Logic of all people will be in TLOU2

>Logic of all people will be in TLOU2


Based or Cringe?

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Why do people think flipping off a camera makes them cool? "Haha look at me guys I'm so anti-establishment and underground by flipping off a camera."

Spoon-feed me this guy


*flips off user*


>literal who

Based but cringe

Cringe because he was in Rick and Mortey.

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Whoever knows this guy should hang himself

>literally who onions slurper

Logic didn't do anything wrong.

based logic boomers on suicide watch

How the fuck do you slurp onions? Onions are a solid

so you are going to hang yourself?

He's biracial

i have no idea who that is. should i care or is he just one of those people that records themselves playing video games?

He is a rapper

He is biracial

so am i who fucking cares.

And he looks white.
He lucked out, doesn't get stopped by cops and he can pull out the nigger word when ever he wants

user I'm going to have to see your n-word pass

5 bucks says that one of the first things to come out of his mouth will be "I'm biracial"

Very cringe and very bluepilled

Logic is one of the most overrated "headass" rappers out there right now. Can't stand this fucking guy.

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he literally made an entire career out of being a mutt and copying kendrick so you really have to hand it to him

i have absolutely no idea who this faggot is save for that he showed up in one of the shittiest episodes of ricky and mort's enlightened adventures, playing himself because he's apparently a massive egotistical cunt
can't wait to somehow walk into a logic concert in the middle of a mushroom zombie wastleland with no explanation

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Logic is one of the most pretentious little cunts in music and Under Pressure was the only decent album he ever made in his entire career.

>admitting to watching Rick and Morty

Who the fuck is logic
who the fuck cares good for him no one gives a shit lmao

1st season wasn't that bad. Was a more simple and fun parody.

i dont care if he is biracial, if he comes up to me and says "whats up my nigga" im looking at him funny and laughing

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Who cares about the gay rapper. Talk about based Travis being in the game too.

He put a baby in Laura Bailey so yeah he alright

That's his character trait? Being biracial?

He takes every opportunity to remind you that he is half black. Even the black community thinks he's annoying for doing it so often.

>Had a little too much fun brutalizing these two fine gentlemen
>literally whos that probably won't play a significant during the story
So he's basically giving away their characters are destined to die. Great job.

Another thing I also noted is how fond Druckmann is of extreme violence. The first game, and especially the trailer for 2 had pretty brutal moments.

*significant role

I only wanted to point out how how people like Druckmann fall squarely into the meme of "brutal violence is alright, but sexualized female characters in your game are the worst sin imaginable" and muh daughter needs a good role model. That is such an ugly double standard to have.

I mostly like Logic, but not as a top rapper of the generation or anything. He can't save a shitty game though.

I unironically love it, and I am a conservative who has never owned a Reddit account

>Under Pressure was his only good album
That's the thing, his mixtapes are FAR better.

What's wrong with that?

>all of scenes are in black and white

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