Just reached and beat the toad boss and damn did I get fucking bored of this piece of Shit

Just reached and beat the toad boss and damn did I get fucking bored of this piece of Shit
The same repeating boss music throughout the levels all around
The gay ass level designs that feel repetitive and no different than the other
Fucking same enemies almost every time
Hoarding and getting rid of the same looking armor and weapons at the shrine gets tedious as fuck
Wonky as fuck targeting system by bosses that literally execute the next combo after the first just as you're about to attack making the dodging very tedious and annoying and the boss fighting very lame in general
Same applies to normal mobs
And many other shit I forgot to mention

This is the worst souls clone I played so fsr

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Other urls found in this thread:

nioh.wiki.fextralife.com/Living Weapon


Today's topic is: will you make a cute Bushi girl for Nioh 2 or a buff Samurai man?

you’re too casual for this masterpiece

Faggot I woudnt have made this far
It takes almost no effort to play this easy piece of Shit
In fact most enemies have the most obvious telegraphing that you can bait by just walking slightly forward then back and watch them finish the execution
The issue I got is how tedious and Wonky it gets throughout
How the level designs are so fucking lazy too
Oh my what's that, ANOTHER FUCKING DOOR NEXT TO THE SRHINE signalling a shortcut

No fucking class
Not even close to dark souls level of level design
Even dark souls 2s was better

Should i play this or Sekiro first friends?

This guy is right desu. Nioh was boring as fuck

100 %
Don't waste any minute on this
I want my hours of gameplay back from playing this cheap copy crap

>Any boss fight starts
>Use sloth+guard break+raise attack+elemental boost
>Beat the boss in 15 seconds by button mashing

Play Sekiro and don't play Nioh. It's shit.

i like it

Nioh has much better gameplay and combat systems, and better character design and actual customization.
Sekiro has better everything else

Don't even need to go this far
>get good gear
>annihilate everything in one combo because muh numbers and muh loot completely destroy any semblance of balance and well-made tight combat nioh could've had
I don't have an autistic hateboner against this game but they better fucking remove half the """""RPG""""" elements from the sequel or it's just going to be the exact same garbage all over again.
RPG means roleplay, webs of well-written dialogue, meaningful quests, NOT diablo-esque loot/

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i never thought about it before, but i always stop playing this game about 10-15 hours in.

i'll come back to it a few months later, start a new game, and get bored after maybe the 5th story mission and put it away again.

its weird because i want to like it... i just don't

nioh is garbage only liked by people with legit autism

Quick Change :^)
Lucky Centipede

Another pleb filtered. Good riddance.

Odachi + Kato. Dunno why anything else exists.

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>Better combat system
Fucking Kek
Hey look
High stance high damage high ki use woweee so cool
Low stance low damage low ki use wowzaaa
Mid stance something inbetween
And guess what I bet you just stuck with mid stance all around because I did and I saw absolutely no point in utilising any other stances

>This is the worst souls clone I played so fsr
That's where your problem lies. It's not a souls clone. Stop playing it like a souls game.

Why do retards keep comparing it to souls games? The only thing they have in common is the respawn system. Have you never played an action rpg before?

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>Nioh has much better gameplay and combat systems, and better character design
You should unironically without any semblance of sarcasm put a bullet through your skull.

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Stfu you pretentious in denial Faggot
You know it is

Nioh has character builds, good gameplay and better enemy variety. Sekiro is just gay.

Every Nioh thread these days is the same

Dual Sword
Spear (more like favorite andsecont favorite)
Honorable mention - Sasuke tonfas.
Wasnt much into spells/ninjutsu, pretty much ussed buffs and invis.
Smith girl best waifu.

Will we have character customisation for 2? Pretty much don't know anything about it, exept it being made. Liked first one, not really hyped for 2, but interested nontheless.

>haven't gotten to 2 boss yet
it looks like another lord of the fallen shit still

shilliko fans are on suicide watch and coping really hard by shitposting in anger

Hes right tho


You first.

Full character customisation, and you play as a Yokai.

>1H Katana
>The one that shows stuff on the minimap
>Saoirse / Enko
>Tachibana Ginchiyo
And my favorite level is the cemetary, I just love the atmosphere.

I'll be making a guy in Nioh 2.

Blazed and bluepilled my fellow Commiefornian. You sure showed those internet bullies what for! VOTE HILLARY!! Lol!!

>this far
>halfway through tutorial NG playthrough
look at this faggot and laugh

Double Doggo

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I use all of them, though I guess I used Katana the most as a secondary
Explosive trap
Based Nobunaga's based peacock
Maria is perfection

>Will we have character customisation for 2?
Yep. That's pretty much the only thing we do know about 2.

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I hope Nioh 2's Yokai form doesn't replace the Spirit Guardian's. I would miss collecting cute animals.

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I didn't even touch 1H katana until DLC / NG+ and felt like a retard for never bothering with it before that. Great fun to use and some cool skills too.

genichiro is tough but you'll beat him with practice.

Like I said it would take me no effort to finish this but I won't spend another minute on this tedious boring price of Shit with same yokai in every level with some buff , same boss fight music, tedious item Hoarding and spending on shrine, useless skillsets, same repetitive human enemies that take no effort to kill
You Faggot fans are trying to save grace because deep down you know it's shit but one has to buttsuck the developers for autistic reasons

I liked how in the Abyss your spirit would hang out with you on the slowboat to each area

how do I into kusarigama?

legit question. Why does any of this matter when you can build to run permanent god mode? Genuinely want to know if it gets harder.

It matters if you don't build to run permanent god mode because you're not a shitter.

but the toad boss was one of the best bosses, honestly top 3 next to yuki-onna and hayabusa

Very carefully (so you don't hit yourself)

any game with customization has a godlike build
why do builds in dark souls matter if you can just get the most op weapon and steamroll everything?
why do builds in baldurs gate matter when you can just go mage and instakill everyone with timestop?
kind of a retarded post m8

How to run permanent godmode? I just hit demon mode and im getting my ass kicked by the 2 bosses at once fights.

>angry walls of text
yeah whatever faggot.
Steel, Carnage, Weakness

I really enjoyed Nioh, though I still haven't finished it. Not sure about playing Sekiro since more or less fell out of Souls like games after the first Dark Souls, but I do enjoy Nioh's mission system.

Yeah he was super fun to fight. Wish they would have sprinkled a few more Toad fights into the game instead of just Onryoki over and over.

not my fault the game has shitty god mode you can pop items for constantly
there is literally a form where you take no damage and deal much more damage. Did you play the fucking game? Don't remember having god mode built into the game mechanics on a souls game.

Yeah keep derailing a thread to save grace
Only ad hominems, nobody as of yet refuted my points
Oh im fucking laughing
Have fun scumbags

they always reuse the worst bosses for whatever reason

spirit and living weapon. You can just pop crystals indefinitely and stay in it forever if your not completely retarded.

Oh I'm laughing if you think Sekiro is even close to being as difficult as Nioh. You faggots would shit blood if you had to fight Hayabusa or Date on WotN. You assholes think bosses like Lady Butterfly are actually challenging lmao.

again it just takes practice. Don't put it down yet. I know it's hard to play a game that requires skill and focus but you'll get there.
nioh.wiki.fextralife.com/Living Weapon

I love Nioh as much as the Souls games and it's objectively a fantastic game; if you think that Nioh is boring or bad you must be insane.


Not needed, the Odachi is that versatile

Never used them

Kato. To be fair I need to experiment more with the others.

Maria. I have a soft spot for bitches.

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>Make pussy build
>complain that the game is too easy
Yes, it is your fault. The chances of you accidentally making a god build a close to zero in Nioh given how many options and variables there are. It's something you specifically looked for on the internet.

>there is literally a form where you take no damage and deal much more damage. Did you play the fucking game? Don't remember having god mode built into the game mechanics on a souls game.
if you get hit while in living form it drains the gauge way faster and the form is gone in 2 hits.

Sekiro is of significantly higher quality. Nioh is medicore at best.

>tfw blessed with not having autism so i can enjoy all souls games, sekiro, nioh, the surge, dragons dogma and all other decent to good action rpgs

One day you might get further than Way of the Samurai in Nioh. Then you'll know what true challenge is. Just try and practice and you'll get past Nue eventually.

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also inb4
>B--BUT youre not playing the game right! Sloth and Living Weapon aren't meant for boss fights git gud!!!!

you team ninja dick riders are the worst. The sequel will be just a fucking mediocre and scatterbrained because god forbid someone point out how shit the game was made by bad itemization and abilities.

the difficulties above way of the strong are trash though

>I like eating shit
Sorry mate but Nioh gets repetitive as fuck about 6 hours in. Don't get me wrong, it's fun for those first 6 hours but after that? Not so much.
Here's hoping that they would fix its mistakes in the sequel.

but the game is still good when its "easy"

Just git gud bro.

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not with a spirit build you fucking tard. again you can pop Amrita and put it back at full whenever. I beat the entire game staying in the form for almost full levels using paired raiken. Only time i didnt progress was to farm more god mode cheat codes

you can't git gud when it's a stat check

>it gets hard 100 hours in

Just added to wishlist, anything that generates this much salt is worth at least checking out.

>Chef D'oeuvre tier:
>Masterpiece tier:
Dark Souls
Hollow Knight
Demon's Souls
>Meh tier:
Dark Souls 3
>Shit tier:
Dark Souls 2
The Surge
>Western garbage tier:
Lords of the Fallen
Salt and Sanctuary
Darksiders 3
Immortal Unchained
other indieshit nobody played

If you don't even beat the 3rd boss in the game it's hardly that's hardly a valid point. When you at least become shura then you might have grounds to compare.

Not even salty
Just frustrated I wasted my time on this and got memed by /v
Back to sekiro I guess for a second run I guess

Yea Forums is pretty crazy lol
gotta be careful what games i say i like around here

just dont ever use sloth or living weapon if you want a even remotely mediocre experience. The combat is fun honestly, but the itemization is so fucked it becomes a headache.

I tried to play Nioh again after Sekiro then realized everything fun was lock behind skill points so I stopped playing

I mean you're right but the game gives out samurai locks like crazy that you get points pretty frequently

to be fair a lot of the fun shit about sekiro is locked behind XP walls at first too. that and finding the tools.

By the same logic of being a massive faggot you could reduce Sekiro to "lol just hit deflect when they attack you, but watch out for the massive prompt telling you when to dodge or jump instead!".

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If I enjoyed Nioh, what does that make me?

Steel/Carnage + Weakness if the boss is being a bitch
Kara-Jishi. I love using Enku aswell because being invincible is fun.
pic related

>Today's topic is: will you make a cute Bushi girl for Nioh 2 or a buff Samurai man?
Samurai chad, always.

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At least it has fun skills to unlock. Sekiro's are either useless or should have been part of the default moveset.

>neeo ees a sols clone

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someone that likes action games?

A person with good taste

Stances don't matter at all when you can spam bullshit spells and fucking guardian spirits. If bosses weren't affected (which they shouldn't be wtf) The game wouldn't be a fucking snoozefest after like 10 hours.

a retarded piece of nigger shit

I made it somewhat deep into way of the wise and never once got the feeling that you're supposed to gimp yourself. Minmaxing stats and using all the tools at your disposal meaning 1 weapon skill and jutsu/omnyo+guardian spirit becomes more and more important the higher your difficulty. You can coast through ng and maybe way of the demon playing the game completely wrong.

On another note I felt like changing to a different weapon at way of the wise but getting a completely new gear setup seemed like too much of a chore so I stopped there.

A person who enjoyed Nioh. Enjoying and dick riding are just different beasts my man.

Yeah that actually takes more effort than this crap which is literally
Walk back wait for the combo to finish then go forward attack
And then you get the fucking stupid targeting system because of bad coding design obviously that makes the enemies execute the next combo a second straight after the first just because you reach their close proximity even though you just dodged their previous attack
And don't even get me started on level design that pales in comparison to sekiros

yeah I hope nioh 2 makes your gear less important overall

That's not honorable user what the fuck
William's original spirit

I did a defense ax run and it was based

very few gear sets are focused on a specific weapon though? just get a new weapon

How is it bait when he is factually correct? Nioh's gameplay is much better than Sekiro's


Nioh was pretty sweet. The gameplay was fun and it was fun to learn how to break the game.It is really hard if you don't know what you're doing. I enjoyed its bosses more too.

Sekiro has a way tighter, more focused gameplay system. Very consistent too. Way less variety and replayability though. Sekiro is so much better on mob design it isn't even funny. Plus the story is cooler and so is the atmosphere.


sure thing

Are you me? Superb taste, my friend.

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After you remap the buttons for it to be souls, it's exactly souls, just with a combo and stamina regen gimmick.

No its not. And the ki and stance system are not gimmicks. Stop using Souls as if its a genre. They're action RPGs. There are some FromSoft influences in the game but it's still very much its own thing. I like both series too.

Nioh is better than Dark Souls

Yes they are
Completely useless and in fact ki regeneration actually gets in the way of combat
It detachss you from the focus of the fight to focusing on regeneration which can easily fuck with your composure and get you wrecked
And please as if most of the time you don't just mid stance the game through
Makes absolutely no difference playing otherwise perhaps may be marginal difference in damage or so the pseudo feeling you get

>Nioh has much better gameplay and combat systems

So you're just shit and never learned the game. You should always be fluxing between stances to regain your ki but it sounds like this is too much for you. You need that ki for blocking as well as attacking. When you break a yokai's ki, you flux between stances after each string to constantly deal damage while stunlocking them. You'll run out of ki if you stay in one stance and do normal ki pulses after each string. Stance changing comes natural after each string and in no way fucks with you composure unless you're still learning the game or are complete shit at it. It absolutely does make a difference because it lets you be much more aggressive and beat enemies much quicker. You probably played tedious as fuck hit and run tactics. This isn't DaS, you have the ability to be much more aggressive.

Meant for

Sekirobabies so insecure about their game they have to make hate threads about the better samurai fantasy game
Keep on crying its not gonna make your shit game any better

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You could do the same at mid stance with no effort and having dodge assigned as ki regain as a skill
It is pointless just extra steps to make it difficult for yourself to feel like you're good at the game Faggot
And your aggression is pointless in a game with a broken enemie tracking and attacking, you're bound to get raped

fuck off faggot go play another game

Kunai, Makibishi, Paralysis Bomb, Paralysis Trap, Guardian Spirit Talisman, Gale Shot, Wind Shot, Fire Talisman, Earth Talisman, Extraction Talisman on the off chance I need to break out Living Weapon
Raiken/Nurarihyon (mostly for easy confusion with guardian talisman/gale shot)
The beautiful Chacha-sama

Confusion debuff feels very satisfying on the yokai bosses in Way of the Nioh. Love getting summoned in for The Last Samurai and restacking confusion on Nine-Tailed Fox with all five elements.

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Have fun doing the exact same shit over again you pleb sekiro has no replay value whatsoever


Plus there's nothing to be aggressive about with enemies with such blatant telephoning and basic attack combos that all you have to do is not even dodge just step back wait then go in and attack

fucking maggots. its just tutorial. ng+ is tutorial too cause its easier, same with ng++. no you faggot ng is the game.


If you want ignore the combat depth then be my guest. It sounds like you don't understand the game at all though. When you flux, you gain back extra ki immediately. There's no delay, just do an attack string, flux to another stance and repeat. You don't wait for the bar to fill like a normal ki pulse. Dodge ki pulsing doesn't achieve the same thing at all either. By dodging, you're also letting up on your assault. A ki broken yokai is essentially a large punching bag and you want to capitalize on that opportunity as much as possible. Human enemies can also have their ki broken as well and be opened up for a grapple/final blow.

Yeah it does more so than this Shit I gave up on so many hours in
In fact it has more dare I say it
It's a game I can always come back to svery year or so as a cult classic
In fact after finishing it i wanted to play it again despite its stripped out gameplay
I.prefer having no variety anyway it's useless filler
The rpg.elements the different weapon variety
It's all so tiresome clutter
Just the main combat and story, level design and music and it had it all

Where's this crap is already dead and forgotten to me


sekiro isn't a masterpiece comman opinion is that bloodborne is still miles batter sekiro gets boring after ng+4

And don't forget diablo's loot system

This, jesus christ most of this thread is so pathetic. NiohChads are having actual discussion on strategies, gear, progression etc. And every other post has replies like "NUH UH SEKIRO BETTER U GAME SUCK"

That ki broken time is only brief until you do a finisher and you don't need all that so called "depth" to pull it
So stop justifying your useless attempt at making it harder for yourself to feel better about yourself at the game

sekiro is literally the easiest of the games I died about 20 times including ng+ vs my 40 on just the orphan of kos

Nioh is just another dark souls 2
Where more doesn't mean better
No subtlety what so ever

>He actually died on Easyro

dude just press a single button to win most of the game why do sekiro fags think this is good gameplay

Lightning katana
Wind spear
Sloth, carnage, drain defence
Lightning dogs and wind dragon

I liked the idea of adopting the Fujin/Raijin wind and lightning motif from Japanese mythology. Especially since they're Nioh.

Still better than suckiro.

Is difficulty all you think about? I'm talking about combat mechanics here and how you're rewarded by learning them. You're the one making the game less enjoyable for yourself. Against yokai for example, you can break their ki by hiting weak points. Thus, you should constantly be utilizing fluxing during these openings. Againt humans, I explained it before but you need ki for everything essentially. Its your offensive and defensive. If you're not fluxing then you're going to have to be more passive.

Yeah in your wet dreams you potato

Is this game worth it without dlc?

Suck it suckiro cuck.

You're obviously self admiring because those are just extra unnecessary steps for some cookie cutter basic combat that doesn't even require all that effort and is just a pseudo feeling for what it the same effect at normal stance fighting
I stand behind it
Ki and stances are useless and a fucking gimmick

Odachi (for when I have to go all out. Just this once, forgive me master)
Never used that shit
Some phoenix I think
The heavy knight armour

Bet you jerk on yourself to teamninja every night like the rest of Autists here

Why does Nioh drive fromshitters so livid?

This game is not worth it at all
Yes, you'll feel a brief honeymoon period followed by tedioussness and disappointment for all the time wasted and if you're one of these teamninja autists you'll suppress it and reinforce yourself to carry on playing and self rage inside by trying out different builds even thought it all conclusively comes back to the same gameplay that feels tedious and gay

based fromdrone can’t into something a little more complex than souls r1/dodge spam

Its depth user. It rewards the player for more involvement. What do you not the understand? The point isn't to simply beat the game, its to have fun. Nioh is for people who like 3rd person action melee combat, you should want to learn and master what the system has to offer. And I've already explained yokai enemies multiple times but your ignoring that as well. You utilize the combat mechanics to do large damage during an opening. Stamina based combat is nothing new but the system they created lets you actively reload it. Furthermore, each stance has different skills assigned to them as well. You should be swapping stances to use the skill you want as well.

Is someone upset
Get a life teampotatoninja autist

Know that whoever you are, you are my obsidian samurai.

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I did try it and I told you're retarded mind that it's pointless and is just unnecessary extra steps that don't make it fun but in fact are more fucking tedious and annoying and marginally slightly different to the normal way

By the looks of it you're very upset

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Its literally not, if you actually played it.

I'm From fan, but even I admit Nioh was good. You're just annoying ass whine soi faggot who can't git gud and enjoy it over your shitty papermade elitism.

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One Kat
Bigger Kat
Quick Change

Attached: kato.png (108x107, 8K)

>everything but “attack” and “don’t get hit” is unnecessary

You know it is
Especially as you so put it in an "aggressive" manner pressing extra buttons and stance changing to then ki regenerating to then attack can fuck with your gameplay especially with the bullshit mechanics this game has in place which as a whole is unnecessary to utilise anyway since you're either making it hard for yourself of trying to force enjoyment for what really is some basic shitty combat with potato telegraphing that feels easy to manage and takes no effort

Stop talking shit when you know nothing
A two bit autist can complete this easily exploited piece of broken shit with tedious gameplay
I rather play Lord of the fallen

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Yeah sure honey

But you couldn't complete it, huh

Explain how these steps are unnecessary then. Flux is a skill in the game. Once you learn it, it offers a very real benifit. You don't HAVE to utilize it but its not a "gimmick" in any way whatsoever. Its not tedious either. It'll feel a little weird at first but feels fluid and satisfying once you get comfortable with the inputs. Honestly, it sounds like you went into this game not even wanting to try and like it in the first place.

It's a gimmick was my point when you can get away just as easily with no extra effort proving my point that it's a gimmick

The ones that make you take no fucking damage and then regenerate all the damage you do take. Ninjutsu is gay.
Fuku, of course

I so could but I won't because it's a piece of shit and if you're inbred head bothered to read the thread instead of blind posting
You'd realise I explained the tedioussness and the simplicity of the combat and the dullness of level design and music and enemy variety that gives me no motive to complete it

For someone who supposedly does not like the game, he's putting a metric ton of effort into bitching about it, probably more then he put into playing it at this point.

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Because v memed me into it and im taking that frustration back here and you're giving enough shit to sit there and watch me and read the thread like my cuck

Hahaha ok, man, sure you could

user, its absolutely fine if you didn't like the game. Some games aren't for everyone. But just realize that you never learned it properly and ultimately don't know shit about its combat mechanics.

Whatever you say tinkerbell
Now off you pop

>it's game's fault I'm bad

>This is the worst souls clone I played so fsr
Still better than Suckiro though.

Nice false flag Faggot
What a retard
See you could pull that had I said I gave up on the aforementioned boss but I didn't so I see what you're cuck self is trying to pull here and it won't work


Then put it down and do something else with your time? You should not be frustrated over a game to the point of fanatical raving, let alone anything that can be considered a hobby. Life is too short for this kind of shit.

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I do you just won't care to admit your making it more complicated for yourself by utilising meme skills that add no extra gameplay value but more tedioussness

>Lifes to short for 4 chan
>Get a job
I mean seriously dude what's the point of that slippery slope reply

You should stop using expressions you don't know the meaning of, esl-kun

I am making it "more complicated" because the game rewards me for doing so. It adds more depth and value to the combat, literally what do you no understand about this? The only thing that brought this on was you looking at key game mechanics as gimmicks. They exist for players who want more out of the game.

Picked up Nioh because of all the shitposting and been enjoying it, only real problem is the PC port randomly crashes but its not often enough to become a problem. The combat in this game feels amazing once you get down ki management with the stance switching, I'm also killing shit way faster than I was playing safe as hell hit and run in mid stance.

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Literally not my point but ok. You do you mate, my input is not going to change your mind, neither is anyone elses on this mongolian beef tenderizer forum.

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This guy is absolutly right. Nioh is a sack of shit game that should never be mentioned in the same breath as Ninja Gaiden or Sekiro. I refuse to waste more of my time with this subpar garbage of a game.

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How does it reward you
Oh please tell me
Extra marginal damage in the midst of a brief ki broken period
Wow does that really set you far ahead had you not utilise that
Absolutely not
You could get away with mid stancing the game entirely without any gimmicks

Why would you mention Ninja Gaiden and Sekiro in the same breath? Oh no, are you implying Sekiro is somehow comparable to Ninja Gaiden (LOL)

>you could get away
Sure, you can play many games safe and boring, you're only cheating yourself out of the full experience and end up with a hollow victory
Any game's gonna be boring when you make it boring for yourself

it literally is, I reached floor 30 of the abyss and just stopped because its a slog.

Sekiro might not be comparable to Ninja Gaiden Black, but atleast it's light years ahead of the trash that is Nioh . Let's hope they fix alot of problems that plauge Nioh in the coming sequel.

And anyways you're abstracting one element out of my whole argument in this thread, making it seem like that argument justifies it as a good game and that in it self is getting tedious because it's not just that but along with the rest of the mess this game is that was aforementioned that make it an awful tedious experience overall

Fuck the abyss, 999 floors of the same shit.

The damage is not marginal, its actually significant. You want to be able to kill shit quickly, especially in the missions where you fight waves of enemies. All of your actions are based around ki, how do not see the benifit of alway keeping your ki high by fluxing? This lets focus on attacking more and yes, staying aggressive. And of course blocking and dodging as well. Do you view combos in other action games as "gimmicks".

Based. Nioh is literally for brainlets. One of the most mindless games I've played in the past couple of years

Have sex

it's useless since this game has awful enemy design then it becomes a gimmick since all that effort can be avoided by simply mid stancing walking in reverse away from enemies waiting for their combos to drop then going in for the attack without even dodging or ki regain
If I can do that why would I reverse gimp myself by adding extra steps.to make it "fun" which would obviously eventually get dull as well anyway

Sex has been had
Can you say the same

your uncle raping you doesn't count
Have sex

Self projection is hell of a drug
I mean you do realise you're on Yea Forums, on Yea Forums reading and taking the time and effort responding to my thread like an angst little cuck reading my thread and you're gonna try to pull rank and what? Imply you're casanova and get more poon
Do you feel proud of falsely showing off on the Internet kid
Fucking Kek
Bet you recently lost your virginity didn't yoi

Have sex

Have a perspective

Have sex

Just did with your uncle who jerked off mine earlier who jerked off me
So yeah I win

>your uncle raping you doesn't count
Says who?
Sex is sex

Big cringe lad, my uncle is dead
Have sex

>making Nioh vs Sekiro bait threads 3 weeks after release

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If you say have sex again you'll get cancer

Acquire coitus

Fuck off blind poster

Double fluxing is one the only useful techs in that you to maintain infinite ki, animation cancels ending animation frames, and allows constant aggression that makes the game fun where compared to Souls you r1/dodge until you run out of stamina and then just sit back and wait to regenerate.

If you want to play like a retard with "souls vet knowledge" you can get away sitting in mid stance backwave tempest parrying / flowing shadow spamming, backing up and playing passive and never actually learn how to play spending way more time on encounters than needed.

It just sounds like you're whining that you fumbled on the control scheme and couldn't learn how to actually play and think the whole system is stupid when the reality is you're actually just incompetant.

If you imply anything in regards to coitus again you're mother will die in her sleep

I hate how you mugs keep reiterating this overglorified bloodborne like rally for the stamina instead of health and blow it out of proportion with these meme stances
It's a fucking gimmick and you know it fag

obtain fornication

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You dun goofed
Immunity dog is inactive in blue thread

you dun double goofed, this good boi right here also protects me from the 'no immunities" posts, so, uh, guess you'll have to procure a hanky-panky

I don't have to
You're OCD is already doing the trick for me and making you double panick
Good luck kiddo, see you in valhalla

Have sex dude

Sorry you've been filtered for being a low skill, low IQ brainlet who can't comprehend using more buttons than R1/R2 to attack. You'd just be another shitter crying how tonfas are trash because you couldn't learn how to utilize all stances and skills to actually use them correctly.

It's not about challenge, retard. It's about fun. I beat Way of Nioh.

You're the low IQ inbred mongol who doesn't understand the fact that all that effort you're spending adding extra steps is to.make this already boring and crap game fun for yourself which adds no extra gameplay value just so you're repressed rage at its dullness is justified and teamninja can send you more complementary teamninja dildos for you to go fuck yourself with as you glorify them vocally out loud

The only good part about this game is it's combat system and boss fights. Everything else is dogshit.

Even that's gay when there's no enemie variety and that they're are broken with their targeting and execute cheap repetitive combos that are effortless to deal with

Yes, because every game needs super simplified control schemes for brainlets like yourself who fumble and fat finger all over the place getting fucked.

Just like "tech" in fighting games is dumb because you're too incompetant and a petulant cry baby to actually learn how to play and execute inputs so you blame everyone but yourself.

Perhaps action games aren't for you and you should go back to low skill tab target hotkey MMOs or something because it's apparent that you're an eternally asshurt soulsvet who got btfo'd by Nioh.

do you feel proud for pulling those extra key steps when I can complete this game with less action and spitting on your effort because it is indeed a gimmick and those extra steps add nothing but cause extra unnecessary risk to an already shitty combat with God awful enemies that auto target you with no fluidity like some robots and read engage a second later
Get fucked you self cucking gimp

Odachi for high stance damage and mid stance aoe
Some elemental dual sword for low stance evasion and dot
Sloth and caltrops
kato or paired raiken depending on the element I need, and Saoirse once I got her
the moth girl

The DLCs have much better design imo but I agree that in general the game gets boring and repetitive. I went for a LW build as soon as I could so I could blast through levels.

Also the armor system is shit. Anything under A agility makes you dodge like fat cow and going all the way to full plate barely adds damage reduction and you still get staggered by a fallen brushing you. It's especially annoying when the elemental demon heads just keep hugging you and you're almost stunlocked.

Sekiro probably. But Nioh is good if you care about sengoku era shit and has fun combat

Why do you also pretend like that flexing ki shit is even useful in the midst of the combat when ki broken period is brief and when enemies re-engage your button stance swapping is going to get you raped and is just extra unnecessary steps that de focus you from the combat and focusing on the enemies
So fuck right off
Its nothing but a detrimental gimmick that only Autists like you master to feel proud of it and self jerk on forums

There's a million ways to cheese the game anyway with literally 0 effort since all you have to do is copy reddit builds to complete the game; its no achievement. You can play the game like a boring retard or you can play it efficiently and make it fun and not rely on dumb builds and inflated numbers to carry you.

If you didn't sit in mid stance all day and actually learned how to efficiently dodge in low stance and return to mid/high stance to punish you probably wouldn't get fucked, but your mentality and lack of mechanical skill confines you to play lame. You realize hypertracking is a necessary evil otherwise you could just circle strafe everything like you can in Souls, its not a good solution but it is one that actually forces the player to time their dodges instead of just running around to the back to easily avoid grabs/attacks.

what are the good souls clones you played?

I have absolutely issues with it not because I have to side straffe but that dodging has to be frame perfect since the hit boxes are high as fuck so you're only left to master fluxing and manage ki regen like some autist always focusing on ki which de focuses you from combat and risks you fucking everything up and losing your composure or just bait them by walking away till the combo drops then go in for the attack
Which once again is all so tiresome to me and not fucking fun

this, its a diablo ninja gaiden and its fun, but its okay if some

I literally just said it animation cancels so you can hit them before they can retaliate and instantly recovers more ki than you spent. How is that not useful? If you fuck up on the inputs and don't have the muscle memory to do them while focusing on enemies thats your problem.

It's probably because you mid stance dodge which sucks unless you double tap roll for more i-frames but spammy attacks/spin2wins will fuck you anyway whereas low stance has more i-frames to avoid all bullshit. You literally don't even need to look at the ki bar at all because as long as you double flux you know you're getting more ki than you spent. And again if you choose to play the lame bait and punish then it'll be boring as fuck.

>bait them by walking away till the combo drops then go in for the attack
literally any souls game

Nioh isn't as terrible as people are saying but it's not great, I'd put it at DaS2 tier. Play it first because if you play Sekiro after you'll never finish Nioh.

You don’t even need to look at your stamina bar to flux since the blue particles around your character point out the perfect timing for it.

Stop baiting and false flagging
All enemies and yokai after brief ki pulse break and being staggered with hits almost instantly eventually counter attack because of the wonky mechanics whether you fluxing or not so that shit doesn't make you some superman it just adds extra steps and de focuses you from combat whilst putting you at risk since you have to side eye mind the ki regen
It's a gimmick mate

>gay ass level design
hey man try not being a 16 year old

Sorry did your hemorrhoid from all the bum fun flair up?

Replied to the wrong post?

Plus there's a higher risk at getting raped by r1 ki regen and fluxing while standing like a mug in one place rather then ki regen dodging since enemies are bound to counter attack and destroy you
So please stop justifying this gimmick

Yeah my bad

Beat it to new game plus and killed most of the rehashed le 2 enemy boss fight missions and the games pretty shit honestly, nothing remotely redeemable.

Takes the worst of souls and ads diablo drop gimmicks, half the bosses hitboxes are so bad it might as well be a running joke.

Sekiro showed this faggot game how to do it right 2bh.

Now I'll wait for the asspained casuals who probably couldn't even beat any of the cheap double/triple bosses to spam their canned meme at me.

prosthetic and combat arts don't matter at all when you could just deflect or hit and run R1

If most of the haters in this thread played a version of Nioh that displayed "FROM SOFTWARE" before the title screen, their opinions would be diametrically reversed, and there is no debate here among unbiased individuals

Doing the standard pulse is trash. If you're actually sitting in place waiting for the ki pulse to fill up and tapping R1 you're an idiot and deserve to get punished because thats not what I've been talking about at all. You should only be using the double flux stance change anyway and then dodge, its not like there's a cooldown on stance swapping.

Just admit you're shit and couldn't handle the control scheme because you have no idea what you're talking about.

>game gives you ability that restore your stamina by pressing a button
>game also give you a optional ability that restore your stamina even more by pressing another button
>only try to do the longer one every time and get hit because pressing 2 buttons is hard
>dude wtf this gimmick sucks!11!!
absolutely retarded

Show me a webm of you pulling that successfully without getting ass raped by enemies and ill gladly reconsider getting back at this game and giving it another chance and see if it is indeed fun
Or else fuck right off and choke on your bullshit you're spraying at me


>play Dark Souls and enjoy it
>play Nioh and enjoy it
>don't compare them because they are wildly different and, among other things, Nioh is a loot and stat simulator while Dark Souls is not
I really do not understand these people who seem to go out of their way to not like something. If all you like to play is Dark Souls, you probably don't like video games that much to begin with.

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not the user you're talking with but I really hate the "double stance" ki flux thing. wish it didnt exist tbqh. i just want to stay in my stance without having to constantly change just for the purpose of ki insta regen.

If you do not like loot simulators, why did you play the game in the first place? Might as well compare KoToR to Jedi Academy when you hate gear and stats.

the combat is fun but unfortunately it doesn't really matter because you can just blow everything up with OP gear so there's no real need to bother with any of the mechanics

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>why did you play the game in the first place
I thought it would eventually git gud, ironically.

>If you do not like loot simulators, why did you play the game in the first place?
>Might as well compare KoToR to Jedi Academy when you hate gear and stats.

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Jesus christ do you actually think pressing 2 fucking buttons is so impossible that you need a video proof of it?

It just gives you some extra ki if you use it, it's not like you're forced to use it everytime, plus you can just switch back to your original stance by pressing it again

>combat so deep guys
>look at these STANCES
>look at all these skills (that have no practical use)
>first four difficulties are a tutorial, WotN is where the REAL GAME starts

also niohfags:
>so yeah endgame is doing some retarded cheese one shot build

Why does Yea Forums suddenly hate Nioh? What happened?
It's still probably my favourite game of 2017 alongside Zelda and Mario

>It's still probably my favourite game of 2017 alongside Zelda and Mario
explains a lot

I knew what you were saying, I ignored it anyway, just like how I ignored the putrid intensity of nioh, so I could persevere it to the bitter end.

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1 Kat
Quick change because i'm a shitter
Look, if you don't make a cute oni girl in Nioh 2 then you're playing the game wrong

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>Y-y-y-you have to play in way of the nioh difficulty or go down the endless dungeon to floor 1500 where super onryoki spawns, th-th-that's when the REAL NIOH starts

>first four difficulties are a tutorial, WotN is where the REAL GAME starts
For some reason every single team ninja wanker is fucking autistic

The fromdrone coward in the face of the NiohChad

No I know you're bullshitting of its execution so prove it to me
Fucking stance changing with faux is the most awkward counter intuitive style of gameplay that's bound to fuck you up and is a fucking gimmick for autists to feel better about their achievement