Test your reaction times

Test your reaction times
This is how I am at this point at 28

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I'm 36 years old... I feel bad that I fucked up the second task so much. To be fair, it's 3 am here.

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Git gud

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>old men

Why don't you do it, if you're so great?

>tfw not the slowest person in the thread

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It makes me wonder why people cry about games not running at 60 with reaction times like these. Fucking like 15f reaction times.

I don't play fighting games


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18 years old...I'm a childhood schizophrenic ;_;
I was trying my fucking hardest too.

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Don't worry user, your were a bit slower because you tried so damn hard. Look, this is from the site: "Also, your speed depends on how accurate you aim to be. If you do not want to make mistakes, you will become slower. This is known as the speed-accuracy trade off (this goes back to the work of Woodworth, 1899; for a good review see Heitz, 2014)."

this is a bad test, you can cheese the simple one by spamming the space bar.

Show me your error percentage then

I was slower because I am actually schizophrenic. Schizophrenia will slow your reaction times just like autism with quicken your reaction times. I was being extra cautious on the second part of the test (which is why I had 100% accuracy) and still did shit. I honestly felt like I lost the genetic lottery from these results. I always try to be a nice person to people but deep down I know I will be in the looney bin if I try to make it in the real world. There are over 3 million Americans who suffer the same disorder as I do.

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He's not wrong.

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Well, I'm sorry to read that, user. I hope you get good care and make the most of your time on this Earth. You are still young, hopefully one day you may be cured.

/ck/ is a pretty good board.


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>hopefully one day you may be cured
that's not how it works buddy. It would literally be easier to send the eiffel tower to the moon than to "cure" schizophrenia. It's deeper than that.
It would be less painful if people didn't have so many misconceptions of the disorder. My mom has schizophrenia too and she gets more shit from the family because she has less self-control and is a pain the ass to deal with. I hope I don't become like that.

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Just remember that 200 ms extra reaction doesn't really mean shit in 99% of your life.

It's not a contest. There's no leaderboards or anything, if you want to find out inaccurate results it only affects you.

I'm 27. Glad to see I'm not the worst ITT.

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Yeah, I think I get it. I just feel that the more we understand the brain, the better we'll be able to care for those with conditions such as yours, that's all.

Is a lower or higher number good? And this was without spamming.

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Also I'm 29 in a month.

>Fit 4/5
>Don't have psychomotor problems
>Grandfather was schizophrenic

Should I be worried?

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>it would be less painful if people didn't have so many misconceptions of the disorder.
at least it's not the '50s where they would just lock you up

the response time is given in milliseconds. lower is better

user if you can't figure out if lower or higher response time is good I have bad news for you, but you prob couldn't understand it.

i'm 22

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How fast at typing are you Yea Forums?

Aesops Fables was the test I used.


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Schizophrenia is more of a biological thing than a psychological thing.
*150 extra reaction time
Don't make me look worse nigga
you may be schizoid
At least in the 50's people weren't so cucked that they thought that asylums were concentration camps to mentally ill folk. Now schizos and other mentally ill degenerates end up on the street eating from trash cans. If you want to learn a fuck ton about how the disorder plays into society you need to read Capitalism and Schizophrenia, fucking amazing book: libcom.org/files/Anti-Oedipus.pdf

>armchair psychologist diagnosis
>Capitalism bad!
okay tranny, it's back to discord with you

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I hold the power here

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>Schizophrenia is more of a biological thing than a psychological thing.
I was thinking more of a neurological approach to it, desu.

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>armchair psychologist diagnosis
sure thing
well yeah, that's more of a subset

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Hopefully you can keep it under control. My father is schizophrenic and his whole life has deteriorated. I have no idea where he is or what he's doing. My brother is also developing it/is in its first stages. Any tips to help him out? He has clinical depression and severe anxiety problems, as do I, but I want to help him get out more, socialize, and take a more proactive approach before it reaches a point of no return.

shit this reminds me of that old swedish(?) military minigame collection thing that was to determine your skill level and cooperation with other people. That was a fucking blast.

Did worse on my second attempt. I always seem to do shit better on the first.

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Yeah, that was great. forsvarsmakten I think. I don't know if it's still online.