ENFJ Games?

Let's Rock. To hell with that snooty INTP thread - what do us ENFJs like to play?

I'll start - stylish-assed shit like Jet Set Radio.

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Myers-Briggs is literally astrology for pseudointellectuals, and you should unironically kill yourself for caring about it.

What videogame is that, you joyless twat?

>FNAF is a good game, zoomer.

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user is a boomer who is smarter than you :)
I'll have you know that I'm smarter than you guys by virtue of the fact that I don't assume every single facet of a person's life because of a throw away comment on fucking Yea Forums. I'm not 15, and I don't have any logistical or behavioral issues in forming relationships with people. There's no need for me to "try harder" and find people with common interests. My profession make me the peer of a small group of people with a similar desire for privacy and the personal exploration of one's hobbies. My hobbies are eccentric by most tastes and are really only something that can be indulged in by someone with a lot of time and money, and by their nature do not lend themselves as an anchoring point for connecting to people. In terms of social circles I am casually involved in many, and enjoy none of them. The only gatherings that bring me some modicum of elation are the teenage parties my 19 year old side piece throws with her friends, where they get around and smoke weed and talk about their liberal sensibilities and have vain, banal conversations about pop-level new ageism disguised as debates about philosophy and spiritualism. The amount of schadenfreude I derive from these gatherings is nothing less than orgasmic, thinking about how life and its realities will shake the bones of every one of them. I would say I'm a high functioning sociopath but I know that's not really true because I feel anger, basically every moment of every day for as long as I can remember. If I told you I have hurt people and gotten away with it that would obviously be an artistic work of falsehood.

I've rubbed shoulders with some of the brightest people in my field, and tons of experts in various disciplines in my life. On a yacht party almost a decade ago I had to listen to the smartest man anyone there had ever met.

You ENFJs have no power here.
This is the I___'s domain.

>What result in a fun game for children is correlated to your taste in fun games for children
It's like you hate fun, did someone give you the bad touch?

Listen, friend - nothing pairs better with an "I_ _ _" like a good "E_ _ _". Let's be friends. Let's Relate.

Pic also related - save the world, and feel cool doing it.

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>Let's be friends

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So forward. Just wait til I get you alone, I can be quite forward too.

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Well, well, well... hasn't this thread paid some dividends?

Come on, share your feels, thoughts, concerns, and secrets.

Also, your favorite video games, or at least what you think would appeal to ENFJs.

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This game is me, and I am this game, as well.

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Where's the fag who did the mass reply at the end of the last one?! Bring me his head!

As an IN/SFJ - I consistently test right between the two - i like play shit I feel nostalgic for, cause a lot of newer games dont really resonate with me. LoZ:OOT Randomizer maybe? It keeps the game kinda fresh, in a fermenting cheese cellar kind of way. I do not like cheese.


Stop making these Facebook tier group threads

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incel astrology threads belong in /r9k/
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incel astrology threads belong in /r9k/
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incel astrology threads belong in /r9k/
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incel astrology threads belong in /r9k/
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incel astrology threads belong in /r9k/
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>singeling out ENFJs but trying to gain the Favor of every I
You sir are a coward, show the Es some respect. We're all MBTI bros.

Any other INTPs here that still experience emotions but don't 'feel' them? I still react to disappointing events or good fortune instinctually but I don't feel anything inside.

fuck that shit

Do E's even play video games? Aren't you supposed to be out getting your dick sucked?

>Don't trust me?
To be honest, I phrased it that way because you said "I need to", not "I will".
In any case, hope you don't have insomnia as well.
Not like you're here anymore, anyways.

I feel like pseuds are a little bit too sharp for personality typing. INTJs know what I'm saying.

Pseudo psychopathic, I'd wager. Do something to help your depression user, I believe in you.

Why do you retards think we take this shit seriously and are not just funposting?

Any INFJs here?

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I approached it with skepticism, but basically everything in my personality description applies to me while reading the other blurbs feels very foreign.

The idea of categorizing people isn't inherently wrong.

This is truly written in INFJ form, which has to be one of my favorite types as well.

To echo your point, I've been playing a lot of games to try and capture the feels of the game design motif of that era, but with games that I'm experiencing for the first time, like REmake 2, the FF7 release on the switch (truly an original, but the QOL inclusions make the game truly special) and that sort of thing. I want to feel like the teenagers who played those games on their original PS1s, but an adult's brain and life makes it tough.

As a true ENFJ, I believe in you too.

I like you. Tell me about yourself.

any other working class drones here?

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>not being ISTP
Being N is just another way of saying you like fictional bullshit that will never happen.

For some reason I've always wanted to meet an ISTJ. You seem so grumpy and "no fun allowed", that I'd just love to mess with you until you finally smile

So, video games?

I have an INFP wife, which is top-tier matchup (pic related... she was an eccentric NEET when I met her. She's still eccentric, but in school now with a job), but why wouldn't video games appeal to ENFJs? I want the entire world to represent my wild, escapist fantasy. When that cannot happen, my vidyas will give me the over-the-top feels I need.

My favorite type, easily. Their intellect, strong identity, and inability to be influenced by society's norms and expectations inspire me and strike admiration in me.

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Virgin bros can't help but lose it when none of them roll a based class.
Its okay though you lads should play some dragons dogma and try to have some fun.
Im currently playing sekiro tho.
I'm thinking of playing some sort of turn-based rpg or an fps next, what's good? I kinda wanted to grab system shock 2 or finally play through pathfinder:kingmaker and the ys games.
Also what are some quality FAST racing games? I don't really like karts or simulators. I have a old but decent pc, a switch, ps4, and the usual emulation of every console ever.

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F's are a huge no-no, female or not.

Not every F is a sissy fag

>FAST racing
F-Zero GX, but you probably already know this.
Also, I really could never get into Dragon’s Dogma. I thought I’d like it because I liked Itsuno’s DMCs, but the game feels painfully unfinished.

Truth, bro. I always find myself jumping in and out of them, not really cause I completely lose interest, but my focus shifts elsewhere. Normally it's more tangible issues come up. As time has gone on, my leisure time has become less and less enjoyable because of it. Stress is one hell of a drug.

I, too, am schizoid.


Apparently we're rare, so we're pretty much the worst type.

The "N" also allows you to understand parallels, patterns, and draw inferences based on what you've seen without necessarily needing it spelled out to you.

Wait so if I find a nice compatible ENFJ girl she'll help me get a job and marry me? Thanks bro, you're a life saver.

>tfw I catch myself on talking to imaginary beings
God no

>tfw he'd know that if he was N