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Lack of time and funding. Disagreement between the developer and the publisher.

that is the phantom pain

Kojima was taking too long and using too much money so Konami had to cut it short. That’s your final product.

thread theme

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anybody remember that bizarre PR/RP account Joaquin Morgan? definitely one of the weirder parts of the hype cycle

It was hardly for nothing, the game was great. Your fault for hyping it up like second coming of jesus christ.

People blame Konami but Kojima seems like a massive twat and a huge ego. Probably spent untold amounts of money over budget.

Can't stop thinking about about Stephanie's feet lads

>Lack of time and funding.
MGSV was one of the most expensive games ever made and was in development for 3-4 years (at a minimum).

The problem was always Kojima.

It is either a master stroke of supreme irony, or sheer coincidence, that MGSV was so fucking awful compared to it's pre-release hype, which I think we all can agree had more of us on the hype train than even MGS2 had. Shit, to this DAY I can rewatch the first Redband trailer (the WOOAAHH one) and it gives me fucking goosebumps. Imagine having watched a 10 minute trailer 200 times and it still gives you goosebumps. That's not an accident, that's talent.

The irony, then, is that we are left with a phantom pain whenever we are reminded of V now. Something we knew should be there, but isn't. A great game we sure existed, perfection even, but all that exists now is a shell of that idea. A ghost.

I played MGS in 1998 and was hooked the moment I started the demo. Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty is still one of the most creative and multi-leveled enjoyable experiences of media every created, in my opinion. Every game has its merits (even 4), but every time I look at my dusty copy of V, I wish I could forget it. I wish it never happened.

But we can never make them give back our past. We must suffer the present. I simply choose to forget about it, even with the phantom pain tugging on the back of my mind.

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Konami wanted the game to run on PS3/360 so they made Kojima cripple the game and that contribute to the massive time and money sink the game was.

Konami is hellbent on destroying Konami.

So, was this guy a CGI or not? We never found out in the end.

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>MGSV was one of the most expensive games ever made
It was just 80 millions. Well, sure, using "just" here is quite underselling it, but that's a bit of a far cry from GTA V's over 250 million budget. Or hell, it is estimated that AssCreed Black Flag cost 100 million dollars to make, which in turn makes sense to assume that every subsequent AssCreed cost same amount and even more.

To add insult to injury, it also makes replaying older MGS titles hard because the gameplay of older games is absolute dog shit in comparison.

80 million including the cost of creating a new engine. The game was fairly cheap in the regard.

Games like these remind me how much I hate gamer culture. The marketing, hype, memes: it all leads to soulless consumerism.

Horse poop technology

There's something within Phantom Pain itself that doubles down on this feeling, too.
In at least two missions (as far as I'm aware) you'll run into radios playing the news clips from PT. Both of these times are right before weird tonal shifts.
Knowing that PT got axe'd months before Phantom Pain's release lends itself to the atmosphere of those missions.

I will never understand how some people like MGSV more than MGS4.

Kojima has always acted like a nippon Harrison Ford when it comes to Metal Gear, he knew it was making him money, he took pride in his work, but he had a deep-seated hatred of having to keep working on it and it came out again and again with each installment. It's no secret that he wanted each game to be the last at the time of development, and for him to be a belligerent asshole burning bridges left and right by the time of 5 is not that surprising to me after how far up his own ass he'd already gotten with 4.
It seems to me like the only ones he genuinely enjoyed working on were 1, 3 and PW. The rest of the time, he hated his own creation, hated Konami, had a love/hate relationship with his fans and wanted the freedom to do other shit.

I will never understand how for some people it's a matter of which one they like more and not hate least

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The “gameplay” fags.
Gameplay doesn’t mean shit without level design.
>do missions your way
What if I don’t like killing because of their horrific screams?
Guess I have to severely limit myself.
Unlike all the other mgs games which were build around non-leathal(excluding mgs1)

4 has an 85-15 plot-gameplay balance.
5 has an 85-15 gameplay-plot balance not counting all the tapes.

People who prefer 4 are never going to see eye-to-eye with people who prefer 5, because they very clearly are more drawn to different things in their vidya.
They prefer them to be movies.

Yakuza idiots shut it down a year early

Fuck konigger

I bet you like David Cage too you fucking faggot.

>Lack of time and funding
Lmao. Kojima went massively overbudget and had HGW write like 3 whole OSTs then threw them away, wasting millions in the process.

people like MGS precisely because of its setting, plot, characters and campy gameplay
5 has literally nothing to offer but really tight gameplay which fails itself because the level design goes to shit half way through the congo

I can't fucking beleave 5 turned out worse than 4.
MGS 4 and 5 are 2 of the most mismanaged games ever. They are both so close to being great games but are terrible.

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Awful taste lad, mgs4 is a masterpiece

Okay, you go and play MGS4 on an act a day basis, sit through every cutscene, every briefing, then come back and tell me that you weren't the slightest bit bored at any point. It's a slog, and deep down you know it is, whilst 5 may have gone way too far in the other direction and not even given us a fucking ending at least it was never boring. Barring that jeep ride with skullface.


>it was never boring
>game cycle of helicopter landing, ride to mission site, do mission, call chopper, ride on chopper never got old
I wish I was you.

i was way more often bored with 5 than 4. What's fun about doing the same random missions over and over, in a completely empty open world, with a boring soundtrack and having to watch absolutely cringeworthy cutscenes?


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The annual trailers were absolutely kino.

You sound exactly the kind of guy who writes the stories for these games

You literally follow a dude for 15 minutes and your reward is EVA absolutely shitting on the lore and retconning it to oblivion in the most haphazard way possible.

Literally the most kino part of the game you pleb. Endless shenanigans with the soliders in the streets

Basically a Paris resistance simulator

>doesn't mind the 40 minute plane cutscenes at the start of every act in 4
>doesn't mind act 3
>doesn't mind how what gameplay there actually is gets dumbed down to the point of being trivial.

I'm glad it existed
I never owned a console until this game motivated me to pick up a ps2 and the first three games at my local vintage stock, 2 and 3 are now easily my second favorite games after morrowind
then I borrowed my friend's amazingly dusty ps3 and the ending of 4 had me actually tearing up even though I I HATED most of it and only had metal gear in my life for like 3 months

>Expected nothing after Peace Walker
>Got a decent sandbox shooter that at least didn't put me to sleep like the PSP games
>Story was shit
>Build times for worthwhile equipment overestimates how much the average player would actually care

It's a solid 7, if it was a buggy mess I'd say there would be no reason to play it but what's there is alright but the series should have been laid to rest with Peace Walker.

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mgsv would have been kino if it was finished properly. I enjoyed the second act very much

ACT 3 takes place in Eastern Europe, Prag.
You can skip cutsences.
Theres some fun to be had, but having to trail the resistance member every-time is ridiculous.

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Fuck you Skullface had a great voice actor, story wasnt bad at all, there was just alot missing and most of it was in tapes that no one listened to.

I personally like the voice actor, I just wanted to post the picture.

$80m for Ground Zeroes, Phantom Pain and the Fox Engine isn't bad, also Konami triple dipped with Metal Gear Survive which was all basically reused assets from MGSV and that game was made with a minimal budget so that's a lot out of $80m.

Yeah I remembered wrong.
>MGS4 came out 12 years ago
Holy shit.

>What happened
Nothing. It's a great game that exposed the retarded MGS fags for what they really are: brainlets.

If I wanted tailing missions, I'd play Assassin's Creed.
But I don't.
If I wanted French resistance antics, I'd play The Saboteur.
But I don't.
Yeah, skip cutscenes in MGS4, know what that leaves you with? An hour long game.


My honest opinion of the series. MGSV didn’t sit right with me desu but I still enjoyed it. I would like it more than mgs4 but that game had awesome multiplayer.

>b-but muh budget!
Kojima said it multiple times now that the development was going according to plan and every delay and additional expense was accounted for. The game had a paid demo, DLCs, microtransactions, a ton of merch and was released on 5 platforms, more than enough to balance the cost.

Not for nothing. The main missions were fun and varied for the most part. Yes the side missions get repetitive fast but you can always skip them or breeze through them if you need to. And the last part of the game sucks but plenty of games suffer from that. Just be glad it wasn't a bad game by any means, still one of the better playing games of the last 5 years whereas most franchises just became casual central.

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You're so incorrect it hurts, pls delete your post

Kojima's terrible project mangier. SOO much money and SOOO much time but it's never enough for this dumbass.
hehehhe thats a good point about the cut-scene skipping.
Most people can agree that the original tiology is head and solders above the rest.

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why does Kojima hate Engrish so much but loves Hollywood flicks?

>Kojima's terrible project mangier.
And it took Konami what, 30 years to figure this out? Fuck off with this meme, you know nothing about the man.

Konami was right.


no because they had actual fun boss fights like the previous games

Wait? what are you saying? Konami thinks kojima is GOOD manger? That MGS5 was a smooth and efficient development?
lean to fucking communicate you retard. Or do you have a brain parasite that will eat your brain if you think too much?

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I bought a PS4 just for this gay game.

I sold the PS4 back after playing it for like 15 hours out of anger.

didn't you hear user?

Kojima and Norman are going to talk about Death Stranding in a couple of days.

At a film festival.

Konami was right.

That is absolutely not the case, fuck off


You did know It was on the previous gen? right user?

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better gameplay: no shit framerate, the enemies arent bullet sponges, more strategy


Imagine if MGSV wasn't on PS3/360.
At least we got cool mods for V.

seething and obsessed

yes im so mad that kojima is going to make a video game worse than MGSV

the only thing im 'obsessed' with is seeing drones like you get btfo like the Inafune drones did


Butthurt schizoids like you been chimping on Kojima for so long you treat your asspulls like facts, Konami literally never said anything about him being a bad manager.

Keep seething. Meanwhile I will enjoy videogames.

so why would you fire someone if he wasn't bad at his job

They strong armed him out of his own company.
Why do you think they did that?
Because he was making TOO MUCH money?

>death stranding
>video game

Basically yeah. MGSV made triple its budget back. Konami hates money.

that's because he spent millions for the main voice actor to spout around 20 lines of dialogues and spent an unholy amount of time shilling his mistress

>pretending to be retarded so we can have an useless argument
dont reply to me

They RESTRUCTURED you IMBECILE. The new board of executives saw it was more profitable to make pachislot machines that took four months from blueprint to making money in the streets than investing in multi million dollar development cycles that took years.

Do you think Death Stranding will come out this year?
I basically got a PS4 for Death Stranding.

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why are they talking about death stranding at a film festival if its a video game user

because its an interactive movie "game"

>Lack of time and funding

>Disagreement between the developer and the publisher

MGS6 never

because there is a panel for videogames at that festival

I remember Kojima saying he wanted it to come out before the next Olympics.
>that feel when Venom had a hard life and didn't deserve the shit he got

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what other video games are being discussed there user

Dont know. La Noire was announced at Tribeca back then.
Yeah I liked Venom as character, he could appear in a remake of MG1 with a proper ending.

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That's what you get for having any expectations of a goddamn Metal Gear game of all things. What the fuck did you think was going to happen? Quality?

so they dont have a video game panel

good to know

How much did he spend, exactly?
Everyone talks almighty about this, but absolutely no one ever provides a source or a number.

>tribeca games
>not videogame panel
I dont know what to tell you user. I wont reply to you anymore.

>because its an interactive movie "game"
You all say that MGS1-3 are the best, and those were interactive movie games where the gameplay was so bad that it was clearly an afterthought.
Why aren't you hyped?

I hope Death Stranding has a demo or something.

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I think Kojima showed 2 hour demo to few developers, so there might be. Though he will propably just release the whole game.

>Basically yeah.
You have no idea about this situation, and if I'm honest you probably don't have much of an idea about anything.
Mgs3,4 and 5 have all had long messy developments. But fair enough point, even if we pretend Hideo was perfect, Konami might have still axed him.

And you do? What I presented was a fact. What you say is a made up narrative that fits your view. No one knows anything about Kojima or Konami except for few things. Everyone is making shit up.

>Why aren't you hyped?
Probably the same reason as to why they ignore the fact that all Metal Gear games have trash gameplay. It's not a fandom. It's a cult. I mean goddamn, Kojima worship goes so deep that if you find a youtube video of someone smithing Pyramid Head's great knife, you'll find massively upvoted comments below saying "Kojima would be proud" -because apparently his tangential relation to a 3d-scan of a hallway a few years ago means that he singlehandedly created Silent Hill.

I'd be fine with that.
If Death Stranding has a limited edition like MGSV I might cop it.

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Two things: stagnation and lack of vision.
Kojima has been tired of making MGS games for a long time, even back with MGS3 he was trying to shake things up to make the games more interesting to develop, to make them different.
MGS3 was a more survival focused game on a more natural setting.
Peace Walker was an evolution of that and was much more focused on gameplay than story.

MGSV feels like he was trying to make something big and different, but he had no clear vision.
He wanted to tell a revenge story, but also one of dopple gangers, he wanted a stealth game, but also one that allows you complete freedom to go go full Rambo, he wanted to make linear levels, but it's set in an open world.

It's obvious he just wasn't sure what to do, and that this desperation to make something different is from the fact that he's exhausted of making the same game of the same genre over and over again.

All these games that spend so much time in development and end up being clusterfuck, like MGSV, or Mass Effect Andromeda (not like MGSV is nearly as bad as Andromeda, but the development was also full of problems) is always because the people at the top aren't sure of what they want to do.

That's how you end up with MGSV, a game that's clearly unfinished, but at the same time it's really polished and has some of the most satisfying controls in a third person game ever.
That's how you end up with a really well made first mission, but a ton of filler missions for the purpose of padding out.

You can clearly see which parts of the game were crystal clear for Kojima and the creative team, and which ones they weren't sure what to do with.

Look at this, this is concept art for the opening of MGSV, you can see that they had a very clear idea of what they wanted to do.

And in the end, that's what matters most.
It's why the pre-development phase is so important, because if everything isn't set in stone, you'll be improvising and things can turn into a mess.

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Why did any of this shock you? You claim to have been around for the hype of MGS2 which means you were around for every game after that. By MGS4, you should've known how kojima operates. Very flashy and well done on the surface, but dig a little deeper and you'll discover he's a hack faggot that doesn't know anything.

The MGS5 trailer was wonderfully done and gave everyone goosebumps which meant kojima pour his heart into it. This was the first and only red flag needed to let you know what would happen. Fuck that bug.

It is a well known fact Kojima had a major disagreement with Konami's restructuring. It's also a known fact that the working conditions at Konami were terrible.
They didn't want Konami to become what they considered to be a movie studio under a single auteur and pachislot proved to be more profitable. Kojima tried to use his VP position to stop them but the board of executives was more powerful and they fucked him.

Man the concept art book is so great, makes me a bit sad because of what could have been.

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So a fucking videogame company was torn between producing hardware for gambling legislation loopholes or shitty indie hack movies marketing themselves as games with shitty excuses for gameplay. Contra must have been spinning in its grave.

Welcome to AAA development.

Konami wanted to pull the plug on Triple A development and focus entirely on phone games, not on pachinko.
Konami is far bigger than videogames and gambling machines, videogames, even at Konami's peak, didn't represent even 10% of their earnings.

Found a link to a pdf of the MGSV art book.

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They pretty much did.
Konami hasn't released much over the past 10 years.
In fact, I think the only game they have scheduled for 2019 is the yearly PES entry.

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Ok now, let's not pretend this had any chance of being good.

Fug can't post the link 4chins think it's spam.

It's still one of the best games of all time, and hands down the best Metal Gear game. Only brainlets will disagree.

MGSV should have been way edgier and I would love it

user, you can edit the link slighty.
exact opposite of reality.


Here you go, anons.

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Kiefer is C-list actor he starred in multiple games World at war comes to mind he probably cost cheap it's just a delusion that some fans have.

I loved the gameplay.

Kojimbo happened. He truly is the ruse master, he fooled us all into thinking he was making a good game.

I will never stop being mad

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MGSV was a great game jesus christ shut the FUCK up already. The zelda cycle is also true for MGS. People hated MGS2 when it came out too (only some brainlet fans, it was critically acclaimed just like V) and yet it was amazing, best MGS, and one of the best games ever.

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based and truthpilled

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kill yourself frogposter

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>game director obsessed with film
>not obsessed enough to avoid becoming the Terry Gilliam of vidya
It’s the most beautiful punishment irony could have delivered
He posts Brazil on his twitter every year but never learned the cautionary tale of Don Quixote

This is still in my top 5 of all time purely for the gameplay

>People hated MGS2 when it came out
Dumb frogposter

But they did. It almost killed the interest in the franchise and hurt MGS3 sales because of all those brainlets that wanted action schlock and got art instead.

Its true though. Silent Hill 2 was hated too when it came out.

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This is the first time I've heard of this. Why would it have been hated? The story of the first game was concluded. The second game was just the same with a different story and protagonist and insane graphics.

People thought it was too different. Slow, melancholic and not so scary compared to the first one. And then people hated Silent Hill 3 for being too similiar to 1 and not doing anything new.

Kiefer was so based too, but hardly had any lines

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GTFO storyfag. TPP is the game of the generation.

amazing game, retards are just upest that the story wasn't what they expected and/or unable to comprehend the story we got
>m-muh nuclear

Still angry that we were robbed a big boss story. I guess Konami didn't allow Kojima a child soldier storyline

Honestly, i'm afraid no company would.
Letting you kill child soldiers would automatically make the game AO, and those games aren't sold in most stores, nor in digital console stores.

>Lack of time and funding.
Literally 5 years, 7 years when counting Fox Engine development.
In that time CD Projekt managed to release 2 (two) The Witcher games.

Eli only captures prisoners in White Mamba, because he wants someone to talk to so he doesn't pop a glock in his mouth and make a brain slushie. The country he's in has an average IQ of 76. Think about that for a second.

MGS4 is actually really queer. The utter pastiness and bizarre old age of both the main character and villain is so eerily prevalent. Everything about that game is made unsettling by the advanced age of everyone involved. The theme of decay is unbearable, and the entire game feels like a funeral. As a huge Metal Gear Solid fan, I do think there is an underlying sense of autism and misunderstanding in certain parts of the series. MGS4 is more than slightly embarassing with how much effort and focus is spent on elderly people with awkward video game bodies explaining things like it was The Young and the Restless. Kind of makes you wonder why you're playing

dumb zoomer

Add to that the unreasonable demand that it had to be confined to last-gen consoles instead of utilizing the full capacity of next-gen consoles (something that literally defines all of Kojima's best work), the general mismanagement and all-round unnecessarily stubborn of Konami and you basically got a recipe that was ripe for disaster. It's even a miracle the game came out in at least a finished gameplay state.

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There's a difference between the expected backlash MGS2 got for its artistic decisions sometimes actively insulting its fan-base and the throw-the-unfinished-game-in-the-deep-end-and-hope-that-it-will-float backlash that MGSV got

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>he believes the yakuza pachinko bullshit
brainlet confirmed

MGS2 was just as "unfinished" as MGSV. And there's nothing insulting about MGS2. It's sad that the inspirational message of it was wasted on the braindead fanbase who took it as an insult.