DAILY REMINDER; all it takes is one wrong thumb move and a $500 cpu is destroyed

For example you accidentally bend a CPU pin or accidentally forget to set correct PSU voltage (some have rear switch). also cable management is not a joke; a stray cable can tangle in your cpu cooler fan


Attached: indiuyityuityuiex.jpg (300x168, 12K)

Other urls found in this thread:

I'm a knuckledragging idiot and i still built a pc, anyone can do it

It's one of the most braindead things you can ever do. Literally, the manual for the mobo has all the info you need.


>Will PC ever get x game?
>How long will I have to wait for x game to come out if it does?
>Can my PC run it or it will it be unoptimized crap?
>Will Epic snatch up the rights to it?

Get a PS4 and you will never have to ask any of these questions again.

We had this thread last night. We get it, you are an idiot that can't even follow a guide, and would rather pay someone else to do it for you.

>For example you accidentally bend a CPU pin
Pretty much impossible if you follow the instruction booklet, shit's built idiot proof these days
>forget to set correct PSU voltage (some have rear switch)
Ah, the dangers of being a burger
>also cable management is not a joke; a stray cable can tangle in your cpu cooler fan
>hear weird sound of fan shitting itself
>shut PC down
>check open it up
>oh, a stray cable
>secure it
>never have to touch it again

I know this is bait but I wonder if some people actually believe this shit

Some sites send you the case already fully assembled for free if you buy everything there, particularly the cheapest site in america actually outside of black friday discounts.

I was paid to post 2 more times this. thats all i gonna say

Only betas are afraid of building a PC.

Which site? It isn't the egg that's new is it?

Well, carry on. While I hate you and your shitty thread, I'd post it too for money.

what a retard

Attached: 1553207237848.jpg (768x576, 99K)

You could always
> buy the parts for cheap
> ask your tech friend to build it for you

when i built my pc i was surprised at how much force you need to plug in the cables, power connector, gpu and ram sticks. wasnt sure if im about to break things everytime i pluged something in because no guide tells you this and there are no dedicated handles on the mainboard.
if you break something there will be no warranty because you broke it yourself.

Attached: 181_071.jpg (800x600, 163K)

also i bought a itx mainboard, which turned out to be a not sogreat idea because its so fucking tiny building on it is extremely frustrating if you arent hobbit sized.

>$500 cpu

why are you building a pc with a 500$ cpu as your first pc?

true, you let someone else do it for you, a good nerd taht wlil work his ass off an entire afternoon speccing parts to your customization for just 100 euros. still cheaper than a pee es 4 with 3 year online 'plan'.

Stop being an idiot and it'll be fine

/g/ here. we see it every day in the pcbg. dumb v console shitter thinks he can run with the big dogs and buys mismatched parts then shorts them not following proper procedure or some other simple fuckup. just let the pros at geek squad handle it for you.

Plugging in the power connector is the only thing i am always scared when i have to work on PCs

Built my first pc just by following the mobo, cooler and case manuals using pcpartpicker. Im a brainlet that can barely assemble ikea furniture and i went in my first time with over 2000 americreds worth of parts. If I can do it than any braindead kunckle dragging console nigger can.

there's a reason PC users look down on retards who are too incapable to manage using the superior system
eat shit console pleb

You've got to be a full blown autist to want to build a pc instead of buying one. I get how some may be interested in how a computer works and so they pick it apart and stuff, but to suggest building one from scratch has always been a joke to me. It's like a caveman going "Look me made fire me so proud!" ha. What a waste of time.

lmaoing @ ur lyfe

>build first pc
>put it in the wrong way around
>put the cooler on and everything before I realised
>take it out and put it back in right
>works fine

People really overestimate how delicate PC parts are. Seriously, everyone will scream at you about how static will kill you and your family, but when was the last time you heard of someone frying something with static?

>i did it once and nothing happened
>this means everyone can do it all the time without anything happening
this is your logic dude

Nigger you are not funny in any way, kys saged

The 24 pin board connector always requires plugging it in with the might of Zeus for some reason. Cheap board usually bend quite a bit during that as well.

Im a fucking retard and I've built my pc with 0 problem.

its not even actual building, you just stick a few factory built parts together and screw it in a premade case. its only the last step of actually building a pc. not much knowledge of how a pc works involved.

first one I got I had to remove the CPU and borrow someone else just to boot it and update the bios to make the one I had bought work, bent a pin or 2 by accident and just bent them right back with a credit card this was 10 years ago and still using it
>new games

Attached: pointnlaugh.webm (568x892, 782K)

Had a buddy buy a prebuilt from digitalstorm. He opted for the custom water cooling loops and all the fancy rgb options. This was going to be his streaming rig. 2080ti, TR cpu. But he didnt want to play games on it, he just wanted to stream his ps4pro. Didnt know how to install a capture card, broke a pcie slot trying. Few weeks later his temps started going berserk because his pump malfunctioned, which he didnt know how to replace. Couldn't return it to DS so I think it just sits on his floor with his playstation on it. I built my pc around the same time, know every part in it, know how to breadbox and diagnose problems. The maybe four hours I spent building it was worth avoiding the headache that comes with being a prebuilt purchasing retard.

>I followed instructions and received the desired result
>not everyone can do this
Sucks for them!

>Will PC ever get x game?
>How long will I have to wait for x game to come out if it does?
Except these can easily be reversed too.
Look at all the people who've been begging for shitty games like DayZ and PUBG.

>general anti-PC shills
>meaning their job is to go around just generally shitting on PC
what a time to be alive

Attached: nanami.jpg (216x226, 14K)

Pc spends enough time shitting on itself with Steam vs. Epic and Intel vs AMD.


How do I assemble my own PS4?
>inb4 just buy one
No, I refuse to be one of the retards who buys a pre-built PS4, those things are trash with the specs they offer.

ur some friend that you didnt help your buddy out, worse, you start whining about it on an anonymous forum.

What a vindictive, jealous little cunt you are. Do the world a favour and kys.


>prebuilt breaks
>2 years warranty
>send it in
>get new one 2 weeks later

>selfmade pc breaks
>hmm. which part is malfunctioning?
>gotta buy a second pc so i can switch parts and trial which part is faulty
>send in psu that caused the shutdowns
>company mails back after 1 month that they couldnt find any fault with the psu you sent them
>they send it back
>you try it
>pc immediately starts to randomly shut down again

yeah no. thanks, but no.

and what a perfect time it would be

dont forget about the cheaters which plague every pc game.

>prebuilt breaks
>it's been over 2 years since let's be real, if your PC breaks within 2 years of purchase you're probably retarded
>have to buy a completely new PC

>selfmade PC breaks
>replace only one part after doing some tests to see what is fucked

how retarded do you have to be, I was about 15 when I built my first pc you literal retard

>Didnt know how to install a capture card, broke a pcie slot trying.
so the prebuilt was fine and problems only started when he fell for the DIY meme. classic.

> no guide tells you this
thats a lie.
>if you break something there will be no warranty because you broke it yourself.
and in 99,9% of the cases warranty will never even be an issue, since the components will work long after it is gone. your eventuality is a subcategory of the remaining 0,01%.
call me crazy, but that is a risk people can take.

Actual retard poster that can't diagnose a PC even if it was prebuilt. Maybe you should stick to consoles.

Building your own PC is dumb. It's like buying a car in parts and assembling it yourself - it makes no sense.
Any decent parts store offers to assemble your PC for free. Of course you'll find plenty of spotty retail interns who think being able to assemble a computer is something to be proud of. Brag about how you cleaned your own plumbing while you're at it.

built my pc 5 years ago and hadnt broke or even upgraded anything derp

i've had my PC for four+ years and nothing went wrong except for that one time the power cord was loose so it really wasn't the PC at fault.
i'm going to put it very simply here -- you have to be either
>very young
>very elderly
>mentally slow
to have problems with a PC. fucking middle schoolers are building one these days

I don't even know where to start with building a PC, I'm still using a prebuilt Dell from 5 years ago.

>want to make a a300 deskmini built
>still can't justify price/performance compared to used gayman laptop
Next gen apu better released soon and cheap.

special note: poster didn't offer to help him and let noob break pc because he's probably a poorfag

? How fucking stupid are you?
It's like assembling Legos. They snap together

>Spending $500 on a processor
>Bending a pin
Only a real possibility with an AMD chip. Even then you have to be a true fucktard to bend one.
>Set correct PSU voltage (some have rear switch)
LEL that's the overall voltage switch for the whole system you rtard, not the CPU.
>cable management
How special do you have to be to not realize that exposed fan blades need to have obstructions cleared lest they get tangled

0/10 try harder.

Youre right. If he wanted to stream console gameplay he should've just settled for console perfomance. Not everyone has the mental acuity or advanced dexterity to install pcie cards.

>I did it once and and it happened
>this means that nobody should do it ever since it will always happen
This is YOUR logic, dude.

>accidentally bent a bunch of my CPU pins
>bent them back with a mechanical pencil
Been working fine for the last 2 years

If you have someone else build a PC for you and it's broken they're held accountable and you will get it fixed for free. If you install something wrong you're shit out of luck.
There's literally no benefit to building a PC yourself. It's a waste of your time and effort.

It's retard proof, man.
Of all the reasons to not make a PC "it's too hard" has to be the dumbest fucking one I've ever heard.

>Installing the Noctua NDS-15

Attached: 1550630388741.png (283x244, 88K)

>not recommending they learn

>t. Faggot who killed his CPU because he was too dumb to insert it the right way


bent CPU pins are completely reparable

>set correct PSU voltage
lmao just stop posting brainlet

Retards gonna retard, no helping anyone if they're so far gone as to buy from boutique builders.

I once took a CPU out of the socket, put it on my tongue, bent a few pins replacing it back in and it was repaired with a screwdriver.

Attached: backlog.png (481x345, 17K)

I've bent my Ryzen CPU pins slightly and the didn't fit in the the socket. I've tried unbending them and my hand slipped and I've bent them even more, almost 45 degrees. But I was still able to straighten them out and CPU is working fine.
I had a freakout in /pcbg/. Unfortunately I didn't take pictures of them being bent 45 degrees because I immediately started fixing them

Attached: photo[872].jpg (303x374, 51K)

>accidentally forget to set correct PSU voltage (some have rear switch)
Literally not a problem since the 90's
>accidentally bend a CPU pin
Be careful with those fat fingers. Dont Dont you have a phone? Are you always afraid of dropping it because you have no hand coordination?
>cable management is not a joke; a stray cable can tangle in your cpu cooler fan
True dat, i had problem with that already, my GPU cooler fan got blocked once, but thats hardly hardware breaking. There are limit temps and multiple meters. Any passive cooler should be able to handle a cpu on bios config

>after doing some tests to see what is fucked
which tests? which test would have showen that my psu is at fault for the random shutdowns? do i look like a hardwarefag, that has this expert knowledge and spare parts and diagnostic tools? im a gamer and i have a job as well, im not reading 24/7 on hardware issues for the eventuality of my psu or mainboard shitting the bed in 3-4 years.

nowadays if my pc has issues or i want an upgrade i just drive it over to the local pc repair guy and get the work done within hours. doesnt cost much and is comfy and hassle free as fuck.

The only thing I can see anyone installing wrong is the CPU and the RAM, but even then just read the fucking manual. Everything else literally fits one way.
Seriously, you're an actual braindead retard if you buy all your PC components only to pay someone else to cuckbuild your PC because you can't put Lego pieces together. Might as well buy a prebuilt, take the guesswork out of what parts fits what.

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I haven't used AMD in years, it's kind of a shock to find out their CPUs still use actual pins.

>unplug each piece of hardware individually to see what is the fault
>if nothing is the fault then it's the PSU

wow hard

don't work on your car ever

Attached: NZXT PS4.png (1404x872, 876K)

And they will for quite a while. They're going to support AM4 socket for a long time

>you can't put new parts in a prebuild

I'm trying to imagine a person who calls someone a buddy and then hates them because they bought something they were unable to assemble.

Nobody is that petty, unless you're some deep autist.

You have to be retarded to do that. After building, changing cases, and upgrading multiple times without any problems I realized that PC parts aren't as fragile as you think they are. I don't even bother using the anti static bracelet since there's no carpet in my house and would touch the metal part of the case for safety measures. I even yanked out the CPU when trying to pull off the heatsink and the pins were fine. You'll have to be using complete retard strength to physical damage a part.

>Trying to spread fear because you can not follow a guide
>For example you accidentally bend a CPU pin or accidentally forget to set correct PSU voltage (some have rear switch). also cable management is not a joke; a stray cable can tangle in your cpu cooler fan
All you need to do is set it on the right spot gently and basically it's in. As for cable management you can easily get good cable management sleeve and zip ties for 10$

maybe, but im not handling parts that cost several hundred euros so soon anymore, especially since i need a pc every 5 years or so, so its impossible for me to get any experience and familiarity with pc building and at the same time it is not economically efficient as well. if i were a hardwarefag that bought new parts every month and watched gamersnexxus on a daily basis it would be different i guess.


AMD fag detected

the problem is that the parts cost a fortune and doing it yourself isnt much cheaper than buying prebuilt so even a tiny chance of fuckups is absolutely unacceptable.

use your male instincts, if it doesn't fit in the whole don't fucking put it there, that's as difficult as it gets.

yeah i just unplug the mainboard and the psu and then watch if the pc has any issues...

is this bait?

>this is your average alienware customer

Perhaps searching on the internet 'pc building guide' ?
Has this not occurred to you

If you can prove that it's not any of the other parts, how do you not get to this? Do you have autism?

Stop replying to obvious bait

RAM has assymetrical dents that make it impossible to install incorrectly, and now a days mobos can handle any retarded channel configuration.
The only way to fuck up RAM is not applying enough pressure, which means its loose and wont work

put the thicc manual between the board and backplate when pushing it in

PCBs aren't made of crispbread, you dunce. You weaklings wouldn't be able to snap a motherboard if you tried.

Im trying to imagine the kind of person that needs a name on an anonymous mongolian sky offering exchange

nothing in a pc just fits, even with the fucking ram sticks you have to use force to make them snap in and they look so fragile that i was in constant fear of breaking them.

Attached: 26EHx.jpg (1590x534, 237K)

You do understand that Intel CPUs also use pins, right? They're just in the socket instead, and much more fragile. You're pretty much fucked if you bend those, whereas bending back PGA pins is easy because they're tough as fuck.

Attached: sup.jpg (700x1690, 327K)

solder could pop and break away

>build pc
>it works great for a month
>suddenly randomly starts blue screening or outright turning off
>goes back to normal after a few weeks and hasn't done it since

Attached: 1449827423904.jpg (500x375, 27K)

This is now a tranny thread.
Post cute trannies to make the jannies seethe

Attached: DS9FTN_W4AELynh.jpg (900x1200, 194K)

Id rather fuck a cheap mobo than a 9900k desu, not than itll actually happen unless youre an absolute brainlet with gorilla hands

>implying jannies aren't trannies
fuck off

>using cheap mobos on good parts

>another sheltered anxiety ridden nu-user is fearful of a molehill he made into a mountain and must force this belief on everyone else
>episode #698
>it's still a rehash

Writers are hacks, you're a pissbaby

Except you would have to be a retard to bend LGA pins in the first place since, as you said, they're in the socket instead of on the CPU

You can't be a janny and a tranny since all trannies are speedrunners but jannies can't run very fast or at all.

>good part

Lol at these incel poojeets

you cant because the pc only works with a motherboard and not without one. same with the psu. without psu the pc has no power. so there is no way of testing it by unplugging.

it has a permanent bend afterwards and there are these small cylindrical things on the board that can be broken off.

Attached: capacitors-up-close.jpg (1280x960, 268K)

enjiy your reply faggit

>unfinished zen2 es beat it at CES
Cant wait for indias suicide rate to skyrocket when zen2 officially drops.

DAILY REMINDER; all it takes is one wrong thumb move and you're fucking dead kiddo

For example you accidentally stick a fork into a plug socket or accidentally forget to breathe (air is hard to see). also eating and drinking is not a joke; forgetting for a few days can kill you


Yeah you will ask these instead.
>will we have a new game to play this month?
>will this run at a stable 28 FPS?
>wonder if it's upscaled 480p or 720p
>how much will online cost next month
>I wonder if they'll remaster my favorite PS3 game so I can play it

built my first pc this year? literally just watched a youtube vid of cooler install and followed the mobo manual for everything else. nvme ssd so I had 3 cables total and it was all piss easy. i thought it was going to take all day but it was done in an hour, half of which was the cooler and io shield. you have to be genuinely thick as pig shit to mess this up in any way that isn't easily amended

intel or ryzen?

it's literally keyed with a notch you dumb faggot

Intel if you have money, ryzen if you are poor

>part is faulty (you dont know yet)
>turn on pc
>it immediately shuts down again
what now?

>pay the store $50 for assembly
>the PC arrives put together, tested and ready to play out of the box

Feels good to afford stuff.

Attached: 750x536.jpg (750x536, 54K)

Intel is pozzed, unsecure. Fucking .js can give russian faggots hardware level access to you shit in seconds. Avoid like the plague.

you put the RAM in the wrong slots like the illiterate dumb fuck you are

Rent free

>cheap gaming pc
>500 usd cpu which is hundreds more than a whole gaming pc.
>being a retard with components and not following online instructions exactly
Wow I wonder who is at fualt

this is such easy bait and brainlets still fall for it

That works if the store is close to your home otherwise, no way in hell

You turn it on 2 more times, then it will give you a beep code that you can google and it will pretty much tell you exactly which part is fucked.

nah ram was fine. as i mentioned in an earlier post the psu was the faulty part. it could have easily been the mainboard or the cpu as well.

>Upgrading computer from LGA1155 to Ryzen+ AM4
>Go to put the aftermarket cooler on
>Missing a screw for the AM4 socket
>Have to leg it to Home Depot to find a same size screw
>Have to eyeball it compared to the others because this screw is threaded all the way to the top instead of just a little bit like the others
>Finish the build, get it all into the case, moment of truth
>Turns on fine, everything is fine, idles at 30c and has yet to go above 69c while gaeman

The only annoying thing is that the temperature bounces around a shitload because AMD's temperature sensors are sensitive as fuck and don't average it out. So when Windows asks for a tiny bit of processor, PBO and XFR ramp that fucker up to 4.25ghz and shoots the temps up 10c.

lrn 2 average our your die temps, AMD.

AMD has not been competitive in performance per core for the last 10 or so years.
Most emulation and most older games (but not ancient and still demanding, eg. modded STALKER or Arma) are single thread heavy so you're gonna be bottlenecking your experience, even if in benchmarks the AMD looks better.

I did this too. They even installed my OS (minus activation) which saved me another half hour. No idea why people do it themselves.

I got rid of my PS4 when they started forcing third parties to censor their games. I'd rather wait.

No it couldn't, CPU would stay on but not post and no beep codes, PSU it just shuts off, RAM it reboots every 3 seconds and the CPU fan spins for a second.

>be me 7 years ago
>want to build my own pc
>watch newegg bald guy videos on how to build a pc
>follow the steps as I go along
>pc still works to this day, only parts I switched were the GPU and I added an SSD

>muh extra 2 fps!
Totally worth having a pozzed mossad backdoor as the brains of your system.

i hate that i have to get a new motherboard entirely if i want to upgrade my cpu

it gave me no beep at all. the pc would just down at random intervalls. and most of the time i couldnt even get on the desktop because the pc would already shut down again.

nothing works properly with AMD, you can't even get the Android SDK to compile properly on AMD.

>these small cylindrical things
They're called capacitors you illiterate retard.
Back to console gaming, PC isn't for you.

how would i know that?

So what you're saying is that you do get past the POST, which means you can get into the bios, which means you can get into the console, which means you can run a couple of different tests for pretty much every part in your PC.

It's even more sad because even the fucking filename says they're capacitors

Note: this is also true for GPUs. If you want stuttering, artifacts and random crashes, go with AMD.

Chang getting mad that we're killing his business by importing and building PCs ourselves.

>link thread on /g/
>amd shills flood the thread

Holy shit it really is a quarantine for pajeets.

Don't forget to set your dip switches, anons!

Attached: DIP closeup.jpg (800x600, 86K)

someone needs to rule 34 this

oh I dunno, you have the entire wealth of human knowledge one new tab away and you can't be bothered to google "how to tell if faulty PSU"?

>build first pc
>wont post
>spend hours unplugging and rechecking everything
>it was a DOA motherboard

My luck is so shit. paid for Windows?

am I to believe that you think a ceiling fan and a gaming PC are the same thing?

i dont know any of these tests. no guide i watched before told me to run any tests or mentioned any trouble shooting, the guides are all just
"stick it together and then it just werks lol" no one mentions possible fuck ups AND trouble shoots EVER because at this point its not so easy anymore and pc building isnt idiot proof anymore and so the narrative of pc building is easy as fuck and you dont need to know anything GETS COMPLETELY DEBUNKED


use your phone dipshit

you absolute sped

Attached: 1528751726519.jpg (532x509, 42K)

Dont know what retarded Verge shit you watched. Every guide ive watched and read reccs posting to bios at least once before fully assembling the case.

Congratulations, you have a low IQ.

building a PC will make you smarter once something goes wrong you get to learn something valuable, things being broke is something to look forward for newbies, you get to experience real life puzzle solving with real world rewards just like in your vidya games.

You made this thread yesterday around the same time. I don't even understand why, you claim that you're a retard and brfo'd your computer or something, but like, why make it again?

Attached: 1554925885012.gif (220x212, 2.57M)

>all it takes is one wrong thumb move and a $500 cpu is destroyed
only if you are a genuine retard that doesn't have fine motor controls.

No. I never got my dick stuck in my PC.

do you really need fine motor controls? everything is keyed you can't even put shit in the wrong way unless you're turbo retarded and use your retard strength.

sucks to be you

>No idea why people do it themselves
Because it is fucking easy and does not taker longer than an hour? Why would you pay 50 $ for something anyone with a two digit IQ could do?

Also you learn how to troubleshoot your PC if you build it yourself which is nice

>have amazon giftcards so figure I'll buy shit from there
>first 'new' mobo is DOA
>double check and it does say new, but feel something is off about it
>get replacement sent
>replacement isn't in any packaging, just the fucking mobo box, label slapped on, not secured closed at all
>part of the packaging looks like someone sanded or ripped it off
>box is wet from rain and there is human hair in the fucking box
>it's DOA too

Attached: 1269394244694.jpg (304x222, 12K)

>he doesn't use his own semen as thermal paste
not going to make it.

I simply enjoyed it, plus it taught me how to do it myself and now I scam retards for $200 per computah

Attached: 1550521325982.gif (173x267, 2.51M)


you know they're known for selling fake shit and have no quality control, everyone knows this, get it from anywhere else except for amazon, use microcenter or newegg or fucking tigerdirect but not amazon.

I hope they eventually refunded or replaced it

That's the only country I know where you have to do this, but yeah whatever you say.

Only reason was the giftcards, but it was a goddamn nightmare. First and last time I'll ever use them.
Got a working one the third time. Still, never again.

use a giftcard exchange next time

>finally decided to build my first pc because Yea Forums said it's easy
>everything is going relatively smooth
>time to insert the gpu
>it's not going in for some reason
>push a little harder because people said it's okay to be a bit rough
>mobo snaps in fucking half
I'm literally on the verge of crying right now what the fuck am I supposed to do now? I don't have any more free money for another mobo

Attached: 1495931904324.png (619x453, 5K)

The motherfucking motherboard has an internal Beeper which tells you in a coded signal which part is malgunctioning

If the motherboard doesnt even turn on, its the psu

So fucking obvious

Signs of a beginner with weak wrists. Stop being a pussy and pay attention to what you're doing.

amazon themselves or a third party on the market place?


The only thing I had an issue with was the ram stacks were stiff and the lever for my CPU was tough. Honestly though it isn't hard

This is probably what consoleros actually believe.

yeah you just proved my point. its not easy at all because you need to know a lot of the troubleshooting stuff. better use the next hours reading into diagnostic tools so i can do it myself when i need another pc in 4-5 years. totally worth the time. thanks user.

Finally a dumb frogposter gets ultra rekt like he deserves

Attached: 1470334902680.jpg (640x960, 100K)

why would you just go in the internet and tell lies?

It's literally impossible to snap mobo unless you fucking smash it with your knee

Literal room temperature IQ

you incompetent ignoramus, your motherboard literally comes with a paper manual with a section called troubleshooting, try reading it sometime you might learn something.

>becoming more knowledgeable is somehow a bad thing

>I can't read a few paragraphs of a manual and press a few buttons on the mobo
This is what the American Education system spawns, gentlemen.

Alright OP, I'll bite

Building your first PC is scary, especially the step of putting in your CPU. I probably watched a dozen videos of people putting their CPU in the slot before trying to insert it myself, I was so nervous I thought I might fuck up and jam it in wrongly or put thermal paste everywhere.
But I just put it in gently, wiggled it around and locked the chamber. Spent about three hours being careful with all the parts, trying not to get my sweat anywhere. But once you have your first time, a lot of the anxiety goes away and you do it for fun after.

Yes, you're well aware of how I phrased this

Attached: 1553870172115.gif (465x280, 622K)

I once ripped a CPU out of the closed socket because the heatsink was stuck to it and i tried to pull it off and i thought that it broke for sure but it still worked fine.

Pc parts are more durable than people think

Maybe for you but not everyone is a pathetic weak beta

that was a pretty common thing with Pentium 4's

I can bench 2.5pl8 faggot

*snort* evereyone is so dumb compared to me

Tone down the tardstrength

Attached: 26124634.jpg (1224x1445, 174K)

Benching has nothing to do with wrist power or hand strength which are required for the cramped compartments of the computer. The question is how long can you jack off without your hand cramping up?

Don't fucking reminds me.

>Order all the parts
>Happy as shit

>put cpu in Mobo
>Boot it up
>Fucking Mobo fries
>Cpu couldn't have been seated correctly?
>Cpu is ok
>Ram is ok
>Maybe it just needs the GPU
>Turn on
>Smoke from Mobo
>Kill me
>$800 down the drain
>But wait
>Check cpu again
>Turns out either Mobo or cpu was fucked
>Return cpu for new one
>Buy new Mobo
>Everything turns on nicely.

Always check your parts first and see if anything fucked. Don't make same mistake I did!

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>Being a peasant that doesnt pay others to install components into his pc.

Reminds me of the time that some shmup that used to pull tons of money at the arcade I worked at stopped doing so well and we were all baffled as to why people just lost interest all of a sudden, and then I found out like a week before we were gonna put the machine away in the back for something else that the last time I tweaked the settings dips I accidentally set it to assrape difficulty and never noticed

>a literal scenario of square peg into circular hole
Pull it out and look at what you're hitting next time.

i did actually intentionally snap an old z77 asus board that has been dead for years in half. was actually surprisingly resilient.

I can also stream 230 bpm in osu
What now?

Is this real?

Weird, I've never had issues with any computer shit I've bought from Amazon. Literally the entire PC I'm using now is using parts I bought off Amazon. Either you bought shit from third party sellers, or your local warehouse/post office is fucking shit

Why didn't you just RMA it like a sane person?

Yes. Legos it is NOT!

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kek, at first you people brag about how easy and fast it all goes, "just 50mins!" and then you make me read books and stuff. i actually have other stuff to do than fixing hardware issues, even finding time for gaming is hard, so getting trolled by hardware isnt something i will tolerate. you may not like it but thats why prebuilts will always exist.

im not burger

Incelvidiots get out.

>CPU pin
Is that even still a thing? I thought it was all just pads and shit for like the past 10+ years.

>i can press buttons on the key board real fast

so don't accidentally break shit then?
it's not that difficult. get a friend or someone to help you the first time.
this is just scam shit to pay people exortionate amounts to piece it together for you.
the only thing those people do of any monetary value is cable management because most of us can't be fucked.
they should be paid like 30 bucks for putting it together, but they want to charge you like 10% of your pc's cost, fuck those jews


Did we go back in time?

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Im sorry mister important

There should be some buyer's remorse support group for AMD owners.

Modern computers have the pins already on the mobo, i'm guessing these fags are playing around with tech from pre-2009


How's my rig?

Attached: stats1.png (584x320, 16K)

>That's the only country I know where you have to do this
Bullshit I've never had to change the voltage on the PSU.

If a child can build Lego you can build a PC

I wish amd got rid if pins.

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i accept your apology

>fx processor

office machine

i don’t pay for play online, thanks

Don't forget
>will the PS4 version be censored?

better than mine though

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I changed gpu a few days ago and I am super bored to clean the dust or fix the spaghetti...

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>i actually have other stuff to do than fixing hardware issues
yes im sure you do. idiots always fall to the 'i dont have time to learn anything' argument.

What's wrong with 960?

enjoy the cheaters then.

I like being able lower my graphics settings for optimum target acquisition on my multiplayer FPS games.


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I went to Canada Computers and got a pre-build for $1100. 1060, i5 8400, 8GB DDR4, SSD, the works. Keep in mind this is Canadian dollars. Included 3 years warranty and they fix whatever free of charge, and came with Windows 10 Home edition.

Building PCs is a meme when a company can offer a pre-built that's pretty much comparable with the sum total of individual parts anyway. Setting up took 5 minutes at home, smooth as fuck.

Attached: Mei.jpg (791x900, 278K)

Here's the full specs. 16 not 8, so my bad there.

Attached: specs.jpg (770x573, 84K)

cheapest 2080 ti I could find, beggars cant be choosers also note that the mobo is rbg as well as the cooler but thankfully my case has a mesh instead of a window and a huge ass 200mm fan that hides the ugliness of modern pc aesthetics.

I snapped the connector right off a new HDD when I was trying to cram it into my PC with tight cables, it was a fucking disaster

Sent it back to Amazon next day for a free replacement

Itt pleb filters

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oh I get it, you're a macfag

>sata connectors
those are probably the most fragile thing in a pc these days.

Zotac ain't great let me know if it dies in two years

Looking good bro

>bragging about buying an ACER

>he has pins on his cpu

it's a hard life being retarded

intel has them on the mainboard, thats arguably worse.

Well I guess it is ok if you do low med settings and don't use mods

I can game on high easily

Which would be true if they were exposed.

Lies, show webm bitch

he means game at a silky smooth 2fps

>Kingston SSD with 250mbs read/write
>WD Blue
>ASUS meme monitor

what a fucking joke, samsung 860 evo has 550MB/s read/write, it's $50, get a WD Black for fucks sake they're only $60 for 1tb, and that monitor wtf are you doing buying a 24" $150 monitor that doesn't do 144hz you could have bought a Dell S2419HGF for $180 that is 144hz and has all the stupid features you monitor has.

don't ever try and show off your savings skills again, this is fucking pathetic.

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3 years warranty, I wanted to get a strix but it was like 120 euros more...

You sound like you need work out.

they usually die from overheating or they get clocked down overtime

the asus monitor was bought seperately a while back, just got the cheapest one in store to replace my old smsung one

absolutely disgusting

If you can't fix your own PC, you shouldn't have one

144hz is pointless, no game I play goes beyond 60fps

please stop being retarded

toaster mustard race

more like I play new games mostly or cap them at 60 fps to preserve graphic card life

you're braindead beyond belief