What's your controller of choice for PC?
What's your controller of choice for PC?
KB + Mouse
If the PS4 controller were any good, why do all these companies make PS4 controllers shaped and designed like Xbox One controllers?
I hate the grip on the ps4 controller, i prefer to use my xb1 controller if it's a game that needs a controller
I just use an Xbox One controller, can't comment on DualShock 4's because I've only ever used them to play Fifa at parties while drunk.
Xbox One controller, the ones that came out after the Xbox One S, since those don't require a dongle, have a headphone jack and don't have shitty early Xbone gen bumpers. I wish they'd release one with USB C though.
The PS4 controller is the superior choice for PC when a controller is better/preferred. And this is coming from someone who has used a Xbox controller for years.
How so?
Made the switch last year after holding out as long as possible
Greatest choice of my life even if I’ll never buy another console as long as I live
Steam controller. Absolutely love it, plus it is a pleb filter for those who don't understand how to customise it in depth in the steam overlay.
I can play driving games with gyro whilst u using it as a steering wheel, can activate gyro on a button hold such aa full left trigger pull to fine tune aiming, and I can use the gyro for flying games.
I also enjoy the mouse-like joystick option for the right track pad, it'd excellent when you adjust sensitivity in game.
Assymetrical thumbsticks. It just werks.
why would you care about a headphone jack on the controller?
Does it get recharged if used wired on win7 or do you need to replace batteries all the time?
For the last 5 years i used dualshock 3 and i hate literally everything about besides the fact that you don't need to use batteries
It feels better in my hands and it has a better grip. I also prefer to have the two analog sticks side-by-side rather than one in the corner and the other in the right place.
I wish all companies used USB C
You have to replace the batteries but id rather have that than shitty battery life like the ps4 controller has. Unless it had the battery life like the switch pro controller
How often do you need to replace them?
I had a Xbox 360 controller and looked for an upgrade. I considered the One controller, but it turns out it's got shit all support on any version of Windows other than 10. No firmware upgrade, no Bluetooth, no customization. Nothing but the absolutely basic input device.
So I got the DS4. Its Bluetooth connectivity is weird, but there are a bunch of 3rd party programs that make it function in a varied and customizable manner.
I don't mind the shapes. Other than Steam's controller feeling large, I've never felt any discomfort.
I dont really keep track but about every few weeks. It's not something that happens so often that I need to think about it
But it's easier for me to have a large thing of AA batteries on my desk if i need them than needing to remember to plug in my controller to charge after every use
My boyfriend's cock :3
Good bitch.
Because you can basically plug in headphones and have passthrough. It's not a requirement, it's an extra option though.
Get the rechargeable battery pack. Then it does.
That's fully your subjective situation. Personally I dislike the sticks being so close to each other, this with the combined fact that the sticks are concave makes it so my thumbs slide off center and cause my thumbs to bump into each other from time to time. The "triggers" (L2 and R2) on the DS4 are also just hinges, they don't feel great to press at all, it's an improvement from the DS3 but it's still not even close to the 360's triggers which are obliterated by the Xbone's. It also seemed weird to me that you said that it's the superior choice for PC since you need to either use Valve's drivers for it, the USB dongle from Sony or use DS4Windows. It does not work out of the box, and even with DS4Windows you get errors thrown at you (from my experience) and syncing/desyncing is wonky.
To add to this, I wish Microsoft added the ability yo get a notification when the batteries of Xinput controllers are running low. Or at least some indication, especially since it's their own hardware.
PS2 controller with an adapter
Never had any problems with errors or syncing/desyncing. Must be a problem on your end.
That's doesn't mean it's "superior" it only means you personally like it better.
My situation is diametrically opposite. XBox controller fits my hands incomparably better than PS one and asymmetrical sticks feel much more natural.
How is the lag on the headphones plugged into the pad? I tried using BT headphones connected to PC directly and after a while after the battery drained a bit the sound was all out of sync
I choose the future of gaming.
Good luck with your future back pain bros
Imagine the filth at the seams
That's one of the most genuinely retarded statements I ever saw.
Holy shit. How do you even breath?
Breathing is automatic.
With an 8bitdo adapter. Pretty nice controller all around.
>it only means you personally like it better.
Which means it's superior.
You have to breathe manually now
Which means you're retarded.
Xbone S for most games. I do use DS4 for 2d platformers and for emulators where you need direct input.
Takes one to know one, I suppose.
I like both of these controllers, but the Xbox's controller is more convenient on PC.
Your turn, user
It works fine for my needs
Switch pro or wii classic pro. But often times if I run into weird compatibility issues or I’m tired of button prompts not matching I use an xbone controller
Because back during the PS4 vs Xbone wars, many Xbox fans were horrified with the way Microsoft marketed Xbone and decided to jump into the PS4.
They were wondering how they'd get used to the different controller and buttons, so the market responded by making PS4 controllers that are shaped like Xbox controllers, thus making it easier for new PS4 users to enjoy the console.
logitech bois where we at
Never did the whole bluetooth thingy but if i were to make a choice it would be Xbox
Scuff impact, retardedly expensive though.
O can't play with a keyboard and mouse without my back hurting afterwards, I had to switch over to controller because I don't want serious back problems in the future
Literally the best controller I've ever held. The D-pad is amazing. I don't know how Microsoft can sleep at night selling his crap controllers at the price he does when this thing exists for much cheaper.
Not everyone's handicapped
if you dont breathe the game automatically forces you to at some point, unless you brute force break the code
Still enjoying my 8bitdo sn30 pro.
I got it a bit on a whim but made me realize that I actually don't like handles, I much prefer small/light controllers.
Used to use a DS4 before but got tired of fighting between its microusb port being garbage when wired, and its battery dying in a mere 5 hours. Plus I hate its d-pad (why couldn't it use the vita's d-pad, one job). Also now enjoying the non-analog L2/R2 buttons.
Ds4 has the lowest input lag of virtually any controller over Bluetooth so despite the horrible battery it’s still the one I go for because of how responsive it feels
kinda sad the input lag is worse when wired, but that's mostly due to its shitty polling rate
xbone, having an official way to get my own colour scheme is great and the controller itself is fantastic.
Yeah. I’m eternally baffled as to why they didn’t just go with replaceable batteries so we would never have to deal with plugging it in
I tried the Xbox One controller, but it felt... wrong. I don't know why, I also have a 360 one and that's nice to hold.
Xbone, but the right bumper stopped responding properly so I hooked up my 360 pad again.
Imagine playing Sekiro with that thing
I have the top one, but it makes my hands hurt after a while and I don't like how bright the logo light is in the dark.
I hated it, uncomfortable
I hate it when people look down on controllers for using AA batteries
those are so easy to replace, swap, and charge as needed
I've got DS3s with batteries that don't even take a charge anymore and I'm not going to bother replacing that.
I don't like Dual Shock 4's button layout and Xbox One's d-pad feels a lot better to use. Dual Shock 3 is still the best thing Sony's ever done.
I still use a 2002 Xbox S controller which I have modified the cable for a standard USB one - works flawlessly under Ubuntu and W10
For me, it's the Logitech Dual Action.
*sip* Yep.
who gives a fuck theyre all the same
mouse and joycon
I don't like xbox 360 controller, it feels heavy, the dpad is horrid and the sticks and buttons feels hard to press and move.
I wish there was a controller with the ps3 sticks and the psp "soft" buttons.
PS4 is more comfortable for me, especially when using the triggers. IMO it would be the perfect controller if it didn't have the useless touchpad and light.
>useless touchpad and light.
i think in some games the touchpad acts as 'select' which can be useful in some games and why is the light an issue when you're usually connected via micro usb?
I prefer DS4 solely because I don't like how cheap and clicky the shoulder buttons feel on the Xbox controller. It does get really annoying that so many (usually japanese) devs think that 100% of players use Xbox controllers and don't have the DS4 button icons included in their games.
I got used to the icons now and they don't bother me at all anymore.
Not like icons need to match the controller, it's just about being used to it.
I prefer ps4 controller but I use xbone because the ps4 controllers micro USB port is cheap shit and gets so loose it won't connect quickly. Also it's not natively supported
I'm mostly used to the icons but the two buttons on the xbox that have symbols on them screw me up every time. It's also really annoying that it doesn't register as DS4 because it means I can't remap buttons to the touchpad (pressing the left side of the touchpad is way more comfortable than pressing the share button) since there's no equivalent for it on the xbox controller.
>for PC
You can actually use the touchpad and gyro and disable the light there. Blammo, it's much better than dumb featureless xbone pad.
Something with a fucking hard wire connection and none of this flimsy loose microUSB shit.
touchpad is recognized as a separate controller that does its own thing
you can technically map things to it (I do it on linux where I have it act like a keyboard button press that most games are okay with except some that refuse to have keyboard and gamepad work at same time for some goddamn fuck retarded reason)
not that I've used this on windows so don't ask me
I'm looking to upgrade my wired 360 controller, been using it for PC games since 2012 and it's nearly ded.
Suggestions for an upgrade? I'm thinking Xbone One controller, but I don't have bluetooth so I'll have to use it wired.
usually use ds3. in the most horrible situation where it just doesn't want to work for some reason i'll use x360 controller
The logitech people have been posting is actually really good, wired and significantly cheaper than console controllers.
Can switch between xinput and direct input so it works better with older PC games too.
on that note, 8bitdo controllers let you do that too (my sn30 is xinput, dinput, mac, and also has a Switch mode, not that I have a Switch anyway)
..and when plugged in rather than wireless, it can also pose as 360 controller and works with 360 controller drivers
That's what xinput is.
xbox 360 till it broke then xbox one. i've tried using dualshit 4 controller on pc and that piece of garbage barely works. try using it with emulators like pcsx2 it either works with ds4windows in some games or flat out doesn't work at all and you have to change to directinput but that sometimes doesn't work in games and you have to constantly keep changing it. fucking garbage controller with non existent drivers. at least MS are nice enough to provide official drivers for their $60 product. $60 fucking dollars and sony can't even make drivers for it. fucking cancerous company.
I recently bough the xbox one controller that comes with the receiver and is pretty good, you can connet it via cable or play wireless via batteries or connecting it to a cell charger, the audio jack in the controller is pretty neat too
Xboner controller is a lot better than PS4 controller
Works by default, takes AA, no light bar, no useless track pad, generally just better design and hugely higher build quality
I use my PS4 controller. The touchpad actually works decent for touch screen controls on 3ds emulation.
I've been thinking about getting an xbox elite controller because of the paddles on the back. They are just so damn expensive I have a hard time justifying.
KB+M for shooters and strategy games.
Xbox 360 for action games like Sekiro.
Steam Controller for driving games because of it's gyro and back buttons.
Buy scuf controller if you want that elite has garbage build quality. Inexcusable product super confusing as xbone controller is goat
>$200 controllers
What the fuck?
Why not pay 200 for quality if you would pay 150 for garbage?
The elite controller is literally garbage
Modded Xbox S controller. Using it since the last 17 years and I need new sticks
Can anyone tell me why the Xbox One PDP controller does not work on Ubuntu 18.10?
X1 though the dpad is a massive step down from the 360 and the bumpers feel worse.
I should just go buy a new 360 controller.
I mean I said that I had a hard time justifying the $150 controller, not that I would pay for it. As far as it being literal garbage, I have a good friend who has had one for years that still works and that I have also used for Dark Souls 3 (being able to bind run to the paddle was pretty sweet). I think the modularity of these controller hikes up the price and I just want something with a fucking z-trigger, that's all.
Just woke up. Don't scare me like that.
Looks like this is for you
Just plug it in.
>Want to use PS4 controller for steam games
>Games only ever display xbox button prompts
You can mod some games to show ps buttons. Also i remember Grim Fandango remaster only showed ps buttons because it wasn't released on Xbone
what are some games that are MADE for steam controller?
I bought this at a discount but I'm still feeling remorse. I just want a game that feels good with it.
None are just MADE for it. The steam controller is just supposed to be a poor substitute for keyboard/mouse on PC gaming.
My controller, no fucking joke and works flawlessly. Playing Dark Souls is pure masochism however that's why I bought the PDP controller but not working under Ubuntu
How is using a gamepad makes any difference to your back posture?
I'm just fucking used to it at this point, I'm fluent in buttonese
If it has native DS4 support I'll use that. Otherwise I use my Xboner. I'm tired of trying to get ds4windows and other wrappers to work.
I play FPS games, Fighting Games, RPGs and Strategy games with a Keyboard.
I play Third Person action games, platformers and emulators with an SF30 controller
I play Spaceship Sims using a HOTAS.
I have options, little zoomer. Why limit yourself?
No one said anything about limiting yourself, lil zoom. Was just a simple question of which controller do you use for PC gaming. Apparently you use the SF30 controller.
>use PS4 controller
>PC game shows xbox shart symbols
I want to say the xbone controller since it was very nice to hold and felt intuitive with less input lag than a ds4 set up dualshock. But the 3 I had failed in 1 week, either by the rumble not working, not picking up some games or just flatout crashing completely...and these were out of the box new from amazon controllers. So I will say ds4 is the winner because the only problem I had with it is when steam wants to push their shitty controller support.
Anyone who chose DS4 is doing so solely because of brand loyalty.
proof of concept, no driver install needed
Any of you have this? Is it a meme?
or because I just don't own an xbox
>Glue together a couple PVC pipes and call it a controller
What a silly post
KB & mouse followed by DS4
It's not an ergonomic controller.
Trust me if you used it since you were born until your teens before switching to pc gaming you find it more comfy no matter what
The options button is so hard to press on those things. What was so wrong with the start button that they had to do what they did?
If it was usb-c, I'd give it a shot
Pretty much this. I have them both and it's obvious the xbox controllers are miles better than ds4 for pc
>native support
>native bluetooth support
>plug and play
>better triggers
>better aesthetics and ergonomics
>not for baby hands
>Most games use xbox controller schemes in their menus
>don't need faggy little apps that have to EMULATE xbox drivers for ds4 to work, sometimes.
sonyfags are horrible.
agreed. there's literally 0 reasons to own a ds4 over an xbox controller for pc gaming.
generally prefer the xbox one controller
i fucking wish i could use the xbone controller for the ps4. fuck the triggers and fuck the share pad.
xbone, DS4 or switch pro, depending on what I need in a game.
is there such a thing as a rechargeable wireless gamepad for PC? with a bluetooth/whatever adapter.
xbox one controller. just get a $5 usb bluetooth adapter
For me, it's the Switch pro controller.
>Nobody likes my USB modded Xbox S controller
>illiterates prefer dualshock
What a surprise.
I use both usually, but these days I just use DS4 since it's a lot more comfy imo.
if i can i will play using ps3 controller but if it's a shooter or rts i will use kb + m
Why would you use anything else?
Any controller with curved buttons is inherently shit.
>want to use my ODST 360 controller to play on my PC
>non-chink adapter costs as much as a new controller
Xone shits on all controllers.
This is fucking stupid. Literally just plug it in or charge it like you would your phone. Are you sitting on the other side of the room? Even then, just plug it in a power outlet
Come at me
Fucking finally. Patrician's choice.
Bought my xbone controller like 3 years ago still works and looks like brand new.
>Come at me
100% best PC controller. Sure, I still use an XBox controller for certain games, but overall the Steam Controllers I have are perfect.
DS4 or Switch Pro
Used to only use Xbox 360 and XBone controllers, but I haven't since I got used to DS4. I like them all but DS4 simply feels superior in my manlet hands.
PS4, mainly because I don't have a XB1 and don't want to buy a controller when I already got a PS4 controller I could use.
360 controller. I don't use one if I don't have to.
I'm still using a 360 controller. I have a Bone controller for when it stops working properly. I would use a PS controller, but the extra step of downloading software is too much.
Dualshocks are the best universal controller for PC use. Good for 2D and 3D vidya. People who use an analog stick for 2D games should be shot