Why Big Smoke betrayed his homies?

Why Big Smoke betrayed his homies?

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I'll have a number 5...

Because he was a bitch Ass NIGGA.

he a BUSTA

he got caught up in the money, the power...

Even after all the shit he pulled, I still forgive him. He was blinded by money, but he was once my nigga, and nothing can ever change that.

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fat people are fat because they can't control themselves
they shouldn't be trusted, Big Smoke never betrayed anyone, they betrayed themselves by trusting a bignig

This. also Ryder wasn't supposed to betray grove street but MC Eiht was asking for more money or something like that and so they had to kill off the character

he literally tells you why

Why was he living above a weed factory

So that's why he suddenly becomes irrelevant and lamely dies after being one of the primary characters in the first act?

Peace, prosperity and fame

gta story ranked from best to worst
>Vice City
>GTA 2

pretty much

Yes. His few lines on his death mission are vague as shit, he could have said that anywhere on LS

all CJ had to do was follow the goddamn train.

To get high

I wish they wouldve done a San Andreas Stories with grove street at its peak before Brian's death. The gang had a great chemistry in the ls missions, it was nice.

Quick! Rate the cast of San Andreas from least nig to niggerest!

I preferred this guy. Way more funny.

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Well all CJ had to do was follow the damn train.

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>It says here that Hitler killed himself and that we nuked japan. And people believe this shit, jesus.
He was pretty funny and talked some weird shit

Woozy, first half Rider nigga, Toreno
Truth, Catalina, El Grando Smoke
Tempenny, Mexican bro, first barber nigga
Fucking white:
Og Loc, Sweet

the best character

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