Phantasy Star Online

Pioneer II...home...

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Is phantasy star nova any good? Really need a portable PS game for a long plane ride, already played the hell out of zero

ah the nightly pso thread

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phantasy start portable 2 is a good title. the translation for infinity has been out for some time. i purchased phantasy star nova but have not yet applied the translation patch. if you are interested in the older titles the Sega AGES ver of Phantasy Star is pretty accessible. personally i am a very big fan of phantasy star episode CARD revolution, but not everyone likes it, however i find it to be very fun to play offline.

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>the translation for infinity has been out for some time
You fucking liar.
Do NOT get my hopes up like that again.

I love this game, but I honestly miss Universe way more. I loved the shop and house mechanics, the fun quests and bosses, the classes, the campaign was even decent too. I wish it would come back.

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would absolutely play a remake for Nintendo Switch and also PSO ep III card rev

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i could be mistaken. as far as my memory serves me there is a translation but i can't tell you whether it is complete or not. sorry buddy!
sega will never go back. it's a real shame. at least we can continue to play this shit using dolphin to some degree.

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Moatoob with the christmas lobby...home...

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i've only ever played PSO2. is it worth it to go back and play 1 on a private server?

Yes PSO2 is a soulless shitfest in comparison

That's so beautiful

>Not a 4:3

At least they aren't stretching the aspect ratio.

Universe was a mishmash of things I loved and hated. I loved the gameplay with all its quality of life improvements, and all the little bits of customization you could do. I hated that they put the entire game's content into discrete packaged quests. I thought quests were the weakest part of PSO, and to force me into that format as in order to progress through the game didn't sit right with me.

how is the SCHTHACK community , might install it tomorrow .

modern SCHTHACK is a shithole, the private server you want to play on is Ephinea

so I do still need to download schthack but play on ephinea ?
Game download and account registration at the top right.

I see , is it regular ep I & II or is it BB

NVM Im reading the faq now , thank you user

what's the difference between 2 and 2i

Phantasy Star is so fucking dead...

2i is expanded version, it contain new story, NPCs, enemies, more weapons, clothing, and more contents in general.

so it's like a G expansion for MH then
>tfw no MH on Vita

Yeah exactly.
I think they also tweaked the game balance a bit as well.

shit it seems that configuring the Gamecube controller with a mayflash is a hassle .

does that mean I can actually snipe things as ranger without them zooming across the room into my face

Well they did make a survey last month and asked players if they wanted to see more Phantasy Star.

Scroll down for a list of differences.

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>tfw playing PSOv2 online with reicast
the future truly is here

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what is a good race?

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hmm you can play with an Xbox one controller / chat pad with PSO BB on Ephinea , you can even use the 1-0 row for your number palette fucking interesting

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That's is too general of a question.

What kind of game play are you looking for?

HU - Melee
RA - Ranged
FO - Magic

HUmar for beginners

Casts recover HP passively but it is shit at low levels
Newmen recover TP passively but it is shit at low levels

I want to become a tanky son of a bitch, boss destroyer that teammates can rely on

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hucast, racast, ramar, fonewm/fomar are the best characters

Thank you very much, user

I'll never forget you

>boss destroyer
I mained FOnewm for years, we are neither of those things, pretty good at mobbing and support though

I wasn't much of a dreamcast guy when this came out and thus never played it, but I see a lot of people praise this MMO, out of curiosity since I've seen so much praise for it what are some things it did right?

If this picture had a white CRT monitor instead I would fap to it

right, but they are still in the best classes. fos are only for support but fonewms can do damage in ep4 though. but hucast and racast are definitely the damage dealers. you can make a racast look like a literal tank

holy shit I'm a fucking robot now

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I don't think it is so much what it did right, more like it predates things that many mmo's get wrong today like, cash shops and microtransactions, thus it didn't have them to damper the fun.

Some of the small things I like though are tradeable end game equips, no soul binding crap
The party can split up when exploring the dungeon a lot of the time, there are a few times all 4 people are needed to open doors
The layout of the areas isn't always the same, there are a limited number of predefined ones but it kept it from getting too stale.
Story wasn't intrusive and stays out of your way, but if you go looking for lore you will find it (think Dark Souls)
People could leave and join instances without the entire dungeon needing to be reset

What's your character name? I could run you through some TTF for some ezpz levels if you want.

For those who need a guide on how to play dreamcast psov2

read the info below the video

I'm still working out how to go online with reicast, just need to get quake arena to configure my isp settings but we might not be playing on the same server user

Praytell why the dreamcast version of PSO and Reicast instead of the gamecube version and Dolphin? Doesn't the Gamecube version have all the same stuff + more?

I remember a long time ago playing with dreamcast players on schthack while I was on the gamecube version, that was the coolest shit to me, but probably for balance/inconsistency reasons we couldn't play with PC/blue burst players, only interact in the lobby

That's a good question, honestly I just wanted to have the original experience with the dreamcast version (I played blue burst too but only for a few hours, friends stopped playing so I had no one to play with back then)

I started with GC, I played blue burst only for a few hours as well, it was harder than the GC version (at least on the private server I was on). I was prepared to continue but I backed up my GC copy and it runs fine on my PC, combined with the other emulator features I just decided to stick to that. I know people really love the DC original but i don't know if that is because OG hardware or something about it that is different.

I just noticed 's pic is missing FOmar, RAmarl, and HUcaseal

RAcaseal every day niggas!

Holy shit man, I was using quake to set my network config and there was some dude playing online by himself against some bot, crazy

The size of every single thing in this image is confusing even though I own a Dreamcast

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Was making breakfast for my sister, have a bump

The dreamcast controller is a goddamn nightmare by the way

I fucking love Phantasy Star, so stop perpetuating it with this fucking stupid "home" meme, you gigantic faglord.

The remake is here boys

did you give her _________dick_____ for breakfast

I gave her sausage

I hope you die a painful death.


Is there any kind of a single player story in PSO?
In what order should I do quests if I go online?

Do people still play this

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Yeah, there's usually about 100 or so people online most of the time