>one of the levels in a game is one of the earlier levels but in future/alternative timeline
What games besides Dark Souls 3 do this?
One of the levels in a game is one of the earlier levels but in future/alternative timeline
Other urls found in this thread:
Why do we hate gay people again?
HIV and degeneracy
They took away all of the hot chads from me
Because the man in the videos tells us to, else we won't have actual thought
Ocarina of Time, yo.
one of them invented the computer, which allowed for the invention of 4chins and now we're all stuck here because of him
I just find them annoying. If I made my love of BBW 80% of my personality people would annoying me too.
The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
those aren't gay people those are faggots
Yeah I wonder why. Did he mention he's gay?
Because it goes against the natural order of things. Sex was made for man and woman, as was marriage. To do otherwise is perverting God's sacred marriage covenant.
The rectum expels waste, it's not designed to be a receptacle for semen. No life can spring from that mockery of a union, because shit are not eggs and can't be fertilized.
Who cares?
Because gay people can Have Sex easier. Although it can come with some risks, especially if you're American
Chrono Trigger?
this. they are just attention whores who like to stand out because theyre gay
>natural order of things
What natural order? Did you know that homosexually, necrophilia, pedophilia and other things that considered a sexual perversion by humans are extremely common in the nature?
The one given by God to humans.
They're not "extremely common" at all. They sometimes happen but are extremely abnormal.
Anyway, this is completely off-topic because this is a video games board. Shut the fuck up.
Click on this image to find out my true sexuality
The answer may shock you!
Don't startle him, the fedora is going to fall off his head.
your a pedo?
>appeal to nature
>appealing to nature so as to disapprove of natural phenomena
Holy shit you are dumb.
Are you sure the homosexuality is not a part of it?
gay guys like to stick together
homosexuals aren't as common as straights and if you're window shopping for boyfriends it helps to see gay people with rainbow flags
that's usually why they do it.
this argument falls kinda flat when you consider that about half this board is some kind of obnoxious waifufag or promotes their shit hetero fetish, basically doing the exact same thing
then you have folks making this claim in some way or another which is basically just a false equivalence cope. you could make a similar claim about straight men and say they're all retards because gays have a higher IQ in general (which is not really because of homosexuality but other factors)
once you point this out, people typically fall back for the back-up excuse of "it's not right" like which isn't really an argument, more like a manifestation of the need to seem rational with an irrational emotion.
when it comes down to it, people have an irrational dislike of gay people on an instinctual level due to some weird genetic factor, but rather than recognizing that
>"hm damn, i dislike gay people but i can't think of a rational reason why, so i should try not to do that"
it's instead
>"hm damn, i dislike gay people but i can't think of a rational reason why, so i should try to make some up"
you'll see that intelligent people are less likely to be homophobic because they understand their own emotions and have better control over them, and why dumber people tend to be homophobic
>natural order
>humans are part of nature
>whatever human does is natural
Either gays are eldritch horrors or something's fucky with your logic.
But faggots who base 70%+ of their personality on their sexuality are fucking annoying.
Because they keep plugging their agenda everywhere as evidence by OP pic
degenerates that doesn't understand human's nature
Shut up faggot. Only actual human beings are allowed in this website.
Ohnononono imagine writing all that LMAO
WTF user are you implying it's part of human nature to drive jews out of the country? That keep happening, is this what god wants then?
I don't hate gays, I hate faggots.
Homophobic people are usually just insecure and angry at themselves.
There was a study conducted at the scientific house of... somewhere, there's a link that likes to get posted from time to time.
It showed that the most homophobic people in the room were actually the more likely to be turned on and sexually aroused by the genitals of other men while the secure straight non-homophobic males didn't
Really makes you think
>people have an irrational dislike of gay people on an instinctual level
It's not irrational if it's on an instinctual level. Evolution is not irrational, you brain dead retard.
>half this board is some kind of obnoxious waifufag or promotes their shit hetero fetish, basically doing the exact same thing
Imagine calling anonymous posters on an anonymous imageboard attention seekers compared to someone on steam using their full name and location for the world to see. Also
>shit hetero fetish
Fucking lol. Being normal isn't a fetish.
Any word that ends with -phobic has lost its meaning so ok?
Shin Megami Tensei IV has you exploring two alternate versions of Tokyo near the ending of the game. And in New Game + you can even return to those places to get new quests.
This but with pedos and unironically
Reminder that if you support SNOY, you support degeneracy
it's a defect there too, retard
So you get to be a subhuman degenerate because of bogus science, cool.
I want to play Degrees of Lewdity with her on my lap.
Reminder that the same is true of Nintendo
I hate them because they make me look bad
this sort of makes me a little excited because it might encourage future developers to make gay yaoi visual novels and games for the ps4
>no proof
That's not the only thing they keep plugging.
Try the veal.
>this argument falls kinda flat when you consider that about half this board is some kind of obnoxious waifufag or promotes their shit hetero fetish, basically doing the exact same thing
Unless you've got proper statistics to prove it's a proper half of the board and not a vocal minority then you can't prove that.
>it's not irrational if it comes from THIS part of my brain instead of THAT part
i see i've struck a nerve when your viewpoint falls apart under even the tiniest bit of scrutiny and you're forced to rely on sad cope responses. not gay btw, i wish i was because then i'd have even more iq
look up what irrational means you retarded ape. instincts are irrational by nature since there is no cognitive thought involved whatsoever. unless you are trying to insinuate that dogs are rational thinkers when they decide to howl upon hearing other dogs howling
you think armpits is a normal fetish? yikes, the nerve of hetero fags
>there is this study that totally exists that says people who don't like gays are secretly gay themselves
>I can't name it, or link it, but it exists
>Breanna Maureen O’Handley, Karen L. Blair & Rhea Ashley Hoskin (2017) What do two men kissing and a bucket of maggots have in common? Heterosexual men’s indistinguishable salivary α-amylase responses to photos of two men kissing and disgusting images, Psychology & Sexuality, 8:3, 173-188, DOI: 10.1080/19419899.2017.1328459
Straight men have the same disgust response to seeing a homosexual male couple kissing as seeing a bucket of maggots.
I guess people who dont eat raw meat and cook it instead are against nature too.
tl:dr, fuck all faggots
>being normal is a fetish
>the nerve of hetero fags
Fag cope. If armpits aren't a normal fetish then neither is the idea of putting a penis inside a orifice meant to shit out of.
>hetero fetish
You're so gay that normal sex is something you define as a fetish.
>"Only the homophobic men showed an increase in penile erection to male homosexual stimuli"
the last time this was posted, it sent the heterofags into a rage
epic thread
very cool
video games
>a feeling tends to always have the same cause regardless of what it is a reaction to
wow. groundbreaking.
We hate faggots not gay people
i like women and i'm going to make it known especially if it pisses you off
>why do we hate people who do disgusting things, spread diseases and sexualize children
fake study
I know plenty of gay and bi people you won't know until they tell you, maybe get out of your basement and meet some real people instead of generalizing based on the cherrypicked examples you find on a Vietnamese cock fighting forum like
I fail to see how this study shows the posting demographics of Yea Forums.
>all the cockroaches desperately trying to come off as anything but asshurt and irrational because of this post
Good job user.
They're faggots
god's not real lol
seriously, god doesn't exist lol
I know I keep saying lol but I'm totally serious, all this shit is made up
But the great majority of people who practice anal are hetero my dear dumbass user
Oh shut up you pedo discord tranny.
A single study never replicated more than two decades ago with a pitiful sample size is neither reputable, or worth propagating.
>I was only pretending to be retarded
>sexualize children
kek imagine saying this on Yea Forums, there is loli posted in this very same thread, and it's straight loli.
I don't see affirmative action for footfags
I don't see diaperfags having parades where they fuck each other in public
I don't see cucks telling me what words I can and can't use as insults
And most gays don't participate in those
we don't. but we definitely hate fags
It's probably that the "homophobic" ones were just constantly thinking "don't get hard, don't get hard" and lo and behold.
Do this test, but hook the brain up and see if the dopamine area lights up.
>look at me i posted a shitty study and people called me out on it XDDDD fucking heterofags i swear, like so much ugh.... YIKES MUCH
Anal sex is not easier, retard. Takes a lot of prep if you don’t want to dig for gold. It’s why I rarely let my bf fuck my ass. Besides, it just feels like ur pooping back and forth for a while and then eventually you have cum in your ass...
ah yes the classic "i don't like the results of this study so it's not right" cope
heterofags seething at chad homos
What's with all the faggotry on Yea Forums lately? Is /lgbt/ raiding again?
>Because some people are pedophiles it's fine that us gays are too!
Wow, great argument. Riddle me this fagman, what counts for as little as 2% but also for 33%?
Sounds like your bf is bad at hitting the prostate
epic sample size my dude
i tested one guy and he was gay 100% of people are gay
Calling /pol/tards out on their middle school fallacies doesn't mean you are gay.
>2d is the same as real children
end yourself
i can't speak for others but i do it for (you)s and because i like playing rhetorical whack a mole with all the fallacies people bring out against gays
i honestly don't give a fuck about gays or anyone in general, i just like dabbing on brainlets
just the usual gays getting upset at straights
when will the heterophobia end?
Being gay isn't the same thing as being a pedophile. That said, the two categories obviously aren't mutually exclusive. Just look at ur dad lol. Fucking fag. Get raped again and moan about it on Yea Forums
god i hate you faggots
>Yea Forums - Video Games
I don't think you understand the requirements for a study to be worth shit in any scientific field, which despite the best efforts of psychology majors, their field is.
This study uses a sample size so negligible that it's pathetic, homophobia is poorly defined by the research participants, the selection process is vague and unclear, and we test sexual arousal by brain activity now. Further, the study was never reproduced with these problems addressed.
>Because some people are pedophiles it's fine that us gays are too!
more like heteros and gays both sexualize children the same and its equally bad, look at beauty contests, look every piece of media directed to girls past 12 being about "love", boyfriends, make up and all that bullshit.
This user knows how to do it. I'm in the same boat. Although I do fap pretty much exclusively to traps and femboys so I suppose I'm a little biased.
The shitorris is a myth
here's another study that points out a connection with unacknowledged sexual feelings towards the same sex and homophobia
basically if you're closeted you have a higher chance of homophobic, and as we all know, that's enough to prove that if you have any homophobic feelings then you are 100% gay and have aids
Why on Yea Forums though?
Why then, despite only accounting for 2% of the population homosexuals are responsible for 33% if all sex abuse in the country?
You can't even argue socioeconomic reasons like the blacks do.
Thousands of /gif/ webms state otherwise.
>gays openly make out with little boys in gay pride parades
>b-but muh 2D!
Care to back that up with actual sauce?
So what you're saying is that you hate gays because you secretly are one? Interesting. How gay are you exactly? I get the feeling if you were a manly man type of gay you wouldn't have this war going on inside your soul. You're probably some kind of prancing lala homo man who supresses his sing song voice and all consuming cocklust with every fiber of you're being.
Yes, I think that's the case. Interesting.
No ones like them
>The shitorris is a myth
no it is not. Men have what's called "the male g-spot" or "prostate"
You can find it with your fingers or dildo, or penis of another. Stop propagating misinformation
Because I worked out to get fit as fuck and my reward wasn't women it was faggot femboys complimenting me and asking me out.
Woman don't care about fit muscles man.
post the whole paper retard
>the prostate is a myth
Wow damn we should tell all the biologists and doctors that you have proof one of our organs is imaginary
Source: your tattered anus
Gay people, in the most basic natural level, are failures. A culture of gay people, either though disease or the fact that they're gay, would last a single generation and fissile out.
Being homosexual is entirely unnatural and counterproductive to whole purpose of being alive. If you think that abandoning your responsibility to reproduce or raising someone else's product to be LGBTQ+ is an expression of personal liberty. You're fucked.
>Gay is observed in nature, look at these mollusks ejaculating on each other
If you're prepared to lower yourself to the level of an animal to justify your preferences, die.
Being gay is okay do what the fuck you want, but do not advertise yourself as though it's normal or "acceptable"
1. huge concentration of retards
2. great place to dab on both retards who cant play strategy games and then also dab on stormfags, often in the same thread
3. moves fast enough that you get immediate replies when cultivating a (you) farm
Yes user I'm sure that happens every day and is not blatant cherrypicking made by /pol/tards to support their discourse.
>just because you hate fags doesn't mean you should hate fags
Give me 1 reason not to. Like you said, we hate them on an instinctual level. Give me 1 just ONE reason to fight that instinct. I have none, it's RATIONAL for me not to oppose that feeling.
If you take a good look at the board, hating on gays is passé now.
It's all about trannies now. And for good reasons.
If you don't care about gays, you're just another brainlet in horde.
Hop off your fence, idiot.
Homosexuals are nature's answer to kids being abandoned. Gay penguins adopt orphan penguins. It's what nature intended for humans too.
mods do apparently since these offtopic shitty threads stay up
we dont, you can be gay, no one fucking cared or notices anyways. but if you're a fucking faggot then you should kill yourself
Thats your argument? that people shouldn't be gay because if 100% of the world population were gay the human race will go extinct? thats the hill you want to die on user? because its a pretty fucking dumb one.
God relax homos, I was just joking. Really struck a nerve there, huh?
can't bitch about cherrypicking when you're a cherrypicker
Meanwhile I haven't lifted a weight in my life and I get asked out by women and daddy issues faggots because I swim and have broad as fuck shoulders.
Lifting is such a meem.