Classic WoW

What do you miss the most about home?

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>not leveling horde
>missing out on the comfiest zone in the entire game

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I miss the game having a more cohesive world that doesn't feel like I'm time travelling randomly.

Also seeing actual players in levelling zones.

>barrens chat in 2019

zones gonna be a tormented shithole
imagine all the zoomers and their fucking reddit memes spamming generalchat


>actually trusting activision jews to not ruin vanilla wow
>the same jews that came up with WoD, Legion and BfA
>willingly giving money to the same people that made fucking BfA
I knew Yea Forums was stupid but this is ridiculous.

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Considering the announcements they made I trust them not to fuck up this one
The only thing that could turn out to be really shitty is introducing PvP gear before BWL.

The feel of home. After you have leveled up and gone through all of the places, you and everyone else gather around in Stormwind to fuck around. Now there's so many distant worlds that people scatter everywhere.

I'm missing an mmo game where I don't feel bad for skipping a week or a month because I didn't feel like partaking in some power level grind.

Spending every waking moment during summer vacation playing, while watching Comedy Central on another TV, in my room, with no plans, no job, no chores.
That was what I miss, that carefree feeling.
Now, I've got a wife, and a job.
It won't be the same, but I will be able to feel that feeling for a few hours at least.

>WoD, Legion and BfA


shut the fuck up discord tranny

Night Lighting
No cross server shit
Server community and player reputation
Not having to rush end game, plenty of people to enjoy the leveling phase with.
That allowed to "waste" time doing fun activity not related to progress, as you weren't falling behind your friends/community
Only 1 difficulty raids.

That said, i won't play vanilla.

Branching skill trees that weren't locked into a single spec. I fully expect them to fuck this up somehow.

>monthly sub to play Classic
>new(old) dungeons and raids sold separately as cash shop DLC
>that'll be 10 dollars plus tip with VAT for BWL

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I miss the zones. they're just so comfy and perfect music, as well as the world being so big and unique settings

I miss the investment into your character. like actually doing dungeons for gear that isn't level cap or working on mid level sets and low level trinkets that can be used even at 60. something very cool and flavorful being able to farm low level things for items you can use when you're 60. low level content being relevant at higher end.

the oldschool rpg elements like resist, class lore(poisons, irrelevant but fun spells, gear progression.etc) hybrid and experimental builds

community and famous/infamous players

rock paper scissors pvp is fun because you may be able to completely destroy a certain class but another one will fuck you up. making every class feel unique and needed for one reason or another.

the journey.

lads, were finally going home

Honestly I miss actually travelling the world the most. WoW is a beautiful game with a god tier soundtrack. I think it's an awful shame it's been turned into a queue simulator. I enjoy finding friends to do a dungeon with, travelling there and being at risk of PVP and actually entering the dungeon myself. It adds a lot ot the immersion of the game which is very important for RPGs. NuWoW just ain't an MMORPG anymore. I don't know what it is. It's not the same game I fell in love with back in 2006 though.

This. People really exaggerate how EPIC barren's chat was. Not to mention it's gonna differ from server to server naturally. My most recent interaction with barrens was on Nostalrius and it was a shit show. I don't remember much of what was said but I remember wanting to get out of there as soon as possible. People can't just have comfy conversations about things, they have to force some dumb autistic barrens chat meme where they've gotta force humor hard and it's just cringy as shit.

See people drop this tinfoil hat logic but if they dared do this no one would play. Not even their nu audience. Because they've already got access to that shit on top of expansions worth of content (even if it is shit)

BfA has the lowest player count ever but has made the most money because of all the cucked people who keep buying the cash shop shit.

I trust that someone has seen that there's been mistakes made. Businesses aren't blind. When they're struggling to maintain a million subscribers even when they sat on 12 million before they know they've fucked the game up, possibly beyond repair. That matched with private servers showing how viable vanilla is to sell has likely convinced them its time to go back to the way things used to be done. They have already said they intend on introducing classic mechanics into nu wow going forward. Look I know you're paranoid and you've every right to be but you should check out some blue posts to keep up to date on this shit. There's a reason people have hope.

They've said they intend on leaving TALENTS as 1.12. Not the itemisation. They've said nothing of that. In all likelyhood the PVP gear we get in phase 2 will be the OLD gear. They really should've elaborated on this but when they said whats gonna be 1.12 they only mentioned skills and talents.

Frost mage aoe grinding

>tfw wont be able to do it due to high population
why even play

I want confirmation of sharding being gone before I'm interested in playing. Sharding is the killer of MMOs. There was always shards in some capacity, its how MMOs function. But it's fucking bullshit to be tossed in and out of servers to suit server capacity. I fucking logged in, that should be enough.

>but has made the most money because of all the cucked people who keep buying the cash shop shit.
Source for this? This sets an unhealthy precedent and I fucking hate these autistic braindead zoomer faggots.
It isn't even a case of buying games they like anymore. It's supporting bullshit practises.

You act like Blizzard hasn't straight up lied to our faces time and time again or been responsible for a dozen bait and switches just before content goes live.

Nothing, glad it is gone and can't wait for all these 'home' fags to neck themselves after the surge of disappointment.

Join a low pop server. They naturally get population over time because people are forced there when they go through that find me a server bullshit before you create a character. Also you really don't wanna be competing for mats on a high population server. You'll be WPVPing more than anything. Which really sounds better than it is when you're just trying to get some raid consumables so you don't OOM.

Yeah, maybe Classic is just a big lie and it's actually Overwatch 2. They sure got us.

Having the over-world feel dangerous, also elites being actually difficult.

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I don't know whether they will. I haven't personally been burnt enough times to know better I guess. I can't really just take your word for it though. Would you mind showing me some examples?

Also I'm confident in the classic team only because it's a separate team from the retail wow team. They've been bringing in shit and seem to genuinely care about bringing us a good experience. I haven't been able to be hyped for an MMO for literally more than a decade and this is the first time I've felt like I can enjoy something again.

There's just been so much fucking shit out in the past 10 years in particular that I'm close to burning out. It seems as though no one knows how to create an engaging MMO any more. I really hope this comes together cause otherwise I have nothing to play anymore. I'll have to consider getting a new hobby because there's just nothing.

Pretty spiteful attitude to have. I suppose you've nothing to be happy about then?

Where is Mankirk's Wife

I'm going to enjoy typing nothing but CRINGE in response to barrens chat and getting permabanned for toxicity by some tranny GM

Ahem, ahem:

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How do you guys like to conduct duels? Do you allow trinkets (including PVP) and engineering gadgets or do you only allow racials or perhaps opt to only play the base class? Do you condone the use of consumables in duels? How about people who polymorph/goblin helm/frost trap/sap and sit there healing to full?

Wow, the game that casualized and killed the mmo genre, deserves to die.

>fuck rogues
Nice false flag there buddy