Man, can red ants just fuck off?

Man, can red ants just fuck off?

Also EDF thread.

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To save our mother earth from any alien attack!

>getting upset over red ants
how bad are you?

Can someone explain the appeal of these games? I'm not trying to be an ass, I genuinely don't understand. They all seem like bad to mediocre third person shooters with basically nothing special about them.

Have sex.

Is Iron rain any good and can I even get it now in the US?

>alien kills a teammate then snaps to shooting me with perfect accuracy

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You are correct in that statement but theres no real other games like it. What else could you kill a bunch of giant bugs spouting earth patriotism?

I mean, they're easy enough to handle, I just hate getting grabbed by them when I'm in the middle of fighting anything else. There's always at least one randomly poised to pop out and grab me.

It's like an onion. There's layers.
They draw you in with over the top destruction and cheesy voice acting. You dick around for a while on normal/hard but eventually hit a point where you need to stop goofy off and try.
Then you hit very hard and inferno and need to learn how to really play on top of using strategy and team work instead of charging in like a tard in a musou game.

i can withstand all of the jank from these games because thats part of the appeal but the 100% accuracy is what kills it for me in inferno

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Red ants are literally the easiest enemies

EDF isn't janky ya dummy.


Actually, I've changed, my mind. Red ants are ok, but fuck the red drones.

the blue drones are even the worst

I'm an air raider

Are those the ones that have like see through blue shit, or are there blue reskins of the first drones?

In all honesty fuck frog dragons and wasps tho
spiders too
actually fuck everything in inferno

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2025 = 4.1 > 2017 > Insect Armageddon > Iron Rain > Global Defense Force

Haven't played 5

No way IA is better than Iron rain

Will they ever give Air Raiders something other than the Limp Dick Gun so that they can potentially solo shit better?

Man, I've only just startd playing, so I'm on normal and not even all the way through the missions yet.

Frog dragons dont look like fun.

what said

On easy to hard they're pretty easy cheesy horde games that don't really evolve beyond shoot the thing. It's better with friends, SP can get repetitive. Once you get to inferno rushing in with guns simply doesn't work anymore and you need to synchronize with your team to develop a layered strategy.

Or just play air raider and play Vietnam War music and napalm the entire place.

they're fun until higher difficulties
everything stops being fun at inferno

I fear iron rain won't do so well... And thanks to it we wont get edf 6 the same time as japan and will have to wait a year like 5

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Its hard for me to choose honestly. They both feel similar in terms of combat

Iron Rain did do well, but I wish it didn't.

The online jank sadly makes it unplayable and it makes me really sad.

Right now it has about 5,000 active players as of like 30 minutes ago when i was on and it actually tells you how many people are online, but most of the players i've seen have been japanese ones

I have not picked it up. Money is not a problem I'm just wondering if ill enjoy it as a edf game. Don't care about the new pvp mode

Nobody else cares about the PvP mode either, I shit you not there were literally no games found every time I tried it just to see what it was about

mechanically its an edf game... but theres input delay on vehicles, bad jittering, fucklong load times, low enemy count, and using items (and vehicles, healing, and revives) all detract from your ending money. Its just in a bad place right now and needs patches.

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Buy edf 4 or 5 and just play it. You will thank me.

Holy fuck I haven’t gotten to frog dragons yet. Fuck me.

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I love 2017 and 4.1, But completely missed 5 and iron rain. Are either worth it?

5 is, Iron Rain is very sub par

I wish 5 got a physical release, it’s still 60 dollars on psn.

From vicious giant insects who have once again come back!

We'll unleash all our forces, we won't cut them any slack

Too cute to kill.

Anyone else here get their shit unexpectedly pushed in by the Sicaros?

Also I swear the Prowl rider's E-Needle ability is temperamental. Sometimes it refuses to latch to a building.

The EDF Deploys!

Is the second DLC already realeased for edf 5?

Aiming fluency needs to be massively improved in Iron Rain. Moving the camera around is even worse than Red Dead 2. EDF 4 and 5 are absolute peak TPS aiming, just make it exactly like that. And FUCK the acceleration, holy SHIT. If you aim in one direction then quickly try to aim in the other it carries over the acceleration and I can't fucking handle it.

Why do people hate on Iron Rain? I think its pretty good.


I think it's great too aside from it being on the PS4, when I played 5 it just felt exactly like 4.1


It has potential, but it's poorly designed and/or made in so many ways.

Kys tranny

there is just something special about blowing up alien robot dragon insects at 5fps with infinite ammo and starship troopers tier voice acting

> Finally got a mech in iron rain.
> Its shit
Nyx still best mechfu

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