Oh god what’s happened to them now? At this rate, Tough Bippy will never come out

Oh god what’s happened to them now? At this rate, Tough Bippy will never come out

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Other urls found in this thread:


who the fuck is this
who the fuck are you
why should i care
kill yourself

Make me fag

I will be seriously bummed if it never sees the light of day. That character design for Bippy is fucking solid.

Please stop fucking shilling. I see this thread daily.

He needs to be managed, or self-manage better. He's spent like three years on that Bippy sprite

Are they dating? I seriously can't tell

livestream your own suicide you subhuman nigger

What happened now

It's just a white Klonoa

Ding Dong did his taxes as late as he could, and didnt expect to owe $500 dollars to the state!

Nobody cares you faggot shill.
Burn in hell

Yeah. Julian is the top and makes dingdong squeal like he ate a tuba


How is he such a failure?

Our favorite cynical fag couple just reached DSP levels of shameless e-begging. Well, they pretend they feel shame but it is just that cute "woe is me" facade they put so they can harvest pity from their fake e-friends/fans.

How cute.

The virgin “tough” bippy

Attached: 649911C4-DB92-4E41-A74C-26A1FE707EF6.png (2432x2432, 30K)

objectively &


The chad bowlbo

Attached: 5A6AECEA-4E44-4BDA-9512-CAF988AD6400.jpg (1448x1396, 132K)

The samefaggotry is in full effect

Move aside you fuckin' jabronis

Attached: Fwny3a8y_400x400.png (400x400, 33K)

Literally whom?

>Doesn't just move to a neighbour town with a lower rent to save money

Attached: 1550959500068.jpg (412x505, 35K)

Is DingDong and Julian the worst fucking people when it comes to handling money?

is he becoming a whinier unfunny dsp

Won't start watching his channel until he stops deleting vods

Pizza Tower is awesome, I bought the early OST off Soundcloud almost immediately. Problem is I know what all the worlds will be already

literally whomstve

DD and Julien are such unfunny fucking faggots. OneyPlays was at its peak with Chris, Zach and Lyle/Tomar, now these two buttfucking queers are back and the show sucks again. Hope they both get AIDS and fuck off so the actual funny people can come back.

The fuck happened?

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Too much Curry House

Cant you see, any source of income, attention, following, or success is 'selling out' please giv money

don't think anyone can beat DSP in that regard

Save the house
Save the pig

Filed his taxes and reported his income and now he has to pay a year of newly reported income because like DSP he doesnt plan ahead and keep in mind that he has to pay income tax on internet money

Ecelebs are not videogames.
Report. Sage. Hide.

yeah so solid it was already used by someone else

>Look at gameplay
Guess I'll be keeping an eye on this then.

Thought Julian was too prideful to be a lets player. Now he's sunk to actual begging.

They get 3000 euro from Patreon for free and they are begging for more money? How could someone be so entitled when the Bippy game is just a sidscrolling platformer, there's nothing new about it.


They literally just filed their taxes and reported their yearly income, this money is to pay the entire years worth of income tax all at once because they already spent it without thinking

Why are they saving any of the free money they get? These are grown men who are almost 30 years old for goodness sake. I can only imagine people giving them all this either think they are their friends, or believe a generic sidescroller to be a masterpiece because 'they shit on games all the time in let's play so they can do so much better right?'

"Why *aren't* they"

nobody expects the IRS especially deluded manchildren

Attached: 1538860842293.jpg (800x450, 47K)

>just about to get kicked out onto the street
>DD's anguish coming to a head
>Chris&friends having to make tweets about how sad they are
>Ending credits of Bowlbo say in honor of our dear friend DingDong

Attached: 1554378733555m.jpg (1024x576, 51K)

Because they are splitting a $42k a year income between two people, and thats before $12,600 or so in taxes

>they are splitting a $42k a year income between two people

How low paying are the jobs they have? What's the point of working if you can't even afford to live?

I believe they do not work, their entire income is patreon to make this game

$42k is slightly above minimum wage, what's truly killing them is living near LA.

Lol imagine people trying to be sad and they're using your gamertag "DingDong". I wonder if people felt silly saying "Jew Wario"

Wait is 21k enough for the taxman to fuck you over in the states?
That amount would push us to only a few hundred in tax in Aus