Do you think Epic actually has a chance to surpass Steam or is all of this situation just a meme?

Do you think Epic actually has a chance to surpass Steam or is all of this situation just a meme?

you don't need to surpass anything if you're the only store where you can buy the game

It’s a meme.

12% chance.

Is the urban life in the US that boring like the movies? Where people are living so comfortably the worry about mundane stuff?

is this cunt still a thing? people didnt catch on to the nosejob and fake ass?

Oh my

Valve has been coasting on not having any real competition for nearly a decade so I'd say there is a chance.

Why are her pants down?
Does that tone the ass better or...?

i remember fapping to jen like 5 years ago

Ass up, sweaty.

Its become so common the modern mind assimilated fake physics as acceptable, in some cases even better.

There are some people I know who have fake noses and you wouldn't notice if they didn't tell you before.

>women are worth more than just their bodie-

Why don't you have sex?

Snip your sexual organs

Gabe Newell has contacts with Microsoft since his brother worked for them.

Steam will always be advertised by Microsoft and vice versa so epic ain't got a thing on Microsoft aka Steam.

It's as retarded as assuming everyone with iPhones will suddenly take androids.



Incel trash

I've had sex with a girl who had done her boobs, and it sucks because I can't get off to natural ones anymore and I feel bad about telling a girl her chest is too small.

Attached: aqmZf.jpg (300x287, 17K)

And Valve still doesn't. Epic didn't bring any competition to the table, all Valve is going to do is fish people who would accept Epics deals and give them money not to accept it, that is fucking it.

>women are worth more than just their bodiencel trash

honestly i think they can , but in the end will be terrible detrimental to developers to the point of delaying title because the svage increase of piratery that will carry the epic debacle, for you aemricans and euro steam is just another store you dgaf if steam dies and thats fine, for us (southamericans) and russies , steam changed the market and made us (literally) buy games because their amazing regional pricing (any AAA game here cost just 30 usd) we got accustomed to buy games instead of the classic pirating , its sad but if games start migrating exclusively to epic , we will be pirating again and why you should give a fuck about us and russies pirating because we usually were the ones flooding with torrents and seeds on the net , if epic wins and i think they will , it will be a good call back to the 90s a new generations of new crackers and sites with torrents and mega link and these spread like wildfire here , but well its the developers problem we will be playing their games but now for free and with the baggage of increasing the movement of piratery all around the world

Android is an OS.

I dunno, sometimes a girl's shit personality and bitchy attitude can make her worth less than her body is worth, I'd say.

>Gabe Newell has contacts with Microsoft since his brother worked for them.
>since his brother worked for them.
Bitch, Gabe worked for MS.

GOD I wish I was that window.

Android is not an operating system and is based on Linux.

Gabe was nothing but a weekend intern at best listen to any interview where he mentions how little work he ever did but just siphoned information from his brother on how Microsoft made money with software and just paid people to do it for him.

epic may be what AAA games go to instead of steam
leaving steam as more of an indie platform
or it will become irrelevant like origin
either way we'll still get shafted somehow by someone

You mean every time. All women are awful, inside and out. Boys are so much better women literally cannot compete.