When was the last time you cried because of a videogame?

When was the last time you cried because of a videogame?

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The final boss of Okami when everyone you've met over the last 50+ hours is praying for you

I think maybe a little on the climb up from the Abyss near the end of Hollow Knight.

Fucking pathetic

Entire game is designed around making you cry.
For the webm though, holy shit, what people do for shitty youtube ad money.

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Came here to post this, twelve years ago and the only game to have pulled it off.

So when is somebody gonna edit the TLOU2 kissing scene over the footage?

Tell Tale's Walking Dead Season 1 ending.

I honestly can’t remember. Am I broken?

Fuck you guys i wish i was 1/4 as excited for anything as he was for this.

You don't want to be literal npc who is exited for hollywood distilled crap under big name.

I cry a little over almost every climactic ending sequence in a quality game. I'm a sucker for those P3 boss scenarios where all your friends are praying for you. First one I really remember was FF4 when your party falls to Zeromus and not only are your former party members alive, but also teamed up with the red wings and praying for you.

Also I got teary eyed for the end fights in metal gear rising and all of the Xenosaga series. But those are special games.

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Mostly due to beautiful music that plays on your heartstrings. Save the world in endgame undertale and the pigeon flight in bf1

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>play kh1 again for first time in 10 years
>traverse town music
yeah that should do it

Who gives a shit about your god-awful NPC meme, who cares if it's "hollywood distilled crap"
I see someone that has actual excitement in his eyes and that's a beautiful thing I never see or feel anymore.

I shed a tear when I finished ff7. I really liked the game and the experience playing it .

the one and only time I've ever cried cause of a videogame was when i finished earthbound. I had just turned 18 and I lived (still live) in a shithole. When the credits rolled, I thought "from now on, things are only going to get worse." I was right. The entire game felt like a farewell to childhood.

based vlad

Old Gmod videos



I shed a single manly tear near the end of DMC5.
I'M NOT LETTING YOU DIE! was fucking kino and you can't tell me otherwise.

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boy I certainly didn't see that one coming from a mile away
you truly duped us this time, user