Okay, now that I've beaten the game. Are we going to get a spin off with space combat?
Ace Combat in space
Other urls found in this thread:
No. There's still 20 years to cover between AC7 and AC3, and none of those years feature space combat. Space flight in AC3 is still in its infancy.
AC3 has a few missions in space iirc
It does, but you're limited to 5 minutes and all you do is shoot down satellites. And keep in mind, this is in the year 2040. If you want an AC game dedicated to space flight, it would have to take place in the future, long after AC3.
Literally Ace Combat 3
Why not just jump the shark and have them fight dragons instead of using the term as an insult. The jet combat is 10/10, but goddamn did I forget how over the top zany the scripts were.
you'll get a Space Combat if you ask Bamco to let Project Aces work on a Macross title
>people think AC7 has good writing
>Labarth just barfs up all the "behind the scenes" exposition in a few minutes before he explodes
people also think it has a good soundtrack
I don't really get the fanbase
I genuinely believe it's partly Namco shills and the rest are just the same exact posters
People hate the mediocre Ass Combat games? On my Yea Forums?! Let me drop my reddit reply; S O L I T A R Y!
>tfw Hisone to Masotan game never
Literally galaga and galaxian. Daily reminder that those take place in the same universe as ace combat along with dig dug. Still can't believe this was a thing years back.
found the DCSfag
I don't really have anything against it and I was planning to pick it up but missed the sale
it's just the soundtrack really doesn't seem to be as amazing as it was hyped after giving it a few listens since tracks get posted in every single AC thread
I mean it's comparable to previous ace combats, but I still won't not be impressed with it being at least on par for the series considering the time constraints they had.
Its maybe not the best writing every, but I thought they still did a great job. Its a good break in the action with great graphics to boot. Never felt like it was dragging on and was presented very well.
Fuck that, we gotta go Cold War
Maybe during the 1986 Kaluga v Yuktobania conflict that explains why the Yukes didn't have an airforce during the Belkan War (80% of it was destroyed in a single air battle during that war)
Space combat and Macross is anime bullshit, and anime is gay
Jet combat is peak aerial warfare. COFFIN is as futuristic as I hope the series gets
in hindsight, they really blew all the surprise in the trailers
>showing the Arsenal Bird and its shield in first trailer
come on, man
I think it's Kobayashi's best soundtrack overall actually, but I think you might need to develop that connection with the in-game experience.
Also you might have to be able to appreciate the motif.
Fuck that giv bizzaro WW2 game
>Phantom is my planefu
>Still no Cold War Lite AC game
Life truly is suffering.
Hey, dis nigga stole one of my images! Oh well. Here, have another.
It exists
Just beaten it as well, was my first game in the franchise
which is the best(or better) after 7?
Glad I didn't watch any of the trailers. I only watched a little bit of that gameplay of mission 8 or whatever with the a10 a while back.
Play 4, 5, and Zero
>wiib shit
I mean a real game.
Other series can do that, let AC be AC.
just emulate it bro
Zero is still the absolute best game in the franchise imo, but 7 is a close second. 6 also has really great missions and the fucking awesome FAEB (pic related), but it's story is the most divisive in the series.
Really, the only objectively bad game in the franchise is Assault Horizon. It's really fucking terrible and should've never been titled as an Ace Combat game.
The next game should be about an aerobatics team that's forced into war
The finale will have you and your squadron flying in your original show liveries with colored smoke trials and all
Calling it something different won't magically make the game better. They did repackage AH as an arcade game called Mach Storm and it's still bad.
So you mean Air Combat?
That's why I said spin off.
>Reading Comprehension: The Post
What I'm saying is it's not an Ace Combat game, so they should've named something more appropriate. Like, Jets of Duty or something.
It would be kino if AC1 was remade, with Scarface squadron originally being an aerobatics team, then gradually becoming nationless mercenaries by the end
I get what you're saying. But the game would still be ass no matter what you call it, so why does it really matter that they use the AC name? "Ace Combat" is actually in smaller print on the box, so if anything, it was only there for marketing anyway.
These threads are fucking clockwork. The exact same fucking posts every time.
AC3 has the perfect balance, it just needs a remake.
Including yours
It tarnishes a franchise with a sterling reputation. It was so fucking bad that it almost killed Project Aces outright.
Perfect balance of what? Air and space combat? It has one space mission where you shoot at stationary targets that don't fight back.
That's an exaggeration. The game actually didn't sell bad and made a profit for Bamco. They rolled out ACI just a couple years later and made tons of whalebucks. They were never in any danger.
Perfect balance of what?
Of scifi without looking like it belongs to a different series.
normies will disagree with you, in fact most mainstream reviewers liked it, and it still sold better than AC0 and 6
Ace Combat is set in the same universe as Mr. Driller.
Q predicted this
kono has said on twitter that bamco can do what they want but PA doesn't consider it canon
Who's Q?
They haven't actually done anything with this and most people don't even know it exists. I'd say that nobody really considers it canon.