Launches this month

>launches this month
>nobody cares
they could've saved it by adding coop

Attached: days-gone-2.jpg (1600x900, 262K)

This could beat crackdown 3 in terms of hot garbage of the year

>nobody cares
I do. I just know better than to try and talk about a game I like or am interested in on Yea Forums.


Sekiro is too hot

i don't even understand why ANYONE would be excited about puddle of mudd: the game featuring zombies 10 years too late

this game looks like shit
bad framerate
bad graphics
terrible animations
stupid QTE tier shit

I'm ready to see this get panned

>yet another cinematic third person action game from sony

Attached: ohlook.jpg (390x444, 61K)

Will be kino as fuck for the twitch gamers and viewers

Attached: 1554859721239.png (521x538, 458K)

>zombie shit
10 years too late

>Post apocalyptic egg delivery man

Doesn't sound too fun

I keep forgetting this game even exists. I have heard nothing about it, both in real life and on the internet. Normally there's an army of shills plastering it all over the web at the very least.

watched that 50 minute gameplay video out of morbid curiousity, it looks like pure dogshit, the animations are TERRIBLE

Honestly, after nu-GoW I'm just done with these "cinematic" third person slow-walking movie simulators. They're all unoriginal, boring, and have zero replay value. I'd rather replay DMC5 or Sekiro for the 4th or 5th time than buy this by-the-numbers garbage. I know it's going to be a 7 or 8 out of 10 game you play once and forget forever. Not interested.

I played it on an event. It really (seems) to have an irrelevant story about bikers 'doin' the right thing' mixed with a mixture Dead Island, Far Cry and a gritty Dead Rising.

So the fights against the big masses of Zombies are intense once they see you.
Its fun to lay traps and baits to blow them up but it gets trivialized if you have your motorcycle near you.
Just lay mines, get the attention and run to your bike and drive to the spot you wanted.

It's a 7/10 game that feels stuck in a premise of the last gen. Journalists will like it more, Yea Forums will hate it of course.

Watch it getting 90+ meta score

Attached: 1555116544638.jpg (318x159, 7K)

It probably will, if they aren't tired from open world games already.

okay hard mode time. Give me 1 reason I should absolutely preorder it and 1 reason why I should avoid it by the plague. Go. Let's test Yea Forums's objectivity.

you decide user

Spider-man didn't. And that had way more hype + capeshit sois backing it up. It's getting 80 or below.

Attached: average capeshit fan.webm (650x364, 1.76M)

no one cares about tacked on coop though, especially considering how stacked this year is for coop games

>1 reason to preorder it
You are stuck in 2000 and can't get enough of killing zombie hordes
>1 reason to avoid it
You aren't stuck in 2000 and can't see shitty zombie killing trash games no more

>cover shooter
>shit weapons
>console exclusive

Funny because spooderman was bretty gutt

>they could've saved it by adding coop

They were planning to add a multiplater mode at one point, but Sony rejected it.

it should've just been a bike gang sim instead of just another zombie game

The main problem is apocalypse/zombie craze is gone now and the game feels like it was made during that time and the suits were banking on that for sales. No one decided to make anything compelling about this that would make it stand out and we already got what is practically going to be the best zombie game of the year in RE2 remake. Had they released this last year, it would've been probably fine saleswise but not a killer so it would've met expectations. I'm just expecting it to probably tank.

It just doesn't have the budget to pay for 24 hour threads.

okay, but days gone does not look good. it isn't coming anywhere near a 90 metascore.

Of course sony rejected it. No fun allowed in their games. Only Kino walking