Was this SJW trash?
Was this SJW trash?
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OP imagine you are always saved from the JEWS by an abo. One day she asks you to marry her because you own her that, what would you do?
Mario is white though
pauline and rosalina are better
this, peach is a fucking cunt
No, the freedom-loving heroine wanting nothing to do with the two love-drunk suitors is pretty common hat.
you mean damsel
Nobody in the Mushroom Kingdom has higher brain functions.
Both right, also Nintendo gets a free pass at stereotype avenue because they made things whimsical, like Disney. That's why Snoys dislike the cartoony aesthetics alone.
Pick one
You aren't white either pedro.
No, but Mario's reaction was a bit out of character, as silly as that sounds.
You would also get mad if your boyfriend asks you to marry him just to one up your kidnapper, who also just tried to force you marry him.
post arm or go back to /pol/
No. Stop overthinking it. It's just meant to be a funny scene. SJW's haven't infected Japan yet.
Are we all STILL upset that Peach, who spent the entire game kidnapped and nearly forced to marry Bowser, didn't immediately hop onto Mario's dick when he decided he wanted to marry her, something that comes completely out of left field I might add?
New York's SJW culture rubbed off Miyamoto
Personally I think they should have stuck with the "They've always been married" plotline. Fuck make the game about them having issues and about to divorce but in the end they change their mind. However Miyamoto hates interesting plotlines so that never would have been able to happen.
>Mario is wearing a suit and Peach a dress
Wow, what is this cisgendered trash doing on a progressive board like Yea Forums?
>make the game about them having issues and about to divorce but in the end they change their mind.
hire me nintendo!
>Fuck make the game about them having issues and about to divorce but in the end they change their mind
Was this furry trash?
lmao it's a scene to make ten year olds laugh at the funny faces
not hot enough
No, that whole bit was clearly being played as a joke. SJW are incapable of jokes.
We all know that Peach was cucked by a dragon.
This is a terrible idea, that sounds like a 2000 era Sonic plot
>Peach didn't save herself
>Peach didn't beat bowser on her own
>Peach is not black/brown/gay
>Peach never says anything [W O K E] in fact she doesn't even speak
yeah if you wanna see top tier SJW cuckholdry, just play the last of us left behind DLC or the upcoming sequel, or most indishit
peach was always trash, user. What kind of dimwitted incompetent princess gets kidnapped by the same guy as often as she does?
She has birthed at least 8 of Bowser's turtle kids.