This is Cortana

This is Cortana.

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Why is it so annoying to uninstall her on Windows 10

This thread is useless without feet pics.

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Why would you ever uninstall her?

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cuz its integrated into the the kernel. they are fixing that supposedly

>wanted to name my kid cortana
>microsoft makes the digital assistant use her name

Fuck you MS. Beyond pissed

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On the bright side now you can fap to Cortana and not feel weird.

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Her ass traps the souls of her victims. I would advised not to get brapped by her.

I wanna ____ Cortana.

Yeah I wanted to name my kid Sonic the Hedgehog and then Paramount went and used his name for a movie so I know how you feel

Halo 4 did a lot wrong.
But it had the best Cortana hands down. The slope on them tiddies

Halo 4 Cortana is a sex machine

The only thing that got better with the Halo series in later entries was how Cortana looked.


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Is that 5? Never touched it, I take back what I said. Why isn't she naked?

I wanna marry her


Is this design possible in current year?

Yeah it's from 5.

>Why isn't she naked?
Because 343i are stupid and dumb.

As long as they just say she's expressing her feminity as she wants and doesnt need to listen to society!


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bad luck shes evil now.

Her body in 4 was perfection. I can't believe they had to go and fuck it all up.

>Halo 4 was a bit underwhelming but had interesting new ideas for the franchise, some good, some outright awful (qte)
>"Lol, just throw it out the window for 5"

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