Why doesn't Sony have a mascot?

Why doesn't Sony have a mascot?

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They do

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mascots are for kids

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I don't think they've ever really solidified themselves as having one

Maybe if Little Big Planet was still around Sackboy would've become it but who knows

Isnt that yellow chinese guy that post around here?

Kratos doesnt count?

No, this thread won't have a wojak at all.

this. so much this

mascot bad

lesbians good

Because Sony doesn't care about gaming, just another reason I'm going handheld-only Switch and Xbox Scarlett Anaconda next gen.

They use to until Naughty Dog sold Crash.

for PS1 era it was Crash
for PS2-3 era it was GoW
now they don't have one because they unironically hate fun.

Sony doesn't make games. They just buy exclusives and offer a trashy prebuilt PC with their brand of DRM OS. They do nothing for the industry and leech off the creativity and innovations of others. Every dollar made by Sony goes to waste.

Sony tries to throw too many mascots at the wall and hopes at least one will stick, however, they’re just left with a mess of characters, none of which are considered the “Sony mascot”

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Heh, not if I can get a say in the matter.

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because they lack a strong exclusive series, which is further aggravated by most of their userbase using the console as a multiplat machine rather than focusing on something that would make it stand out more

Bloodbore man

Kratos is the closest thing right now.
They just have to make more Nu-GOW games.




Literally Ricky Bobby.

Can we all agree this is accurate?
> Mascots
> Nintendo: Link, Pikachu, Mario, Samus
> Capcom: Mega Man, Chun-Li, Ryu, Morrigan
> Sega: Sonic, Hatsune Miku, Arle Nadja, Bayonetta
> Square: Cloud, Sora, Sephiroth, Slime
> Sony: Wander, Toro & Koro, Kratos, Nathan Drake
> Tecmo: Kasumi, Ayane, Marie, Atelier Girls
> Namco: Pac-Man, KOS-MOS, Ivy Valentine, Ms: Pac-Man
> Konami: Alucard, Simon, Solid Snake, Raiden

Go back to plebdit

Read hentai

lose weight

That's why they won GOTY last year

grow up

They constantly change who represents them every single time to a point that you can't say they have a mascot.
>PS1- Crash Bandicoot, maybe the monkeys from Ape Escape
>PS2- Maybe Jak and Daxter, Kratos could be there too
>PS3- Nathan Drake, Ricky Bobby, Sackboy
>PS4- Nathan Drake then Kratos, and now arguably could be Ellie depending on how well Last of Us 2 does.

and literally no one talks about it. it got overshadowed by a fucking smash announcement of all things

that alone speaks volume


Smash fags being autistic over DLC means GOW didn't win GOTY?
Ok this is some good cope......

I thought PS3 era was Sackboy

>means GOW didn't win GOTY?
where did i say that

They've tried but they're either so shit, they don't stick, or in the case of Crash, Spyro, Cloud, Snake, Laura, etc., they're third party.

This. We don't use the word 'fun' around these parts. We only play mature games for mature gamers.

and interestingly, kratos is the only one of the ps4 era that doesn't look like a generic human


GOTY's haven't meant anything for years
> 2000: Chrono Cross (96)
> 2001: Grand Theft Auto III (97)
> 2002: Metroid Prime (97)
> 2003: The Wind Waker (96)
> 2004: Half-Life 2 (96)
> 2005: Resident Evil 4 (97)
> 2006: Okami! (93)
> 2007: Bioshock/Portal/Galaxy (96-97)
> 2008. Fallout 3 (93)
> 2009. Uncharted 2 (96)
> 2010. Red Dead Redemption (95)
> 2011. TES: Skyrim (96)
> 2012: Journey (92)
> 2013: The Last of Us (95)
> 2014: Shadow of Mordor (88)
> 2015: The Witcher 3 (92)
> 2016: Uncharted 4 (93)
> 2017: Zelda: BOTW (98)
> 2018. God of War 4 (94)
> 2019. The Last of Us II (96)

Reminder more people can name Kratos than they can Joker from P5 IRL.

>ape escape wasn't even good enough to make this image

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>Konami: Alucard, Simon, Solid Snake, Raiden

Will Ferrell?

and even then, his current design is extremely human-like outside of the ash covered skin

I can't believe these inferior console owners are so childish

Fucking zoomer

>having a character that you can immediately associate with a brand is childish
mascots are a genuinely important thing when it comes to entertainment. having that character that people immediately associate with your brand helps develop further recognition and can only help your brand more than harm it(unless you're a children's cartoon company and your mascot is a homeless transgender prostitute or something)

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Jesus what the fuck happened to gaming after 2007?

oh look a seer

can you tell me if I'll ever get married

Crash Bandicoot?

Playstation is the awkward middle child of systems

they have too many to choose a single one

The image is just drawings of the officially released plush Sony mascots. I think there’s only been two waves so it’s possible that we might get Ape Escape too, but don’t hold your breath.


Came to say this. I'm not a Sony boy but he's a good face for them and he was pretty close to mascot status.

heres the mascots

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and then his series fucking died because LBP3 was horribly handled...

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The mascot should have blue as its primary color scheme. Parappa or Sly Cooper could've worked, but it's too late now.

Why is Ricky Bobby the Playstation mascot?

I'll never be NOT upset

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If you’re that much of a newfaggot to not know, you shouldn’t be posting. Lurk moar.

Sony has never really been into the mascot thing, because since the earliset days of the Playstation brand it was aimed at teenagers and up who are most likely past the point of caring about mascots
There's also the fact that their devs don't usually stick with a franchise for more than two generations. That's why you keep seeing those guys crying over Gravity Rush, Ape Escape, Sly Cooper, Jak & Daxter and whatever. Sony studios are more into trying new things than keeping an heritage like Nintendo.



Wrong. Mario and Master Chief are the two best characters of all time. Who does Sony have? No one, that's who.

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Here are your mascots.

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Is Master Chief really the mascot of the Xbox? Doesnt feel like it, not anymore anyway. Does Sony even own any VIdeogame IPs or is it all different studios?

but they do

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they own a lot of studios, but only like... 3 of them are actually notable

>Capcom: Mega Man, Zero, Ryu


Also master chief is irrelevant, guess that fits xbone having a dead mascot for a dead platform

Crash and Spyro are multiplat now, they haven't been mascots since the turn of the century.

So, Sony doesnt own any videogame IPs on a technical level?

they technically own the IPs because they own the studios that make them, like God of War and Uncharted.

At one time I'd say it was easily this guy.

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Obviously kratos


sony doesn't have a mascot because it gives a limited viewpoint advertisement wise. Microsoft is the same, if you consider MC as their mascot then Kratos applies for sony

Holy shit based as fuck

lol wut


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and you'd say that until Last of Us 2 wins GOTY and gets more attention that GoW did and then we'd say Ellie is the mascot. This is what happens with Sony, their mascot is just whoever they were hyping up at a given time rather than who represents their entire brand the most.

>no Donkey Kong
>no Resident Evil character

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sports teams have mascots.
inb4 "a hurrr durrr da spprts mascots are just for da kids" You pathetic cucks are predictable

Yes, he still is very much so the Xbox's mascot.

A long time ago it was Crash

Considering the biggest IP under Sony is FGO, their mascot is Saber.

>> Mascots - if you have to pick one
>> Nintendo: Mario
>> Capcom: Mega Man
>> Sega: Sonic
>> Square: Slime
>> Sony: Kratos
>> Tecmo: I wish it was Hayabusa but it's probably just tits
>> Namco: Pac-Man, more recently Heibachi
>> Konami: Pachinko Ball

pic related is bigger than master chief now, has existed for the same amount of generations, and is confirmed to keep going next gen

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why does this make me feel pity?

No because I don't play shit games. Fuck off back to your movie games.

For now

>muh mascot

Spot the Segadrone.

They need to keep bringing back old IPs and give them kids.

>Parappa the rapper 3: 8 mile edition

Any more games and he's going to be fighting with a fucking walker. When you make Triple H look young it might be time to hang up the linothorax.

none of these companies have a mascot, they have a pool of them. MS with master chief/marcus phoenix/clippy, nintendo with mario/pikachu/link and sony with Drake/Kratos/Ricky Bobby

I'm not saying you in particular are going to play Last of Us, I'm just saying what WILL end up happening because this is what has happened every single time.
>Uncharted 4 comes out to amazing praise
>GoW gets released and wins GOTY
>Last of Us 2 comes out and will obviously be praised
Sony mascots change all the time because it's not actually who represents Sony's brand, it's just which game has the most hype at the time.

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Master Chief is a PC mascot now, sweetie.

For me, it's Sackboy. LBP4 when?

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not him, kratos is the mascot because he has the longest history and continued relevance with sony.

The Halo franchise has sold over 70 million units, GoW franchise only sold 18 million. How on earth is it more relevant? It's been mentioned far more in pop culture. Meanwhile no one mentions that nigger Kratos besides some vidya playing fags.

look up "microsoft's mascot" on google and realize it isn't entirely accurate. Same with Sony's giving fucking polygon man

The key word here is "now", do you know what the word relevant means?
>Meanwhile no one mentions that nigger Kratos besides some vidya playing fags.
holy shit cope


Quality over quantity. Halo peaked in like 2007 and has gone downhill ever since in sales and players. No one plays Halo anymore. Meanwhile each God of War is a well-crafted masterpiece, continuing to win awards.

a majority of those 70 million are from the previous generation, a majority of that 18 million are from the latest game. That's how it's more relevant

>GoW franchise only sold 18 million
>the GoW franchise only barely edges out fucking Gex(15 million)
holy shit, just need to give Gex a new game and he'd probably pass him up again.

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seems about right

They have had ricky bobby for like 13 years now.

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Wii Sports confirmed more relevant than Halo


you wish, Bloodborne is the best reason to own a PS4, but the game itself isn't nearly as popular as the other shit on the system.

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Because they lost Crash Bandicoot.

That the kind of arguement a child would make

>Daily threads about BB after 4 years ago
>Zelda botw forgotten
>Mario Odyssey forgotten in two weeks.
>Huh.. Halo?? no threads since 2012.

>Yea Forums is the proof of a game's popularity
imagine being this retarded

Ask anyone on the street who Kratos is oe what God of War is. I guarantee most won't know what the fuck you're talking about.
I don't even have an Xbox

Sony not having a definitive mascot is smart, you have to consistently make games GOOD games and keep them relevant, on one hand it could end up like Mario
Or just depressing like Cheif and Sonic

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There are threads every day. Ever since the ports were announced we've had a couple.

>but but but those doesn't count ..

In what board are you right now fucking mongoloid?

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Same applies to Chief aside from 20-30 year olds in American. Nobody outside of NA knows about Master Chief, Kratos is more known worldwide after nuGoW

>Overall, the FIFA franchise has sold over 260 million units to date, maintaining its place as the best-selling sports video game of all time.
Fuck, fucking yurop keeps buying this yearly gacha shit. Divegrass is the right mascot for PS4.

>the one without the mascot is the best seller

Really makes you think doesn't it?

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>the one that sells itself as a movie machine (and therefore having no need for a videogamey mascot) sees the most success with casuals and normalf*gs

What. A. Shock.

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we're not talking about popularity within Yea Forums we're talking popularity period, Yea Forums isn't a good way to define a game's general popularity at all.

We do, and zhe's fabulous.

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I went to UCSB, everyone there played FIFA too. Don't just blame Europoors

>FIFA only sells on PS4 consoles
are you the same person spreading this shit?

There are maybe two people from third world countries that know about Kratos.

ps4 mascot is exclusive, buy a ps4 and you'll be able to see it

that's nice, But I was referring to Europe and Asia


"Mascot games" are literally designed for normies and casuals you fucking imbecile. Dont try to pretend Halo and Mario aren't

Because every gen, without question, all the best and most popular games on the system are made by 3rd party developers.

Kratos is not popular in Japan.

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>Not Kaz Hirai
You had one job

BB Hunter
Last of us girl

And not to mention their usual boi; Nathan Drake

>play-station systems see the most success with casuals
>not the pokemon/mario machines

Comparatively to Master Chief, it's a slaughter even if he isn't that well known

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>movie machine
Just because PS4 games looks better than shitty Nintendo ones dosen't mean they are movies user.

in what world are BB Hunter and Joker mascots? exclusive games are not the same as mascots, mascots are the face of the brand, what encapsulates the brand itself, what Sony property would undeniably be the character EVERYONE would immediately think of when they hear Sony?

>inb4 "a hurrr durrr da spprts mascots are just for da kids"

But they are, no one goes to watch sports to see the mascot

>>the one that sells itself as a movie machine (and therefore having no need for a videogamey mascot) sees the most success with casuals and normalf*gs
Switch sells itself as cartoon machine (not video games) therefore it's most casual and kids friendly

the mascot is what is immediately associated with the team though.

Pikachu is gamefreak's, not nintendo.

Nintendo owns like 70% of the pokemon company, it's just as much Nintendo's property than Gamefreak's

top kek

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why wouldn’t sackboy be a mascot for sony? LBP was a pivotal game in the PS3’s life

LBP is dead

Goldenface is their mascot

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>on the same level as Mario, Link and Pikachu
metroid fans are so cute

>Microsoft: Master Chief, Marcus Fenix, Joanna Dark, Fable Hero

They replaced classic Kratos with nu-male Kratos to appeal to milliennials

Arr rook seimu

Neither MC nor Mario are actual mascots. MC is not even debatable, and even Mario isn't used for advertisement outside of his own franchise, at least not often.
Mascots are original characters created specifically to be mascots and are made either to pander to kids or to weebs/otaku. So it's usually either some ridiculous cartoony whateverthefuck, a made-up animal, or an anime girl. If you make something for as wide of an audience as possible, you don't need one.

It's Ratchet

Consoles are childrens toys.

You better off putting Drake there. Bloodborne sadly isn't that popular.

>muh secret club

what are you fucking 12? if anyone here is a newfag its you.

actual oldfag here, its just a grand turismo reference as you might have guessed, these kids will try to deny it to throw you off the scent, so just ignore them.

At this point it might as well be him.
Ellie could work too if TLOU2 ends up being big enough.

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