Feels good having so many Dragon Ball games to play

Feels good having so many Dragon Ball games to play.

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>fighterZ: shit
>Xenoverse: shallow shit
>everything else: irrelevant shit



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All videogames are shallow when compared to real entertainment.
Go to your Sekiro threads to dicksuck yourself for wasting so much time on children's toys


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Having so many games yet...
Budokai 3 is the only one worth playing...

Gohan fought her? I'm not really up to date with Super.

Fought her and beat her

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>Not making his hair white.

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He beat her in the manga only


I'm thinking of picking back up DBZ Kai after I stopped like half a year ago. Somebody please egg me on until I do that.

how far in did you get?

Stopped at the end of the Frieza Saga.
I still can't believe I never watched this show when I was a kid. It's not like I had anything better to do...

So gohan got his groove back? Good. He was useless after cell games.

Give me a fucking Fusions sequel!

>gohan got his groove back
Not even remotely. He's still the same boring retard he was, just with another fucking powerup.

No, he didn't.

Read the manga instead

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Kefla was in the tournament before they fought and she wasn't after.

>fighterZ: shit

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Neither was he.



So he won against two saiyans fused together. So he beat 3 saiyans

listen to the manga doesn't suffer from the same pacing issues that the anime adaptations do, and it's a fantastic work just for Akira Toriyama's way of paneling and choreographing fights
Then go watch the anime versions of some of the fights after if you want


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The Cell Saga is pretty interesting. The Buu Saga is a bit of a cluster-fuck but if you enjoyed the two previous ones you'll probably like it.

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Super Saiyan 4 > Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan in both aesthetic and concept.

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is it alright if i skip budokai 3? the dragon rush system is such fucking bull shit and annoying as fuck to deal with


Good taste.

boo's fury, legacy of goku 2. INSANELY BASED GAMES

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Spic detected.

GT>buu saga

Este es el fin user


Remember the Gohan blanco shitposting then the absolute BTFO when Goku Blanco happened instead

I need to download colored scans of both DB and Z

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You don't get an ost with the manga though unless you watch the chapter videos.

Beautiful meme magic

feels perfect

Dude. Nobody likes you. You got banned from the discord for being a faggot

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>Gohanfags circlejerking in Yea Forums of all places

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Best villain


Cell sucked.


You'll deny it at first but everyone comes to appreciate the beauty of ss3 after they mature my young friend.

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I like how the beginning of legacy of goku 2 felt like an actual jrpg. If you didn't have any knowledge of dbz, it could very well be mistaken for just another game with the typical youth protagonist being gohan.

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Post Vegetas

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I'm not into scat, so I don't save pictures of shit on my pc.

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>Cuckza relegated to comedy relief and being a punching bag

>Buu does literally nothing and jobbed the one time he tried to do something

>Dogly now is a dindu nuffin that got brought back only to job to the heroes

We won in the end CellCHADS, he will never be bastardized like the rest of the "villains"

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