Anyone else pissed off that this game won't capture the look and feel of the 80s and 90s...

Anyone else pissed off that this game won't capture the look and feel of the 80s and 90s? It legit pisses me the fuck off, cdpr had one job and they blew it.

also fuck first person, I wanted third person

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Other urls found in this thread:

You don't want the feel of the 80s and 90s, you want the feel of what you think the 80s and 90s were.

>Anyone else pissed off that this game won't capture the look and feel of the 80s and 90s?

>also fuck first person, I wanted third person

>Anyone else pissed off that this game won't capture the look and feel of the 80s and 90s?
>also fuck first person, I wanted third person
Neck yourself.

>look and feel of the 80s and 90s
No shit, it's set in the late 70's

the game is not set in the 80s or 90s

You forgot the worst part
>like all RPGs, it's adopding a perk based system because retards can't do math


neon rainy night zoomers need to fuck off

You're stupid, that's closer to how the TRPG was working.

Will my new PC be able to run this?

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Not enough RAM.

You really have that much money to spend? Then yeah, go for it.

Where are the LEDs ? Don't forget, red is faster.

>Night City
>it's always day

Bravo, CDPR. Bravo.

Its cyber punk, not fucking steam punk, learn your shit

Why is a tiny minority so eager to shit on this game?
Looking at the Youtube Ratio any other gaming forum this is one of the boards where few people open threads nearly daily to shitpost this game.
Same with The Witcher 3.

There will be day one mods that make it night and rainy 24/7 for you fucking autists.

I will be really surprised if the game does not support real-time ray tracing or deep learning super sampling.

i can always download more

>why is there more shitposting on Yea Forums than anywhere else!?

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I know you're meming but fuck you anyway.

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gonna pirate the gog version just for this

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CDPR cucked out on mods, dlc is too profitable; the last game with official tools (not hacky texture replacers) worth using was Witcher 2. It probably won't happen without some ENB or Reshade type thing.

But Witcher 3 had no DLC except the free Dlc they gave away for free?

Did they announced that they would make DLC for Cyberpunk ?


shut up, ugly cunt

>implying you can’t just make it perma night and rain by changing a couple integers

Don’t need mod tools for that shit retard.

Hearts of stone and blood and wine don’t count as dlc you stupid tripnigger?

I personally wouldnt call them DLC but rather Add-Ons because they add not only 20+ hours of new gameplay mission but new areas, missions, armors enemies and background story. Also you could buy them physicly .
I know for people like you its hard to grasp but back than games often came with Add-Ons months after relese that enhanced the game significantly in therms of quality.

oh fuck off you fat cunt
It nails 90s cyberpunk aesthetics so far, and we know that each dstrict will look different with at least one of them being bladerunner esque.

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Funny how all tripfags are retarded as fuck.

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Addons and dlc are the same fucking thing go the fuck back to gaia.

This might possibly be the dumbest image posted on here all week.

not everything was neon in the 80s bro

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>game set in the future
>isn't capturing the aesthetics of a time 90 years ago
>this is bad
That's like if I complained about Mafia 2 because it didn't capture the Civil War aesthetics

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that aside, its because a lot of people feel inherently smarter just because they go against the mainstream. On/v/ it's also because
>1 autists kept making the same threads over and over about sunlight and it not being cyberpunk until a bunch of newfags saw it and assumed it was the proper Yea Forums stance and repeat the same shit adnausem
>Idiots that thought it would be an exact recreation of pen and paper rpg to a video game format
every poll Yea Forums has done has shown that the silent majority of Yea Forums are still interested and wating for more info.

Artstyle seems retro enough to me. I'm just waiting to see nighttime gameplay. Daytime just looks horrible.


i mean, it is daytime in a cyberpunk LA.
i feel it should look horrible

its ironic

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Its iconic what?

>spending 4k on a comp
>not getting an i9
>only 16 gigs
>single GPU
>not even an AIO CPU cooler despite spending 2x the amount

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> ignoring the leftist themes
Based coolfutureperson.

ironic as in its shitposting

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>also fuck first person, I wanted third person
>third person
Go away console shitter.


Damn we really have some important problems out here

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Except they managed to redo whole system. Look at Enhanced Edition mod. There's active development on engine modification itself as well.

cod fans everyone

the reddit xbox board thinks it looks like shit too, nice try fag

btw you're ugly

nothing about what they showed looks 90s at all faggot

THIS is the 90s:

nobody cares what you want

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white women were at their peak in the 80s and 90s

they showed night, it looks like ass lol

but pc has tons of third person games you fucking idiot. wtf is with you pc fags and your obsession with first person? are you so fat and ugly that seeing an attractive character you play as makes you feel insecure? omg it does

first person confirmed for ugly fat people

>t. fortnite fan

Have sex

They better care, or I won't buy this game.

I just did, tell your mom I said thanks btw

Oh no, one whole sale lost!

>le ur mom xDDD

Yeah me too.

butthurt because btfo'd

Do people really complain about there being a daytime still? People do realize that the sun would still exist 50 years from now right? It's not always going to be night time.

It's just stupid. Why do you still bother pushing it?

>Muh dark, rainy retrowave 80s with neon lights
I'm glad they went the route they did. It may seems weird at first but like they said themselves it doesn't hurt to have variation - night time is still gonna be a fucking thing. And sticking with the perma-night neon lights settings is kinda taking the easy way out, and it's not particularly original at this point either.

>single GPU
SLI is a meme.

Go and kill yourself console shitter. PC may have a ton of third person games but it is consoles that can't handle first person games properly.

to mock idiots who think they know what cyberpunk is
its plainly obvious that none of the top are cyberpunk to anyone who's played those games or seen those shows but it has the AESTHETIC of what retards think cyberpunk is

Fell for the SLI meme
Can in fact confirm its a meme and I'll never being dealing with this bullshit again.

Nobody cares about perma night. That was a strawman brought in by shills. People just wanted overcast smoggy weather during the day. Not bright and sunny scene.

lore wise in CP they fixed the pollution problem :)

Which is a shitty choice from a world building perspective. Not really an excuse despite your cringy attempts at gotcha.

take it to mike then

sounds more like youre mad that you got got, nigger

>also fuck first person, I wanted third person

Why? Motion sickness?

Not really since I knew about that lore tidbit already. But degenerated retards like you still think it's a legit excuse and not a shitty hand wave that deteriorates the tone of the setting.


No need to get on the high-horse user. CP2077 is a console shooter through and through. And you're a cuckold for defending it from this perspective.

>wtf is with you pc fags and your obsession with first person?

The rotation of view is shit because the camera is meters behind the character and if it's close then the character blocks half the screen. It's so bad that all third person games make pickups shiny, outlined in white, glow or float and rotate because you can't see shit, unlike in a first person game where the aesthetic doesn't have to be ruined by visual crutches necessitated by the shitty camera view.

What are the odds that a 980 + 4690k run this game lads?

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Well this game already has glowy items and eye raping HUD that holds your hand so your argument is kinda fucked anyway.

>that deteriorates the tone of the setting
no. it doesnt.
what it does deteriorate are your incorrect assumptions about what the already established Cyberpunk 2020 world should look like.
no one but spergs like you care.

cdpr games are good with graphics options. obviously cant know the odds but i'd guess medium settings - its coming to consoles after all

This works better for the same reasons all the establishment shots in GitS are from ground level.

Should get decent settings at 1080p. Keep in mind that a 1060 is the most popular GPU on the marke and the 980 is on par with it. Add in the fact that it's coming to consoles and you should be good.


>GOG store exclusive

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why are people mad about first person?

It's the ideal perpespective for "immersion" isn't it?

gog games have no drm

They already shat on immersion.


lmao what?

dont reply to me ever again

Lmao, xbots are irrelevant.

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He means the sun and/or smog.
You can safely ignore his autism.

true, I saw some minorities
my immersion is already ruined, unless they're there to show the bad side of the city

Unironically expressing that you like games or you're excited about a game has fallen out of fashion on Yea Forums a very long time ago.

Strawman harder you actual cucks.

Imagine shitting on consoles when consoles are the reason Witcher 2, Witcher 3 and 2077 exist. What a moron.

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Stop using words you dont understand, tardlips.

They're technically DLCs but honestly expansion pack is probably more accurate term. When the current industry refers to DLC they generally don't mean expansion packs like HOS/BAW.

Stop shilling you cuck.

They should have been part of the game, it's disgusting that CDPR nickle and dimes people for more content.

lmao and thats how i know youre just upset for getting btfo smoglet

that's how

m8 you clearly have no idea what it means to shill or strawman

bait thread, works every time


Yeah the game is going to fucking suck and that's that, unfortunately. It won't give anyone the 80s cyberpunk vibe perfectly, just a shitty simulacrum. It's more EA, AAA garbage

Memeing aside, The Witcher 3 ran like a dream on my machine on the highest settings and I don't even have a monster of a PC. If this is using the same engine I'm expecting great performance.

>80s cyberpunk vibe
>my only knowledge of cyberpunk is Blade Runner: the post

90% of witcher 3 red engine 3 got remade now called red engine 4, it should be even better

The rpg was Stat+Skill+d10 vs target number. It didn't have Advantages/Disadvantages like in Gurps or Deadlands.

>capture the look and feel of the 80s and 90s
can you post some examples so we can see what you mean by that?

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Yeah and what's yours, cockswoggle

Yeah but the way it works is that the min way to get stronger isn't by leveling but by upgrading your character in different ways.

Blade Runner, Ghost in the Shell, Transmetropolitan, Altered Carbon, Dredd, a few others. I'm not the biggest cyberpunk connoisseur but I'm not retarded enough to expect THIS ONE AESTHETIC FROM THIS ONE MOVIE in every single cyberpunk work that ever gets released until the end of time. You're just an uncreative, closed-minded mongoloid.

Now this is true Cyberpunk

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>Anyone else pissed off that this game won't capture the look and feel of the 80s and 90s?
The 80s and 90s didn't have augmentations and flying cars

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Fuck the sun
Daylight sucks

>District Nine
>Fifth Element
>Judge Dread
>Bad examples of Cyberpunk

You are the worst definition of a nigger I've seen in many a year.

Wow, that's impressive. Wonder why Bethesda can't do the same.


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>wasting money and ressourcs when morons by your game anyway

I hope the release of Fallout 76 has finally woken up the masses to Bethesda's bullshit. But then again, I don't trust the average normie consumer and I assume people will still get super pumped about their next release.

meanwhile Elder Scrolls Blades is making tons of money

The phone market is the most retarded there is, so I wouldn't have expected any differently. Hopefully consolefags and PCfags have a bit more self respect.

>Caring about 2056%

>Hopefully consolefags and PCfags have a bit more self respect.
lmao, you're fucking funny dude

>E3 is supposed to show more Cyberpunk 2077 gameplay and give us a definite release date
Here's hoping we get to see some male V footage.

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yeah, i really like his voice in the trailer

Electromagnetic gun ?

Fuck if I know. They haven't really talked much about the weapons in the game.

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I hope the next gameplay is with him tbqh
I wanna see if theres any difference with the way essential npcs interact with you

where is the barrel???

I for one am looking forward to that spic companion not calling V "jaina".

I hope you can make femV muscular

I bet they've already rewritten most if not everything of the dialogue shown in the gameplay vid.

Imagine if she has a scene where she takes someone down using her legs then lock their head between her thighs it would be pretty funny haha



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yeah like that haha
can u imagine how funny it would look ingame haha

I swear, if he pulls that shit, I'm using the first chance to either kill him or have him killed.

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I don't understand the Steam hate. They are actually helping out on Linux side and make games compatible via wine

It's centerline and Snub compared to the capacitor banks straddling it. And hard as fuck to see.

I was thinking it was like the Elysium ChemRail which was basically like a hyper velocity sandblaster with a really small barrel.

Why ?

It's a railgun

Actually I just checked and it seems to be the corp tech rifle from the gameplay vid, seen timestamped here:

MUH 80S NOSTALGIA, MUH 90S NOSTALGIA. Fuck off pleb faggot.

I actually find the controversy itself really inspiring as the idea of cyberpunk seems like a "blind men and the elephant" situation or a "no-true-scotsmen" argument.

>That isn't Cyberpunk, that's Cyber-noir
>That isn't Cyberpunk, that's Neo 80s
>That isn't Cyberpunk, that's Oriental Futurism
>That isn't Cyberpunk, that's Dystopian fiction
>That isn't Cyberpunk, that's just Sci-fi

It makes me want to incorporate all styles in some way separate from each other in their own localized cities.

Then you have people with probably a too lax definition with something like
>Does it have cyborgs and it talks about it?

>It needs cyborgs and it needs to be an anti-establishment story
>Any other type of story isn't cyberpunk

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ohhhhh nooooo this game isnt going to like witcher

grow the fuck up faggot

>Only three classes

actually there are 0 classes

All of those have an extremely similar aesthetic moron, and barely any of it gets into cyberpunk 2077. I can't believe you named such similar things instead of at least something more distinct. Truly, the world's biggest fucking retard

>only argument is "NUH UH, YOU'RE A RETARD" and provides no evidence or comparison

I'm not pissed about it but I do prefer that synthwave, Perturbator kind of future.

The problem is people don't understand that genres are about addressing certain moods and emotions, not an aesthetic or specific trope (though those can help). Cyberpunk is about dreary introspection, and the human psyche confronted with the mind altering powers of technology, the existential dread that inflicts. These ideas, when given visual life in a movie or game, need certain aesthetics that fit. With cyberpunk, that generally boils down to: night and/or overcast days, rain, grit and grime, sleek technology, outfits that are simultaneously extremely provocative and conservative, usually some form of romance (humans desiring closeness to combat the existential dread they're seeing in life) -- and the romance is very introverted and cautious, since nothing seems a surety in this strange world. Cyberpunk 2077 either doesn't have these things or has them in ways that don't jive with the ideas therein. From the trailers, it seemed like everything was too extroverted, both aesthetically and in character attitudes. Would you call Blade Runner extroverted or introverted? What about GITS, Altered Carbon? Not at all. What makes Cyberpunk is a subtle (or sometimes not so subtle) noir quality running through its veins, which is inherently introverted. Cyberpunk 2077 just doesn't have enough of all this to "truly" be "cyberpunk."

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My argument was actually the first sentence, that your counterexamples are bad because they're all so similar. So no, you actually just dodged my point, Bucko. Address my point and let's try again, shall we?

No, I want the feel of futuristic 80s movies.

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if you need night, rain and neon to show dread you are creatively bankrupt

A genre can be about an aesthetic, if I say Art Nouveau there's definitely an aesthetic associated with it.
You're right on the rest.
I'd prefer pic related. First cyberpunk movie in a way lol. And you don't see the sun a lot.

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>All of those have an extremely similar aesthetic

No they don't.

>literal main complaint about C2077 is MUH SUNLIGHT
>the only reason for this is Blade Runner being eternal night
>hurr durr all those same! they all same aesthetic durr!

>recommending AIO CPU Cooler when the NHD15 is better than 99% of them while also being cheaper
Kill yourself

It is truly astounding how dumb you people are. Good luck and god bless you anons, you're going to need it

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>zero (0) arguments to support his claim
>u-ur just d-dumb!

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Do you unironically think all of those have a similar aesthetic? Some of them do, but all of them? Is this just elaborate bait?

No, I don't care. I knew it wasn't going to be that from the moment the game was announced.

>game set in 2077
>but where is my 1980s aesthetic?!

You must be a woman based on that writing style.

>that deteriorates the tone of the setting
Go the fuck away

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It absolutely does. Messes up with the aesthetics of it all and it goes against the soulless polluting corporations of the setting.
Dunno why you're posting that lore tidbit, I already said I saw it.

>Its not cybapunk!
>1st person bad!
>Can we talk about smash and fortnite now?

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