Night City

>Night City
>there's sunlight

Attached: Cyberpunk-2077-third-person-virtual-reality-1111832.jpg (590x350, 51K)

Other urls found in this thread:

punktanic coming through

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>trusting vodka niggers

>there's summer, winter and autumn

If a huge vertical city isn't at least half of the map I'm not buying.
I don't care about sunlight but I do still want to fuck around in a giant concrete jungle while blasting retrowave.

We already have a GOAT cyberpunk game, thanks.

Attached: The Land Down Under alt.png (525x700, 182K)

Yes user, the sun will exist in 2077

How would you know what sunlight even looks like?

Because it's named after Richard Night. You're welcome.

Human Revolution certainly isn't a perfect game, but the gold aesthetics are just beautiful. Not only do they give it a unique atmosphere, they also have a great symbolism as they're meant to represent the golden age of humanity. (which is why Mankind Divided is more grey and blue)

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I'm not really bummed about sunlight, going by the gameplay the city looks pretty neat either way and I've hear that there will be a lot of vertical exploration which is pretty new in those types of games.
It's a genuine shame that we will probably never ever get generic neon shit cyberpunk sandbox though.

>that massive city complex
>can only explore a handful of corridors
It's trash.

Oh no no no

Attached: download.jpg (1024x576, 96K)

Why did I move here?

I guess it was the sun.

this, whats the point of huge buildings blocking the sky if you can only walk through few linear corridors, id rather have smaller buildings, but be able to explore them and drive around them

Fuck your sunlight problems.
I wanna be able to use flying vehicles

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people may joke but bottom pic really does look like GTA V's Blaine County on low settings


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>Los Angeles
>no angels whatsoever

Anyone else hoping this game bombs like crazy?

I hope it almost destroys CDPR. So their only option is go back to the most safe one possible, a 4th Witcher game with Geralt as the protagonist, no nonsense ideas like Ciri as the protagonist instead .

Or hell, make a Witcher 3 remastered and churn out more expansions.

Wait, no way. A rural area in one game vaguely resembles a rural area in another game? Woah...

>Oh God Pondsmith help me today... We lost... our SOUL.
>70% of our skylines are led by our scorching, burning, illuminating sunlight, but as scorching, burning and illuminating as our sunlight is - one thing sunlight cannot do, SUNLIGHT CANNOT TURN A CITY INTO RAINY, FOGGY DYSTOPIA. IT CAN'T DO THAT - IT CAN'T DO THAT - IT CAN'T DO THAT.

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Refer to your other thread where you got told

I hope it does extremely well. Wouldn't mind seeing a cyberpunk resurrection in vidya.

>It's rain-wet streets, it's nights like this with fog rolling in; cars; faceless people going by doing the things that they're doing, there's something kind of hypnotic about it. That's how I get inspired. To carry what these streets are like; what this city is like; the mysteries; the stories; the thousands and thousands of people that you pass, that are going by as shadows in this wet, cold dangerous environment. I wanted to grab that, I wanted to take it to the future and where I took it was Cyberpunk.

>What I loved was the fact that it was a combination of dystopian society - a lot of technology - with this really great over-layer of almost Film Noir. In the Cyberpunk world I realised real soon, was a world where people had the technology but it didn't fundamentally change the fact there was a lot of treacherous, nasty behaviour; large weapons and a lot of - sort of - serious danger all about. The important part in Cyberpunk is just that. It's not the technology, it's the feel. It's getting that dark, gritty rain-wet street feeling but at the same time getting that rock and roll, lost and desperate and dangerous quality. Cyberpunk is about that interface between people and technology, but not in that Transhumanist way where it's all about the technology changing or improving them, it's about how people use things. There's a great Gibson saying " The street finds its uses for things" and that's what Cyberpunk is about. Cyberpunk isn't about saving humanity it's about saving yourself.

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You mean the piss filter?

Sun, fun and beautiful women.

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It's like the only people complaining dont know shit about the setting.

I just had a dream, which doesn't happen too often, but when I dream something it happens.

So basically Cyberpunk will release another trailer soon, and it will be extremely downgraded, it will look like a PS2 game

Why does everyone hate the Sun in Cyberpunk settings? Is the Sun not allowed to exist?

Attached: cyperpunk what we wanted.png (2000x1000, 2.11M)

I doubt they'll downgrade it too much. Graphically it doesn't look anything special, only thing that will get downgraded for sure is the crowd density, at least on the consoles.

Attached: cercit.jpg (1920x1080, 440K)

Yes, just like in reality there's day and night you basement dweller

Yea Forums full of brainlets as usual
Enjoy your GTA V mod


I like to pretend it's the steam from the hordes of homeless people pissing in the alleys

You're retarded it'll be topping "best rpg" lists for years after release

Those crowds aren't even that huge, especially considering so many NPCs share the exact same animations. If consoles can handle Hitman crowds they can handle that too.

>if you don't like the piss filter you must like Witcher 3: GTA edition
Lmao Kys retard.

It's just the same person who posts the same thread over and over.
A better question would be what kind of brain damage does it take to repost the same non-issue countless times on an anonymous image board.

>game has disgusting piss filter
>gets called out
>m-muh brainlets!
>m-muh GTA!

Truly BTFO beyond repair

All I saw was the next trailer being worse tan the previous one, much worse, Yea Forums was having an aneurysm over how bad it was

It's mostly a meme, there are about 3 guys on this entire boards who genuinely shitpost about daylight being a problem. The rest of it is ironic shitposting.

you're just doing this for (You)'s, i'm sure, but i'm pretty sure it's probably because the city itself is still active during the night. "Night Life" something like that.

Between this and VTMB2 do you think we're gonna see a resurgence on tabletop-based RPGs in the 20's?

I hope it does well to get interest in cyberpunk and potentially get some good cyberpunk games. and I'm not a petty faggot and don't have enough shit taste to like witcher or 2077

assasins creed has had denser crowds since last gen.

That's because Yea Forums is full of brainlets who unironically thought that CGI trailer from 7 years ago was actually representative of the final product.

I wouldn't mind a real, non-isometric Shadowrun game

I don't think the sun is a problem as much as it is the building height and size. It's just so small scale compared to what I want.

And I figured this would be a problem when they said there are no flying cars.

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>is already praised like mad by games media on a 50 minute demo
>extremely hyped to near Rockstar or Bethesda game levels
There's no way this game will bomb critically or in sales.

>wanting another Witcher

Hitman has separate levels with fairly static conditions while Cyberpunk is an open-world game w/ dynamic events, vehicles moving by, dynamic weather and day/night cycle. There's no way a console can handle all that while holding an acceptable framerate.

Attached: screencap.jpg (1920x1080, 262K)

The crowds in Hitman are about 5 times as large and dense as the ones in the C2077 footage, though. If CDPR is anywhere near as competent as IO they'll have no trouble getting those crowds to run on consoles despite all the dynamic elements you mentioned.

most of you avoid the sun in real life so no surprise that you want to avoid it in a video game too.

The building size is fine.

I knew something was odd. I had never seen the sun in a Deus Ex game before.

There's maybe 150 people in that image. I'm pretty sure games can handle crowds of that size easily at this point.

Like the other user said, Assassin's Creed has been doing this since early last gen with probably triple the number of npcs.

Are those robot looking dudes like the one on the left here still human but just completely decked with augmentations?
I hope we can have V go full chrome.


Are we looking at the same image? There are like 50-70 people there.

>New York
>It's old

I was being generous.

>be a neet
>Stay indoors your whole life
>Hear that there's a new cyberpunk game coming out
>Get angry because the game has sunlight

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Do you tip 300% at restaurants?

Maybe you're right, if they've indeed managed to optimize their crowd system well. They did talk about rewriting like 90% of the TW3 engine for this game. We'll have to wait and see.

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I think they're called brainiacs.

>The Brainiacs are the thinking man's boostergang, always choosing skill chips over other, clumsier cybernetics. They live for knowledge, and are willing to obtain it in any way possible. lt is believed that upper Ievel members of the gang are so enhanced that they have become walking computers, hovering on the edge of cerebral cyberpsychosis. lf you've got a new skillchip the Brainiacs haven't seen before, getting their help will be a cakewalk.

>Generally not as violent as your average boostergang, the Brainiacs can be just as deadly, preferring elaborate traps or complicated schemes to killing their victims outright. The Brainiacs almost wiped out a chapter of the Blood Razors once by "arranging" for their rivals to cross paths with a heavily armed Arasaka security force.

>Despite multiple attempts by other gangs to wipe them out, the Brainiacs have always outsmarted their opponents. This savvy's earned them a measure of respect in other places besides the Street; high-ranking Brainiacs will occasionally hire themselves out to corporations for a few weeks to gain supplemental income.

>The Brainiacs claim a group of blocks north of the Corporate Center as home. They're not involved in any turf wars right now, but are hated by most other boostergangs in the City (who will kill any Brainiac caught alone). The Brainiacs will only take new members that pass a rigorous IQ test. (applicant's INT is 9+)

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>new York.
It's old as fuck.

It's full of girls and trannies.

>Los Angeles
Everyone knows where it is

What does "night" in night city has to do with time of day?
>Night City was the brainchild of businessman Richard Night

>400 year old city

American history at its finest

>Sin City
>there's innocents and moral men within city limits

Attached: Lee Van Cleef - For a Few Follars More.png (487x481, 255K)

Sounds cool.

Attached: cyberpunk.png (2412x3264, 302K)

I fucking wish, Omae

Eurocuck obsession and retardation at is finest.

>muh chink letters everywhere

Why is this some sort of staple in cyberpunk settings? Is it trying to borrow from the dumb vaporwave aesthetic? It's in America and I don't really see a lot of chinks running around, so why are their letters fucking everywhere?

>point out fact
>l-le muh o-obsessed!
>I'm actually American

Like pottery. Stay mad

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It stems from the 80's, Japan's economy was booming and everyone pretty much assumed they would dethrone the US as the global economic leader

>400 year old
>not 400 year young
you confirmed it yourself

except now its china

look at this shit.. this not cyberpunk.. looks like gta

what a fucking shame..

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Not our fault we're speedrunning our Civilization 5 game.

The issue isn't that there's day

The issue is that it looks like a shitty Los Angeles clone. Or actually worse than that. Like someone put Saints Row 3 and 4's Steelport (also an awful fucking map) and Los Santos in a blender. See pic

>it has sun and trees so it must be gta
Jesus christ

Do you ever get tired of posting this same post in every thread?

>see pic of this rural area while talking about the city

What did he mean by this?

Not just any trees, retard. Palm trees. Literally GTAV

There's an extra million sales ;)

>it has palm trees so its gta v
Wew lad

Why would it even have palm trees if they weren't literally going for the GTA audience? You can't explain it.

Japan is a big thing in the Cyberpunk 2020 lore or something.

Here's what we know about 2077 districts.
City Center: Night City's biggest pride, this is the heart of corporations, the cluster of neon, and the quintessence of luxury.

Watson: A unique mix of Asian cultures, it is a fallen corporate giant now populated by immigrants, hiding various bazaars and markets in a tangle of narrow alleyways.

Westbrook: Featuring tourist-oriented Japantown, it is a place for the wealthy who like to work hard and play hard.

Heywood: Living in one of the neighborhoods of the predominantly Latino area means you successfully managed to climb the social ladder -- it's a massive suburban housing district, with an underlying gang problem.

Pacifica: On the other end of the spectrum, this is the most dangerous part of town, abandoned and overrun by gang activity. Separated from the rest of the city, it's a place of immense poverty.

Santo Domingo: All of Night City is powered from here, with its countless power plants and industrial factories, stuck in an endless cycle of modernization.

Thank you, that explains some things.

>film noir
Doesn't need to be filmed at night, that's not what characterizes the genre, only the aesthetic perception carried by a few mongs like you.
Doesn't need to be night-only either.
You faggots understand both of these are characterized by philosophies and themes and not by aesthetics right?

yeah kinda hard to compete with a nation that has a billion slaves

>Literally just finished Blade Runner 2049 for the first time
This is what retards want in video game form? The movie cannot figure out if Earth is currently in an apocalypse or not. And jesus christ that movie was a whole two hours of nothing the movie. Even worse they confirm that Deckard IS a replicant, when the whole point of his character is that he's so fucking advanced nobody can tell.

Attached: disappointed.gif (220x220, 392K)

Then why was Blade Runner set only during rainy nights, you faggot?

Because of its location, while not a real city, is still inspired by California?

Imagine having taste this shit

yup, on equal technological footing, the one with the highest population wins

>Fake human kills fake human
>Has existential crisis
>has sex with glitch girlfriend
>Goes to find other fake human
>Saves fake human from other fake humans
>Lays down on steps in the snow
This movie is shit. The book is a billion times better.

Have sex

I just did, with your mom

>Have sex
Oh wow! BTFO am I right?
>Ahhh virgin!
Get some new material and ARGUMENTS!

They never confirmed that. The director thinks he is (or does now, as he's gotten old and crazy), Ford himself doesn't think that, a lot of the cast is heavily split on the matter. Its overall themes make more sense if he's human, that said.

This is going to be the biggest AAA piece of shit to date

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i unironically liked BR49, but still i hate BR fags for wanting CP77 to have a giant mcdonald adds on tower of babels and the constant neonraindark "aesthetic"

>They never confirmed that
That's the whole reason his daughter is locked behind the bubble. That's the whole reason Joe had flash backs to the (one time he did did his job) because the fake human he killed and the bones they found confirmed that fake humans can have kids.

Imagine actually screencapping your own posts because you think you made amazing arguments

You have to love how Hong Kong in Deus Ex just looks like a giant indoor Kowloon Walled City, even when it's outdoors.

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>complains about lack of groundbreaking
>while Rock* hasnt made anything new since GTA 3 and Fromsoft has made the same game 6 times

have sex

Based and redpilled

A major problem I have with the movie is that they introduce far too many things and then abandon them instantly. Just about everything in the movie is explored once for a tiny "plot" point and then left behind for something new. The kids in the desert? The raiders or whatever the fuck they are? The archive? Wallace? That was disappointing. I didn't live up to the hype people here created for it, let alone my blank expectations.

I just did, with your mom

As a waterfag I prefer having a day-night cycle in any game to appreciate the water more.

this is a good look tee bee haitch

>The Brainiacs are the thinking man's boostergang, always choosing skill chips over other, clumsier cybernetics.
Either they have changed drastically over 57 years, or those arent Brainiacs

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I'm just praying that my old 980 + 4690k can run this game

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just play gta 5 its gonna be the same shit.

who are you speaking for user?

57 years is quite a while. I imagine cybernetics have a fair bit in that time

it will dont worry, not highest settings but still

I'm pretty sure those guys in the cab are heavily augmented mercs/assassins. They were talked about specifically after the trailer was released.

Night city... home...

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Attached: Kokaku kidotai.webm (1276x692, 2.64M)

Will this keep up until the release in Q3 2049 ?

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A tripfag isn't being a fag for once.

>not having automatic blinds that open as the sun rises to naturally wake you up

I hope the game will have some of the old guns, at least as easter eggs.

Attached: Screenshot_240.png (352x212, 62K)

Nightfags and Blade Runnerfags deserve castration, and then the noose

Attached: cyberpunk2020_weather.jpg (598x347, 132K)

>android wiping its eyes as it wakes up in the morning

I despise tripfagging but it is the lesser evil that I was forced to choose.

Attached: oh no no no its daylight.webm (1276x692, 2.55M)

Why would you even have blinds in the first place if they just automatically come up when it's daylight outside?

>oh no no no its daylight
Careful, the contrarians will scream that it's hazy, as if that isn't just a stylistic choice for that scene.

Attached: Screenshot_241.png (352x244, 56K)

Because she lives in the middle of the city where everything is bright at night.

I honeslty can't tell if people are still shitposting about cyberpunk not being bladerunner

My biggest worry is that they will axe entire areas like they did in the witcher 3. The witcher 3's finale is completely boring as it essentially cut up into pieces

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It's mostly shitposting but zoomers who think Blade Runner 2049 is poetic top-tier cinema are probably being unironic about it

>palm trees only exist in Los Angeles/GTA
Imagine being this much of a brainlet.

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>worse they confirm that Deckard IS a replicant

Attached: The Great Hollow.jpg (451x432, 24K)

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>When a brainlet movie like Blade Runner is too much for you to handle
Kek, nice avatar by the way. Suits you well.

The noose is too humane, my friend

Attached: Screenshot_98.png (389x136, 52K)

My Nomad that I reused for a few games carried this in his arm's quickdraw holster, brings back memories

Attached: erron.jpg (816x1056, 88K)

>cyberpunk is comfy
>too much of a pussy to go to China to get the real cyberpunk experience

Attached: f-zhongxian-a-20171210-870x580.jpg (870x580, 89K)

>Shitty cities with shitty people
>No advanced technology
>Communist party spying on you literally everywhere you go (literally, they have cameras everywhere recording you)
>Everywhere outside of the cities is actually third world
Why would you want to do this?

Damn, looks sexy.

Attached: Screenshot_242.png (337x303, 42K)

Ironic, since you're describing yourself (1st post in the chain)

>N-no u!

Attached: shiggy.jpg (549x600, 71K)

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Got any stories to share?

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>Soccer player.jpg

>buffalo city
>there's no buffalo

>New York City
>It's not new and it's not York

Cyberpunk is basically that but with advance technology

may as well, make everyone suffer if I have to

So then China isn't cyberpunk you idiot.

>its naught cybapunk
>firstperson bad
>sun bad

Attached: download.jpg (179x281, 7K)

Attached: Screenshot_9.png (525x730, 206K)

Feels good to dive to the bottom of the Mariana Trench with just your body.

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Erron once defended our Netrunner PC while they were plugged into the Net, while a solo that had been chasing us the entire campaign was closing in.
We were at the top of a spiral stairway in a high rise & I poured all my Luck into recreating the American Psycho bit & dropped my knife straight into the Solo's henchman's head
>Erron's face when

Attached: 4454657211.gif (498x280, 1.83M)

Come to China gweilo. We take good care of visitors.

Attached: China's cyberpunk future.webm (360x360, 2.91M)

I can totally see C2077 blowing everything else out of the water at this year E3.

that doesn't take much effort with the way e3 is going these days.

no matter how "worse" its doing, its still the best one there is

Or to walk through a burning building unscathed.
Luck is underrated. I remember our group tried to infiltrate a building full of Inquisitors and our stealth oriented Netrunner tripped(!), alerting everyone inside. There would not be much issue, but our Solo had an ULTRA SHINY BRIGHT LIKE A THOUSAND SUNS CHROMED CYBERARMâ„¢. So our Medtechie got out all his Luck in an attempt too bluff it out.

Attached: Screenshot_14.png (528x724, 194K)

Instead of fucking around on your phone while a movie plays in the background why don't you pay attention to what Niander Wallace actually says?

Attached: Screenshot_11.png (520x719, 239K)

>Fucking around on my phone
And do what with my phone? Browse Yea Forums while I already have Yea Forums on my PC? Nah nigger, damage control some more.
>Niander Wallace
He specifically points out that Tyrell figured out how to make replicants have kids. He wants that capability.

Attached: Screenshot_12.png (515x716, 206K)

>All these blade runner fags that have not read the book, not watched either movie and just repost memes over and over again
>They're the ones that are shitting up these threads the majority of the time

Attached: into the trash it goes.png (314x438, 227K)

Attached: Screenshot_13.png (516x720, 238K)

>our stealth oriented Netrunner tripped(!)
Fucking kek
Never send a nerd to do a warrior's job

Attached: 1553717295153.gif (1920x1080, 267K)

This is how daylight is done in real Cyberpunk. Gloomy and dull.

Cyberpunk 2077 looks like Watch Dogs 2.

At 1080p?, sure, The game is meant to be shipped to PS4 Xone as well, so It has to run on more powerful PC hardware

Should've bought that cell deck instead of European stealth legs.

Attached: Screenshot_15.png (519x731, 221K)

don't worry user-poo, i'm sure someone will make pissfilter mod for cp2077

Nigger that sun is literally blinding.

Attached: Screenshot_72.png (510x728, 240K)

All I fucking want is fully fleshed out 3d Shadowrun for the Genesis without the Tolkien fantasy monsters and good decking sequences.

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I regret never trying a fullbody conversion, the humanity costs always scared me out of doing it.
Dragoons are the fucking coolest

>for the Genesis
Hello time traveler.

Another good example of good cyberpunk daylight Stay mad and delusional, apologist cucks.

>That one time our Medtech killed a Dragoon in a furniture duel

Attached: dragoon.png (574x830, 211K)

No I mean just take Shadowrun for the Genesis as the basis.

>He's literally spending his every Saturday shitposting like a good little NPC

Attached: kek satania2.jpg (1280x720, 123K)

You're defending a game that looks like GTA 5 + Watch Dogs 3. Kill yourself.

And you look gay

>I actually triggered him with that post of mine

Attached: Gwen laugh.jpg (1920x1080, 320K)

thats the one where they gave up on holding off cyber-psychocis and just drug the fuck out of you while your in it, and have lots of hardware level locks on what it can do.
then they switch you to a less empathy fucking body when you aren't ruining shit and you can barely remember what you even did in it.


What am I doing, posting images one by one?
Here's the trove:

Attached: Screenshot_44.png (633x899, 1.09M)

Thanks buddy. There's no reason to keep bumping a shitpost thread. Hopefully you've been posting without bumping

that's what these zoomies don't get, you either had to go to dark neon bars to get laid (not that cool) or go to a beach since there wasn't any social media. But every tv show had some Neon intro or something with a grid so that's what everyone remembers I guess.

Shitpost threads are the only ones that live past 10 posts. Believe me.

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80s swimsuit is pure kino

In regards to Rachel, he doesn't know/disclose the nature of Deckard.

Lets get back to Cyberpunk 2077, a few things suggesting a 2019 release, and almost guaranteed to show off the finished game at E3. Where is the Squidwards E3 user?

I didn't want a first person pseudo-RPG.

And your parents didn't want autistic child like you.

>the GTA audience is the GTA audience because of palm trees

Prove it