How do we fix WoW players?

How do we fix WoW players?

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All WoW players are casuals

Please be patient

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>literal toxic symbol next to his post

A sure sign that he's talking truth if ever I saw one,

Guy sounds find though. Better than one of those faggots that's screwing up basic mechanics because they're high or smoking or being a talkative piece of shit on vent or they don't have enough DKP to win the thing they want so they're working on 3% brain power instead of their usual 5%.

A guy like that, one that wants to do well but has a hard time, I'd work with to setup some raid announcement stuff to help him out, maybe even swap him off healer to an easier role

And yes dumb DPS shitters, healer is one of the hardest roles there is, dps is incredibly easy, tank is literally brain dead, offtank is mostly brain dead, the entire raid's success or failure turns entirely on the healers

Completely understandable tbph but its still funny


Reminder that this is the kind of creature telling you that classic is all nostalgia

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He has a point in people telling you to play your class a certain way.

Based TBC btfo'ing spergs

he was right tho what the fuck

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Mental illness fags ruining muh vidya.

why is it always belfs...

classic wasn't bad because you needed to socialize though, on the contrary the community is what made it bearable

classic was bad because it was a fundemally broken and imbalanced piece of shit, and now that the community is long gone there's no reason to ever go back

TBC was peak wow and classic fags are deluded.

TBC is just vanilla with shitty looking armour and a dead pvp scene thanks to arenas and flying mounts

>say true thing
>get banned
Sounds like most forums I've been to.

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I actually have as aspergers and ADHD and don’t need this hand holding baby shit in games i play. Faggots like these never want to put in hard work in to anything.

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>explain the meaning of words
>get thread locked
what did blizzard mean by this

>blood elf
every time

People doing solo content in WoW wasn't the issue. It was the people that did solo content that also wanted reward incentives along the same lines of raiders and Blizzard caving to them because they were so fucking noisy.

Yeah, what. He wasnt even offending anyone some people are just shit at the game

>calling someone good or bad is a stereotype
Lmao what the fuck is wrong with these people, not even casual or hardcore are stereotypes.

Didnt they ban the OK symbol too? wtf is in the water over at blizzard? Too much onions?