>saves and pushes gaming to new heights
>while the west jerks off to the same over the shoulder movie game #2738
Saves and pushes gaming to new heights
>a SEGA vs Capcom fighting game will never happen in your lifetime
>No Sonic vs Megaman
>No Street Fighter vs Virtua Fighter
>No Fighting Vipers vs Rival Schools
>No Streets of Rage vs Final Fight
>No Monster Hunter vs SMT
>No Dragon's Dogma vs Dragon's Crown
>No Resident Evil vs House of the Dead
>No Darkstalkers vs Persona
>No Mr. Bones vs Ghosts n Goblins
>No Bayonetta vs Devil May Cry
>No Madworld vs Power Stone
>>saves and pushes gaming to new heights
>RE2R was a remake
>RE7 was heavily influenced by western games like outlast
>DMCV is a generic rehash button masher
>MHW is a grindfest rehash
How are they pushing us to new heights again?
Don't get too excited, Capcom works like a pendulum, and we're about to swing away from the good side back to the SF5/MvC:Infinite side yet again. Just pray your favorite series gets its next iteration once we've returned from the garbage dump
You forget the most important match up in the history of vidya
>Capcom Sound Team vs. SEGA Sound Team
>SEGA vs Capcom
Can't believe this never crossed my mind once. Would be amazing.
meh sega only has sonic and nothing else interesting
>Not wanting a Jet Set Radio character in a fighting game
What the fuck are you talking about? They were in a rut literally only once during last gen and early this gen. Their track record overall has been more than stellar. For every one bad Capcom game, there were 5 more excellent ones outside of the rut period.
Fucking Yakuza.
imagine capcom x snk x sega x bamco 3vs3
Sonic is the least interesting property they have
>SF5/MvC:Infinite side
you mean a completely different division from the other ones
>DEmake 2
>not an ots movie game
>Reach For The Stars
of all Sonic songs, why that one?
The real disturbing fact is that the Escape from the City version that has the highest ranking is the God awful Cash Cash version.
>Capcom undergoing a redemption arc and reviving beloved franchises
>Sega making more Yakuza rehashes and more bad Sonic games
he meant new heights of jewing
Dude what, neither of those pushed anything, not that their games are bad, just pretty safe and samey