player 2!
Citation needed. Sounds like normalfag propaganda.

But Pac-Man was a single-player game.

He's right, Yea Forumsirgins. I had sex and look at me now!

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That’s why they are a fuckbuddy user. Just enjoy the sex

Those things above happen because of the problems I mentioned

>wanting to ruin a good thing

It's a societal problem. Did you know 75% of black mothers are single moms? It's also becoming common with other races too. Men want to blame women and women want to blame men but honestly its society in general. This is what a hedonist society that values debauchery looks like.

I finally did last year. We lasted 3 months. Then she said she wasn't interested in a serious relationship. I asked her what I did wrong, and she said nothing.

So I did everything right, and I still get to have my heart broken. Ok...

Find someone else. Now I'm not saying stop fucking your fuck buddy but a little competition tends to stir the pot.

>Will you find a gf soon, user?
tried several times, ended up figuring out it's more trouble than it's worth, currently trying to find inner happiness
being a genetic reject dicklet isn't so bad after all, took me a few years to realize this but I'm sure i'll make it.

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Guys, stop with the actual advice. I’m mostly meming.

How long until we find out Ms.Pac Man is literally just Pac-Man as a transgender?

If you're willing to take a small hit to your standards you will probably get some puss puss

Then why don’t men do them?

No thank you. I've never been attracted to someone beyond their sexual attractiveness and honestly I'm too genetically fucked up to get biological children.
I'll be a manchild until I'm 40 when my family's history of schizo will take me on a Terry ride.

Cocoon mode is a god tier move. Eventually, you will wanna get back into the world tho. But taking some time to be good to yourself like you are is important.

I c-could be your gf

No, you fucked up in one or more of the following
>not being there at all times
>not being able to help her
>not listening to her
>not having a future on your own
>not being an interesting person at all
Women say men do nothing wrong during relationships to not hurt them more than they are after it all ends

I get what they were going for but this is tremendously polyphobic. Yikes.

>its important to be heterosexual
fuck konami

I would, but my _____wife might not be too happy about it.

i can't really think of a way that getting involved in a serious relationship doesn't end in misery for me
unfortunately that's how my brain works, i don't want to be anxious all the time, worrying about everything, i already do this and i don't want it to be worse
sorry pacman! some people just aren't meant to be with other people
>le take drugs
yeah fuck with my brain even more, that'll do the trick

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gay and bluepilled, but fuck konami indeed

bro i'm basically you but taller
this fucking game was rigged from the start

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anxiety is a zoomer core "disease"

o trust me, my standards were as low as they can go by the 10th or so attempt, and i'm very tolerant of some people's bullshit sometimes. i just wanted to cuddle and build deep bonds, with the occasional sexy time here and there, but no, i've decided to give it a break

Everyone is telling me this girl is interested in me but i can't bring myself to ask her out. Feel like i have to improve myself first.

Is being a dicklet the ultimate hard mode?

Protip: You as the man never want to actively get serious. Women will never admit to this but a guy who takes the initiative in trying to take the relationship to the next level is a huge turn off. She'll start thinking that he likes her more than she likes him and it's all downhill from there. I've experienced it myself and I'm currently witnessing a friend's relationship collapse after he told his fuckbuddy that he has strong feelings for her.

Of the girls I know I don't like any of them. I also don't know how to meet new people because there's absolutely nothing to go to in my city.

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Maybe when I can change my genetics to stop looking like I'm 16 when I'm 26. Apparently women aren't really into that.

>it's always the guy's fault

Maybe she's just a selfish whore? Ever consider that?

>some people just aren't meant to be with other people

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As a dicklet, yes. I really wish I was just average but barely being 5.5 inches is fucking awful.

people in general are malicious and selfish
that's how it works
some people can just hide it (most can't)

He never described it as a disease and situational anxiety is a thing that exists

>it's always the girl's fault
Let's just say both sides can equally fuck up things

>think of all the things i can talk to her with
>when face to face, i have nothing in my mind at all
>It's awkward to sit face to face with her as well
>Have no problem talking with girls that i don't like
Guess i'm fucked forever.

every single women is a selfish whore, this is why you either deal with that or don't get into any relationship at all

You sound exactly like me. Fuck. Hope it gets bett

>so many fags defending women In this thread.

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Nigga most women are fine with that, don't fall for the memes.

Of course she's a selfish whore, she's a woman! That's literally what their biological imperative is.

don't call my mommy and gram gram selfish whores you double nigger

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Homophobic shite

>be christfag
>go to confession
>priest tells me to get a gf and start exercising

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im not defending women, im just saying all people are fucking awful
i don't want to be around anyone
people crave chaos and conflict, i don't really understand why, but they fucking do
women may be worse, but men do it too

Only if you're straight.

I should mention that the women I deal with are mostly black.

Women are malicious and selfish as a rule, though. Men, however, are generally altruistic and giving, and are expected to be at all times.

Why would I want a gf? I have video games!

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He wants you to make lolis and shotas for him.

>calling others faggots
You have no power here

>muh anxiety

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Ask her out pussy, I've been in your situation and pussed out and you'll fucking regret it when she eventually moves on to another guy since you wouldnt make a move. Ask her out today if you can.

Then you're probably better off just staying single at that point, most black women I've met are just shitty people and not worth even looking at

>freakishly tall and skinny
>so hairy that it's starting to grow on my shoulders
>acne in my late 20s
>balding since 19
>low self esteem
>so anxiety-ridden that i'm barely capable of taking out the trash, let alone go socialize or work a real job
it's not looking so good

If you're not a bottom being a homo dicklet is the worse possible situation you could be in.


5.5 IS average. My dick is a massive 6 inches and half the girls I've been with say it's "too big" or that it hurts when I fuck them too deep.

Don't believe the niggerdick hype, porn is nothing but lies.

>tfw I realized my ideal girl is basically just myself but female

how far into narcissism am I

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It's all puberty's fault. As a kid I didn't have any pains, urgers or sadness -- it was a peaceful existence.Nowadays I can barely take myself out of bed.

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Are you black? Just go find a Latina, I pretty much exclusively date latinas and my dick is nothing special.

>just, like, dont be anxious, man.

There is no hope because I am 5'5

>been using tinder for two months, swiping right on literally every single thing with a vagina
>only ever got a single match
What are my options, lads? Besides the obvious hanging.

It's not narcissism
I have the same thing and I'm pretty much the opposite of a narcissist.

No, I'm Latino and I don't speak Spanish

Just make peace that you'll be alone for the rest of your life and try not to think about it too much. Seems to be working fine for me.

Same here, and I've actually been in relationships and had sex before. You would think it gets better over time and with a little experience but it really doesn't.

>be 21
>never had wet dreams in my entire life
>a few months ago, have a dream where me and my sister are sitting on a bed
>suddenly she leans over, gives me a kiss on the cheek and smiles
>wake up and realize I came in my pants

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Lmao Why The Fuck Is Anxiety Real Lmao Just Shut Down All 6 Of Your Sensory Organ Like Nigga Just Drop Dead

Prostitutes or women that already have kids.

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>penis size doesn't matter

that's cause you're assuming the smallest it can get is the average when in reality there's A WHOLE tail end of pain behind the average peak on the bell curve.

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>still can't move on to my ex after 3 years of breaking up
>force myself to be a voluntary faggot
>fap to trap and fag porn
>even did to degenerate shit like furry porn just to forget being attached to 3dpd
>end up feeling sick and always puke everytime
Am too scared to commit suicide. How do I destroy my life even more? I already alcohol and etc. but they don't seem to work.

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You dont have to speak Spanish man, just hit on them. I find latinas to be some of the friendliest women when it comes to romancing them. You could also go for Asian bitches user.

That's it.

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I'm a wizard. Pac-Man is asking the impossible.

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No. It's literally women. We can remove every aspect of mating that's ephemeral and make it a purely contractual and defined affair. Women are the ones refusing this, because they'd have to commit to someone - what if they get bored user? What if I told you that women think boredom is a justifiable reason to throw in the towel?

This hits too close to home

I've had astounding success with Asian girls actually, that's probably a good idea.

Im cuddling with mine right now

Just stop doing degenerate shit and do non degenerate shit like working out user. You let that bitch fuck you up way too much lol. It's time to move on with your life for your own sake. Also dont kill yourself until you've at least tried to improve first, you could turn it around.

>feel like my dick is big enough but i never really measured it
>good looking, get compliments on the regular
>one year from graduating college
>still a khv
i just dont know what the fuck im doing wrong
being a failed normie is so fucking frustrating because my brain keeps sapping itself whenever im not out at night because i feel like i am throwing my life away and have been doing that since i was like 16 and videogames are not enough distraction for me anymore, only shitposting fuels that fire

its been three years dude
you havent been doing your part for moving on im 100% sure

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it doesn't matter because sex is like the 4th most important thing in a real, substantial relationship. Somewhat of a disadvantage? Sure, but as long as you figure out how to satisfy her sexually it's fine

I mean you want to be with someone who likes the same things as you so it's pretty normal to feel that way

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA never going to happen and I've come to accept it already.

Oh and, when you start hitting on them and they want to speak to you in Spanish but you look straight up Puerto Rican or Dominican and you're like "Nah, I don't speak Spanish." They always give a weird, disapproving look.


>mfw I’ll never have a player 2

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>What if I told you that women think boredom is a justifiable reason to throw in the towel?

I honestly wouldn't have an argument because I've seen that happen before. But women are only this way because of the media they consume. Want to fix women and men? Dont let your kids watch TV, make them go play outside.

Yes, that's all 100% true. But the only way to solve this is by building a society around holding them responsible for their actions, which is what Islam, or an Amish community is like. Divorce isn't a thing in these societies. You find a man, get married and become a mother. That's it. Nothing else is allowed.

>realize a lot of my fetishes are things i am (tall, glasses)
>feel bad because of it
not even allowed having fetishes without my brain telling me im doing something wrong lol

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I'm 27 and have anxiety when it comes to girls.
Wow, I fucking wish I was 5.5
Try 3.5, actual fucking micropenis status.

Do you act on anything, especially when they are complimenting your looks?

You probably arent putting yourself out there enough, how often do you go out of your comfort zone to talk to women?

No because I want a boyfriend, women are gross.

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When did Ms. Pac-man become such a thot?

Doesn't matter how low on the priority list sex is for someone if you've literally no tools to tackle it

This wizard found themselves a player 2.

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I'm a 31-year-old virgin who still lives at home with no job, no friends, no personality, AND a small dick.

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We can both identify the root cause too: media. Women don't easily make the distinction between interaction through the internet, and real life interaction. They're out in fucking space when it comes to that, I'm telling you.

Nailed it.

Pac-man's gf looks like a tranny.

my circle of friends mostly have people that already in relationships, so im not going to act on them

>You probably arent putting yourself out there enough
agreed 100% im just really stupid and i love hating myself and punishing myself for things that makes no sense whatsoever
im writing this because im really fucking drunk right now and i wouldnt have the courage to admit that otherwise
>how often do you go out of your comfort zone to talk to women?
i'm studying nursing so i get to deal with women of all ages and sizes and looks since day one, kind of lost that irrational fear after a couple weeks

This advice is going to sound dumb but you can use that in your favor. Flirt with them and circle jerk Spanish, say you always wanted to learn it but never did and then ask then to teach you some phrases or words. You should just be looking for any way to keep a bitch talking because that's what they enjoy. My entire flirting game is just asking questions and letting a girl rant and it works pretty well. There is nothing a girl enjoys more than talking about herself.

>yo bro height doesn't matter
*imagines the shortest person he has ever seen, a 5'7 bro dude*

>yo bro penis size doesn't matter
*imagines when he saw his bro's average dick after gym class*


I wouldn't say I'm asexual considering how many anime titties I jerk off to on a weekly basis but I have no real interest in getting together with a girl, whether it be for sexual or emotional reasons.

>masturbated to myself to the mirror once
That's nothing
I'm a virgin but I'd fuck me

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do the opposite what this user says except for being interesting and future
Start observing behaviour instead of listening to "what women want" shit since most of it is bullshit.

I'm like that but luckily I'm handsome. When I eventually put myself out there girls kind of came to me. It was awkward and i still cringe at the way I acted but i cant imagine if i were ugly or average looking

I'm well aware of that and I'm the only one who still gives a shit about it. Maybe I should do something productive like flipping patties or continue my education to distract myself and maybe I will be able find something else that will make me happy along the way.
You're right. I never tried going to gym because I'm always scared of being embarassed but now that I think about it, doing these degenerate shit is more embarassing. Fuck it, I'll hit the gym and work the fuck out that will really kill me.

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You can use drugs to release all that anxiety at once, it will give you a better perspective.

But not description drugs, illegal drugs.

you're not asexual. you're probably just a schizoid

>my circle of friends mostly have people that already in relationships
None of them can hook you up? You can't step outside your circle? Sounds like you just want someone to fall on your lap with putting in any effort


Nope, tried everything normies suggest for years and it got me no where.

No thanks, I only seem to attract damaged girls and I’d rather immerse myself in hobbies, work and video games than pick up a damaged whore.

I’d rather have nothing than to settle, having a family for the sake of it be damned.

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Anyone remembers Ulillillia? He was literally a hopeless case but a few years back he got a job at walmart when he was 34 years old. He became employee of the month several times, saved up and moved out of his parent's house to florida to engage in his new favorite hobby swimming and rowing.

>ask out girls
>they're never single
>still can't even get entirely past this one girl i knew in high school
I hate this.

>women aren't into young looking guys
Only if you are ugly

>they're never single
I know this feel

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This is my waifu. Shes the apple of my eye.

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Do what I did, grow a fucking beard. It adds a couple years to you and apparently it's a panty soaker

What's the name of that theory that people want someone who reminds them of their parents without being related so you can get the required genetic diversity without losing family genetic identity?

That's just healthy in-group preference, user.
Inb4 some Jew starts talking about inbreeding.

>they're never single
They only say that to spare your feelings

>None of them can hook you up
i never asked, i didnt knew that was a thing you could do or ask for
> You can't step outside your circle?
i have no problem doing that
>Sounds like you just want someone to fall on your lap with putting in any effort
you would be right there again, i dont really have a romantic view on relationships, its mostly lust that carries me to do stuff, but even then i just end up talking about the most basic shit ever and end up boring the other person to tears

I’m trying man

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it's called incel overthinking

same except the an*me
ive had several girls interested me
i can't do it though, i just think what could go wrong and it messes me up

A couple of times it actually turned out I've seen the bf before.


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he can fuck right off, dig dug is the only namco character I listen to and he looks pretty rough in mr driller so he probably had a nasty divorce

I think I'm permanently fucked when it comes to ever getting a gf

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Not ugly, but being 5'5 doesn't help my case

I'm literally incapable of growing one. Last time I tried not shaving for a month I only got some slight sideburns and a few hairs on my upper lip.

Literally go to a party, find a twink faggot and tell him you think he’s beautiful. How hard can this shit be for you cockmonglers?

>Meet cute girl who transferred to my school this semester
>Similar interests, sense of humor, my type
>Slowly realize she's burdened with emotional baggage, probably has daddy issues
>Basically everything my ex-girlfriend was without the BPD
>Still attracted to her, realize I'm equally fucked
I hate it. I don't think I'd dare her seriously but she's stimulating some deep issue in me. To be honest, I don't believe I can do better than this, even though there's another girl I'm attracted to who is cute and intelligent.

I assume everyone dislikes me as much as I dislike myself.

I learned I only attracted damaged girls through experience. My advice: ask a girl about her family, make it casual. If her dad's dead or she hates his guts, get the fuck out of there. It's always the daddy issues, man. Even girls I haven't dated that are openly unhinged I've found out in some way have some sort of daddy issues.

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>i never asked, i didnt knew that was a thing you could do or ask for
Well usually good friends just offer but yes you can ask. Worse they can say is no, and some do to be dicks because they want safety nets
>i have no problem doing that
Getting out and doing other things might add to your resume of being interesting enough for someone to want to stick with you while keeping an eye out for some ass
>you would be right there again, i dont really have a romantic view on relationships, its mostly lust that carries me to do stuff, but even then i just end up talking about the most basic shit ever and end up boring the other person to tears
I can relate to this. I just excepted that I don't want a wife or kids and just want to dick someone, preferably multiple women. If you're just looking for a quick easy lay with no strings then try tinder or go to a bar you'll be surprised how little effort you need to get laid especially if you're decently attractive.

>Mr. Driller is a Dig Dug game
Why am I learning this now after so long

>Last time I tried not shaving for a month I only got some slight sideburns and a few hairs on my upper lip.
Ouch. I mean all you really need is something on the chin at the very least but if you can't do that then you might want to try high school chicks or going twink.

>crippling social anxiety around normies from years of physical and psychological bullying my whole school life
>Above average looks 6/10 at worst, not unhealthy, not balding, not a manlet
>Every girl I meet that I like and would put the effort into socializing through my anxiety turns out to have a bf or is even engaged (have actually Facebook stalked them to confirm they're not just saying that)
>download tinder, bumble, etc. Multiple dating apps
>All the 4+/10 cute girls won't settle for less than a 9/10 chad and wouldn't give you the time of day on a dating app where refusal and acceptance is a swipe away
>The only alright looking ones that ever swipe yes on me are single mother whores in their early 20s looking for someone to support their family
>the only ones left are fucking butt ugly 1/10 femcels with awful teeth and dishpan faces that nobody would touch even if they were blackout drunk irl, but are still probably more successful on dating apps than average looking men
The dating economy is totally fucked thanks to zoomer apps. I wish I was born 20 years earlier than I was.

How do you even help a woman with daddy issues correctly?

yeah, he's the father in the white suit

>Graduated college
>Doing a master
>Having a job where my boss treat me amazing because he considers me a genius
>Decent amount of friends
>Still no gf

Can I be a volcel? I havent find a single girl as good as my wife Saber

You can't improve your height, but you can improve your game, stop caring abiut something you can't change.

>Literally go to a party
thats the hardest part, bro

>Getting out and doing other things might add to your resume of being interesting enough for someone to want to stick with you while keeping an eye out for some ass
eh well my mom told me exactly the same but im socially retarded enough to not find any interesting hobbies outside of listening to live music
>try tinder
i unironcally have +99 likes on tinder
have some matches too but im too stupid to even dare to do something that would make me happy

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So you're just like everyone else? Good to know

Just get an ugly girl with a good body.

Jesus man up. I am fat, black spic, ugly as a sin and introverted as any other aspie here, but as soon as I gather enough courage and shut down my brain for some moments even I get to hang out with a nice girl.

Marry your boss, he seems to be after your butthole.

only one way user
you become her daddy

>my boss treat me amazing because he considers me a genius

he's considering something alright

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All of our troubles are the the result of materialist boomers that value everything except love and proper socialization of their children, not to mention Jewish subversion of global society. Personally, I was raised like I was dispensable, that what I wanted didn't matter, and in trying to fight this I realized I was already too fucked up from physical and emotional abuse to change anything about my life. I had become just like them. The Jews won. There's no way we can target them and rid the world of their influence as long as they try to maintain world peace. Modern relationships are all one big joke. Society is one big joke. You can either remain distraught at the state of humanity, or just laugh at its utter stupidity and trudge on. There's really nothing left for our species in the end.

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Have sex, loser

>listening to music
That could be something if you had any interest in an instrument whatsoever. I'm considering picking up the piano just cause I'm so bored these days.

lol nailed it, I bet your sphincter reacts to his presence.

>tfw no friends because moved around a lot and never really knew how to start interactions without being awkward, so I didn't even try
>tfw now work wears me down I don't even wanna leave the house when I get home so there's no way I can meet people IRL, much less get a gf

>tfw no friends because moved around a lot and never really knew how to start interactions without being awkward, so I didn't even try
WTF, thats bullshit. Thats my case too and I have friends in a lot of part of the world

Even that is beyond my means

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If you're fat just lose the weight and you will become much better looking. Get a job and a car and leave your parent's basement and getting a girlfriend will become easy.

The only time I've ever seen the people I'd call friends was when I was at school. I can count on one hand where I saw a school friend outside of school. And when I move away to another school, they might as well not exist anymore. And keep in mind, these were less 'friends' and more 'people I hung around until they started talking to me'

>just lose weight, bro!

>That could be something if you had any interest in an instrument whatsoever.
i'd rather play dwarf fortress to be honest hombre

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I'm scared of letting anyone close to me, especially women because I was raised by a single mom who mentally abused me

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I also tried to lose weight for years, I was fat for most of my life and it killed all my confidence because being fat is legit extremely unattractive, there is no way denying that. But it's really not that hard, you just should stop making exception. No sweets ever and no cheat day. Never make exceptions and it will be easy to maintain eating healthy and small.

I've started exercising and trying to eat better, and I'm only skinny fat, so that shouldn't be too big of a problem to solve. Achieving financial independence though is the biggest problem for me, I've gotten some jobs but nothing that would enable me to live on my own.

>tfw a girl likes you

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>friends early in life
>can't connect afterwards
>people just pass by
>not bothered by it enough to actually try getting new friends
That sounds pretty schizoid.
Do you daydream a lot? Get easily annoyed by sounds/sights/smells but never really mad?

If so, at least read other symptoms on wiki or something. Almost everyone either gets 90+% of them or less than 20% so they're pretty specific.

Actually invest some time every day into your potential career instead of every once in a while. First research what possibilities are in your region, there is far more than you believe and then make a plan how to progress. If you just invest an hour every day you will see big results.

No one is falling for this

What if I have a boyfriend though

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Back to /r9k/ with you, roastie

>as just a friend

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Honestly it's not great. You realize you aren't the charasmatic Chad you act once outside the workplace. Fuck bitches, giving me existential crisis n shit

>you're too autistic to realize until Chad steals her

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I don't know this feel.

Will kicking sweets really do that much?

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>Finally get buff
>Attractive girls still ghost
>Fat girls who obsess with anime hmu constantly
Should i just take one for the team and sate a chunky girl?
Pic unrelated i just wanted to shill my photoshop

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>talking to a girl right now
you jelly fucking losers?

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Probably not. I have no idea how I'd be in a relationship and I don't really care to find out. Too much extra stress, and I like doing stuff I'm not being paid for on my own time.

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I do it all the time so no

>People here are unironically losers

I guess we are the actual laughing stock of both Reddit and Tumblr

>finally work up enough courage to talk to her
>she's already over you

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how fat are we talkin?
fat girls are actually fun fucks
and they wanna please so they do all the freak shit
most of the time bigger girls actually do look better naked than they do with clothes on unless they're like 200+lbs

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It's honestly great especially when they're upfront and aggressive about it. I now can honestly understand how a lot of women turn out how they do if that's what they have always dealt with, but as a man it's quite refreshing to be chased rather than do the chasing

>be big guy, well built, not fat
>broad shoulders
>full head of hair
>6'2" tall
>8.5" penis
>always decently looking, groomed and dressed nicely
>non autistic personality
>still kissless virgin
The sad truth is that face is the only characteristic that women find attractive. If you have handsome face nothing else matters, if you don't nothing will help you.

Do face workouts.

Dude how is mental illness even real just think differently bro lmao

No. I'm not a social person, I have trouble talking with girls, and lastly I've managed to unironically fall in love with a fucking anime raccoon girl, and can't stop thinking about the character, I even have trouble going to sleep because of her. So I'll take that as the final nail in the coffin, and say that I'm staying single for the rest of my life.

>Girl likes you because of the cold and distant (AKA "mysterious") personality you have in everyday life
>loses interest once she meets you in a personal setting

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how's your voice?
do you have a deep/normal voice?
you just gotta go on vrchat and let girls know you're 6'2" and they'll go after you dude
also go to like spin the bottle worlds and stuff and tell them you got the shmeat as well

I legit paused and tried to think of a face workout

>Not reaching financial stability first and then marrying in your 30s
Don't JUST up your life too fast lads. Play it smart.

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There are face workouts user, some even have names like mewing.

Is this an unirionic question? That sugary foods are high in calories is actually irrelevant. Sugar is the prime reason for obesity because the glucose is what makes you feel hungry and what blocks the receptors that make you feel sated. This is why sugar is in pretty much every kind of processed food this days. This is also a reason why processed carbs are bad since they have a similar effect and carbs in general is what makes your body storage fats instead of burning them instantly. You also don't need sugar at all unlike salt since your body can make glucose itself.

But regardless, if you eat the right things you can eat around 1000 calories and feel full the entire day.

An absolute rare feel I’ve only experienced once with my first and only ex

God why can’t I get another gf, I don’t even care about sex I just want someone to love me and to love back

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>anime raccoon girl
Touhou? Lee?

It's very clear in Pac-Man 2: The New Adventures that Pac has been driven to mental illness from his nagging wife and broken Pac-baby

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Still a fatass, but even a month of switching to water got people to ask about my weight loss.

>if you eat the right things you can eat around 1000 calories and feel full the entire day.
this is only true if you don't work a labor job
guys should eat at least 2k cal a day while working a labor job
if you're NEET you can get by on 1k
idk about office work depends how stressful it is

I'm talking around 150 ish from glance. Mostally pudgy or chunky girls. None obese or anything.

>he thinks there are girls on vrchat
trannies don't count.

>Voluntarily fucking up one of the most important aspects of your life just for money
Nah, money is easy to come by, but you can't turn back time to be 17 again and hang out with a girl, both being young and discover everything together.

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I’ll pray for you friend.

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I have a Chinese fuckbuddy who forces me to call her 爸爸 and calls me her little princess.
Why does every girl I ever get with automatically assume the male role fml

That’s normal, retard

I'm not saying you should eat that much. If you work manual labor you can eat 2500 calories and still lose weight easily.

I eat very late in the day, usually around 2 or 4 PM. If I eat something that isn't filling enough I actually get more hungry for the rest of the day than the entire day before my meal.

Highschool love is different from life long love. Stability is key.

I'm trying dammit, it's not my fault that gays are shallow!

Oof, that’s some truth.

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>stability is key
Boring a woman to death is not key, you have to keep things interesting. Also, highschool relationships are pure bliss.

those ones are the best though just the tiniest bit of work and they can be even better
when they got a little tummy and a muffin top it's real cute
they won't complain about constantly being cold/hungry cause they know how to take care of themselves
people don't look like statues, they got bumps and marks and aren't all shaped the same. and looksmatch is a fucking meme and will never be a thing for guys.
>was literally in a video chat with one last night
yeah there's tons of gay ass traps and stuff but just go with the flow people dress up as anime avatars if you can't get over it then you gotta man the fuck up and go do social interaction in real life
but god whatever you do do NOT try to go through the vr general on /vg/
generals on Yea Forums are just fucking awful

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What are you talking about? Faggots will fuck anything that is male and has an ass. They have absolutely no standards at all.

>be shallow
>go for shallow
>why is it happening to me?

No, I'm terrified of contact with with strangers due abuse.

I'm an insecure manchild with no real relationship or life experience. Even if I were to start dating a girl I would be constantly worrying about being interesting/romantic enough, it just isn't for me.

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not very, it's when your ideal girl is a clone of yourself with the x doubled up to replace the y that you should be worried

>They have absolutely no standards at all.
That's breeders - they're total cucks who will automatically backstab their best friends for a chance to stick it in a cunt.

When I said anime, I meant anime.
Its Raphtalia from The Rising of the Shield Hero.

>degenerate has a very twisted and wrong view of life

>mfw I'm a total normie, been here for 11 years and this is the average user I interact with
I really wish I could stop coming here. Your problems are a joke.

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>projecting degeneracy

>if i say degenerate last i win
get some help

>havning a girlfriend
>not having a gamer bf

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This, but also having no confidence in myself, and automatically assuming by default that nobody I meet would ever like me, let alone wish to spend prolonged amounts of time with me as a friend or even something more, because I constantly view myself as inferior and unworthy to everyone around me.

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Get a femdom gf

I'm too boring to date. I was raised in a family that did nothing but sit around watching TV, and now I do nothing except sit and play video games

How to get one?

>not having a gamer tomboy gf
What the fuck indeed

He's already fucked enough as it is, but at least he's better than a cuck.
You want him to lose even that?

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If you don't have a job just go to your local walmart or similar store and you will get hired easily. You can save a lot of money when working there because they give you a worker discount. It's not great but it's good first step. When you have some money you actually have options to progress in life.

What? Did all of that semen pushed through your butt got to your head?lol

im so sorry bro
im 5'8" and girls already ignore me

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My friend put makeup on me and I realised I look exactly like my ideal waifu. I've got those boyish but still feminine looks and I look sorta exotic -- fuck, I just wanna fuck myself.

>lmao go to a party
Unless you’re in sports or a chad, you will never get invited to parties

Assuming you're actually attractive and not delusional, it's your personality that's fucking you

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literally this
i got a job this week cause i wanted to get vr but now i might save up money to go visit an irl gamer girl if i don't blow it in the few months it'll take me to save up travel money from a shit min wage retail job
just put makeup on yourself and get fucked by a guy
if at least one of you is feminine it'll probably work

Did this guy really cut off his own eyebrow for a meme photo?

Convince me to see a whore. I only want my balls emptied but I have no idea how to find prostitutes and even if I did the fear of STDs and my history of PE would stop me.

Besides sex, relationships with women just have too many cons. It's just not worth it for me.

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You can also be a part of a social group because of your family.
I got invited to parties because of that.

But going to parties won't solve any problems. If a party would solve your problems, you will quickly solve them without it anyway.
An user will just act like in one of those "my feet hurt" wojak comics, except also embarrass self.

Yeah, you have to wonder what world people like that user live in. The real difficulty is climbing up the "being a part of a social circle" hill.
Nah, I'm only into feminine guys like myself, I suppose, and grindr/tinder (for guys) is a shitshow. As it is I think my friend's into me wearing makeup so I'm just doing that rn

I honestly can't comprehend how people deal with shit like love and infatuation
>tell my cute gay gamer friend I've got feelings for him in the plainest way I can
>get a noncommittal answer
>say sorry and I pretend it never happened
I feel like we've drifted apart over it and it's just me trying to not lose my best friend while feeling extreme guilt. Pac-Man's pretty fun though.

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Probably got into some accident, had a sense of humor about it, and saw a once-in-a-lifetime photo op before getting it surgically fixed. But still, who the fuck would save an image like this? Fucking gross.

Same, I only go for tall, slim, dark haired girls. Glasses are also a huge bonus.

I am partial to chubby/thicc girls to an extent though. Probably a wild card preference.


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Stay strong Yea Forumsirgin bro.

My mom did the same until I hit puberty and started threatening her with knives and other objects

Source? Google and Yandex just give the same GIF with no source, thinks it's One Piece, and iqdb/saucenao isn't giving anything.

Why do MGTOW fags pretend they're not lonely?
Women offer way more than sex.
Fuck off with your toxic attitude.


Chubby/thick or obese? You don’t get obese without mental problems.

Oh God I was so scared this is what'd happen, and even now I can't comprehend the fact that someone actually loved me for who I was.

Easy for them to say. They met in the 80’s, before society completely went to shit.

I'm 29 and never had a gf. I'm not some fat weird basement dweller either. How do I get a gf?

Correctly analyzing cost vs value is not saying that value is 0.

>sharing my money and time on someone else
I'll pass

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First, obtain friends.

>growing a beard is a pussy magnet

not when you're a fat fuck. all it does is hide your chin

I'm sure you'd be in a similar situation if you were alive then.

What’s the backstory with this photo?



Non Non Biyori, some boring-ass show where a bunch of lolis do a whole bunch of nothing in a barren-ass countryside while le epic nyanpass girl steals the limelight. Normally I wouldn't spoonfeed, but I don't even like the show, so whatever.

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I'm not catholic though

Well how do I get them?

>sharing my money
Who said that?
Patricians, like me, enter relationships only with older, wealthier women.
Nope. Some girls really dig it, some absolutely hate it. It's like you said -- it adds a couple of years to you. I know plenty of girls who hate that. Everyone I've ever got with was into the fact I look so young, but I also know plenty of girls who like older rougher guys. Either way, you should pick a style and absolutely play it up.

How do I get a qt3.14 azn gf like nuKitana?

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I just want a cute girl with cute feet that doesn't smoke and doesn't already have children.

I'm not here to fix another dad's mistakes.

My brother is like what I described, and he constantly says he’ll take me to parties. Then as soon as the date comes up he says there is no party. I’m legitimately going to beat him unconscious this time if he doesn’t hold up.

Shared common interests.

I'm not a very interesting person but at least I have a single personality trait that helps me talk to women
I have Asperger

>but being 5'5 doesn't help my case
Actually it should help your case. Okay, 90% of women might not be into it, but 10% will be REALLY into it.

Already did. Step up your game, dweebs

A beard that has to be neatly trimmed and maintained. It does make you look a bit better if your chin isn't Chad tier but it's not going to make women come running. That's pure delusion.

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>Learning an instrument after the age of 20

you're fucked. it comes down to muscle memory which you now have to learn by scratch.

>user wanna go see a movie?

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there's a cute girl(m) playing DnD with us tomorrow

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I mean I had some musical experience in high school so I just need to dust off my instruments. I was just too lazy to practice the piano....

>it killed all my confidence because being fat is legit extremely unattractive

get over yourself just because you got bullied for being the fat kid. I know plenty of fat people who pull pussy higher than their range allows because they make due with what they got and they are generally fun to be around. Money also helps.

Trying to, I know someone I really like, I just have to pierce my own wall of fear.

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I got nothing but complements when I grew mine as a joke so I ended up keeping it.
Fucking hate the extra bit of maintenance it adds though.

I don't mind instant rejection but I dread being rejected by someone I spent some time with and loved. Basically can't stand the inevitable break up. I've been through a couple and that shit absolutely destroys me for years.

>tfw paid £30 to see fucking Dumbo in a fancy cinema

I'm 5'4 and ugly as fuck too but I'm white and at the very least I have a 6 inch penis, which is not big, but still...


not even once

I have no interests. I don't even like games anymore. I spend most of my time working as it keeps my mind busy. My boss forced me to go home early yesterday as I was working too much lately.

get another job

how do you know she likes you user? does she REALLY like you or does she just tolerate your presence or is using you for something?

I like my job. I work in HR with all women. I'm the only dude in the whole organisation working in HR.

have you attempted using facebook
get therapy for your depression
join clubs and societies
learn how to play chess or something. Right now your priority is sorting out your possible depression and (most importantly) getting a social group. gf can, and will, come later. You need to focus on yourself.

I think the most important thing about receiving kindness is expressing gratitude in return. “Thanks, I needed that.” There’s no better way to encourage further kindness. Some people must be kind to everyone because others can’t help but to be kind to no one.

>be me in senior year
>girl likes me in high school
>find out and start getting feelings for her, too
>can't work out a way to tell her how I feel
>friend starts talking to her more and more
>they go to the school dance
>he acted like a creep and blew it
>we talk over text and I find out she already found another guy
>from that point on until the end of senior year, I didn't have one chance of getting back in there because she was always with someone
>still seething about it almost 2 years later
>still have her instagram and snapchat
>refuse to look at her stories and posts because no straight guy wants to see a girl's faggy bf

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>Working with all women

Unironically sounds terrible.

>Still not interested in the opposite sex
When does puberty end? Is it possible I'm a late bloomer?

>dude you're gay lmao
That is a lie from the pit of hell. I wasn't raised that way.

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I unironically hate seeing movies for dates.
Ignoring the cost you do basically nothing but sit quietly in a room for 2 hours.
But no, every godamn woman I've dated has been super into movies so that's where every single date is.

Because friends exist.

You still have some hope since asian and hispanic women care less about height and being white gives you a halo.

>she invites her two other friends
potentials more like

>That is a lie from the pit of hell. I wasn't raised that way.
Too obvious
Go ERP a closet-denial case somewhere else.

We snogged throughout the whole movie so I didn't feel too hard done by
But yeah, it's a terrible date idea. Just drinking and talking is infinitely more fun.

That's how I started user. I asked out that girl I knew in high school without seeing her posts about starting to date someone.

After that, everyone I asked out was never single either. This sucks.

Its actually kind of annoying when girls like you as your not sure if its as a friend or as a romantic interest. Theres this girl at work who always sort of rubs my arm or my back when she talks to me and for me that would indicate that shes likes me more than a friend but in reality she probably only likes me as a friend.

It can be as much as up to 90% of your income in Canada, not just 50%.

À rebours

Because they're gay as fuck

If my buddy was a fag, single, or both I wouldn't even care about finding a gf.
him > literally every woman I've ever met

I think a girl is kinda into me but I am too scared to actually ask her out.Also I do not think that I am ready to take all the responsabilities that are involved in a relationship,apart from the fact that I do not see myself capable of having a good and healthy relation.

Fuck Harold. That fat fuck ruined everything.

movies are legit terrible for dates, especially early dates where you're trying to feel out the other person. Stuff like sips-n-strokes and dinner is way better and memorable

>bitches are only nice just so they get off your back

this guy gets it

>I wasn't raised that way.
thats not how it works my guy

have you considered reading good literature

Its honestly not at all. They are all in their late 30s to late 40s. They are all extremely nice to me and often buy me sweets and chocolate randomly

Hell is other people. Your coworkers (and customers) will bust your balls regardless of their gender. The ideal is to work alone.


Believe it or not I'm completely serious.

Do you have a job?

>mid 20's
>getting /fit/
>already lost 30kg and building muscles, plus focussing on self-improvement
>nice job
>pretty good talking skills, tends to be pretty entertaining and fun
>good general culture
>different hobbies besides vidya and fitness
>kinda ugly
>small dick

For some of us there is simply no hope, game is rigged from the start
I'll keep improve for myself, but I have no hope to find a gf


To meet people and make friends, it doesn't matter what your interests are, how tall you are, how fat you are, or how attractive you are. Literally just stop being self-conscious about yourself, stop being a mopey piece of shit, and just own yourself for everything you are. Be confident when you talk to people, smile and laugh, make jokes even if you think they're dumb, and make eye contact with people. There's nothing girls love more than confidence, a strong personality, and someone who can make them laugh. You'll notice that people will warm up to you more, but you can tell when girls are checking you out by telltale body language and behavior that shows they're welcoming of your presence. LISTEN TO THE THINGS THEY TELL YOU, TAKE INTEREST IN THEM, AND ASK THEM QUESTIONS THAT WILL CONTINUE THE CONVERSATION. Girls love talking about themselves. When you find a point of interest to latch onto, use that as your gateway to asking them to spend time (i.e. you find out she likes some sushi place at the local food court, you could ask her if she'd want to go there with you sometime).

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user you are in POUND TOWN
get to work

They're sour grapes wizards

Then leave bro. Do not waste your time here with us, we are forsaken. Go live your life free and happy and frolick in the meadows,.or whatever normalfags do.

I have all this anxiety but also a microdick so I refuse to get on medication to fix the depression know most bitches are size queens.

>you know most women are okay with 5-6 inches right user?

smaller user. smaller.

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ive lived with muslims all my life, people get devorced all the fucking time

This has nothing to do with getting women. Fat people are just unattractive and that's a fact. Fat bodies and fat faces are extremely unappealing and unaesthetic. Being fat is a visual red flag that you don't have control over your life and are a lazy slob, everyone will notice that, be it subconscious or not.

If you're fat you are also unhealthy and are in a worse state physically and mentally. It's a huge upgrade to go from fat to slim in literally every possible way and people that are fat have a really big reward to look forward to because their life will improve in every aspect just by losing weight. If you're a fat lad just stop telling other people it's ok to be fat, it's really not. Everyone should be motivated to lose weight, there is nothing positive about being fat.

>get therapy for your depression
>join clubs and societies
>learn how to play chess or something. Right now your priority is sorting out your possible depression and (most importantly) getting a social group. gf can, and will, come later. You need to focus on yourself.
I went to therapy and it didnt help. It was just lots of boring talking about my life and problems. It didnt actually do anything. I don't know how to get a social group as I find talking to most people in a non professional setting extremely boring and tiresome.

Nah, if you wanted to make it sound real you'd say something like
>I was taught that this is wrong so I won't do it
and not
>I deny the science of how things work because muh jesus
Try better bait next time

If prostitution was legal in my country, I'd never interact with women besides relatives/co-workers.

>just b urself :)

>fucking the payroll

They are all married with kids :/


good now my friends know exactly how degenerate my personality is.

>just b urself

Then suck it up, because those are your only solutions. There's a difference between "talking to these people fatigues me" and "ugh, gosh, so boring".

I'm studying medicine,my parents financially support me.Why?

user I don't think you understand how this works.

I don't like it. They're clearly trying to adapt her weird American design to the classic art style but pic related just looks so much better.

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Less than two inches?

Maybe I've just been ruined by early hentai exposure from newgrounds but I've been wacking it to drawn titties since I was 10 and nobody irl has ever done it for me.

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t. people who probably hide their true selves from everybody they meet in public and wonder why they don't have friends

You don't know me, retard. You don't even know what pain feels like.

For some people being themselves is the problem. They need to change to be more socially acceptable and that's a fact of life. At least don't lie about it.

>*is himself*
>gets bullied


Yeah, probably. I'm not even joking, on a good day I'm considered like a 9/10 in terms of looks, I come from a wealthy family, and my personality is much more amiable than it used to be.

Would've lost my virginity in hs if it wasn't for me having unpredictably terrible psychological problems which I've tirelessly worked to fix. I made out with a grill for the first time ever just a week ago even. You just have to commit to improving yourself desu

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Whats wrong with hiding your true self? desu I don't even know which one of my personalities is my true one anymore lol

Gotta have money for a girl.

>probably average or slightly below average face
>7 inch penis
>spooky skeletman

truth is, the game was rigged from the start

Oof. Yeah, everyone's gonna notice that. Still, it just means one night stands and hookups aren't for you. Most girls can deal with being eaten out for a long-term relationship -- at least, any girl you'd want to be in a relationship with would.

This, bu with Asian ladies. Except there's none where I live.

>be with girl for 6 years
>she keeps saying i'm the love of her life and she wants to be with me forever
>i'm horribly depressed, need to move out of the country for a bit, break up with her but promise her i'll come back
>6 months later i'm back and she's already with someone
>fine. I dumped her, i deserve it
>she comes back saying she misses me
>cucks him with me saying she had dumped him (hadn't)
>then a week later cucks me with him
>wants to stay friends

I don't even miss her that much.
I just fucking hate women now.

This doesnt do anything to me at all It hurts

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user I'm a twitchy obsessive psychotic who laughs at people dying in horrible ways like school shootings, no one would tolerate being in the same room as me if I didn't put on an act.

Is there something wrong with me then?
I never really felt lonely despite not having any real friends for a few years........

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>people that are fat have a really big reward to look forward to because their life will improve in every aspect just by losing weight
I did it a decade ago and all that happened is my clothes no longer fit. To be fair though, my life was and still is nothing but videogames and pornography.

Such as drama, spending your money, and being an active threat to your well being at all times

I could never love someone as much as I love myself.

Do you think so? I know a lot of people with no jobs that are supported by their parents and still got gfs.I mean maybe at older ages that would be the case (I'm 19 yo)

>get a job during summer break during uni
>find a cute chick
>start to ask her questions
>find out she is 18
>immediately start treating her like a friend from that point on because fuck that shit
Any other oldfags know this feel

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based as fuck

Every time I show my "true self" people are either bored to death or they tell me I should change.

The only reason I have friends and coworkers are happy with me is because I fake all the time.


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Ask ur mum about last night :)

Except I've been in relationships before.
I just felt they weren't worth it anymore.
Those grapes didn't taste that good after trying them

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How can you know that a girl likes you/is into you? Seriously asking

Yeah. Everyone I work with surprises me with +/- 10 years in either direction.
On one hand I like older women so that's good but on the other oh man I don't wanna go to jail

>The only reason I have friends and coworkers are happy with me is because I fake all the time.
Literally me. I even had a gf back in college who was obsessed with me. Told me she loved me and all that stuff constantly. But I accidentally revealed my true self once and she left me.

I prefer they fear my presence as I fear theirs. That way, we stay nice and distant. No trouble.

>bee you are self :^))))

Eh, that's not the worst that could happen
>find beautiful 10/10 waifu
>she's into you
>ask her out
>she says yes!
>date goes well
>go back to her place
>time for the main event
>can't get it up
>she deletes you from all forms of contact

I find it hilarious people have to dangle carrots like that to keep people trying.

it's hard to form real and meaningful bonds when you're not being genuine. That doesn't mean you fully sperg out on everybody with all of your demons revealed, but you should still generally be the same person you truly are. I'm sort of asshole and am aware of it so I know that I need to dial back some in most situations unless I'm with close friends

What should I do about a girl at work who touches me when she speaks to me?

>tfw misanthrope
is there any saving me
maybe something that'll make me think the average person isn't dumb of fuck and self destructive on purpose

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>Being gay is often caused by abuse or neglect or weak, absent and passive father figures
>It's unlikely a person just happens to be gay without major trauma or paternal influence.
source: your ass
i know a bunch of faggots with present fatherly figures
and my childhood friend simply adored playing house when i wanted to play with my toy cars
you shouldnt talk about things you know nothing about

I was a borderline serial killer who tried to an hero and kill people, have a lot of self harm scars on my arm, and likewise will laugh at horrible things. Women love being around me.

Think about how many love letters people like Ted Bundy got. Women are much more fickle and strange than you think desu.

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Some people are too autistic/childish/neurotic/sociopathic for this.

As long as you show that you have goals in life, you'll get one.

Even at 18 I didn't want to deal with that.

People who don't desire social contact that much have always existed.