Early Access "Elder Scrolls Blades" Has Made 500.000USD

God is dead and ther is no way to wake up from this nightmare.

Attached: 'Elder Scrolls Blades' Has Made $500,000 Already, What Is Wrong With This World .png (591x2152, 904K)

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just vote with your wallet bro

how is this a news articles?
this should be classified as an editorial or something since the guy's sharing his personal opinion

Doesn't really work if one whale can outweight a thousand non-payers if not more.


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This, but unironically.

"b-but that doesn't work"
>game comes out that looks like complete shit
>don't buy it
>I just saved money that I can use to buy something more enjoyable
wtf i broke the system

Fallout 76 was also a massive success, this is why the games industry is fucked. Consumers are fucktards.

>Except there's nothing enjoyable on the market because everyone else paid for the dogshit so it ended up dominating the market
Wow you saved videogames.

hacked apk?

If it reaches a point where there's, in the most literal sense, nothing enjoyable on the market, I'll just move on and find something else as a hobby.

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but what can we do about it? it's not like it's 'us' that buying this shit, it's the 5% whales. besides hunting them down and murdering them all, which is logistically complicated and illegal, there's not much we can do. this basically:

As always
Poorfags complaining about moneychads

>$50 a month
You are like a little baby.

If this blows up we'll legitimately never get a TES6. They'll Half-Life 3 it.

You're right.
You're also right. It's that simple. I care about vidya beyond The Next Big Hype, but its history, passion, consumer rights, and all of that. But if most people don't give a fuck and it ruins games, I'll walk away. People destroy things. It's how it is.

Redpill me on it, why do ""game journalists"" hate TES Blades?

I'm beginning to think bethesda has some mind control technology

And why would any of us give a shit?

A game good is not made by a certain studio. Its made by people of high quality who have the direction and determination to make a good game.

Bethesda have not been that for a long time. You are not going to ever see another good RPG from them. And it doesn't matter, because someone else will come along who cares about making good RPGs and they will make a game which will make you forget you even cared about Bethesda, TES or FO. One day those series will be nothing but names kept on a website talking about their once successful series.

Bethesda sold out and died, someone else will replace them eventually because quality always trumps blatant cash grabbing.

i don't understand how someone can be so smug being a spineless piece of shit with no legitimate interests or convictions.

I don't want it to reach that point, but if we are heading down that path there isn't much I personally can do to stop it.
So at that point in order to make the best of it, I'll just spend money elsewhere, somewhere where I'll actually feel like I'll be getting my money's worth.

god is dead and we killed him

Liking things doesn't draw a crowd.

Please explain to me, how can I, on a personal level stop the microtransaction cancer in video games? What other personally beneficial course is there other than not participating in it?

TES6 will just have mtx for every quest after the first 5.

So much angst in this post.

>un-break games
That's a good point. Broken games with game-breaking time-gates is worse than bugs because at least bugs are usually unintentional, but here it is by design, and the only way to fix it is to pay. It's a broken game holding gameplay at hostage for mo' money.

Try being smug and condescending when talking about it on a Polynesian knitting enthusiast board.
That always works.

Fuck casuals and fuck neo-Yea Forums s o y boy faggots.

I'll contribute to the thread by saying you idiots need to stop being so lazy and actually look for indie games that are worth investing in. There have been several amazing games released in the past couple years that have been almost completely ignored by the industry. And they will get sequels because they were fucking good and made the devs profit.

The term "vote with your wallet" doesn't fucking mean "don't vote at all".
If you want to see more solid games, BUY THEM AND SHILL THE FUCK OUT OF THEM


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Who cares? People will always make money grabs. You can't do shit if some well to do shmuck decides to feed them anyway

that game is shit tho


Absolutely based.
How did we get to the point where not caring about anything is supposed to be a good thing?
I blame "u mad" posters.

So much cringe in this one

>still caring about Western publishers

I find it hard to believe you have exhausted every single library down to the ass end of PC-98 and played every game.

Modern games are shit. Good thing there are more good games in existence right now than you could ever finish.

>mo' money

>Video games

Yikes and cringepilled

Bethesda are the niggers of the industry, that's why.

>Yikes and cringepilled
Can someone translate from millennial to english?

have sex

Okay, against the wall and panties around your ankles.

Whales are why WoW makes more money than ever despite having a shrinking player base.

There are people who buy 10 WoW tokens a week to pay to be run through the latest mythic raid (1 token = $20) or get carried to hero or gladiator in pvp, people who bought the new brutosaur mount with tokens (20-25 tokens) or any new gold sink added into the game. These people buy every store cosmetic the second it releases and it only takes a few thousand of these players before they are having a huge impact on the game's profitability.

And that's before you even get into the character boost that costs as much as a AAA game or the automated character services.

I've been living under a rock.

How was WOW monetized? Did they go full Gacha?

It's the reason we are getting Diablo Immortal, why would any company pass up on free money

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>mobile gamers have no shame
Agreed, unless it's anime waifus, then it's ok.

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It takes just a very small percentage of players blowing up their wallets to invalidate this statement

Isn't that pretty low for a gacha-type game? The top games are making $300,000+ a day in revenue, Fallout 4 shipped 12 million in the firstr 24 hours which is $540,000,000 assuming they get around $45 per copy sold, with a budget likely around $120-150m USD (marketing included).
ES:Blades doesn't feel like it has much longevity either, at least that's my impression after playing it for 10 or so hours.

Oh, it's absolutely great.
The WoW token where you basically buy gold with rl money. You buy a token for 20$, then you put it on the AH and receive x amount of gold. Other players can buy that token and convert it to a month of game time or 13$ bnet balance (and you can use that bnet balance to buy charcter services, store mounts/pets/toys, even other bnet games as well as other in game stuff)
The WoW token was added in Warlords of Draenor expansion. Despite being the most hated expansion (although it could be argued that Battle for Azeroth is just as bad if not worse) it was also the most profitable one at that time (don't know if it still is) due to WoW Tokens.

There's only one solution to the whale question.

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Blame ESO.
When they sold houses for $200 they couldn't resist fleecing the sheep.
Shelter making a billion didn't help either.
They realized you don't need a lot of fans just the right fan.

Anons actually thought the horrible launch of 76 mattered.
Fun Fact. 76 is already profitable as well.

Kain always writes editorials. Why do you think they're classified as news?

It's the 1 % ruining it for the rest of us all over again.

When can we start purging the rich?

They introduced the WoW token in WoD, where you pay $20 and receive a sum of gold from an in-game buyer. The in-game buyer can add money to their BNET account or buy 30 days of game time. It is gold selling with Blizzard as the middleman. It's not really p2w, but the boosting economy has exploded since its introduction to the point where trade chat is almost 100% boosting services. In-game gold sinks, whether it be mounts, pets, BMAH items or high level gear essentially have a price tag in real money, sanctioned by Blizzard.

I can't complain because I got to a point where I never have to pay for anything Blizzard again with IRL money through raid boosting and the AH, but it has definitely had a corrosive effect on the game that doesn't get as much attention as it should.

It's good honestly, it's money that will go to fund TeS VI and make sure Todd can make his dream game

Retarded eurotrash.

Cash is the ultimate pleb filter.
Stop being poor.

you could have stopped it

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Hahaha sweet naive child.

Stop buying ridiculous shit with your money, you decadent sack of shit. Being rich should require mandatory culture lessons and a strict code of behavior.

>Being rich should require mandatory culture lessons and a strict code of behavior.
In a world where jews don't control central banks and can make money out of thin air yes. Right now if you don't spend the money you're actively harming the world.

Reminder that normalfags will never stop buying FIFA packs too.

That shit alone keeps EA alive.

Reminder that Elder Scrolls VI will be the best game ever made where you can DO ANYTHING.


Or, you know, play any of the enjoyable games from the last 3 decades that you haven't played yet.

What is this article from ?

Kinda of curious about their other stories now

these "free games" sure as hell are expensive. and it's not like they're any better than single fee regular games - they're dogshit number crunching symulators

>your number is less than other number, you lose. pay 9.99 to increase your numbers now

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Or you could just be a normal person and have more than one interest, and not be a boring autist who can only talk about games

>If women get uglier I'll just turn into a faggot

If you pay for digital distribution then you are no better. Why is anyone surprised? Steam and paying for digital distribution was accepted, of course this will be accepted too. You are paying for nothing either way.

>be paypig
>"look i'm helping the industry i'm spending money"

what's your next excuse?

>muh j00s
I never said you can't spend the money. Just spend it on something sensible. Microtransactions in mobile games are not sensible. Gold-plated fittings aren't sensible either.

ITT people finally waking up to capitalism and how it is destroying every form of media, entertainment and art

can't beat them, join them I guess

>"b-but that doesn't work"
>This, but unironically.
the "system" is concentrated on people who will pay no matter what, due to lack of information, capacity for critical thinking, concern; you think you can change the game by refusing to play, but you are not even a player in the first place.

"u mad" and "LE EPIC SALT XD" faggotry is potent and it genuinely poisons the minds of those who spread it. They mistake seeing disappointment from others as being able to feel anything themselves anymore.

15 years ago I thought wow what awesome JRPGs we will get to play on our mobile phones. Turns out I may have been a little too optimistic about the future.

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>Just spend it on something sensible. Microtransactions in mobile games are not sensible. Gold-plated fittings aren't sensible either.
The money will eventually be spent on "sensible" things. Not everybody can afford to throw money at pixels. My point was that actively holding onto money instead of spending or investing it is actively harmful in with currency that has no backing in tangible goods.

no u

Why are you shilling this spending shit in this thread?

>oy vey goyim why aren't you buying things you don't really want or need

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You have a lot of trust in Todd.

I know what you're getting it, but on the money's way towards something sensible, it enables things that should not exist, like the Blades game. Why? Because some rich people are too fucking dumb to use their money in a productive way.

We both want money to be productive. It's just I don't want it to enable cultural suicide.

fuck this shitty game

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>+10 slots
So, it's not even a one-time deal? You have to incrementally pay for more space.

What does MM stand for? Million-millions?

But I had to buy it user! It came bundled with the Knights Of The Nine expansion pack I bought at Gamestop!