
Attached: red_dead_redemption_2_arthur_revolver_3840.0.jpg (3840x2160, 1.42M)

Other urls found in this thread:


>more grass than console
>crispier than console
>slighty better draw distance than console

>dude just rides on a horse
Cool "game" you got there. Don't need it.

cool stuff i guess


This was the glichiest non-bethesda game Ive ever played. My horse would constantly reset stats, guns would disappear (they are on your horse no they are not, infect that entire inventory was a coin toss if it loaded). Eventually I just got full on stuck. The Marston mission would be completed... and then it would be the only mission to choose again. Since I didnt keep manual save it was end of the road.

Now that's it had to time to marinate in AAA juices for while Im going to give it another go from the beginning.

I played since launch day and I literally didn't have many glitches at all. PS4 or Xbone?

yeah, whatever

you’re either lying or there’s something wrong with you and you should go to church

This can't be happening

I might have cared last year before we knew this "game" was complete on-rails garbage

>ebin game exclusive


Attached: 1553556116459.jpg (512x648, 40K)

It's going to be a timed Epic exclusive anyway

my poor 2013 pc is crying already

damn my Ryzen 1600 is definitely going to choke on that

this is just xbox one x gameplay ya tards

Not buying another rockstar game. They can keep it on console.

what a surprise

Attached: 1553076929344.jpg (900x900, 196K)

>60 fps

Rockstar games had their own launcher since 4 pleb, its a RGSC exclusive

it's 2019 and GTA IV still has gamebreaking bugs that won't let you finish it. I don't give a fuck about rockstar.

Yes it is retard

Xbox 1 X and PS4 Pro both run at 4K 60FPS

Hahahaha im on a FX-8350
kill me user

>xbox x
>running games at 60

You can easily record footage in 60fps even if the game itself isn't 60fps

It's just Xbox One X footage. View it in fullscreen and compare.

Why the fuck would they update a decade-old game?

You fake and gay.
I played both versions, faggot glow in the dark niggermonkey.

Attached: 15125.png (709x636, 536K)

works on my console

That's what people keep telling me but I have my impossible to progress game as proof.

yeah they should've done it a decade ago

That's Xbox One X footage.
>but it's 60fps!
Let me tell you something faggots.
>use slow motion cheat
>record slowed down 30 fps gameplay
>speed up footage in video editor to 2x
>now you have 60 fps at 1x playback rate
Voila there's your "PC footage". Fake as fuck.

you are blind user, i am sorry

you could easily interpolate 60fps
and it looks like the game is using sticks instead of mouse since the camera would be much jumpier/faster with a mouse

extra launchers are not a problem as long as they allow me to still stuff the fat kike's pockets with 30% cuts

>speeding up a 30FPS video makes it 60 FPS

holy fuck kill yourself

I literally make a living editing video and you are speaking absolute fucking nonsense

>"pc" gameplay
>conveniently don't show anything involving keyboard/mouse controls

well that settles it, no PC could possibly support a controller.

Consolecucks already seething I see

this is the actual argument anti-emu fags make if you forgot, that and MGS on pc

It's going to be a permanent Fitgirl Repack exclusive for me.

I still don't know if this is true

you make youtube poop videos user thats not a real job


Attached: 1474465218112.jpg (258x245, 12K)

Check your consol user, aside from the "lose custom weapons when you die in a mission" bug I haven't had any glitches or bugs in my entire 100 hours or so. The game being as stable as it was despite being so big was probably the most impressive thing about it.

m8 I color grade footage for a film studio in Vancouver, my team has handled footage from nearly major blockbuster in the last 6 years

Fucking retarded learn to read
>Speeding up 30 fps footage of SLOW MOTION VIDEO equals 60 fps
And yes it fucking does because console users were doing this exact thing with GTA 5 months before the PC version was announced to prove what the game would look like at real 60 fps and guess what it worked.

How do you even detect a miner?

>redneck shit
>boring story
>boring gameplay
I'll pirate it for the tech demo aspect on my 2080 Ti ;)

based stormnigger


Attached: jXzJtwD.jpg (1024x768, 73K)

so thats why they all look like crap

nice "gameplay" you got there
>im sorry boy

Having this game run at an unlocked framerate on PC isn't going to make this game any less clunky to play. Seriously, it feels terrible controlling this game. It's the antithesis of responsive gameplay design.

Have sex

It's already been verified that they don't do that, but whatever. They are literally the most reliable and trustworthy scene group at the moment.

watching system activity is one

But what am I supposed to see?

>console baby can't detect the difference
Shit I got a PS4 just for this game and I can see the HUGE difference.

>open premiere
>set sliders for orange and teal to max
>call it a day
Yeah, nice "job" poofta

wanna explain the audio then?

Just looks like console version with post processing effects

high CPU or GPU usage when it shouldn't be high..

The Xbox One X does NOT, I repeat, does NOT run this game at 60fps. There are methods to make a 30fps video into a 60fps one by "filling in the gaps" but it's usually noticeable. I don't think that was used here.

>GTA IV still has gamebreaking bugs that won't let you finish it

Works on my machine

why didn't he show off the UI with the mouse?

Attached: 1548721168629.png (229x252, 26K)

Not that guy, but if the audio is affected by the slow motion cheat then playing it back at 2x would make it sound normal.

video removed?

Attached: 1521045871450.jpg (408x439, 59K)

The game's playing at 60fps. RDR2 is locked at 30fps.

>video removed
was the pc port cancelled thanks to op?

almost no games code audio that well, sadly

yeah, but that doesn't explain why he didn't bring up the UI or something like the weapon wheel to prove that it's on a PC, by moving and interacting with it via the mouse or something

It says that it can't find the video

damn you faggots are so fucking dumb


Well if it's indicative of it being actually played on PC then I don't think that's the right word to use here.

source of video?

Game over bros no more PC version

>Video removed
Why would cockstar remove a "Fake" video from the web?
I remember none of the shitty PC gta5 videos got removed.

Did anyone download the video?

It would still have been a very convincing detail to see. The 60fps can be faked so I'm not even close to 100% convinced this is real. If we saw some PC HUD elements, it would be further proof and we could take a close look and try to find evidence of editing.


It's nothing impressive really. Just riding a horse through some grass, but it seemed to be 60fps. You're not missing anything.

thanks you fucking mongolids, video is down and no one saved it

Attached: cdc449a0dab8a02c687a4e03bbc0c272.png (420x420, 68K)

Probably interpolated footage. Interpolation technology is pretty insane with a fast workstation and can make any 30FPS game footage look 60.

However interpolation is pretty shit against stuff like HUDs which is barely shown.

The only hint I could find is that some of the flies after 1:02 are ghosting but otherwise it's a flawless interpolation or real leak.

Attached: ghosting flies.png (589x245, 112K)

>OP uploads fake video
>posts link
>people start noticing details that give the fake away
>OP scrambles to delete the video before people go too deep into analysis

I saved it. Where can I upload it without the FBI showing up at my door?

Attached: 1543804794919.jpg (768x768, 100K)

Should have gotten here earlier

>we couldn't find your video


Rockstar hates PC players anyway. Not only are they toxic, childish, and entitled sad excuses of men, they also make up a small amount of the player base compared to console players.

On top of that, Rockstar hates funding proper anti-cheat protection, hence why GTAO on PC is full of hackers who managed to work around the laughable "protection" to false-flag their victims as the hackers, causing them to get banned instead.

Attached: Rockstardia 06.png (1503x2063, 1.05M)

And for good reason. The lengths pcheats go to to ruin games are astonishig. I wish PC gaming never existed.

>playing a Rockstar game for the online
Why the hell would PC players do this?

They don't hate the PC, it's just a secondary platform for them because as you said, they make less money from it. But it's still very profitable, they're certainly not operating anywhere near a loss on PC. If they really hated the PC, they wouldn't have worked nowhere near as hard on making great PC versions of Max Payne 3 and GTAV. I feel like Rockstar really didn't want for the reputation gained by the terrible GTAIV port to stick with them.

Cry harder Xbox/Nintendo fag.

>they also make up a small amount of the player base compared to console players.
You realize GTA 5 is still one of the most played games on steam and was the top seller for months right user?

Or they are just double/triple dipping because they hate consumers most of all and know that the majority are gullible little cucks that will buy three versions if they put enough time between them.

Attached: 1515873602046.jpg (491x750, 183K)

I downloaded it. No idea where to post.

someone upload pls

nice link faggot

Am uploading it to twitter, will link asap


I bet RDR2 will be getting a PS5/Xbox next release and a PC release along with that.

GTA 5 is one of the most played games on console, too. It sold 90 fucking million copies.

thanks for beta testing it user :)

won't upload and the video is bugged.. freezes etc... Twit saying that the media couldn't be processed.... How do i show you the first part of the video which isnt fucked?


>It sold 90 fucking million copies
2 years ago, it's still in the top5 (worldwide) and probably has already passed 120-130mil by now

How on earth are you people on Yea Forums without knowing how to upload a file onto the internet?

just upload it back to streamable, and dont delete it like OP...

link is dead, nice try faggot op

Yeah slogged through this game once for the story but aint doing it again because fuck this autistic attention to “realism” gameplay in this title.

show the part of the game where it's not clunky and boring

oh wait

>le Yea Forums is muh hackers site where everyone is extremely tech savvy

mixtape.moe to reupload

go back to playing dmc button mashing pleb

fuck off reddit

But there's only a couple train missions

You're forgetting that a PC release implies mods. I've turned GTAV into something else entirely using a couple dozen mods on PC. I eliminated most of the complaints people commonly have about GTAV.

>le Yea Forums is muh hackers site where everyone is extremely tech savvy
>le muh reddit maymay

Way to out yourself as a complete newfag. Can't make this shit up. Like pottery

I'm thinking PC first, then a next-gen port after that that is basically just PC with a few downgrades to make it playable.

Attached: 1517860605055.png (903x903, 775K)

I will see if i can upload to mixtape but the footage is corrupted for some reason, heres me recording with my phone; twitter.com/WayOutWestShow/status/1117008672977244160

uploading a vid isn't being tech savvy you "smart"phone retard

rdr2 is literally the most polsihed open world game I've played. You are probably retarded

>not having basic computer knowledge and coming to Yea Forums
Fuck off reddit

>mashing buttons
You've never played a single DMC game, have you? It's alright, you can take your time while you have to watch every single animal you hunt down be skinned and other annoyingly repetitive game length padding animations.

It probably got taken down in the middle of you downloading it

Yeah looking forward to that but i doubt there will be any cool multiplayer maps etc simply because of the era limitations.

>Yea Forumstard
knowing anything about vidya

>video of a video of a video game


>I eliminated most of the complaints people commonly have about GTAV
by installing GTAIV?

Face it PC fags. This is it. There's no coming back after RDR2. I know what you're going to say: "Thanks for beta testing! XD", but we all know the truth here.
See, we got to to experience the game in all its virginal glory, to be able to explore and climb and learn about this amazing world as if it were brand new, for us it was a rebirth - a new baptism.
But for you? It'll started off easily enough. A lone glance at a youtube video, maybe a sneak at one of my screenshots, but that's all you cucks needed. Soon after you watched every video, guide, text write-up, piece of shit about this game that I decided to give you... and you loved it.
You will never be able to have this game the way it was meant to be played. You'll always be stuck to sloppy seconds.

fuck off tumblr

He said the file was corrupted. Let's see you reconstruct a broken file you retard

>antithesis of responsive gameplay design.
holy shit this board is filled to the brim with certefied plebs

and how do we know this is a PC version?

By modding GTAV. Reading comprehension is hard, I know. Apply yourself.

Do you expect me to read all that shit?
also, fuck off console console fag

more than 20fps

There's actually grass in it

>le muh 1337 secret anonymouse hacking website, the 4chans

of course you can, XboX shits all over the PS4

my sides

Attached: 1545426854772.jpg (1003x700, 198K)

Mediafire link if it works: mediafire.com/file/ncai7adfgq14a1b/rdr2.epic.leak.mp4

Sorry to have to break the news to you user but mixtape has been shutdown since the end of last month.

the xbone doesn't run it at 60fps

>shitty phone recording of a recording
>game already looks 50 times better than the console versions
Holy fuck they really gimped it hard on consoles.
Thanks for betatesting plebs.

Attached: 873894324.jpg (433x419, 31K)

ITT: virus links

is that the right upload? i only got some dolphin videos

I'm fine with animations being immersive, because I don't have ADHD. I'm fine with having a slow game, because I'm sick of every vidya character having super powers. And it's allright pleb, I do envy you, because there are plenty of shit games that cater to your button mashing taste, and an actual quality game sadly comes out every once in a while. Keep killing those deamons!

yikes that's tragic.

>still the same boring gameplay

That game was never interesting for me and will never be. Maybe for folks that are not tired of the open world meme.


The footage is corrupted but the start of it works, just dont skip

Who cares, its a shitty game anyway.

Liar, I have the PS4 Pro version, it never gets even close to 60

That's CP you asshole



>installing one of the most abysmal ports ever to graze the PC

No thanks. Even vanilla GTAV is miles ahead of GTAIV on PC simply because it's actually a good port.

Can't wait to buy this game on the Epic Games Store ™ !

Just pirate it nigger

Hurry up and get bloodborne running you fucks, I wanna see some mods!


Attached: demblade.jpg (1650x1164, 1.16M)

>consolefag dreams

It's sad, really.

RDR2 looked boring as fuck
I was hyped for GTA5 PC but with this game I couldn't care less, the setting is boring as fuck just like the gameplay

So this thread proves Yea Forums is actually desperate as fuck to play our console kino, really makes you think

>the setting is boring as fuck
imagine being this much of a homosexual

The only ones I'm remotely interested in playing from that pic are Bloodborne and Spiderman. If I had to go with one, I'd say Spiderman. I played Bloodborne for a few hours on a friend's PS4 and wasn't really that impressed, but I would like to complete it.

Probably Bloodborne.
I own a PS4 and Bloodborne is the only one that has unplayable framerate.

that pic made me so depressed. AAA gaming is so shit.


bost mode On and the framerate is locked at 30fps

Oh boy loot at all those over the shoulder third person games.

Attached: 1554009777497.webm (1280x720, 2.93M)

yeah, just stick to nier automara user

or u can buy it from rockstar using a social club account.

They still make up about 10% of the copies sold. Sure, the old-gen with PS3 and 360 combined still make up the majority of sales, but PS4 and Xbox One make up more than three times the sales of PC copies.
The majority of people only bought the game twice. Compared to them, the people who bought it on each generation and on PC are a minority.

The frame pacing is still fucked.
Janky ass stutter in most areas and its not just my PS4 because I've seen it on other people's games

you are a pea brained fucking idiot


Attached: NBaKD7h.png (909x142, 26K)

its not even locked to 30 fps with boost mode and framepacing issues

So, is there an actual leak or not
can someone just make a webm?

90% of RDR2 is just riding on a horse or slowly walking. It's not a fucking game.

okay user. How was school? Did the teacher teach you something fun?

>PS4 and Xbox One make up more than three times the sales of PC copies

Doubt it. The most reliable numbers I could find say that the PS4 version sold about 20 million copies. SteamSpy reports 10-20 million copies sold on PC. That's a huge range, but let's say it sold around 15 million. I doubt the Xbox One version sold more than the PC version.

I believe it. I feel like Rockstar would be people that would watermark the living shit out of their early build games, but I still believe.

Bloodborne, for the greater good because that game doesn't deserve to the chained to the PS4 like Demon's is with PS3.

personally I would go with Dragon's Crown. Perfect grind while watching something on the second monitor game. And I really like beat em ups.

>90% of RDR2 is just riding on a horse or slowly walking
The same can be said about BotW. You spend 90% of the game travelling from place to place because that's what you do in an open world game.

Attached: 85485845.png (500x533, 66K)

it's fucking depressing that bloodborne is stuck on ps4 in that state, I refuse to do another playthrough until it gets ported to PC or PS5

>I don't like it so it's not a game!
>it's not it's not it's not it's not shut up!

What? Its absolutely locked at 30fps no matter what mode you have it on PS4

You're exagerrating. That being said, the obsession with making the game cinematic did make it feel like a chore sometimes.
There's not even a dedicated "take all" button to collect stuff, and there just has to be a long and "accurate" animation to things.

>gets ported to PS5
>still locked to 30fps with stutter
You know its gunna happen user

do you think its coming to pc? same guy who said rdr2 is coming on july 9th said it is

To BotW's benefit, at least you're not forced into a scripted "ride with your buddies until you get to your destination" for just about every mission. RDR2 was great but god the game REALLY wants you to slow down.

nice shilling keep being a fanboy

Isn't Death Stranding practically confirmed to be coming to PC?

Dark Souls was open world. You still had gameplay as you progressed it. In RDR2 you just hold a stick down. If you dare to want to move faster, the game asks that you hold down another button. It's not gameplay, but rather something equivalent to holding fast forward for a boring show.

Not that guy, but are you retarded? Don't answer that. A rhetorical question.

Where are you getting that from?

>that pic made me so depressed.
Astro Bot is one of the best platform of last decade and I said it as a huge mario galaxy fag

What the fuck are you on about user?
Bloodborne is a stutter filled mess compared to the other Ps4 exclusives. I'm not saying its a bad game.
Its just not optimized at all for the console its on

before desu stranding was revealed it was said that nu-kojima productions would release all their games for both playstation and PC, that's all there is to go on.

Snoy are paying for it and it's made on the Decima engine (Killzone, Until Dawn, Horizon) so if looking at the track record it's not getting a port. I hope it does though because by the time that game comes out I'll have a shiny new PC.

>desu stranding

>holding down a button is hard
What's your point?

Just install Zemana. That shit eats bitcoin miners for breakfast.

Game uses temporal AA anyway so its impossible to make a definite conclusion.

Can you provide a source for that? Not trying to call you out, it would just be useful having that information

I remember that video

>Only on Playstation, no death stranding
Also Kojima has been said to love the PC platform and wants PC players to play his game. So maybe he made a deal with sony and is able to make a PC version but it has to be tight lipped for now.

I can see this happening, I'm praying it actually turns out good

nah, as far as I know it's in sony's hands so unless sony starts taking interest in PC it probably won't happen

My body is ready.

Attached: jack sparrow.jpg (1029x798, 154K)

meant for

epic exclusive when

Literally just arthur roaming a friend on a horse
You aren't missing anything

Sony also paid for Detroit, and that's mysteriously on the Epic Store. Kojima himself is a huge PC fan. (He started out making MSX games.)

why are you replying to me i said bloodborne runs like shit and this guy says it runs at 30 fps locked and you reply to me like i said it runs at 30 fps locked when it doesnt

Have sex

how have none of you fucking faggots reuploaded it yet?

>no knack

Attached: aa.jpg (540x400, 123K)

Why would anyone want to watch this movie on any device?

It's not a game if I don't kill people every 3 seconds.

i put a media fire. scroll up mediafire.com/file/ncai7adfgq14a1b/rdr2.epic.leak.mp4

RDR2 on pc will never happen.
If they were really planning on doing that, then why haven't they released RDR1 on pc?
Wouldn't it be logical to first release 1 and then 2?
Also, I think the video is updated graphics for the RDR2 online beta.

>literally walking slowly with no camera movements, no menu interaction
there is no way a guy who would showcase a pc leak would record and upload this

Locked at 30fps means it will never go above 30fps.
Thats not the same as a stable 30fps.
Boost mode doesn't unlock the framerate, this has been tested multiple times.
It will never go above 30fps on the Ps4 or PS4 Pro and has major sutter issues.

>Wouldn't it be logical to first release 1 and then 2?
This isn't the first time something like this could happen
There's no destiny 1 on pc nor battlefield bad company 1.

>RDR2 on pc will never happen
>seriously implying Rockstar aren't pulling the same business strategy they pulled with GTAV that made them fucking millions extra in profit
I don't think you understand how a business works. Go back to school kiddo.

Attached: GTAV.jpg (543x678, 73K)


i should have worded it better i meant it cant reach a stable 30 most of the time i know it cant pass 30 fps because its locked

>It's this RDR1 argument again
Lots of games didn't have previous games in the series released and then came to PC.
It's not like the story is continued from RDR1.

Why do you guys give a fuck? The game isn't all that great and it was obvious from the get-go that all the casuals getting hyped for it are setting themselves up for disappointment.

I heard RDR1 had spaghetti code was their excuse.

but why do you feel the need to be convinced and look for evidence, it's just another shitty tpp

PC nigger beggars will NEVER get RDR2. You will NEVER play it

OFC the game is coming to PC you fucks. Real question is; BEFORE or AFTER the 2020 console releases?

I don't play bad games.

why has no one posted the video of someone in the video settings for pc

yep. but people still say its not coming lol

90% of the RDR1 map is already in RDR2, and there are ways to get out of the map into parts of Mexico. Most of the hard work required for remastering 1 was already done in the production of 2.
They are going to remaster it for current gen hardware, including PC this time.

Attached: 1543930377212.jpg (720x720, 72K)

b u t w h e n ?


Attached: ticktock.jpg (1200x800, 54K)

Why would I want to play a game that forces me to hold a button to move faster than walking pace? That's if the game even lets you not walk. Most of the time it forces walking. And then you have nothing to do but ride your horse, not have sex with the hookers even though you're a handsome cowboy outlaw with no wife, and sit though dialogue.

The real question, when tf is it announcing?

You're right it's a terrible game. And PC cucks will never, ever get to play it

Is it really a remaster of the RDR1 map if there's literally nothing to do there but capture two bounties and catch a legendary fish?
Armadillo is a ghost town even, and Fort Mercer is a mere gang hideout.

>abloo abloo, game is bad because no sexy sex.
Shut the fuck up, inceł.


PC plus undead nightmare announcement coming soon

I think this was a rumor early on but was quickly deconfirmed. I personally would love that but I don't think it's happening unless something else has come up that I missed. Too lazy to find source, btw so you'll have to google.

>4K 60FPS

i seriously hope you don't believe this. console hardware is nowhere near able to run 4k 60 fps. my 970 can't even do that and its literally 4x the power of a ps4.

>Xbox 1 X and PS4 Pro both run at 4K 60FPS
Jesus fucking christ no wonder people still buy plastic shitboxes if this is what the average console user believes.

Attached: 17598475094735.jpg (500x375, 23K)

Inb4 Epic Store Exclusive

Attached: 1416985547940.gif (377x372, 3.46M)

kindly fuck outta here with your reddit shit
it's from xbonex

Do you want me to have sex or not, bitch?

Gran Turismo Sport would be nice as it would open the game up to a larger audience since it's an absolutely solid racing game

Attached: 8079470930140626964_0.jpg (1920x1080, 151K)

>but was quickly deconfirmed.
I've never seen it deconfirmed and Death Stranding has never said "only for PS4".

Link is broken, anyone got a mirror?

Attached: 1551587282509.jpg (800x800, 67K)

Ubisoft as well, didn't stop them. And Rockstar are greedier than Ubisoft.

I was hoping you'd kill yourself since you're a legitimately horrible individual.

someone do a comparison video

It's obviously going to come to PC eventually, remember that video in December of someone on it on PC on an options menu?

Attached: 1550095346040.png (645x773, 11K)

Halo and DOOM is all I need anyway

why does it matter just pirate it

Seriously this.
That piece of mediocre trash was praised, hailed, shilled and hyped as a video game industry changing revolution that would change the industry forever and how we play video games. It was supposed to be something from the future all the other devs and publishers in the world needed at least 8 years to catch up to.

Turns out it was yet another run of the mill Jewstar open world meme with ludicrous contemporary sjw politically correct politics shoved into the wild west time period, to the point where they made Arthur an egg shells walking fence shitter.

This was a bigger disappointment than Spore and Duke Nukem Forever. What a shitshow.

Attached: 1541089482732.png (716x1008, 959K)

>scene group

Yes Sir, but before or after ps5?

Its using a sony owned engine so its unlikely to go to pc

>remember that video in December of someone on it on PC on an options menu?
Did you seriously believe that?

yes, the same thing happened with gta v and it was true B)

Game of the decade.
Just like RDR was the best game of last decade.

I'm happy if it comes to PC because maybe we'll get some RDR on PC too then at one point.

yea didn't stop ubi from having their games on uplay

Well I believed it more than this video with no sound that could just be regular RDR2 slowed down and sped up twice, or whatever that trick was, that people used to show what GTA V would look like at 60 fps before it came out on PC

the video does have sound. it is probably fake but ultimately when do you think we will see rdr2 on pc?

For wanting sex?

Brazilians/3rd worlders who don't understand that decompression is heavy on your CPU started that dumb rumour.

It does have sound.
It's real lads.

Someone upload it to mixtape or something.

I'm not downloading a fucking mediafire link. Just make a webm and post it here.

Attached: 1555132609342.png (479x521, 207K)


>We couldn't find your video.
As excepted, this game has no gameplay

Sounds like the name of a Casio calculator

Attached: 45996667_2221496047883453_1819673490358272000_n.jpg (720x701, 51K)

If a console CPU can handle it, the Ryzen 1600 will be fine.

>Fighting for Brexit, for Democracy. Free Speech Advocate. Concerned on the Implications of Mass Immigration for My Generation.

Attached: comeonenow.jpg (1280x850, 725K)


Sounds based.

>downloading from an unknown source
Upload it as a webm faggot.

It's legit nigger. Stop being a pussy faggot.

is this a compliment?
Bonus points: I am 16 years old

This site has a built in way to upload videos, why wouldn't you use it?

Is this a joke?

Attached: file.png (229x141, 5K)

how to spot a pleb:
>muh immersive animations

Wow. I’ve never seen something that wasn’t obviously bait be so, so wrong.
I have a ps4 pro. Even running at non-4K, red dead is like a slideshow. You get used to it, but try playing apex legends for a few minutes and then switching to rdr2. It’s shocking.

Immersionfags are the blight of gaming?
You know what's immersive? Controlling a character fluidly, like I can control my own body. You know what isn't immersive? Struggling to move my dumb fuck character like I'm a puppet master moving him with strings. "Immersion" in gaming is the antithesis of immersion.

Coming in 2021!

Attached: welp.jpg (200x177, 9K)

I don't know why I put a question mark after my first sentence, ignore it.

That's the way it is>cruel world>See the fire in your eyes>May I

No it's not legit you chromosome missing fuck now stop replying

You retards need to realize that downloads aren't instant. It takes some minutes, and in that time you can clearly see the file type and decide to turn off the download.
It's an mp4

I hope it's porn

Too bad the character design of astrobot is painfully generic and safe so it'll never be a mascot.

Bad bait. Even the biggest RDR1 fanboy I've ever seen and was beyond excited for this game got bored of it in less than a week lol

Attached: 46246246246.gif (320x234, 950K)

Was it?

The video is broken, it stops playing after 40 or so seconds.

>it's not legit
It is.
>you chromosome missing fuck
Just because you're the mongoloid with an extra chromosome doesn't mean make everybody else a retard because they have 1 chromosome less than you.

Attached: brainlet.png (621x702, 56K)

both are 30fps

into the trash, Rockstar has completely slipped from le enlightened centrist satire to anti white propaganda

Anyway, made a webm because apparently everyone else in this thread is a retard who doesn't know how.

Attached: 1538279184468.webm (1280x720, 2.93M)

maybe im retarded but that's compressed below 60fps. not your fault tho

the game is a snoozefest no one cares if it comes to PC.

thats where your wrong.


>We couldn't find your video.
real shit? or is this a tasty ruse

It is my fault, I used the Photos app to trim the video and that makes every video 30 FPS. Fine work by the geniuses working at Microsoft.
Haven't played RDR2 anyway so I can't tell if that footage is a PC version by the graphics which is what matters in telling the difference, 60FPS video can easily be faked.

>It is.
>doesn't mean make
Holy fuck thanks for proving my point you can stop replying now

Attached: STL.jpg (584x329, 26K)

I don't think so, Epic doesn't accept bad games.


mixtape is dead

Probably been taken down or something

Will my i7 + 1070 be able to run this or can I expect some of that vintage Rockstar optimization?

theres a shit ton of grass in even the base ps4 version

Why didn't they wait another 6 months?

If you bought a console just for a game, you should have gone with the One X.

dude just fucking upload it to catbox.moe/

Yea Forums webms are dogshit so you can't actually get anything from this

link dead pardners

anyone got a reup

Why did you make a compressed ugly webm when you could've uploaded the full thing uncompressed elsewhere and linked it? Your webm is so shit it's literally impossible to tell any improvement.

1070 will be futureproof for a while

you'd probably have trouble in 1440p, knowing their optimization

Australian upload speed would mean it would take a decade, what's your excuse? Do it yourself.

Since we can't see the difference in FPS and the quality is all compressed and blotchy this was pretty pointless. Just do as this user said and upload it to catbox, that way the whole video will be uploaded and uncompressed and we can download it as well.

no one else has the fucking video you mongoloid

god you are so retarded it hurts


You are a fucking moron and should be put down for it.

But GTA V sold better on PC compared to PS4 and XBOX One?

>playing GTA Online
What's wrong with you?

prove the mediafire link is real

>downloading from a random link on Yea Forums
Lol enjoy your backdoor kid

Okay, download and open it. :)

they made so much money through microtransactions on PC with shark cards they can blindly ignore every single console on the market
keep being a delusional ape and SEETHING when I play RDR2 with sex mods and horse mods + extras + secret mods with hillbillies
god I love being on PC seething console babies cry like little entitled virgins it makes me fucking HAPPY

open the mp4 that you downloaded from the mediafire and screencap it

otherwise neck it


Attached: rdr2pc.png (1875x927, 1.94M)

Attached: 1548859490550.jpg (2560x1080, 1.14M)

upload it on youtube title it "RDR2 LEAKED PC GAMEPLAY". If it gets taken down it's legit.

> doesn't know what a scene group is


>both of us took a screencap at 7 seconds
Marry me.

Kys, Poolish subhuman

Why does the video abruptly stop despite being 2:20? Corrupted?


>Fighting for Brexit, for Democracy. Free Speech Advocate. Concerned on the Implications of Mass Immigration for My Generation.


Attached: 1539987930102.jpg (807x802, 74K)

I'd tell you if the original video was still up.


this is so fake lol

it's just some footfage of xbox one x gameplay sped up to 60 fps

there's a reason the nigga turned off hud

RDR1's code is fucked up

see above
demanding your rights is not being "entitled", jew.
> sad excuses of men
did you just asume zxers gender?

Not like it matters whether it's real or fake, everyone knows it'll eventually be ported to PC.

>Fighting for Brexit, for Democracy. Free Speech Advocate. Concerned on the Implications of Mass Immigration for My Generation.

Attached: 1554658677334.jpg (587x960, 54K)

get a big liquid cooler or a huge ass noctua air cooler and overclock your shit user. 4.5 is what you want.

which means it's free

Quit dumping console shooters on our platform pretty please, noone need those.

What does that have to do with my post?

>this is your user for tonight

Can someone upload it to catbox? Or literally any source that doesn't look sketch like the mediafire ones?

Attached: life.jpg (1032x581, 88K)

Yeah this is ultra fake. It's interpolated, and not even done well. Lots of haloing and artefacts. Why do Rockstar fans always bother with this kind of shit.

dbr ee ZAn3

Just download nig it's a mp4 file it can't harm your pc worst thing you get is dolphin porn or cp


>>more grass than console
>>crispier than console
>>ALOT better draw distance than console
>Better post processing and shadows
>Actual native high resolutions, not checkered lies
>Better 4k textures
>Better particles
>Better anti aliasing
>More options
>And there's going to be mods

Stay mad.

What fucking template ?

even though rockstar themselves said it runs at 30fps on both consoles' best versions, right?

There's a bit of compression, but at least it's not a mediafire link (It is safe though)


Oh and I also cut it off at when it died in the original.

I'd be hyped if 40% of the game's runtime wasn't spent watching animations

Attached: 1535509476362.gif (345x237, 1.87M)

are you too fucking blind to notice the game is locked to 30 not matter what version you play you inept fuckwit?
did you really believe the game you were playing was 60 fps? ignorance is bliss I suppose

Attached: 1535484437225.png (217x196, 22K)

Why sweat the small things? RDR2 is easily one of the greatest games I've ever played.

>people still not using virustotal.com to have google scan any file with 60 AV engines
It's clean but it cuts out after 38 seconds (out of 2m19s).

I rendered the video myself in Vegas and it still detected DNS8

But it doesn't even have anything malicious in it, so Virustotal doesn't seem 100%


Why does the centre of the clip run smoothly with 60fps while the lower left and right corners look more like choppy 30fps?

No clue, that's why I'm on the fence on whether it's actual footage or just like the 'bloodborne 60fps video'.

If you look at this video- youtube.com/watch?v=k9nnSe6TldM

Despite it being simulated 60fps, you can still see the animations on the character be choppy, while in the RDR2 video the animations on the character still look smooth.

Nothing is 100% but scanning something with every virus detection engine known to man is literally the most you can do when it comes to scanning. Of course there are new 0days all the time but those are mostly bought up and used by states and three letter agencies and rarely used on anything but specific targets.
Also wtf is DNS8? If that's a malware name why does it sound like shorthand for Google's DNS?

>pctards getting the sloppy seconds

Attached: 1546521844362.jpg (690x720, 29K)

Well it's not anything malicious, that's all I know of it. It's not exactly screaming trojan/malware to me, lol.

>Is it really a remaster of the RDR1 map if there's literally nothing to do there but capture two bounties and catch a legendary fish?
He's saying they're going to use RDR1's map that's already included in 2 as a base for a future RDR1 remaster/remake.

weeb autism

>See, we got to to experience the game in all its virginal glory
Read: We paid full price to experience the game the shittiest way possible and on top of getting fucked royally for no benefit oof our own will continue to shill for the company who's dick is balls deep in our ass.
Never change you fuckups. The game was almost unplayable, even after 2 playthroughs of messing with anything possible it was a shitty experience with so much framerate issues and the literal input of hell that defending it is nothing short of insane...

You got that backwards my underdeveloped little friend.

>consolebros beta-testing the upscaled 720p version
Thank you for your service, user.

PS4fag here, why do PC nerds want this game so bad?
is honestly boring asf, put me to sleep several times, what happened to yearning for bloodborne? now that was a good game

like honestly this is one of those games you can unironically enjoy just as much through a lets play watch through since the gameplay is not too deep so is not satyfying to master for yourself

I mean atleast when you watch it on YT you can skip those psuedo cutscene horse rides

RDR2 is getting the same treatment as GTAV

There WILL be a PC release along with a re-release for PS5/XB4.

>PS4fag here, why do PC nerds want this game so bad?
> implying it isn't the console faggots that want to be able to play at 60fps


rdr2 will come this July to PC, PS5 and XBOXTWO in 2021- after Bully2.

Meh I lost interest with gta rdr once 5 came out.
And from what I've seen from Rdr2 the single player and Multiplayer are a boring sjw grindy slog
Fucking prequel really? This is literally gta stories tier

>muh sjw

except it's also a great shootan and the PC is in dire need of them atm

then why are you in this thread


>Rockstar game

Attached: 1458488403860.jpg (519x533, 94K)

lmao those are some cuck ass tags my friend. Imagine living in a country that colonized the world then whine about the immigration it brought.

>This is literally gta stories tier


Attached: oi (2).jpg (390x421, 115K)

Gta 5 was woke before woke was even a thing
It was a boring generic game with no aim or purpose
Online sucks and everyone that plays it is a fucking moron
Also I'm retty sure this is the longest period r* has gone without making a gta game 6 years
And it's gonna come out early 202x rushed because Rdr2 was a flop they banked hard on the online and I don't think anyone liked it.
Nobody dumped stupid money into shark cards
VI is going to be absolutely shit I literally couldn't give a shit about it
Rockstar gave regressed its no longer about having fun but pushing a dull forced narrative with no room for experimenting
Fuck it I'm done anyone defending r* are faggots
Last half decent game they made was mp3


man, I can only imagine how ugly the fat little virgin that wrote this post looks irl.

It's just the most basic level of action and consequence tho. But I guess even that's too much for regular conservatards

theres a difference between immigration and unsustainable levels of uncontrolled immigration. Est. 300,000 illegals in London. Let me show you around Birmingham, UK. Absolute toilet.

I got bored with it about half-way through, but I'd like to play it with a mouse so it feels like actual aiming instead of the stupid controller inputs with auto-aim. That and 4k 60fps.
Aiming didn't feel that good in GTAV though so I'm setting my expectations pretty low.

>watching a singleplayer game that is not a VN or an adventure game

literally everything here is false. Nice immature bias. RDR2 was massive success. It's online was hurt becasue they focus so much on the single player. They've already made 2 billion in revenue

So? It wasn't the huge success gta 5 was hence them scrambling to get it on pc

>want to play as a cowboy in the states
Holy shit how boring. Who the fuck wants to even do that

Attached: IMG_20190115_222736.jpg (988x988, 159K)


>hence them scrambling to get it on pc
Every rockstar game besides GTAV and RDR took 7 months to come to PC

dark souls devs

Attached: Red Dead Souls.png (882x863, 339K)

Link is down, anyone got another?

Wrong max payne 3 took 2 weeks
1 and 2 where multi plat
Your also forgetting the tennis game and midnight club 3 la that never came out on pc

Then answer this question:
You select two rifles into your inventory. You climb onto your horse, ride 20 meters, get off your horse. Are those 2 weapons still in your inventory?
The answer may surprise you.

Absolute madman

Attached: rif-1555022537286.jpg (640x632, 37K)

Just kys already)

Attached: 1520433497345.jpg (1897x602, 125K)

any reuploads yet?

epic store exclusive confirmed

Skyrim is a better game than rdr2.
Rdr2 is a comfy camp sim, though.

hello zoomer

Nah, now that the dust has settled on Skyrim, it's shit. Sky's the limit for Mod community for RDR2

skyrim is just make a doll to fuck game

rdr2 is comfy roam around the wilds and kill shit

specially after you finish the story, just go around killing shit. Kinda wish you could rob banks and shit though.

skyrim is fucking ugly too, yes, even with ENB & 4k mods that run at 12fps that crash every other bootup

It was made by PCs

it will

Epic only accepts bad games.

Here you go for all the based retarded leakers who dont know how to webm

Attached: rdr2.epic.leak.webm (640x360, 2.97M)

Won't load for me and my mate. Was it taken down like the last one?

>A walking horse

Attached: 1554223612742.jpg (900x900, 60K)

Loads fine for me, if not I can upload elsewhere of your choosing.

>Tiny, compressed, no audio


you say that like your webm isn't complete dog shit

Attached: 1544426213660.jpg (1920x1080, 216K)

i would rather just play it at ps4 settings but with 100+ fps so that playing in first person is possible without auto aim

yep, thats RDR2 alright
could have been taken from literally any system

Attached: dfg1.jpg (600x600, 31K)

bet you think this is real too

blame hiro and the stupid 3 mb limit

mate moot was the one that put in the webm restrictions, it's only /gif/ & /wsg/ that have the higher limit + audio

hiro hasn't changed jack iirc

>still a boring slog
congrats pcbros, I guess
enjoy the vistas; it's the only reason to play

I meant he didnt change it for other boards and thats why I couldnt make a higher res longer webm

so it's actually real?

Does the fix the controll delay? Probably not.
Does it fix the boring ass riding from opposite sides of the map? Prolly not.
Does it fix the brokem beta mp? Prolly not

It's hard to tell, but I am 90% sure it is real.

If it were fake and someone was simulating 60fps, you'd be able to tell with the animations on the character.

But the characters animations are 100% smooth.

Thank you. It should be even more enjoyable now

Attached: liltay.png (1263x1248, 2.02M)

>Does the fix the controll delay? Probably not.
it will have kb+m support so it most definitely will be fixed.
>Does it fix the boring ass riding from opposite sides of the map? Prolly not.
sounds comfy
>Does it fix the brokem beta mp? Prolly not
it probably will if it gets fixed on the consoles (thanks for beta testing it btw)

Everything will be better now that it's on PC

Attached: 023.png (680x680, 221K)

how can you tell its 60 fps? from the feel of it or is there a way to tell?

they're gonna release RDR1 and 2 bundled together on PC

None of them can play it at 60fps
If anything the video could be edited by interpolating frames

The artifacts around the borders and models are the same as when I use MEGUI/Hybrid

Attached: epic games.jpg (1400x788, 64K)

After playing on PS4, going through the same area, the smoothness of everything looks 60fps.

If it were 30fps and simulated to 60fps, you'd still get choppy sort of movements like the animations in this video: youtu.be/k9nnSe6TldM?t=334

The character looks blurry/choppy, while in the RDR2 one it looks smooth/no real blurriness to it.

Attached: 1553283000860.jpg (1680x945, 296K)

If it's a fake it's a pretty well done fake. Resolution, graphics, the framerate seems really nice.

This, probably the best 'fake' if it is a fake.

Just compare it to any of these edited videos

I don't think anybody really years for Bloodborne. Even on PS4 its sales are entirely dwarfed by RDR2, so it is far, far less popular even on its home console.

I don't know what to think any more

Attached: no-answer.gif (328x217, 1.37M)

why is there such insane warping around the horse's head when it starts moving? Far more artifacting than normal, and the rest of the scene doesn't artifact at a similar rate.

Attached: 2000px-The_Pirate_Bay_logo.svg.png (2000x2265, 782K)