Reminder we get this piece of shit instead of E3

Reminder we get this piece of shit instead of E3.

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What do you mean instead?
Yeah this wasn't very good but obviously Sony is keeping the big hitters for E3

Look faggot, just because YOU don't like something doesn't mean the multi-billion dollar international megalith company gives a shit.

I loved it, and I can totally see Sony investing in the future that is VR in a smart and effective manner.

that's a good thing

you see, their E3 would've been that.. they would announced bunch of VR title, maybe some dude would've played the banjo at most

so they had to skip it until they actually have a PS5 to show

nobody tell him

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I'm so sorry user.

t. seething that sony will win another e3 with death stranding and ghosts of tsushima (probably bloodborne 2 as well)

Gentlemen, what we witness here is the power of the human mind. Denial to the point of actual reality morph.

How can more focused, frequent announcements be a bad thing?

Isn't Ghost of Tsushima coming out before June 2020 though?

user, please, it's time to wake up.

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Because they have 0 to show. More focus on nothing is still nothing.

It's so rare to see Sony lose.

What happened to them?

Generally, they aren't necessarily worse.
The Absolute State of Play was fucking garbage though and basically showing a bunch of VR shit that no one cared about.


Managerial hubris and general complacency

Sony only shows movies anyway. I don't get why you'd care except for E3 shitposting.

user, this is a Sony thread. Not a Sega thread. This picture of Knuckles is irrelevant.

>It's so rare to see Sony lose.

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It really isn't that "unique" to see a company waver like this. If a company or brand does well, it will go full "company first" and milking the consumers for all their worth. This will please shareholders and load their wallets. If a company or brand is doing badly they'll go full "consumer first" to win the hearts and minds of the people in an attempt to achieve the the former.

Right now, PS4's on the first stage, while (for example) Xbox is on the second which is why they're trying to sell their shit as the more video-game focused consumer-loving console. Mark my words if Microsoft win next gen they'll take Sony's current position and suddenly Sony will be all about sucking consumer dick.

>be at E3
>90% of your time is spent on some dude blowing into a pipe
>9% is cinematics of games that were already announced
>1% is actual new stuff
I would skip E3 for the coming couple of years as well after that shitshow

>jokes for years about Sony showing the same 4-5 games for several E3s in a row
>those games come out
>Sony decides to skip E3
The jokes write themselves sometimes.

>mfw Nintendo Direct was trending immediately after State of Play
>mfw Nintendo Direct rumors started up again to wash the taste of this shitshow out of everyone's mouth

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It was just because everyone said things like "This State of Play was a lot better than any Nintendo Direct"
So that's why pls stop asking about it

said nobody ever

user you sweet child...

The absolute state of SnoyStation

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Can you teach me how to get (you)s?

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Its better they are setting expectations though, better to be like "Hey, we got nothing to show besides more of what you already know about so we are skipping this one" then hyping it up then just showing more of the same.

Next lot of consoles is fast approaching so besides those 3-5 games we know about all their other shit is probably stuff for the ps5.

No, what you are getting is a PS5 announcement at the end of the year.

Sony typically does their console announcement in March, so probably next year rather

plus they'll still be hoping for PS4 holiday sales, so they're not gonna announce something that may cause people to hold back

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Why does this matter? E3 is a waste of time, effort, and money. Always was.

>who cares if it was bad, at least the company is getting more money
Why are snoy corporate slaves so mentally ill?

Act like a volatile retard. EZ

What was Sony's official stance concerning E3? Are they pulling a Nintendo and not having a conference, or abandoning E3 entirely?

who are "we"

The latter.

Delusional sony cuck

sony have basically conceded to microsoft, nintendo and google.


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Why are people so outraged about this nontroversy? If you liked VR you got a treat. If you didn't you don't have to watch.

Is this all snoyboys have to fall back onto after the absolute STATE of play? Just some cringey autistic drawings that don't reflect the current development of events at all?
Christ. I almost feel bad for you "people".

not like they advertised it was just VR, so people ended up watching it expecting other things

are people replying to this bait on purpose?

>people ended up watching it expecting other things
And how the FUCK is this Sony's fault?

Sony is too good for E3 now? Based.

it is for not explaining what it was going to be

who cares its not like e3 is good

More like literally no games lmao.

who the fuck keeps making this kind of horrid drawings
you have to be fucked up in the head to keep churning these out

It's suppose to be that unique brand of ironic """""""""""fun"""""""""".

Even as some one interested in VR, the presentation was shit.

I remember the last time this happened the thread got nuked by fags before we could screenshot it.

Their next games are at the Tribeca film festival.

Considering Sony's video games look like movies it actually seems more appropriate

So while every company will have some announcements during E3, Sony will just have nothing instead?

I dont even remember last E3 that I was hyped for.

Sony, thinking that they're so clever, will probably have a State of Play either right before or right after the E3 schedule, as a desperate attempt to undermine Microsoft and Nintendo's shows.


this and underrated

well, they simply have nothing

they obviously want to leave the PS5 for next year, and all the things they have to announce are likely PS5 games

if they went at E3 this year, they'd just have dragged it out with some guy playing the flute and announced some shovelware for VR

>Living in Nincels, Xgroids and Petition Beggars heads rent free

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They started to be California dreaming, and that shitty state ruined everything

I own a PS4 and was legitimately hoping that the State of Play stream would give a good impression.
Stop accepting mediocrity and interpreting criticism as just angry fanboys.
You're making a fool not only out of yourself but everyone who identifies as a sony fan, having people like you in this fanbase is humiliating.
Just stop.

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