Why did every game get a LGBTUVWXYZ Character and how can we stop it?

Why did every game get a LGBTUVWXYZ Character and how can we stop it?

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Do not buy those games, bruh

Just stop buying game aimed to degenerates

You know the answer

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>lumping /our girl/ Erica with those simps

> /our girl/ Erica
kill yourself

im on night 5 of Catherine right now... please tell me they dont ruin Erica.... i wish i could drop both catherine's for her right now

>trying to stop a trend that has been happening, at least in Japan, for ages

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this, I just don't buy gay shit and therefore it is a simple task to ignore.

this is such tired bullshit. who gives a fuck

Literally who cares. When you stop being a 14 year old edgelord nigger you'll stop caring and get a job.

Why does Yea Forums hate gays when they're the gayest board on 4channel?

So are you gay, tranny, a woman, or an ally?

he probably just doesn't give a fuck. In his "not giving a fuck" he doesn't care if he sees it. In my "not giving a fuck" I just ignore the media and don't consume it. Same fucking thing. He's right, these threads are stupid af

There's nothing wrong with LGBT characters as long as they are actual characters and not propaganda mouthpieces/symbols

But the one in Catherine is an example of these characters done correctly. It's probably the only example though, to be fair

Less gays
More cute lesbians

>Caring about politics
Have sec

Let me guess you are an Incel.

>janey springs

Good thing Erica's trans identity was literally erased forever in Full Body


>stop caring about the story in this narrative-driven game, goy
How does that work then

Pffffft, Nintendo did it before it was cool, like 15 years ago in 2004

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how old are you? this isn't a new thing.

Pray for based Slavs

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user I....

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Non-straight people exist

shut up you fucking incel

>how can we stop it

why do you want to stop the japanese? they're doing nothing wrong

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less gays, more cute lesbians, trannies and traps

Just stop buying shit from Activision/EA-bioware/Ubisoft/Obsidian and other amerimutt shitdevs.

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They exist but don't shove them in my face

t.gay man

Are those really girls?

Rape the bitch


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Erica was pretty funny because all the dudes that knew she was actually a man, seemed repulsed by "her".

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Not everyone feels like they're "getting shoved into their face". Can't appeal to everyone

>if you want gay characterd to be in games make your own game
>they do


But Erica isn't a forced disgusting creature?

>trans identity gets erased
>stops being a cute trap waitress
>starts dressing like a soiboi office worker

only faggots think this is an improvement


pretty much this. White dudes are being phased out because they thought they could coast through life on their whiteness while working at their dad's used tire store. Sorry buds.

Gay people can make games about straight people

i mean that circled post isnt wrong, vampires have been gay and sucking cock since the dawn of time

i love homosexuality

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way to encourage more people to lean right of center. you are a fucking dick

>getting into fights with anyone who criticizes him on Twitter

Polish Phil Fish.

Obsidian was a gud dev only in past. Deal with it.

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Good thing the right never insults any SJW basedboy NPC cucks to drive them left of center!

>beating every amerimutt in sight

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Erica is the only decent one there


>thinking calling someone who uses slurs ‘incel’ will make them go to the right, when they’re already there

That's much more rare, that's why I called you a dick smart stuff

They were SJWs in the past, too.

Anti-SJWs can’t make video games because their entire viewpoint is anathema to creativity. When they tried to make one we got this:


>man jaws
>dude on the right has a v-shaped man body
>fucking watermark
2/10 you got me to reply

oh no did the big bad leftist hurt your feelings?

cringy forced meme

The important difference between Erika and the other 3 is that Erika being a tranny is relevant to the story, it convey meaning and it is an important part of her character.

While Tracer being gay doesn't really mean anything. It's like Spy having fucked everyone's mother in TF2, it's nice, but it doesn't actually mean anything.

nah, just pointing out why water is wet

I welcome more lesbians in games

It’s not totally overt, but she’s trans, general theory is post-op. Vincent constantly refers to her as male since she transitioned late and she gets the nightmares that only happen to men. She’s also called Eric (Erica) in the credits and there’s an appearance of her pre-transition in Full Body, don’t know the context though.

You didn't like Erika?
I think the real fag here is you.

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This but only if they're cute.

I welcome more lesbians, traps and trannies in games as long as they're cute, no one wants to see Andrea Dworkin lookalikes

gays are also fine as long as their faggotry is not in your face. Revolver Ocelot is a great gay character

games how about tv show

>Literally who cares.
the millenial mantra

>Can't appeal to everyone
But they will try to make the game appeal to 0.3% of a population.

ocelot isn't gay

.3% of the games should appeal to .3% of the population, and that goes for every demographic

What the hell is wrong with her faces?!?!

Killing all the fags is the only solution

the fuck does that have to do with gay cock sucking vampires?

Post YFW you didn't support any of this trash

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>it’s a “Republicans complain about video games they have no interest in ever playing” episode

i don't really give a shit if they're just actual characters and being gay or whatever is just an appendage to their personality
if their whole thing is "DUDE LOOK THEY'RE GAY WE'RE SO PROGRESSIVE" is when it's annoying

how long do you think can less than 2% of the overall population terrorize the rest of it? these fags gonna hang eventually. if anything the increasing muslim population helps speeding up the process

You literally can't stop it.

>draw a girl, call it a guy
Lol I love being so gay!
Shut up faggot, you're straight.

>there's not a single republican interested in playing overwatch

Republicans don’t play games period. Video games aren’t in the Bible.

it literally is that simple

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these thing are cyclical just wait 4-6 years and you will see extremism from the other side

>Interesting story line can come from this
>Lesbian with possible immunity gene but not passing it on due to being lesbian
>conflicts between human's interests and protagonist's interests
>Unrelated to protagonist
>just a forced in shit
>But at least they are not focus so much on XE, so it's ok
>Didn't even played that bottom left game, so no comment
>Forced as fuck just to get SJW good boy points
>Literally no reasons to mention if they are straight or gays

Just make games with straight people in them

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>Forced as fuck just to get SJW good boy points
This virtue signaling is the most annoying part of it.

Whites equal 8% of the South Africa population so therefore only 8% whites allowed in games. See how much of a dumbass you are.

>regular gay shit
i sleep
>pic related stuff
real shit

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It's not that simple. Trends exist for a reason. And they have systematically and forcibly injected these stuff into so many games. It can't be taken lightly anymore. It's organized and we shouldn't give an inch anymore.

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Fallout 2 was the first game to ever have gay marriage. They have always been "sjw"

>mfw I dislike those four games anyway

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You can still kill everyone, even kids.

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>how can we stop it?
Gamers should convert to christianity. Deus Vult

South Africa is not the target audience for video games. What the actual fuck?



Do not buy it anyway. It's done.

>If you care about your digestion, my advice is—don’t talk about bolshevism or medicine at table. And, god forbid—never read soviet newspapers before dinner.
>Hmm… But there are no other newspapers.
>In that case don’t read any at all.

>Just pretend it doesn't exist bro, until nearly every game forces the same shit making you unable to play anything else you like
>Did wonders for me bro

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those games are all shit except catherine so who cares

Or! Here's a better ideal!

Learn to grow the fuck up and realized that having a female, lesbian. gay, black, or whatever, doesn't mean jack shit and play the game

>why should artists be able to do whatever they want? I think we should censor games to conform to what i want

I didnt even say an opinion about it you retard.

No one force you play it or watch new films/shows. Play old games and watch old stuff.
>gay, black, or whatever doesn't mean jack shit and play the game.
No, thanks, pal.

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It came from [s4s]
/pol/tards can barely make their own memes


>doesn't mean jack shit
But it means to them though, if they are willing to push it that much in the last years

Also, niggers are subhuman waste who have build nothing.
Faggots and trannies have a mental disease and/or some childhood trauma.

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You must have shown up here by mistake. Here you go sweetie. Have fun okay.

> And they have systematically and forcibly injected these stuff into so many games
i think you meant
>as being gay has become less stigmatized in society as a whole, artists have started to include more openly gay characters in their works, and this includes video games.

>It's organized and we shouldn't give an inch anymore.
>we shouldn't give an inch
its very interesting that you view the developer/gamer relationship as an adversarial one where the gaming populace must "fight back" against the system.

I'm 32 year old, not an edgelord, white, I got a job, and I care.
Now what?

>No one force you play it or watch new films/shows. Play old games and watch old stuff.
No faggot. That's not how it works. You won't come to my male hobby and quarantine me. I'll be the one to quarantine and expel you faggots.

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>I don't want gay or trans people to exist in my world and I think people should be forbidden from adding them to a world they make

That is truly embarrassing.

You are in Yea Forums. You are embarassing too.

It's so strange that the devs talk so much about diversity but only add lesbians or NPCs who you have to look for and never expand on their stories just state that they're lgbt.

I'm not IN Yea Forums, and you're not 32 YEAR old.
Fucking ESL retards.

For you.

Back to resetera faggot

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Wow sick burn Pablo. Back to the favela with you.

If it doesn't mean shit then why are those characters there?
Imagine if all of a sudden all characters in videogames had down syndrome. You and your "frens" would probably be happy to be able to relate to them but the vast majority of people would get tired of it.
But yeah, I guess your logic would still work.
"Why does it matter lol! Grow up! You're tired of the token down syndrome character? Down buy the game gneeeeee!"
God forbid that consumers ask for certain things in the products they consume!

>resorting to grammar nazism
This is true embarrassment.

32 and white yikes i almost feel sorry lets hope you arent living in freetard land

Not the same guy you replied too
>I'm not IN Yea Forums
Really? You're gonna turn this semantics as an argument? You think "4channel" is any better?


Better than regular Nazism.

Cope shitskin and learn English.

>SJWs play video games
>anti-SJWs screech and ree about video games having minorities in them

Goddamn I love being a SJW.

>no u
And I take my win here.


On the same side as this faggot btw SJWs are a mess.

You and I are on the same side actually. I do not watch modern (post-1975) trash because gay n-word shit all over the place.
But Public companies want growing stocks and market shares; and "gamers" barely can damage it because somewhere LgbtqN shit.
Use same tactic they use "I can't identify myself with a protagonist so I drop it"

Why would I want to stop it? I mainly play Nintendo games so it doesn't bother me. And even when Nintendo did it, nobody cared since it was optional

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>if it doesn’t mean shit why is it there
It’s just a feature of reality that is in the game to simulate it. You don’t look at sidewalks and think WHY DIS IN GAME, WHY A SIDEWALK IN GAME. Some people are fucking gay and the creators are like, hey should we make this person gay? Yeah ok.

>this makes conservative heads explode

They are gay for the sake of being gay and they are constantly positively "advertized" because of that. They have no depth of character. That's not a creationist spirit. That's propaganda and agenda enforcement. It's fascist.
You are not fooling anyone btw, but sure go ahead.

resetera bay bay

Why do you care?
I would sooner call for a genocide of identitarians.

Not him but you're retarded and should stop using words you don't understand. Go back to English class.

based and fuck these identity politics retards
most of these idiots whining barely play games

>Japanese devs make an "LGBT" character
>They're great
>Western devs make an LGBT character
>they're blatantly a shoved in diversity character with no actual characterization or anything good about and they usually look like someone got hit by a truck and then had a child with a brick and they expect you to praise and love them, and this totally isn't a move that they hope makes the LGBT community buy their game

>example from 2011
>said example has people chimping out about how it's a bad portrayal
I see no issue with Erica

I’m a SJW and I play games.

The devs don't actually care. Publishers are just pushing for it because modern analytics incorrectly portrays the LGBT community as being larger than it is. It's all about money and not actually about politics even remotely, despite what people here may claim.

Republicans can’t you see, can’t you see?
You’re consumed by hatred and bigotry!
Religion as well, that is conservatism,
And that makes you all watch Fox News!

Thank you for your contribution.
Now go off yourself.

Hear, hear. Keep the spirit of old Yea Forums high.

Fuck western dev and the LGBT Cunts

>if you want diversity so bad then make your own games Yea Forums said
>they proceed to make their own games
>now some chode on Yea Forums says they arent allowed to make anything

Fucking a. Revealing that some new battle Royale / hero shooter is gay is just a cynical ploy to rake in another crowd.

They are not making their own. They 're injecting their shit into already existing titles you lying fucktard. SJWs can't create shit. With what knowledge will they create anyway, their "Social Studies" degrees?

You're gay for the sake of being gay

Why do you actually care?

>They 're injecting their shit into already existing titles you lying fucktard.
Yeah. Their own titles.
>With what knowledge will they create anyway, their "Social Studies" degrees?
All your favourite authors have an interest in literature and society, I guarantee.

>Yeah. Their own titles.

If they're injecting it into something that already exists, that doesn't make it "their title"

They are themselves the reasons those things already exist in the first place.

Name a famous title created by an SJW. Preferably with around half a decade of existance at least. Do it you lying faggot.

Baldur's Gate

Why do you care?

Fallout: New Vegas
Half-Life 2
Grim Fandango
King’s Quest

So Neil Cuckmann is the reason Uncharted was always a shitfest?

Oh wait, that's right, it only started at 4! Neil got the actual writer kicked off the job for Uncharted 4, and then inserted as much bullshit as he could in 4 and Lost Legacy

Now, is Uncharted as a whole "his" series?

He's worked on it from the start.

Well then, I guess he didn't have as much input as he wanted if the 4 and Legacy were shitshows with only him working on it

Pure speculation and entirely subjective, and you've already conceded your original point. You're wronger than any one man ought to be in the space of one line.


But Uncharted 4 is great.

I agree with this, but when are they ever propaganda mouthpieces?

The only one time I can think of is that NPC in ME:A who goes into her life story about transitioning as a basic greeting.

Compared to Lost Legacy, yes

But it removed the Fat Drake skin because "it's offensive" and had the "strong black female" that made everyone look like a joke, did nothing but be a villain, and got away with everything at the end.

And then Lost Legacy has her again as best buddies with Chloe somehow and we're expected to see her as "one of the good guys"

>Compared to Lost Legacy, yes
>But it removed the Fat Drake skin because "it's offensive" and had the "strong black female" that made everyone look like a joke, did nothing but be a villain, and got away with everything at the end.
So? Even with all that it's better than the rest, especially 1 and 2.
